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      Welcome to Dreamviews and thanks for the friend request. Happy dreams
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      Hi. I'd reply to your comments but I'm on mobile and for some reason it never lets me quote people...but to answer your questions: A dry spell is a longer than normal period where you don't have lucid dreams. This period can vary depending on your success with it. I've been having a lot of these in the last year because I have been caught up with other things in life other than LDing. But as far as remembering such long dreams, it'll come in due time. I recommend checking out the tutorials page of this site for methods to good recall and methods to get lucid. Hope you have fun!
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    About DeadDream

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    Date of Birth
    December 6, 1994 (29)
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    I must confess that I was born at a really young age
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina
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    1. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by RavenOfShadow On thread : Very Successful Quick Trick to aid Reality Checks
      Hey guys; haven't been on the forums in a long time but I have continued lucid dreaming in my absence. A recent trick has been getting me great success, and I figured I'd hop on to share it. ...
      Liked On: 12-17-2014, 02:35 AM
    2. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by MartinB On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I was non-lucid dreaming that I was at work. My brother was there and there were two guys sat at computers in the office, overheard me and my brother talking: Me: "Did I tell you about that sick...
      Liked On: 12-16-2014, 03:14 AM
    3. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by ATA On thread : Multiple spaces/times at the same time in a dream
      I try it few times my record is 7 i mutliply myseld end send every copy to other direction but i can precive only 3 bodyes at once and must switching to othres.Also have few dream where i was 2...
      Liked On: 12-15-2014, 05:22 PM
    4. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by Seltiez On thread : Multiple spaces/times at the same time in a dream
      I have played around with this idea a lot and its really hard to do it the way it makes sense. Usually when i am multiple persons i see and feel the persons experience which im focusing. It usually...
      Liked On: 12-15-2014, 05:21 PM
    5. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by NeasTheDreamer On thread : Multiple spaces/times at the same time in a dream
      That sounds super interesting!
      Liked On: 12-15-2014, 07:41 AM
    6. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by sisyphus On thread : Characteristics of a lucid dream
      Exploring the surreal feeling angle... I would define it this way: The surreal feeling is the subtle knowledge that the environment around you is a projection of your mind, rather than an externally...
      Liked On: 12-15-2014, 07:25 AM
    7. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by Efthemia On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      I was standing in the bathroom flicking the light on and off getting annoyed it wasn't turning on when I said "Man, if this was a lucid dream and not a normal dream I could do anything I wanted." And...
      Liked On: 12-15-2014, 07:15 AM
    8. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by Amiana On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Rant: My mom just sent me four emails detailing just how upset she is that I don't celebrate Christmas. I should "get over it, decorate a tree and send gifts" because it's the tradition I grew up...
      Liked On: 12-23-2013, 06:11 AM
    9. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked blog post by Amiana On : 6/20/12: The house of obstacles
      I fall vertically downward onto the entryway of a house, decelerating as I land, and I immediately know it is a dream. Gravity does not work as it does in the physical world and I can jump up and...
      Liked On: 12-23-2013, 05:17 AM
    10. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by Alyzarin On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      I'm loving the successes, guys! :D You seem like you're really starting to get heavy into the supplements in general, too! These are some awesome combos you guys are taking lol. Particularly this...
      Liked On: 12-15-2013, 05:32 AM
    11. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked blog post by Atras On : 4 Short WILD's - 12/11/13
      Lucid 1 I am trying to WILD again, using Windhover's technique. I am getting really sleepy so I start to lay still, I imagine myself lifting up , and I end up floating out of my body and falling...
      Liked On: 12-13-2013, 05:44 AM
    12. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked post by Sivason On thread : Dream Yoga Intermediate Skill #1: Visualization Training
      How to use Visualization to Help You WILD: Every one should attempt to initiate the dream. The WILD procedures may end up causing you to not know you are in a lucid dream. If you focus on the WILD...
      Liked On: 12-08-2013, 05:48 AM
    13. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked blog post by gab On : Triple WILD or DILD
      12.04.13 Last night, bed around 1-2 am. Woke up 7:50am and got up with intent to WILD soon. Layed down on sofa around 10am to WILD. Of course, that's like an invitation to my cats to come and...
      Liked On: 12-05-2013, 08:38 PM
    14. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked blog post by StephL On : Two Short Lucids with Snowman-Efforts
      I will edit in a bit from the normal dreams later, too - buut - first: Something happened!! The same way, the other two longer episodes came to pass - WILD-try induced DILD. WBTB after...
      Liked On: 12-05-2013, 08:32 PM
    15. DeadDream
      DeadDream liked blog post by MsElizabeth On : Again with the UFO's...
      This is the second time I've had a dream about UFO's within a week. Anyways, all I remember is walking outside with a friend (I don't remember who), and out of nowhere something flies over our...
      Liked On: 12-03-2013, 03:48 PM
    View DeadDream's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    2 dreams from last night and nap

    by DeadDream on 12-27-2013 at 10:28 PM
    Last night I dreamed that I was in some kind of police patrol and we went inside a huge building. I can't remember a big part but I can remember after some time, when I was alone, I went outside this building (looked kinda like a abandoned hospital). I went outside and found a park with some guy smoking pot, I told him that police would arrest him if they found him. So I went for a walk with this guy, really calm. At some point a few pretty girls appear and this guy gives them the joint. Big part I can remember and then I am at home with my brother, he is about to steal my weed but i stop him and wake up... Horrible recall, also im starting to think im reeaaaaally a pothead.

