Quote Originally Posted by Sarge_Maximus2 View Post
I wouldn't go all voodoo until you've tried the technique in this book:
If you think what I am speaking about is "voodoo", then your third-eye practices are not working very well.

Quote Originally Posted by saltyseedog View Post
You can't force it open. Unless of coarse you take a psychedelic substance, which I highly recommend. The third eye isn't a freakin gland in the brains goddammmit!!!!!
Its a chakra. This chakra gets all clogged up with thought energy. it stops the flow of energy out of your brow.[/IMG]
It is quite possible to force changes in the energy system by forcing changes in the organism, through psychedelics as well as other yogic practices. And saying the third eye is not a gland is the same as saying your foot is not your leg. Its somewhat true, but also somewhat not true.

The pineal gland is a gland that is photosensitive - meaning, it responds to and is stimulated by light.. just like our eyes themselves. Believe it or not, its functions are still mostly unknown by modern science although it is generally accepted that the pineal is where melatonin is synthesized from serotonin. It is linked with many things but especially with "seeing" things at a more subtle level, seeing connections between things that are normally "invisible" to our other eyes. The pineal gland is what allows the nervous system to potentially perceive light particles or electrons at the sub-atomic level - so it can see through matter, like your head and basically everything else. Eventually it is possible to use the pineal along with the rest of the nervous system to "see" energy fields sometimes called "auras" - or electromagnetic fields, dark matter, dark energy, that sort of thing. It isnt just random lights and so forth, the "seeing" will actually give you information as well, although it is almost impossible to describe it in words, with ordinary language. You just "know" things without knowing how you know them.

The pineal gland functioning in this highly adaptive and advanced way is called the "third eye". It is not the gland itself, although it is required for such a phenomena to occur.

The anja chakra is not simply "clogged with thought energy", it is also the source of the third psychic knot, the rudra granthi, or shiva granthi. Its full awakening is related to balancing the convergence of the three channels of subtle energy, the ida, pingala and the sushumna - where the anja chakra resides.

The energy system of the body is built on the foundation of the organic processes. Their full expression requires a harmonious relationship. The endocrine system in particular is specifically related to the functioning of the chakras, as are the various nerve plexi along the spine.