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    1. #1
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      Some questions about being lucid in false awakenings (and sp)

      heh i havent posted in a long time! okay i wrote WAY TOO MUCH so if you dont want to read the details about my experiences id really appreciate if youd maybe answer some of my questions ^^ well alright, so lately I have been having false awakenings and sleep paralysis alot, which are starting to interest me alot! I was wondering...

      -what are your false awakenings like?? mine seem different compared to what ive read! (kinda wrote a bit about them below)
      -does anyone else have problems with their body in false awakenings?? and similar false awakenings to mine??
      -how can i get more control over my body so i can use the false awakenings as a method of having a lucid dream thats not a total fail??
      -i cant see things in sp but if i could, which i kind of want to, would i be able to control anything?? can you control anything in sleep paralysis??
      -and can you have fake sp?? in a dream?


      what are your false awakenings like?? i find mine sound really different then to what ive read about online, mine are just crazy and ive never had one where i am doing my morning routine. sometimes i know im dreaming as soon as i "wake up" or sometimes i see something weird like glowing under my door or my mirrors gone and i go lucid, but my body always goes crazy, swaying and shaking or i can't control it, or i can't fully get out of bed or look at the clock to see if im dreaming i just get pushed back but i can still move a bit, and sometimes i will see and hear alot of things like whispering and ringing and stuff umm and one time i could move my hands and feel them in front of me as i lay down but my hands arent there... like i dont even know i dont think this is sleep paralysis but it sounds a tiny bit like it, like sometimes i can eventually get out of bed and im a bit clumsy at first, but other than that i have control and can do cool stuff but it doesnt last long, then when im doing something like flying or spinning i start to wake up and im moving my real body acting my dream. i usually have them over and over and i get a little scared, so i am too concerned about waking myself up then to do something cool so i usually keep killing myself or trying to fall which usually never works im not sure why i get scared in my false awakenings, but i definately have control over them its just my body im concerned about!!

      (i was thinking maybe i am feeling my real body a bit while in my dream, especially with the invisible hands thing i thought i was feeling only my "dream arms" or something??)

      also!! sleep paralysis, i always have it in that err hypnagogic state and i cant see anything, i only feel things sitting on me, or choking me and i hear alot of creepy sounds and laughing but i can never see! but i always read about sp and understood that most people see creepy things so im wondering if i was in that situation where i could see things which i kind of want to would i be able to control anything?? can you control anything in sleep paralysis?? or are you too afraid to even think of that? (i could see once, but i think my eyes really were open and i didnt see monsters just my eyes shaking and rolling into my head and sounds then they just stop and i didnt open my eyes but no monsters or anything)

      thankyou if you read all that haha xD i really didnt mean to write so much...

    2. #2
      Ev is offline
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      I've read your post, it's not the worst wall of text I've seen around here

      It sounds like you already know about digital clock RC -just keep doing that upon awakening.

      Another thing you might want to try in SP is to focus on a scene that you know. Just hold it in your mind and focus upon it to "re-enter" it. You may be dreaming up your sleep paralysis. Changing a scene through dream reentry should free you of the current dream and create a new one. Preferably some scene where you are sitting upright and it is bright outside. I use a scene where I sit in one of my childhood classrooms on a bright day. As the scene materializes around me, I get up and go about my lucid business.
      the DEILD tutorial does not focus on this kind of control, so I'll link this: Dream Reentry Tutorial - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource

      Another thing you might try to do is "fall through the bed" to free yourself of the current setting. I've only tried that a few times, it really helps "expedite" the long WILD onset/SP experience and get it to something more pleasant.

      I hope this helps~!

    3. #3
      Bird Brain Achievements:
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      In my false awakenings, I basically wake up in my bedroom. It's either dark and I can only see very faint outlines of stuff and the red text of my digital alarm clock, or it's relatively dark and my bed is in a different place in the room. As for mobility, I've never experienced issues with moving around, but I did have a slight trouble getting out of bed once I realized I was dreaming (I knew because the atmosphere of the room was off).

      If you have issues with getting around, KNOW that whatever you want to happen, will happen. It's all about expectations. Imagine that you're weightless if you can't get out of bed or move. Or, use expectations to summon a dream character that will pull you out of bed.

      In real life SP, you can sometimes mould the hypagogic imagery, but it's best to let it be and allow it to form a dream around you... Getting too focused on the imagery can slow down or stop the dream formation. If you have SP in a dream, well, it's just a dream so you can control it. Anything's possible in a dream, after all.

      You don't always see stuff though. Your eyes can be closed and it can be dark, but you may only experience tactile or auditory hallucinations, including the feeling that someone is sitting on your, or hearing whispers.

      As for "fake" SP - yes, you can have it in a dream too! It's happened to me a few times. In my own experiences, this SP was more intense and frightening than my SP in waking life (I've felt a blade along my arm, screaming in my ears and stuff), but it's different for everyone so I wouldn't worry. Only once was I actually lucid, and in that case, the SP wasn't that bad. The worse episodes were when I didn't get a lot of sleep that night, or had drank too much caffiene. In the lucid, I'd just WILDed but I was stuck because of the SP, so I simply commanded the dream to "stop messing around". I then got up, flew away, then woke up a few minutes later.

      If you feel like you're moving your real body in the dream, stop and focus on your surroundings - touch some objects, smell the air, look around. Don't think about yourself lying in bed, or what you're going to do when you wake up. Keep yourself in the dream.
      Last edited by Puffin; 05-04-2011 at 07:16 PM.
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


      SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
      Have questions about lucid dreaming? DM me.

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