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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #14776
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      The good news is that I can get a good English grade this marking period if I complete all of my missed work.

      The bad news is that I REALLY don't feel like dealing with that right now.

      And my little bouts of depression are back. Yay.

    2. #14777
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      Quote Originally Posted by Anju View Post
      I'm feeling so damn cold .. I'm under a blanket, wearing a sweater, drinking tea and I'm still cold. I hate it when I'm the only one who feels cold. It's just 19 degree celsius and the worst is yet to come. Fuck you Winter.
      Sucks to be cold. But I don't understand how it's possible, wearing all of that and in 19 degrees. Are you ill?
      April Ryan is my friend,
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    3. #14778
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      May have just failed my final exam. I think I passed, and I calculated that I need at most 39.9% on it to pass the course. But I'm so fucking stressed. I'm supposed to finally be done with the important finals and feel free now but I can't stop thinking about this. Thinking back on the questions, trying to figure out whether I'm actually in danger of failing. During the test I made the mistake of spending like an hour on one question, something I've known again and again not to do. I've taken many tests, I know that the best strategy is to go through it, get the easy ones then come back later. But it's so hard to resist trying to get a hard question 'over with'. Well I spent 2/5ths of the time on a single question of the 9, which I didn't even get and ended up writing some bs answer. About half way through I just went into a state of panic and couldn't do anything to stop (the panic). I looked at the timer and I swear the seconds were going by like 3x the speed they should have been. It didn't even seem possible. My heart was pounding for a good half hour and when I looked at a question I could barely comprehend it. I kept telling myself "Calm down, everything's fine... you're fine" etc. but it wouldn't work... until I finally forced myself through some of the questions, barely able to think about them so I probably wrote shitty answers. Near the end I stopped panicking as much... because at least I was going to finish it. And I did finish it, answered all the questions, so a generous marker will have a lot to work with, but I'm still sure I got most of the questions at least partially incorrect. So it will all be up to how generous the marker is, and whether I lucked out on some of the BS answers.

      I can't seem to relax. I know what I'd like to do, but don't want to do that for reasons that I'm almost sure are irrational. I just wish I knew that I was going to pass the course. If I don't it will screw up everything. I doubt I'll even be able to pass to 4th year if I fail a class. I've been worried about what my GPA needs to be, even assuming I don't fail anything. I wish I'd had more time to study. I had another final only 2 days ago, so I only started studying for this one yesterday, and I started late. I just want to get through school so badly. If I was kicked out of this one I don't know what I'd do. Get a job for a year I guess. Finally be independent, pay for school myself eventually... deal with the dissappointment of my parents. Idk. Just wish I knew that I did okay. I have absolutely nothing I have to do right now for the first time in a long time. Maybe I should start something... do something myself. Start studying for the courses I'll take next semester already, or work on a project, learn a new programming language, make some useful application... Know what, I think I'm fine. I think I'm probably exaggerating it in my head... I don't know. I only need 40%. I should get that at least. Unless my answers were such BS that partial marks won't be given.... idk.

    4. #14779
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      Quote Originally Posted by khh View Post
      Sucks to be cold. But I don't understand how it's possible, wearing all of that and in 19 degrees. Are you ill?
      Not exactly ill. Firstly, I'm not accustomed to cool climate. My hometown is hot throughout the year. Secondly, my hands and feet are cold most of the time. That has something to do with blood circulation I guess. Thirdly, I'm underweight
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    5. #14780
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      Truck is busted, transmission. Have to borrow a truck from our friend Tito. And he never asks for anything in return. Which is sweet but at the same time, ahhhh....

      Missed a lot of work, spent too much money on meds and truck issues. Not going to be our best Christmas. Kids are getting ramen in their stocking I'm afraid.

    6. #14781
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      Windows 8 has done it again! Didn't think it was possible to be any fucking shitter, but it has ruined ANOTHER HARD DRIVE! Well done, Microsoft! Real gem you developed there!

