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    1. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Moto On thread : Calling All Dream Warriors (Roll Call)
      Well, when you try to debase it utilizing subjective relations...it does seem kind of odd. However, you should get more data on the subject before you make such an egocentric comment- as if you know...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Justin Bieber is going through puberty..career on the line.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by ♥Mark On thread : Justin Bieber is going through puberty..career on the line.
      Go back to Youtube, you angry children.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Xei On thread : Justin Bieber is going through puberty..career on the line.
      Nothing sadder than butthurt hating on a child because he's sorted for life and you have achieved nothing... Seriously I wish people would get a grip, not particularly talented teen idol pin-up...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Caden On thread : Do You Do The Tuck?
      In the winter the cold air can come up and chill my feet so I have learned to lift the sheets to create a "tuck" of blankets under my feet. This keeps the warm air in and stops the air from moving...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Lodewijkp On thread : Datura and the Dream
      I used every component on it's own and tried combining them later , my experiences with Psilocybe and especially Psilocybe atlantis was very peculair. i used Psilocybe atlantis several times ......
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Rozollo On thread : New Android App for REM Detection: "Sleep As An Droid"
      Not sure how many DV users are Android owners, but this app is neat. I didn't get to test it yet, but I'll try it tonight, and the full version is only $1.35. Review: Sleep-As-An-Droid visualizes...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by LostOnTrains On thread : Xhosa (Silene Capensis) African Dream Root - Log and Discussion
      Alright the video is uploaded YouTube - Silene Capensis. Day 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOj3v_DvlHM) so you can see how I prepared mine. I used quite a lot, but after I was done, I put the lid...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Arra On thread : Disabilities and Lucid Dreams: Your Opinion?
      Of course, it would depend on what disability is in question. If someone has never moved in their lives, or never seen anything in their lives, or never heard anything in their lives, I imagine it...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by LostOnTrains On thread : My old faithful technique for DILDS
      This isnt anything new, but basically just my old method of reality checking. Using this method would always make me have a lucid dream within a week guaranteed. I would write 'AWAKE' on the back...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Jeremyprk3 On thread : I think Google Earth helped me get lucid last night..
      I downloaded Google Earth last night and played with it for a long time. I thought about lucid dreaming, and how it was like a dream. In Google Earth, you can explore anywhere (which is one of my...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Ketsuyume On thread : A new world within lucid dreaming (involving shared dreaming)
      No, but I don't think my brain works at 100% capacity when I'm waking either. xD Lucidity seems to come in phases. I lucid dreamt like MAD as a child and teenager, stopped for a couple of years,...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by arby On thread : I challenge you to visualize!
      I challenge you to visualize! You say "I don't know how"? I scoff and say, YES YOU DO! But in reality, everyone knows how to visualize, at least under the right circumstances. You have...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by pontozero On thread : Has anyone ever had a lucid dream within a dream?
      Two days ago I had a strange dream where I decided to induce a lucid dream. From the preparation to the relaxation, the sleep paralysis, the vibrations, the sensation of falling asleep. Everything...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. astralpixels
      astralpixels liked post by Kromoh On thread : WILD tutorial
      This tutorial is an in-depth guide about the WILD technique. I advise people who have already done some research and trial on WILD to try it. If you haven’t tried WILD at least once, I’m afraid it...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View astralpixels's Dream Journal

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    Variety of smoking dreams in a single night

    by astralpixels on 03-06-2011 at 02:24 AM
    Dream 1: I find myself at my mother's house and shes smoking some cannabis out of a really pretty looking bong. I'm shocked but instead of becoming lucid I proceed to believe she must be using it for medicinal purposes. Apparently it's her first time though and she explodes into laughter and passes me the bong. I ask her if she's sure I should be smoking with her and she continues laughing and insists. I take a hit and immediately get high, this is one of those dreams where I've smoked cannabis and felt exactly as I would if I smoked it in RL, where as in other dreams the high is very odd and unfamiliar. We share some stories while passing the bong a few times and we connected in ways I'd never imagine possible between us, it was a very nice bonding experience.

    Dream 2:
    I'm sitting on the trunk of my brother's car and I'm taking huge drags out of a cigarette while he talks to me. I hate cigarettes and can't figure out why I'm smoking it in the first place, but I take another drag anyway. I can't remember what we talked about but I remember how nice it felt to be chilling outside on a nice breezy night, it was very realistic.

