So this morning I had a pretty typical, but still enjoyable lucid dream and noticed something. This something i had noticed before but never really remembered to look up. One thing that I've noticed about a lot of my lucid dreams (at least half) is that a lot of them start a very specific way.

I can't determine whether or not it's a DILD or WILD, because it's kind of both (which seems impossible). Now this always happens towards my last few sleep cycles so understand that I'm not in a very clear state of mind anyways when I wake up. What seems to happen is (at this point in time I'm not sure whether or not I'm awake or asleep), I go into a sort of day dreaming type phenomenon and eventually what I'm picturing eventually becomes vivid and turns into a dream and I take off. It seems like a wild because I go from not actually seeing these things to completely dreaming. Any thoughts or similar experiences?