Had a lucid dream last night where I basically "insisted" that a dream character have sex with me. I was in a dream am talking to a group of beautiful girls and suddenly realized I was dreaming. I became lucid and decided I wanted sex...I mean hey, these girls were hot! Realizing I only had a few minutes at best before losing lucidity I grabbed the hottest one and started making my moves. She wasnt a very "willing" partner but went along with the program anyhow. It was very strange to me since I was very lucid and knew I was dreaming. It was weird that this dream character that I created had her own identity and went along with it even though I could tell she didnt want to. When I woke up I felt like a filthy rapist! To be clear, I have never and would never do this in my waking life but I thought things would be different in the dream world. I always thought that my dream characters were mindless beings simply there for my amusement. Perhaps I was wrong?