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    1. Hello visitor,
      I am an experienced lucid dreamer and have had too many lucid dreams to count over the years. I have kept many dream journals amounting to hundreds of dreams on thousands pages. I have gotten to the point where I actually remember 3 or 4 dreams a night without writing them down during sleep letting me write them down later at my leisure. Just take dream seriously, like a hobby, and you'll see results. Its a great hobby, how many hobbies can you name where you can fly and get lucky as par for the course?
      I am recording my dreams here in this DJ but only the ones that are memorable or otherwise worthy. I felt this would encourage more such dreams and it has.
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    Page 3 of 6 FirstFirst 1 2 3 4 5 ... LastLast
    1. KushyBear
      KushyBear liked post by Caden On thread : If dreams can give you memories can they take them away too?
      a There has been a lot written about false memories. We all know that dreams can give you memories that were not there a second ago. I have to wonder though that if dreams, or your...
      Liked On: 04-28-2011, 07:48 AM
    2. ElMareci
      ElMareci liked post by Caden On thread : Communicating With Dream Characters
      All of the above. Actually I have a list that I have from a past post below. These are 5 types that I will usually see: Dreamers. These are people dreaming and are not lucid. You usually...
      Liked On: 04-26-2011, 05:41 PM
    3. KristaNicole07
      KristaNicole07 liked post by Caden On thread : Spiritual entities on the dream plane
      Whats the topic here? Spiritual entities on the dream plane Lol, oh crap, wow, this was waaaay off topic! OK in the hopes of getting back on topic, which BTW is a good topic, I did have an...
      Liked On: 04-10-2011, 02:57 AM
    4. saltyseedog
      saltyseedog liked post by Caden On thread : Spiritual entities on the dream plane
      Whats the topic here? Spiritual entities on the dream plane Lol, oh crap, wow, this was waaaay off topic! OK in the hopes of getting back on topic, which BTW is a good topic, I did have an...
      Liked On: 04-09-2011, 06:48 PM
    5. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Caden On thread : Why it's hard to get to the Moon
      I've had several about being on Mars.
      Liked On: 04-08-2011, 07:27 PM
    6. MadMonkey
      MadMonkey liked post by Caden On thread : Can you summon music?
      Yes I have and sometimes it seems to have a mind of its own. I was in that dark state before a dream and got a good song going perfectly, then a dream started. The music stayed in the dream even...
      Liked On: 04-08-2011, 04:58 AM
    7. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by Caden On thread : My other life?
      Gave you your first "Like" now I'm going to give you your first DV scolding. These are cool dreams why don't you have a dream journal (DJ)? I think thats one of the best things on DV the cool...
      Liked On: 03-29-2011, 08:17 AM
    8. Suicideking
      Suicideking liked post by Caden On thread : How do you AP out of an LD?
      What do you mean by shift; your's, the earth's? Have to agree about living for fun. Earth is not a fun-house. Sure there are glorious moments and remarkable lives but this is not an amusement...
      Liked On: 03-27-2011, 07:30 PM
    9. saltyseedog
      saltyseedog liked post by Caden On thread : How do you AP out of an LD?
      What do you mean by shift; your's, the earth's? Have to agree about living for fun. Earth is not a fun-house. Sure there are glorious moments and remarkable lives but this is not an amusement...
      Liked On: 03-27-2011, 07:12 PM
    10. saltyseedog
      saltyseedog liked post by Caden On thread : How do you AP out of an LD?
      Yes I do believe. Everyone has their own beliefs on this but here are mine taken from my experience. Here are 5 types you will usually see: Dreamers. The most common type of all. These are...
      Liked On: 03-24-2011, 11:13 PM
    11. GavinGill
      GavinGill liked post by Caden On thread : Open Letter to Subconscious, WTF
      Yes I think one of the things with the subconscious (SC) is that much like us it has its own interests, sometimes it meshes with ours sometimes not. Then there's the language barrier. We use...
      Liked On: 03-21-2011, 07:45 AM
    12. thearchermaiden
      thearchermaiden liked post by Caden On thread : My other life?
      Can you tell me why you put the north south direction with North down?
      Liked On: 03-19-2011, 09:49 PM
    13. insideout
      insideout liked post by Caden On thread : Open Letter to Subconscious, WTF
      I am pissed at my subconscious. Here I am trying to learn through my dreams, not waste 7 hours of sleep, or just try to elevate my mood a bit. But NOOO my subconscious congers up the most...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. PhantomLegend
      PhantomLegend liked post by Caden On thread : Open Letter to Subconscious, WTF
      I am pissed at my subconscious. Here I am trying to learn through my dreams, not waste 7 hours of sleep, or just try to elevate my mood a bit. But NOOO my subconscious congers up the most...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. Gr8God
      Gr8God liked post by Caden On thread : A important test that I wanted to do in a LD
      Will do
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View Caden's Dream Journal

