I have gotten lazy with doing the techniques and stuff so I plan on getting back to it and hopefully re-build my recall.

Reality Checks:
-Well, before I quit my only reality check that I did was the reverse reality check Sageous has talked about in his WILD class. I would just take a moment to remember where I am right now, what I have done five minutes ago and what would probably happen a few minutes later.

Dream Signs
-It's been awhile since I have logged in my dream journal. It is no doubt they have changed. When I start logging in my dreams again I will post some here.

Short-Term Goals:
- I would love to fly again while in a fully conscious lucid.
- Practice 'magic' like shooting fire from hands, that would be fun.
- Stop forgetting to stabilize

Long-Term Goals:
- Meet my dream guide
- discover things about myself I currently don't know
- Do what Robert Wagonner has suggested and speak to the awareness behind the dream and see what happens.
- master getting lucid

Lucid/Dream Recall History:
-My recall used to be pretty good. I would remember 2-3 dreams per night. I have gotten lucid a couple of times with the DEILD technique. I would 'roll out' of my bed after the effects of sleep paralysis fades. However I tend to forget to stabilize or when I do stabilize I don't do it enough.

Current Technique:
- My current techniques will be DEILD and DILD. DEILD is a great method in my opinion and can be an amazing technique to induce lucid dreams almost every night. DILD will by another method to fall back on if I forget to remain still. Also I find it easier to remember to stay still to perform a DEILD if I have already gotten lucid via DILD in the first place. And also, awareness is key to all of this so having some awareness practice with the DILD technique will help no matter what method one uses.