Originally Posted by nina
I just wrote a demonstration speech for lucid dreaming a few months ago. But after taking the class I will definitely say that it is much better to do something that isn't so difficult to conceptualize. A speech about lucid dreaming is not good for people who have no clue what it is..
Yea, I didn't think Lucid Dreaming was a good topic for a Demonstration speech; however, I do plan on using it for my Informative speech. I think that one comes after the demonstration.
Originally Posted by nina
My professor just didn't understand it. But she was an overweight ignorant bitch so she loved that all the girls in the class gave demos about how to bake something and they all brought in food. Great manipulation device, she really enjoyed stuffing her cake hole. I still got an A on it though at least..
My profesor is an old guy and he's actually pretty cool, so far, anyway.
Personally, I just want to blow their minds. Though, they'll probably think I'm a freak. I'm more interested in helping people become AWARE of a subject than my grade. At least I only have to deal with them for a semester. So far, there are a couple people in my class I think would be interested in lucid dreaming, so I'm excited to do the informative. I appreciate the advice, I'll do my best to write it so people can easily understand it. I'm really excited to do the introduction. =)
Originally Posted by nina
So I would suggest NOT to do something like meditation. People might think you're crazy if you talk about reading palms, but if you don't care about that, more power to ya. Also if you are going to do a pendulum, you'd have to demonstrate how it works in the class so be prepared for it not to work properly. People are going to want to see you tell fortunes, and they'll be disappointed when you don't.
I think after two negative responses to the meditation, I will rule it out. I figured reading palms was a good idea, because a lot of people just do it for fun.
I didn't even THINK about the pendulum thing, damnit. I'll have to find a topic that's not so far out there.
So far, I'm getting good feedback here. Thanks guys. I'm sure I'll find a topic by tomorrow. HOPEFULLY.