Anyone experience this?

Basically, in dreams, I sometimes have 2 or more minds that are all independent. I think with both minds. I observe both of the minds. Both minds are me. Yet, they are unaware of what the other one is thinking of, or even unaware of the other minds existence.

Just today, I had a dream with 2 main characters. I was both of them. At the same time. Both of them were me. I was thinking the thoughts of both, experiencing what they see at the same time, yet they remain oblivious to what the other mind is thinking of. I experienced both persons in first person perspective. The 2 people had conversations, arguments, and such. Yet, they were both me. It's like my mind is divided to the two of them.

There was no third consciousness in THIS dream. The only thing that I was in this dream was the 2 people. Both in first person. Both unaware of each others thoughts.

I retained the full memories of each existance, the thoughts of each person. And I only realized this when I woke up. I had had yet another multiple consciousness dream.

These kinds of dreams are pretty common for me. Yet I have no idea if they are common with you guys

So share the info with me, please. :c