    Dream 3: I'm watching my friend take a ziplock bag out of her backpack and upon closer inspection I see 4-5 large clusters and crystals of DMT. I'm amazed that she had so much and having never done it myself, but having looked forward to doing so, I was very eager to act cool until she offered me some. She lit up and as she was doing so I recall saying "When you feel like you can't take anymore, make sure to take one more hit! Have fun in hyperspace!" She gives me a look like while she takes another hit and I say "Oh and it tastes like burnt plastic I hear, I bet it's harsh huh?" She nods and laughs, making her cough out all the smoke as she giggles. She zones out and I can tell she blasted off. I sit there patiently but also really wanting to take just a tiny piece. Surely she wouldn't notice. No I'm better than that. But it's DMT! She opens her eyes, back from her trip, and just as she's about to talk I wake up.

    Updated 03-06-2011 at 02:27 AM by astralpixels


    lolmurder and 2 seconds of lucidity

    by astralpixels on 03-06-2011 at 02:11 AM
    So I'm fighting this guy that apparently I've been set up to fight with or some shit, as some kind of game. Whilst my brother fights some other guy he's suppose to fight. Apparently we were just suppose to FIGHT and not kill each other. whoops.

    I kill this dude and my brother's like OH MAN WHAT DID YOU DO WHI DID U DO THAT FFFFFFFFFFFFFF. And then I'm like dude bro chill man dude. bro. and then he's like FFFFFFFFFFFF. and then I was like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF UR RIGHT I KILLED HIM. And I got overly worried and panicked and was wondering how I'd dispose of the body. Then my neighbor passes by and sees him dead and she cries and shes like AHHHHHHHHH (which is the sound of her screaming).

    Then I do my flying reality check and flew away but then I woke up.Fuck.

    Updated 03-06-2011 at 02:29 AM by astralpixels

    lucid , non-lucid

    off the cliff and into an alien world

    by astralpixels on 03-03-2011 at 10:51 PM
    Pre-dream: After my datura nightmare I had in my nap during the day, I decided to not take anymore datura for a few days but thought I'd try some more valerian tea before bed in hopes to improve recall and/or vividness of my dreams. I made some tea, and yes it's indeed as stinky as people say it is, I wouldn't say "sweaty gym socks" but it's definitely pungent and isn't exactly a nice smell. I put in some sleepy time tea into it as well and this easily covered the scent and taste. I fell asleep after a bit of tossing and turning and had a few random dreams through the night but only remembered the last.

    I found myself in the driver's seat of a car, my mom in the passenger seat, and an old family friend in the backseat with his son. For some reason I was driving his car because he couldn't and my mom was constantly telling me how to drive and being overly cautious of everything I'd do, as always whenever she is in a car with me. I couldn't figure out where we were going, they wouldn't tell me, so I just focused on driving and realized how dark it was. Suddenly I realize the car is going very fast and my mom keeps telling me to slow down, but I tell her I can't. I couldn't hit the brakes and we were going uphill very very fast, it felt like some 80-90mph. Everyone starts freaking out but I tell them to calm down, I just have to find the brakes. The family friend in the back tells me to turn on the high beams of the car because we couldn't see anything ahead of us and there were no cars in sight, it felt like we'd gone off road and I had the sense we were up on a canyon.

    The more they panicked the more I found it hard to focus on finding the brakes and turning on the lights and the speed of the vehicle kept escalating as we were reaching the horizon of this hill. Before I knew it we had gone too far and there was nothing I could do. I felt the lift of the car no longer touching the floor and we were now flying off a cliff at roughly 100mph.

    The view from the front seat, now that we were in free fall, looked like we were just dropped out of a plane and we could see tiny cities down below and it looked like it'd take minutes before we got there. No one said a word but there was this strange calm, since we knew we were about to die. My mom pointed out to the city down below and said "Pretty, isn't it?" and I just grabbed her hand and said "I love you mom." I couldn't think of anything else to say... I mean what do you say when you're about to die?

    Then the car disintegrated into small particles, followed by my mom and the family friend and his child, I was now free falling by myself getting nearer and nearer to my death. But as I arrived closer to the floor I saw reflections of the starry sky in a river outside of the city, and then I fell into it and realized I was now in space. I saw strange fractal luminous crystalline buildings that reflected stars all around it.

    Although a pretty piece of art in it's own right, what i saw in the dream was so much more breath taking. it was also much darker as if i was in space, still it was something like these buildings.

    Everything was glowing and absolutely beautiful. I thought I had died and ended up in some strange astral realm or heaven, but realized I was still falling, I was no longer scared and I embraced it. After some more free falling I eventually woke up and was amazed at the detail and memory recall I had.