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    Magical World and guy.

    by Caden on 11-23-2018 at 06:52 AM
    11/19/18. Monday.
    Was on a cobblestone street following an old wizard. It felt like 1930’s American city. I flew up to rooftop. There were pipe chimneys, vents and an old type suitcase laying there. I decided to look around. When I got close to the edge I felt that there was a charm on the rooftop that if non-magical people looked up here, they would see only what they were expecting to see (nothing). Rooftops are a place where we magical people like to hang out sometimes because we can more easily get away with not be seen by nomaj’s. I took out my wand and had a look around and saw box about hand sized. When I opened it I saw what looked like a clock but I recognized as a time turner. Valuable but I already knew the time turning spell on my own so didn't need a charmed device for that, so I put it down for some one else to find.

    I was a bit taken back by how I was myself behind this magical-world-themed personality. I was like I was inside another me that was acting. It was way more than that, this was a person in a world with it’s own rules and my mind worked differently here and knew things that my regular mind did not.

    I went over to the suitcase and saw that the big suitcase was open. I put my wand away and tried to look through the clothing (a woman’s clothing) and stuff to look for a name tag. Some of the clothes started falling out and I didn’t want to make it look like I was rummaging through it all. I put the clothes back before I could find a name tag or something.

    I decided to leave before I got into some kind of trouble. I felt I had someone to meet up with so I had to go quickly. I decided to apperate so I ran and jumped off the roof and tumbled in the air and apperated.

    (I felt like I was in a different feeling world.)
    I found myself materializing in some bedroom. This world was much more like the world that I live in. In fact, the room looked a lot like my own bedroom, but it was hard to see as it was night and dark. I looked around and see a guy waiting for me while sitting on the bed. He was waiting for me to get there so that we could both go someplace and do something. He was definitely not me but had some similarities. Once he saw me, he was like “alright let’s go" and got up, got his hoody on, and headed out the bedroom door. I wanted to explore the room more but the guy was leaving and this was interesting so I followed. However, on walking through the doorway I very noticeable passed through an energy field of golden light that was about the width of a finger! I recognized it as the energy field that I put around my own bedroom to keep lower entities out, but I couldn’t figure out if this was my room and wanted to investigate this more, but once we were out of the room there were two older women in the hallway connected to this room.

    Out in the hallway there were two woman were looking into another room like they were looking for someone. One of the women was in her late 50 in PJ’s and the other was in her 70’s. in a plush light-colored robe. They were aggravated. The middle-aged woman was surprised to see the guy and said to him “Where have you been?” He angrily and quickly walked past them and said “Don’t worry about me. I’m going out for a bit.” I followed and wondered what their deal was, but they weren’t getting along. He made a right into a kitchen and grabbed something off of the counter and then out of a cabinet. It looked like a kitchen from the 1960’s or 70’s and the refrigerator even had an old pull out handle on it. It was that odd dream reality mix of different eras in things. He turned to the frig and opened it. I thought he must be making a quick meal before we head off. He took some of the items inside the frig and put them up on another higher shelf, which seemed odd but made sense when he completely removed the lower shelving and took it out. There was a hole that went through the refrigerator and the floor to a poorly lit something down below! He then climbed down into the hole! That was unexpected. I wasn’t sure what to do but this seemed like the best possibility for an adventure, so I decided to follow.

    I woke up. I was a little disappointed about not continuing the dream.

    Updated 11-23-2018 at 07:01 AM by Caden

    lucid , memorable

    Almost a year ago today.

    by Caden on 11-18-2018 at 02:55 AM
    Tuesday 11/21/17
    I was at some Mall walking around. There was a long line of people waiting for something. It seems to be the train station. I became a little lucid. I decided to go on the train. I decided I didn't want to wait in the line and tried to get through the gate just by trying to go through the gate. It worked, I passed through the chain-link fencing like a ghost would! I was waiting for the train but there was almost no one on the platform with me. It seems the people who were waiting for the train in line we're just waiting in line, they were just dreaming of waiting in line. This is typical of dreaming areas.
    I got on the train and took a seat and the train started to go through a place a lot like Brooklyn.

