Hey guys so last night I had a cool experience in a dream.

I was swimming in a pool outside a nice sized house in the middle of nowhere. The surround area was quite forestry and isolated. The pool was down a slope led there by a path surrounded by bushland. So anyway I was swimming with my brother just joking around and having fun when I spot a snake right next to the pool. I was real scared so I decide to hop out of the pool, my brother does the same. I start to pace back up to the house making sure I totally avoid the snake but then dozens more snakes appear around the bushland. They look a lot like rattlesnakes but I couldn't hear any rattles. Anyway while we are running away from the snakes I get bit on the ankle, my brother gets bit too and we keep running. Snakes are appearing everywhere and lunging their bodies at us trying to strike us. Near the house I get bit again.

Now, the purpose of this story is the fact that when I got bitten I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. I could feel the venom taking over my body. My fingers and hands were going numb and it all felt very very real. How can this be since I have heard some people say do a reality check by pinching yourself because you wont feel it, but in my experiences pain is very real in a dream. Do you guys have any experiences/opinions?