      About 6 months ago Windows 8 corrupted my hard drive. It just randomly decides my HDD had errors and tries to "analyse andrepair" them, which may "take an hour". It took 14 hours and all it did was damage the fuck out of my HDD, and I could barely recover anything, all my old artwork was gone and most of my music.

      This time I didn't let it try to "repair" it, I booted in to Ubuntu live CD, the hard drive is PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE! There is nothing wrong with it! Which just confirms Window's shitty repair bullshit is the thing which actually fucks it up. I'm now copying all my files to an external HDD, and will be installing Linux tomorrow on a new SSD, I may use Windows 7 for some things, but it will be pirated version. Fuck Microsoft.... billion dollar company and can't even make a proper OS.

      I seriously feel like I could sue them, I'm contemplating calling a lawyer on Thursday to see what they think. Chances are they'd just settle, instead of going to court.
      At the least I want my money back for Windows 8, coz it's a pile of shit. But a few grand for pain and suffering would be nice too lol

      Ugh.... seriously pisses me off though.... How can they release something like that? And they touted Windows 8's "amazing HDD recovery features". Pfft.... get fucked, idiots.

      Dianeva: IME, the exams where I stressed about whether I'd done well or not were the ones which I did the best on. Try to focus on other things until you get your marks back, like programming etc. as you said.

      Quote Originally Posted by SnowyCat View Post
      Just wiped my entire hard drive clean in a partitioning catastrophe. Everything is gone. Nothing is recoverable. "But Snowy, why didn't you back--" shut up. I fucked up and I'm pissed about it.

      I wish I had a more eloquent way to put this, but... shit.
      Are you sure it's not recoverable? If you don't write over it with anything, there are some free recovery toold which are pretty damn good. Recuva is easy and works well.

      EDIT: Holy crap.... I'm not going to drink anymore.... lol
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    7. #14782
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      Anju, TimeDragon, Dianeva, Tommo, Ophelia, Snowy.

      Anju, I used to freeze all the time too. Gaining weight probably helped the most. Also, keep your feet and head extra warm and that should help keep the rest of you warmer.

      I've never backed up my computers. I've lost innumerable pictures because of that. Now I try to save all my favorites on-line. Everything else I can re-download for the most part.

      No real rants from me. Well, Walmart discovered where I hid all the yarn I don't think I'm ever going to be done with this poncho. I think hubby may come to my rescue though. He told me I should just buy all the yarn I'll be needing. I told him I can't afford $30. at one time which is why I just pick up 2 skeins a week. But he's already coming to my rescue with $2000. in back child support. When my kids screwed up and got shipped off (as opposed to the time I screwed up), I didn't hear anything formal about owing support. I assumed I didn't have to pay. I did I was served by the sheriff a month ago or so. I have to pay in 2 days or go to jail.

      After hubby pays off this big chunk all I need to do is budget $50. a month to continue paying for my youngest for another year. then she'll be 18. Hubby doesn't understand why I had to pay at all and he almost wants to get a lawyer to fight it If you have kids, you're responsible, whether they're in your care or not. But my ex was paying as well, so hubby thinks he's being taken advantage of.
      What sucks is that all of the kids, except the youngest, are back at home. So i'm paying for them as adults and have to pay the back fees too

      My oldest takes the first part of his GED today and the last part in a day or 2. Once he finds out whether or not he passed (and he should do well), he can finally get off his rump and get a job

      Bah... back to crocheting...
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    8. #14783
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      Ophelia, that's too bad :/
      April Ryan is my friend,
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      When i visit her dark realm,
      Does it simply overwhelm.

    9. #14784
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      Bah, I need more snow! It's slowing down and supposed to stop right around when my shift starts, so I might not be able to use snow as an excuse. But I probably will anyway because I really don't want to go into work today.