    Nap dream: Again I'm with my brother, he is wearing my shirt and get angry about this, he goes to play some games in his PC and then i start to imagine the game. It was something about a huge disaster created by a huge international corporation and a guy who is going to "fix it". This guy is the protagonist of the game and he starts saying that this corporation is not interested in fixing the problem but instead is interested in killing the witnesses and basically destroying the whole place. It made me remember to half life, but the main character was the bad guy. After this short dream I had sleep paralysis. Or maybe I dreamed that I had it, I couldn't move at all and woke up in the same position I dreamed.

    Tried this stabilization technique, but it woke me up

    by DeadDream on 12-26-2013 at 09:18 PM
    Ok, yesterday I went to bed like 1.30 and woke up 2.30. After this I dreamed that I was with my mom in my home from Spain (I lived there 8 years and moved to Argentina 4 years ago). I was eating some kind of hybrid between a pineapple and a tomato... weird. Next thing I remember is a FA. I "woke up" in my bed and a kid told me to play football with a couple of friends of him. I told him that I suck at kicking balls, but still I would play. So he took a ball and we went to a field with hundreds of persons playing ball. It wasn't a football game, they just kicked the ball over and over again, it was funny. Then I told another kid that I'm hot (It's summer where I live) so I took off a sweater and left it somewhere far from they were playing. The kid stayed with me and I realized his sweater was totally dirty. I think this is when I realized I was dreaming. I kept playing "football" with the other kids, but this time I was flying. I can't remember what happened next, but I remember I tried a stabilization technique about spinning. After a few spins I woke up, kinda dizzy, I won't try this again

    My dream last night (12/23/13)

    by DeadDream on 12-23-2013 at 07:36 PM
    I remember being in a school. Not the school were I studied, another one I don't know, I wanted to go to the bathroom in the dream but I only could find the girls bathroom. So I went a couple of times to check if there was anyone in there, after a few tries I go. I take a quick piss and 2 girls come to the bathroom, they try to hit on me but I refuse. They insist and then I GTFO, when i do this I find the bath totally full of womens and a male friend. Luckily I only peed in the dream, not IRL lol. Then I walked through some halls and go to the schoolyard and I see a school party with food, music and that stuff, in this moment I ask myself "Where the f*ck am I?" but instead of doing a RC I justified it, I thought I was in some kinda party far away from home. Such a shame I didn't realize I was dreaming. Someone gave me some food, looked delicious and then I woke up.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    a short one while napping, Im not sure, but I think it was a WILD

    by DeadDream on 12-23-2013 at 01:30 AM
    Before going to take a nap I saw this movie called True Grit (the 2010 version). It is a western movie, good one. The first thing I can recall from the dream is that I had something like a branch in my hands and I threw it to a group of persons. They were "the bad guys" and everything looked pretty much like a western movie, in fact I think some of them were wearing hats. So I throw this branch and hit one of them, climbed a little hill and knock out another one of them, then I see 3 more "bad guys" hiding in what looks like the roof of a building near me. I go there hiding from this 3 guys, I kick one of them and throw him down, then I see a shadow of someone pointing at me with a revolver, I quickly see the other bad guy pointing at me and jump from this "building". I jump and dove into a river. I already knew that I was dreaming, but i did some kind of a RC, i could breath under water (didn't pinch my nose). I start following the river and ended up in something that looked like a sunken ship, all made of rusty metal. It was really vivid, very realistic. I felt a lot my touch and other senses
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    3 dreams, lucky me, I have better recall this time

    by DeadDream on 12-19-2013 at 04:25 PM
    I dreamed this yesterday. At first it was really hard to sleep, but later in the morning i had a few dreams, I can remember 2 or 3
    Dream 1: I was in my bed and in the space between my bed and the wall there was a koi koi fish swimming. Of course there was water but I guess I just couldn't feel it. It was really funny to be with this fish, but it had no space to swim so I thought about placing it in a bigger place. I thought about the bathroom, I didn't realize I was dreaming (I think I've never had such an obvious dream sign)

    Dream 2: I was with my best friend from childhood, I met him when I was 6 and had to say goodbye at 14. I usually dream about him (Another CLEAR dream sign). I was in his house, which I remember almost perfectly. We went to his room and their parents were sleeping there (weird, DS again). My friend took some weed from under the mattress, when he did this I saw his parents moving a little, so I thought they were going to wake up quickly. We went to the living room then and he started rolling a joint, suddenly I see his mother and I tell him, he nervously tries to finish the joint but couldn't, then I grab it, hide it a little and go to the bathroom to roll in peace. Then I saw the paper my friend was using, it was a glossy black paper (the worst thing you can use to roll a joint, again DS). But I didn't care, I kept rolling, finished and lighted it in the bathroom. I knew my friend was at the other side of the door, then my friend's dad came and started telling my friend something about the smell and telling him to give him the joint, at that moment I was in the bathroom doing the second one.

    Dream 3: This one is just weird. My mom woke me up to tell me to call my grandma because some stuff is going on at his place (IRL of course). So I dreamed that I was at my grandma's house and told my grandpa to give me the phone, he does and then I call to the same house I am (I realize about this, but again I can't realize it is a CLEAR DS). Then we have a little conversation. It was really weird because suddenly I started talking to other people, not my grandma/pa, and at some point I could see and read the conversation like if we were chatting by internet instead of talking by the phone (AGAIN DS)