Hi, thanks. Yeah, I totally agree with you that a DEILD is way easier then a DILD. I do about 7 RC on average a day, but I don't feel like I am going to notice I am dreaming, DILD doesn't agree with me. I have tried DEILD once, and will try it again tonight if I remember. I don't like to set alarms and have them wake me up, because then I ALWAYS forget my dream. Alarm goes off, and poof, my memory of the dream is gone. Instead I like to do it naturally, and since staring my lucid stuff, I wake up three or four times in the night, which is really helpful for techniques like DEILD and FILD. So yeah, thanks, I probrobly wasn't going to try DEILD again for a while, but I will now work on rembering to do either it or a FILD when I wake up in the middle of the night. Thanks!
Hi Jewel! That's fine, I'm American, and my sister did some genealogy stuff, and we are supposedly related to Queen Victoria, and have little German blood, but mostly just English. My parents named us all cool things, mine is from Leif Erikson the Viking. Yes, I can't wait for that to happen. If I get good at lucid dreaming how many times could I do it, like every night? Or every other night? Or what? What is average for people? Thanks!
Hi Slash112, thanks! DV looks like a great place for me, and I am much excited!