      I don't want to go into work any day. It's such a waste of time. I was "promoted" about a year ago to an "engineering" position (they just gave the job a fancy title, really), but I don't do jack shit. All I'm supposed to do is walk around the production floor and look over people's shoulders to make sure they're following their work instructions; basically a police officer. I cannot stand that kind of work, plus it's completely unnecessary. I like being on my own and physically working on something. This job just drives me crazy, and for the last 8 months of so I've been waiting to go back to my old job (quality auditor).

      And it's almost Christmas. I hate Christmas shopping. I only have four people in my family, but it always drives me up the wall trying to figure out what to get them for Christmas. I probably just over-think it, but I don't like getting gift cards or little useless trinkets. But since I only see my family a few times in a year, I never know what else to get them.

      Huh, apparently I had more to rant about that I thought.
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    10. #14785
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      More snow!! That is, I WANT some like Sefalik I don't want to use it as an excuse to stay home though But that IS a nice bonus excuse when the kids want me to taxi them places.

      I still don't celebrate the holidays and I'm very glad. I've never been a good shopper of gifts.
      I still have to crochet my moms purse. That's the sort of gifts I enjoy giving: something from the heart/made and given for no particular reason. she just liked the one I made for myself and she'll be up for the holidays (the rest of the family) and I'll be able to see her.

      My rant is that I'm full of phlegm again. I've not been using Nasonex religiously and that's probably why. My stomach has also been bothering me a bit with reflux because i've not been taking my Dexilant regularly either.

      A rave is that I just woke up and I dreamed about my poncho I was envisioning ways to make the hood (once I'm done with it) as I fell asleep. But in the dream, there were sort of tassels on the poncho and Miley was laughing at it. I was trying to explain their purpose as I woke. I can't be free of this project even as I sleep

      Now we have to rush off for my son to take his test.
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    11. #14786
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      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      Hmmmm..... I think if I'm being really honest, she doesn't even really love me.
      It seems kinda absurd that you're considering she does love you. That just isn't the way you treat someone you love... unless there are some really complicated emotions going on and it's necessary for some reason. If she loved you, then doing that to you would be hurting herself as well, so she'd better have a good reason for it for that to be worth it.

      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      Walmart discovered where I hid all the yarn
      What? lol. I'm sure I missed something. But it sounds like you hoarded all the yarn at Walmart so that no one else would buy it?
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    12. #14787
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      @tommo: I don't particularly care for 8 either, I still use 7.

    13. #14788
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      I Just came to say, I love your hat sefalik
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    14. #14789
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      hehe, Dianeva. That IS what I did. But not all of it. I just hid 6 skeins. The problem with not using a pattern is that I have no idea how much yarn I need to finish a project. And this project is turning out to be massive. I have no idea what I'm doing, lol, but it seems to be turning out very well so far. I think I've gone through at least 12 skeins so far and the project is only halfway finished... and that's not counting the hood I hope to be able to add to it.
      I'm basically crocheting a large afghan in width. From what I've seen, you pretty much fold the blanket in half and mostly sew up one of the open edges, leaving enough space to pull it over your head. It will be extra warm

      My kids keep coming in my room and they tell me it's cold. But I crochet with the bulk of the project on my lap It keeps me nice and toasty.

      After this, I need to make my moms purse (or while I make this, if it takes much longer) and then I want to learn how to crochet socks But I still need to figure out the hood too. My poncho is a ridged ripple. I'd like to continue that with the hood, but I don't know how to crochet the ripple in the round... something else I need to learn.

      my rant is that the test was cancelled for today. We have no idea why. School was in session. The weather isn't bad in the least. And now I'm out of gas. Gah. I have $3. I was going to spend on my Slim Jims (the bulk of my diet), but now I'm going to have to buy gas. Or get a very early advance and that will make hubby grumble.

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    15. #14790
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dianeva View Post
      It seems kinda absurd that you're considering she does love you. That just isn't the way you treat someone you love... unless there are some really complicated emotions going on and it's necessary for some reason. If she loved you, then doing that to you would be hurting herself as well, so she'd better have a good reason for it for that to be worth it.
      Harsh as fuck. But....Lol, I know. I'm delusional. I'm not considering it any more though. My head is clear, and gonna not drink anymore. At least gonna stick to beer and only have a couple every now and again.

