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      04-06-2024, 04:39 AM
      I am involved in a ship salvage operation. It is a large ship, easily over 1km long with a horizontal deck plan and bilateral symmetry, it looks to...
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    About calielizabeth

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    About calielizabeth
    LD Count:
    around 30
    I am a gymnast, a novelist, a writer, a poet, a dreamer, a Christian, an angel, a daughter, a sister, a christian anarchist, a figure skater. I have a passion for gymnastics and figure skating and dance and martial arts. I can't do all of that now but someday, in heaven, I will be able to. Writing is my gift. A friend once told me that my writings are prophetic and that they helped him. I love family and am a daughter of God, we are all a part of God's warm loving family. Everyone will go to heaven eventually, it is a real world with grass and trees and swimming pools and mansions and dorm rooms and a school and HOPEFULLY a gymnastics facility and an iceskating rink! Both of those, ice skating rinks and gymnastics gyms, are like oxygen to me, I NEED them to be truly happy and at peace. I also need to be a writer. I have had about 3 of 4 lucid dreams, good ones and bad ones. In one i was at an orchard and doing ballet with a female partner, in one I was being eaten by cannibals, old men, and PRAYING TO WAKE UP. Lately, all of my dreams have been nightmares...I remember my dreams of old, one where God told me what to meditate on, one about smoking DMT with Aaron Dottle and him showing me around heaven, several about heaven school where I thought I was visiting heaven (so I was half lucid, those were the best dreams ever), flying dreams, (flying reminds me that Im dreaming), a dream about Juliard and an angel told me that she hopes they have compassion on me and then I was in a field of flowers and was lost and God carried me back to my bed. I died almost 2 years ago and slowly became an angel. I will fly awake in 300 years. I can't WAIT (but I will) to go to heaven, I am following the signs.
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    gymnastics, martial arts, dance, figure skating, reading, writing, lucid dreaming
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    1. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked post by calielizabeth On thread : Dream guide?
      I saw my future self dancing at the bottom of a grassy valley in my second dream last night. She was beautiful and thin and strong and lithe, and then I flew away from her. I guess she could be a DG...
      Liked On: 09-13-2014, 02:57 AM
    2. Bambrielle
      Bambrielle liked post by calielizabeth On thread : Dream guide?
      I saw my future self dancing at the bottom of a grassy valley in my second dream last night. She was beautiful and thin and strong and lithe, and then I flew away from her. I guess she could be a DG...
      Liked On: 09-12-2014, 07:55 AM
    3. LouaiB
      LouaiB liked post by calielizabeth On thread : Can you meet dream characters in real life?
      I also dreamt about an old lady that God told me would die the day after I dreamt about her, and would be my grandmother Gaggy's roommate in heaven. She had green hair and was beautiful for an old...
      Liked On: 09-11-2014, 10:54 AM
    4. LouaiB
      LouaiB liked post by calielizabeth On thread : Can you meet dream characters in real life?
      Yes! You can. God told me that I met a girl that is an angel and is going to be my roommate in heaven in several dreams. In one of them I was smoking DMT with the girl and I was instantly in love...
      Liked On: 09-11-2014, 10:54 AM
    5. Bambrielle
      Bambrielle liked post by calielizabeth On thread : Dream guide?
      True but this is SCARY. There can be demons, or angels, in our dreams. I hope its only angels for me from now on though.
      Liked On: 09-11-2014, 06:52 AM
    6. Oneironaut Zero
      Oneironaut Zero liked blog post by calielizabeth On : My first lucid dream...a couple months ago
      I was flying and then I was standing in a field by two trees that were swaying violently with the wind. An old lady was standing next to me. I didn't tell her that it was a dream. She said isnt it...
      Liked On: 09-09-2014, 09:28 PM
    7. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked blog comment by calielizabeth On : The Vag Hearted
      Sounds like a meaningful nightmare. Maybe it means your heart (your soul) needs to be renewed, you need to repent and turn to God so He can give you a new, unhardened heart. :)
      Liked On: 09-09-2014, 03:08 AM
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    View calielizabeth's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries


    by calielizabeth on 04-09-2015 at 02:41 PM
    I stole hemp seeds covered with dark chocolate from Safeway and ate them. I was shopping with my brothers and asked my brother Peter to buy Quinoa oil and that I would pay him back. Later I had rocks and was showing them to Peter and then my rocks disappeared. I was at a restaraunt and chaos was happening. I forget most of the dream sadly. The rocks were rainbow and they kept dissapearing and reappearing.
    dream fragment

    Lucid dream

    by calielizabeth on 04-08-2015 at 04:02 PM
    I was at a grocery store that my dad owned, eating cheesecake, my brothers were there too. I became lucid and walked out of the store and walked down a hall where there were guards and told the guards I lost my passport and that my name was Cali Sylvers. In the room was a celebration for a queen. When I told them my name they put one clippy on me. I walked to where there were people and all of them had clippies on them and they put more on me. I worked together with another girl to remove the clippies I took hers off and she took mine off. One person used super strength to remove a clippy. Me and another boy started to fly, we said, we can have superpowers, I can fly. I was about to open the window to fly out of the room but the boy said don't wake up the person that put the clippies on us, and I just opened the screen from the bottom and flew out, waking the person, who wondered what was happening. Then I woke up.
    lucid , nightmare , dream fragment

