A friend and I were out in Michigan one night and we saw a TON of alien crafts, they each looked like lights in the sky and most were morphing or changing shape.

Some even were blipping in and out of the sky; completely disappearing then reappearing. This one red craft was changing shape, and gradually made its way from above the tree-line accross the lake, to way up in the sky in the few hours we were out there. It would pause in mid air, fly right, then left, in circles, varrying in speed and visability. In the western part of the sky we saw another huge red orb fly from the bottom of the western part of the sky. It flew all the way over to the eastern part of the sky, then make a sharp left. As in a right triangle; this ufo just decided to go directly left after travelling in a somewhat straight line accross the night sky. Then it started to blip in and out, then eventually it disappeared. This one was blinking 3 bright red lights, and it "sent" this really weird low vibrating sound at us as it passed over us. Mind you it looked like it was in space, had no other noises, but this wierd sound that got louder and louder then just stopped.

We also saw two HUGE flashes of white light, one after the other, accross the lake, each coming completely out of no where. And it was at about 1:30am in the morning, and our eyes didn't need to refocus after seeing them. These flashes lasted a few seconds each, and were brighter than anything in the night sky. It was as if they were saying "here we are; we're affirming that we're real and making ourselves known to you without any doubt". We continued to see flashes of white light in the sky, and many other "light" ufos in the sky blipping in and out. Each varried its speed, had no consistant flight paths, and many of them were shape-shifting.

My friend was telling me about someone named Bashar (not sure if I spelled the name right) who was a channeled alien, that mentioned if a human actually literally saw a alien that they would go into psychoactive shock, because encountering aliens in any way brings out the subcounscious and negativity (perhaps positive to? not sure) in a person. So basically if someone ever literally encountered a alien they wouldn't be able to handle it. By the way my friend and I were reacting that night, I'd say I'd believe that. We were both freaking out even though what we were witnessing was really incredible. I've not freaked out that much ever in my entire life.

So during all this me and my friend were freaking out hardcore because we knew we were actually seeing aliens and their ufos for real. But at the same time it was a phenomenal experience and know its given me a sense of "knowing" that there are aliens here, both with positive and negative goals. But me and my friend feel we witnessed the positive aliens that night. And again, I don't look to these things for meaning or obsess over them, but its eye-opening knowing that we're definitely not the only ones in this universe.