      Quote Originally Posted by Dianeva View Post
      What? lol. I'm sure I missed something. But it sounds like you hoarded all the yarn at Walmart so that no one else would buy it?
      haha, that's what I was thinking too. Sounds kinda strange, but hilarious.

      Quote Originally Posted by Rums03 View Post
      @tommo: I don't particularly care for 8 either, I still use 7.
      Took me so long to figure out what the hell you were talking about. lol
      Yeah, I shoulda listened. But I had an illegal copy of 7, and just couldn't get the cracks to work, so it annoying to use coz it kept asking me to register it etc.
      So I just bought 8 for $40 when it first came out.
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    16. #14791
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      Lol, my dad must feel super lucky to have me as a son during Christmas. I give a clear list of what I want, which consists of mostly video games. In fact, I only have four on my list this year, two of which (Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2) are relatively old and cheap.
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    17. #14792
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      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      Windows 8 has done it again! Didn't think it was possible to be any fucking shitter, but it has ruined ANOTHER HARD DRIVE! Well done, Microsoft! Real gem you developed there!

      About 6 months ago Windows 8 corrupted my hard drive. It just randomly decides my HDD had errors and tries to "analyse andrepair" them, which may "take an hour". It took 14 hours and all it did was damage the fuck out of my HDD, and I could barely recover anything, all my old artwork was gone and most of my music.

      This time I didn't let it try to "repair" it, I booted in to Ubuntu live CD, the hard drive is PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE! There is nothing wrong with it! Which just confirms Window's shitty repair bullshit is the thing which actually fucks it up. I'm now copying all my files to an external HDD, and will be installing Linux tomorrow on a new SSD, I may use Windows 7 for some things, but it will be pirated version. Fuck Microsoft.... billion dollar company and can't even make a proper OS.

      I seriously feel like I could sue them, I'm contemplating calling a lawyer on Thursday to see what they think. Chances are they'd just settle, instead of going to court.
      At the least I want my money back for Windows 8, coz it's a pile of shit. But a few grand for pain and suffering would be nice too lol

      Ugh.... seriously pisses me off though.... How can they release something like that? And they touted Windows 8's "amazing HDD recovery features". Pfft.... get fucked, idiots.

      Dianeva: IME, the exams where I stressed about whether I'd done well or not were the ones which I did the best on. Try to focus on other things until you get your marks back, like programming etc. as you said.

      Are you sure it's not recoverable? If you don't write over it with anything, there are some free recovery toold which are pretty damn good. Recuva is easy and works well.

      EDIT: Holy crap.... I'm not going to drink anymore.... lol
      Yeah, there's nothing I can do at this point. Protip: Never attempt to fix a partition while under the influence! Hohohoho.

      Right now I'm running Linux Mint 16. I USED to have a dual boot going with LM 14 and Windows 7, but with the loss of all my data I decided to just do a full install. Windows was largely responsible for the issues on my end as well... Microsoft can be a bitch sometimes, eh?
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    18. #14793
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      Supreme court illegalised homosexuality. SO FUCKING PISSED right now
      I'm gonna do gay paintings when I get home.

    19. #14794
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      You should do some graffiti Anju, some super, super homosexual graffiti.
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    20. #14795
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      Paint 2 girls kissing. Ewwww!
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    21. #14796
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      I'm so fucking pissed right now - I'm ready to rip the head off the next eBay seller that sells me a not-as-described item and shit right down his/her throat.

      I want to buy my brother a really nice camera lens; a top-shelf lens with integrated optical stabilization and focus motor. There is a less-expensive version without O/S which is what came in the box the last 3 times I tried to buy the lens - from different vendors mind you. So, I just sent a message to 6 different vendors, asking them to open the box and confirm that it has the O/S switch on the side. If so, I'd buy it on the spot.