    I looked out of the window and saw apartment buildings and backyards and street at one point I started to see red flowers in a tree. It was amazing to me that all of this could both exist outside physical reality and be looking so amazing!
    As I looked out at the flowers in peoples backyards I thought, where is the blue, and I started to see blue flowers in the trees. I next saw these huge blue flowers is that looked at least is big as a man's head! I couldn't figure out what kind of flower they could possibly be, they looked a lot like morning Glory but they were tremendous in size! I knew it was a dream and was amazed by the fact that this looks so much like physical reality. I was also happy to take this little vacation outside of physical reality and life. Then thinking about physical life I woke up.

    I never rode this train but at least I rode it while sleeping!

    Updated 11-18-2018 at 02:59 AM by Caden

    memorable , lucid

    DC doesn't see the flash of light.

    by Caden on 11-17-2018 at 06:12 AM
    Thursday, February 4, 2016.
    There were guys in a former house that I lived in there to fix the air conditioning. They were taking apart the coolant pipes because something was clogging them maybe. There were other people living in the house though But they were off at their jobs at the time. Soon they were flushing the line. There is a huge amount of water hundreds of gallons that dual pushing through.
    [This is where it got interesting]
    Me and one of the repair guys that wasn't working watched while standing under a large tree. Then there was a flash of light. The fix-it guy was talking about the lines he was fixing and I said about the flash of light, "Did you see that?" He stopped talking and was like "what?" but said nothing. I said to him, "Was that lightning?" [As it turns out the flash of light was lightening in the waking world flashing through the window. The thunder of it woke me and probably everyone else in the town up.] The dream character didn’t seem to realize what I was talking about at all because in the dream it wasn’t raining or even cloudy and he didn’t see anything, he just gave a strong look like 'what are you talking about.'

    PS. First time posting in YEARS. This dream was taken from my personal dream journal in Word. I'll post some of the best dreams till I reach the present.

    The King’s Court

    by Caden on 09-18-2013 at 02:19 AM
    Morning of 09/17/2013

    I am in a crowded cathedral like place. It is dark inside even though it is daytime and has a medieval church feel to it. There is a lot of noise and activity as if something is going on. One of the men comes over to where I am, to see a woman there. The 30ish handsome guy is in dirty medieval clothes and is not supposed to be here but nobody has noticed. It is understood, between the woman (also attractive) and he, that he needs to change clothing. She wordlessly suggests average working guy clothing but he rejects those saying, “If I wore those, what would be the use (of being royal)?” He put on flashy yellow and gold armor.
    I’m a bit taken aback when a good looking blond woman also in medieval clothes walks in front of him a bit, but facing me, and takes off her medieval dress being naked underneath.
    I hear a lot of noise all around but there is a commotion behind me. My view moves in reverse back out of the main cathedral into the entrance hall. It appears the King has arrived and there are a lot of people all trying to get his attention and attending to him like a superstar. I see his face and he looks like Star Trek’s Worf, which for some reason does not surprise me. As I see him coming towards me, I become a person walking along, I feel having feet again, feet in sandals. The King walks by and I say to him “There’s a surprise…” referring to the naked woman, but he took little notice of what I said and kept up with his pose’. I then thought how I thought talking to a king was never so formal or that not just anyone could talk to him so easily.

    The Gas Station and the Lions

    by Caden on 09-10-2013 at 03:43 AM
    Morning of 09/02/2013
    The Gas Station and the Lions
    *Reoccurring dream. This is my 3rd or 4th episode here. One of these dreams even occurred in the house and the gas station was only seen from afar. The house had way too many people in it and was a dirty mess with sofa cushions and clothes thrown all over the place.

    We are talking (me and a group of about 3 others, one red neck guy about 38, and 2 red neck women artificial blonds at about 45yo) by the old gas pump under the light. It’s a nice summer’s night and we are talking about people as the moths fly under the overhead light. We are leaning on and over the old gas pump, talking about people in our circle of people we know and kind of complaining about them. We all come from the house right across the street from this gas station, we come here to talk and be outside, because inside there can be more people and they are a bother sometimes. There is always a street-going vehicle prominent in these dreams, a muscle car, a fire engine, this time it was an ambulance that went screaming by the front of the station that got all of our attention. In addition, there are always two big cats. Sometimes they seem like cheetahs but they always revert back to being male lions. The lions run around but are harmless and we know it. The cats don’t belong to us but are our friends or something. One of the women complains about the cats saying she wishes they weren’t there all the time and would go away, to which I say, “there is no delete switch on a living creature.” They both whipped their heads around,eyes wide, to glare at me in a shocking, “NO don’t go there!!!” look like I was going to talk about how the dream is not real and ruin it for them. Their creepiness freaked me out and I woke up.