Quote Originally Posted by Man of Steel View Post
Try this on for size (just going to go ahead and post it here):

Rice Pilaf w/ Sweet Peppers


2 cups uncooked rice
2-3 small sweet peppers
1 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
1/3 small onion, minced < Moar!!!
4 cloves garlic, also minced < Really 4 needed?
1 teaspoon dried basil
2 tablespoons red wine <Go crazy!!! Add moar!
2 cans chicken broth (1 can if rice is instant)
Plenty of olive oil


Heat skillet with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Start minced sweet peppers, onions, ginger and garlic on medium heat. After two minutes, add uncooked rice. Add enough olive oil to evely coat rice lightly: each grain of rice should be lightly coated in oil to prevent stickiness. Stir together well.

Add wine, allow rice time to absorb.

Add chicken broth, stirring in. Add dried basil, cover and reduce heat. Let simmer for ~ten minutes or until 98% of liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat. Ready to serve when all liquid is absorbed.
A little conservative no? I would make some amendments,...