      Are the sellers really that stupid, or are they just rip-off artists preying on stupid people who don't know they're being fucked over??? Good God, I usually have good eBay luck - but lately it's been nothing but disaster after disaster... 4 bad cameras, 5 broken metal halide bulbs, and now 3 wrong lenses. Thank heavens I've been able to get a refund in every case so far...

      Anti-rant: I finally broke down and started a profile on a popular hook-up site. Hopefully I'll be able to find someone who likes good beer and bacon as much as I do. I'm so fucking lonely that the neighbor's cows are starting to look appealing. (j/k)

    22. #14797
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      My major rant is that my throat is sore. My minor rant is that I'm obsessing over my project so much that I only got 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I couldn't fall asleep because "patterns" kept popping into my head regarding the hood. So I got up and worked on it for 4 hours and I don't think I like what I have so far. Back to the drawing board.

      A lesser rant is that I left one of my 2 liters of Coke in the Freezer too long last night and I ruined it

      GED testing took little over 3 hours yesterday- from 4- 7:15PM. I have to do it all over again tonight. I got a lot of reading done, but with it getting so dark, so early and with the cold, I wasted a bar of gas because I let the engine idle with the heat running the entire time.

      I should go back to sleep (hubby called and woke me). But I took a caffeine pill before I went to sleep (I knew hubby was going to call and wake me), so I'm not sure I can. I also need a shower. Blec. Why do I hate showering so much, but once I'm in the shower I never want to get out Perhaps a nice, scalding shower will relax me enough to sleep....
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    23. #14798
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      Wishful. Ugh. No, you do not have to take that crap. I don't understand how people can talk to others in that way- especially their own children!! Move out as soon as you're able. My mom could be verbally abusive to me. when I moved several states away our relationship got better She still tried to put me down, but when I can just hang up the computer (which I use as my phone- outgoing only), she learned to watch her words a bit more carefully. Not that I ever had to hang up, I just think it was always at the back of her mind.
      Urgh, sometimes I try and understand, sometimes I jsut take it and sometimes it's everything I can do to not just reach up and smack her into some sense. But reacting won't make anything better.

      I did my first solo broadcast today and I'm so proud of myself because I have so much listener interaction now and even my manager said how impressed with me he was. I'm finally getting some skills and I'm so so happy. :') I might actually make it onto a university course to do this!!
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      - Think of some more goals[]

    24. #14799
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      Wishful, boy do I ever *completely* understand what you're saying.
      And major Grats on your broadcast :bravo:

      My rant is that I've wasted about 4 hours doing absolutely nothing... other than watching YouTube. I was pulled in by a singing clip posted on FB and I liked the singer so much that I wondered what happened to them after Britain's Got Talent... and then I got pulled into other talents from America's Got Talent and wondered where they are. I truly hate YouTube sometimes

      I've also been very curious about something regarding my cat but Google is being no help at all. Our mamma cat is quite prejudice (?) it seems. She's always a great mother until it comes a little past time to ween her litter. At that point, she moves all of them outside and the ones who look nothing like her just disappear. I finally put it together after her last litter and she's getting ready to pop once again so I'm curious about her behavior. I would think I was reading too much into things, but it's happened with every single litter (about 4 now, I think). I need to have her spayed but I just can't afford it right now. I have my own brood to feed. Maybe I should drop my crew off somewhere

      My bird is very pleased with me though. He's not had any treats for a long time, so I got him something from the store. I almost got him the honey or veggie blocks he likes, but I decided to try millet. Birds are supposed to love the stuff. And he loves it a lot. I heard a lot of happy chirps from him when he first tasted it.

      My son is finally finished with testing Hopefully he passes! He's not worried about any of it other than Math.

      I am going to sleep now. I'm exhausted and we have an Office dinner to go to tomorrow afternoon. Ugh... It's always been fun though and the food is great. so I really can't complain about that
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    25. #14800
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      Quote Originally Posted by Rums03 View Post
      Paint 2 girls kissing. Ewwww!
      Here you go..

      Spoiler for kiss:

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