    Last night's dreams

    by calielizabeth on 04-07-2015 at 03:14 PM
    Dream 1:
    I walked out of the house and married a man and was in his car, I had troubles closing the door. I suggested we go eat tofu and he said he wanted to eat something else. Then I walked into a room and it was a psych mental health group meeting. I sat down thinking God planned this and a young girl with black hair asked me to move up and sit next to her. A doctor or a leader came in and started talking, asking us to share our stories. I was writing something down and then I walked around wanting to get home so I talked with a woman about it, I told her I don't have my key and she told me that she had a spare key for me and I told her my address, at the time all I remembered was 25363. Then my dad was there and he yelled at me and was really mean. Then I went and got the key from the woman and the man pretending to be my dad tried to take the key from me and he grabbed my chest and a demon pushed down on my chest (sleep paralysis) and I woke up when I was pushing the demon off of me. I saw a demon, it was black and gray.

    Dream 2:
    I dreamed I was flying down to temple of the dog (a hangout spot in Pittsburgh I went to all the time by the river). My friends there asked me how they could see me, and I realized I was dreaming. I thought, I'm dreaming, and I told everyone, this is a dream. I started to fly and told everyone else to fly as well. Some people started to fly. Then I grabbed the hands of two people, one of them my voice teacher/church friend Polly's son, and flew them around the sky. I got really tired and was worried this was bad for my health.
    Then I was in a room and I saw a girl from my church who is a little bit overweight. She was praying and a little boy was there with her. They were both children. She said, "I pray because I have to." It was a loving sight I was just a witness watching. Later, I was with my mom and my old roommate Sarah G. She looked like she lost a lot of weight (she's fat) and I told her so. I told my mom about the kid that has a big stomach and she said your sister was pudgy when she was a child too and she's fine now, she's skinny. She told me not to judge. In the beginning of the dream I was walking in the forest doing something strange I forget what was happening. It was 9 am in the dream, and part of it was lucid and then I had a false wake up and the rest of it wasn't lucid.

    Dream 3:
    In a play going on in a school, there was a fire hydrum and a house that was on fire. There were two houses and both were on fire. A woman walked out of the house from the front door. Everyone was smiling. People were saved. Thats all I remember.

    New Zealand

    by calielizabeth on 04-02-2015 at 08:48 PM
    This dream happened about 2 weeks ago. I was in a grassy field in New Zealand. The weather was around 55 degrees outside. The archangel Michael was there, at the time I didn't know he was Michael, he was unnamed. I saw some houses and planned on knocking on the door to see if I could sleep there. Then I said to Mike, I could sleep in this field. He said the weather was always chilly-warm and rainy.

    Then we were at a college of science and I thought I was in the future going to school there. There were a bunch of people and I talked to the guy, and asked him if he knew of any martial arts schools in New Zealand. I was carrying a black belt that was in a bag. He said yes it's run by a guy named Mike (that's how I knew he was Michael). He was carrying a sword. I told him, I'm in the future, I'm not really a black belt, I'm a green belt. I believe that it really was my future.

    Then I was outside and a guy came up to me to attack me, and I gave him my phone so he wouldn't attack me. Then some friends were near me and they ran after the guy to get my phone back. This represents the friendly people in New Zealand that will help me when I move there. Then Mike ran after the guy and stuck him to get my phone back, and I went up to the attacker and started to do a side kick, which woke me up.

    This dream changed my life. It was a vision of the future. I plan on visiting New Zealand relatively soon with my boyfriend, and moving there in 5 years. God gave me this dream to show me where he wanted me to live, and to give me a great future. New Zealand is unique and it's where I'm destined to live. It was accurate to what the weather there really is, I found out, and I can't wait to be there. It wasn't a lucid dream, and it wasn't meant to be. If I knew it was a dream its power would have been stripped and it wouldn't have changed me as much as it did.
    non-lucid , memorable

    New Zealand

    by calielizabeth on 03-25-2015 at 04:32 PM
    I dreamt I was in a grassy field in New Zealand. I asked a man if I could sleep in some houses, then said I would sleep in the field. Then we were at a science college and I thought I was in the future and living in New Zealand to go to college. I asked the man if he knew of a martial arts school nearby, and I was carrying a black belt. I thought I was in the future so I assumed I already earned my black belt, but told him that in the time period I come from I only earned a green belt. He told me a guy named Mike runs the school. We left the college and a guy came to steal my phone and I gave it to him because I was afraid. Friends came and chased the theif and the guy who told me about Mike kicked him (apparently he did martial arts too) and I started to do a side kick, and doing a sidekick woke me up.