    I was in total awe of the sights I had seen and in retrospect I've never seen such a beautiful sight in my dreams alone, I'm very convinced these visions were shown to me by the valerian root tea and I look forward to future journeys with it.
    non-lucid , memorable

    in-dream datura delirium

    by astralpixels on 03-03-2011 at 09:55 PM
    Pre-dream: I had just received my datura ferox seeds and valerian root from an online vendor yesterday, so I decided to see what effects they might have if I were to consume some and take a nap. I meditated and asked the spirit of the plants that they guide me in the dream world, I gave them my respect and sent them energy. I crushed two datura seeds and brewed them in a tea and drank it whilst my valerian root was brewing. Before I began drinking the valerian I already felt a strange head pressure, almost a headache, and a very deep sedating effect. I proceeded to take the valerian tea but by the time I finished I felt very heavy and was feeling slight delirium in my thought process.

    I laid down and watched my hypnagogic imagery and was promptly shown an eye that was in the center of my vision, staring at me. Unlike other times I believe I've seen my third eye, I think it was lady datura this time because it was glaring at me and promptly after I fell asleep and had a few disturbing dreams.

    I had various fragments of random visions including taking care of some kids I didn't know that were vomiting water and I kept panicking not knowing how to deal with the problem, running up and down a mountain trying to avoid jaguars and shadow people, and lastly being cornered in front of my sister's house by a pitch black grizzly bear. The dream with the bear was the most memorable probably because it was the last one before waking up. It would morph into a cub to seem less sinister and would approach me but then it would morph into a huge black grizzly and try to attack me, I'd randomly find pointy but short objects like daggers or forks to defend myself with and I'd proceed to stab it whenever I could, trying to survive.

    What happened next was the disturbing part though because I had stabbed it numerous times and it was on the floor choking on its own blood and it was no longer the menacing bear but instead an innocent little puppy. At this point I thought "Oh my god I took datura and now I'm delirious and just killed an innocent puppy and was hallucinating. I have to hide it's body. Did anyone see me? It's broad daylight. What have I done?!" I never noticed I had fallen asleep or was now miles away from home at my sisters house for no apparent reason. I saw the poor animal gasping for air and I couldn't stand it so I tore (yeah, tore, with a fork thing, because I had no knives) its throat open so it would die instantly and stop suffering. It was very grotesque and detailed, I hated every second of it. I had blood all over my hands and felt like a psychopath, how could my life ever be the same after this?

    I woke up soon after with a few false awakenings and imagining seeing myself doing random things like ironing clothes, taking bread out of the toaster, and pouring myself a glass of water, only to find myself back in bed.

    I would never go to waking life delirum doses of datura but I do plan on continuing to take 2-3 seed doses for oneiric purposes. I feel that Lady Datura is testing me but I'm not giving up that easily, I'm gonna fight off the night terrors until I become lucid so I may speak to her and find out why she tries to invoke fear in her users.

    my faerie senses are tingling

    by astralpixels on 02-26-2011 at 03:52 AM
    In my first dream I find myself floating around in 3rd person. I begin to notice that I'm at an old home I lived in except it had been taken back by nature.

    I'm amazed by the tree vines and roots that have consumed the walls. There was this mystical sense with little particles floating in the air and a few rays of sunlight peering from holes that were now in the roof. I focused on the particles and to my surprise some of them were floating in very peculiar ways, so I zoomed in closer and I noticed they were actually faeries. Very happy little guys, floating around, glowing, and minding their own business. Some were attending flowers and removing pollen and sap, it was really cute. Then I noticed one in particular speaking to another one, this is when I took over the body of the 2nd faerie.

    He began to talk to me and was telling me that if you listen closely, you could pick up human conversations, it was like a magickal sense that the faeries had the ability to do, anywhere they were. I listened intently and picked up the cry of a little boy being physically abused by his drunken father. I pleaded to my faerie friend that we must go and help him, but he told me we weren't allowed to interact with human affairs. I found it ridiculous so I flew away. There was a slight sense of lucidity, not that I knew I was dreaming, but I had a very good sense of control that felt different from normal dreams. I zoomed around till I found the source of the noise I had picked up and my faerie friend followed after me. We saw the father yelling at the boy but it wasn't anything I could understand. I tackled at the window over and over till the man looked at me with total shock. I notice I had a very bright aura coming out from my wings. He dropped his bottle and yelled something in an angry rage, but he backed off and stormed out of the room.

    The boy looked at us from the window and had tears rolling down his face. My faerie friend proceeded to do some faerie magick and was shooting small fireworks and bursts of light for the boy, who was very pleased. I noticed it had been raining and could see reflections of the lights in the raindrops sliding down the window. The boy smiled and there was this great sense of peace and serenity in the air, a feeling I've felt before in dreams, it was very nice. He waved at us and somehow I had the sense he knew we were leaving, everything faded to black and I woke up.

    Updated 02-26-2011 at 07:01 AM by astralpixels

    non-lucid , memorable