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    About Lunessa

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    Date of Birth
    February 6
    About Lunessa
    My name is Kayla. I joined this site because I am very interested in lucid dreaming and I'd like to meet others with similar interests. Other related subjects that I am interested in include astral travel, hypnosis and meditation. Feel free to message me for discussion!
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    Meditation, Astral Travel or OBE, Hypnosis, Philosophy, Music.
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    08-30-2012 02:59 PM
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    1. PennyRoyal
      PennyRoyal liked post by Lunessa On thread : Lucid Dream Technique Help/LD & Visionary Inspired Art!
      Thanks. I was definitely having more luck with everything when I was constantly reading about LD, hypnosis, OBE's...Gotta get back into it! :)
      Liked On: 02-28-2013, 08:53 PM
    2. PennyRoyal
      PennyRoyal liked post by Lunessa On thread : Lucid Dream Technique Help/LD & Visionary Inspired Art!
      Hello there! Unfortunately I haven't been able to achieve a LD yet. I've gotten close, but lately I've been feeling "mentally blocked". I feel especially interested in achieving one lately because...
      Liked On: 02-28-2013, 08:53 PM
    3. Solar
      Solar liked post by Lunessa On thread : Does anyone like 90s grunge?
      My boyfriend's band, "Those Alone" is compared to Alice in Chains all of the time. They're pretty good - check them out!!! *Link removed
      Liked On: 02-07-2013, 03:03 PM
    4. hathor28
      hathor28 liked post by Lunessa On thread : Does anyone like 90s grunge?
      My boyfriend's band, "Those Alone" is compared to Alice in Chains all of the time. They're pretty good - check them out!!! *Link removed
      Liked On: 02-04-2013, 06:11 PM
    5. SilverJay
      SilverJay liked post by Lunessa On thread : write a poem that expresses your thoughts and feelings
      :) This poem is about my diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma 5 months ago and the whole process of going through the fight. I'm currently approaching the end of my treatment and finally seeing the light...
      Liked On: 12-08-2012, 08:25 PM
    6. Lunatide
      Lunatide liked blog post by Lunessa On : First Lucid Moment
      I was in some type of helicopter with about 5 people I don't know. The helicopter had no doors so everything was wide open and we were high up in the air. The people I was with were very nice after I...
      Liked On: 09-09-2012, 01:53 PM
    7. saltyseedog
      saltyseedog liked post by Lunessa On thread : write a poem that expresses your thoughts and feelings
      :) This poem is about my diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma 5 months ago and the whole process of going through the fight. I'm currently approaching the end of my treatment and finally seeing the light...
      Liked On: 08-31-2012, 09:05 AM
    8. Burke
      Burke liked post by Lunessa On thread : write a poem that expresses your thoughts and feelings
      :) This poem is about my diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma 5 months ago and the whole process of going through the fight. I'm currently approaching the end of my treatment and finally seeing the light...
      Liked On: 08-31-2012, 02:33 AM
    9. melanieb
      melanieb liked post by Lunessa On thread : My Introduction!
      Thank you so much for the info! I look forward to checking everything out!
      Liked On: 08-29-2012, 07:47 PM
    View Lunessa's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries


    by Lunessa on 03-10-2013 at 03:21 AM
    Last night I had a dream that I was with all of the characters from the show "Shameless". We were in some kind of dirt cave digging something up. I distinctly remember the main character, Fiona. At one point in this dream I was also in a public restroom somewhere. I remember not being able to "go" because some other woman was in there washing her hands and there were no stalls - just a toilet and a sink and lots of space....

    Bill Cosby and the Illusion

    by Lunessa on 03-08-2013 at 04:47 PM
    Last night I said some mantras to try to induce a lucid dream. No such luck...I did have a quite an interesting dream though. I was in a very nice house with some important people - some kind of get together. Apparently Bill Cosby was head of the house. We were really getting along and he enjoyed my personality. He said "Come this way, I'd like to show you something." I followed him down a dark hallway and saw two large doors at the end of it. The doors were separated about an inch - enough for me to realize that there were women tied up to chairs in there! Before walking any closer I bolted out of the house. I ran down the street. It was cold out and I was in some everyday neighborhood with average looking houses. I ran up the stairs to one and banged on the door. A smaller blonde woman opened up and let me in. I said "I know this sounds crazy but someone down the street tried to attack me! I don't have a cell phone could I please use your phone!?" I remember not being able to get my words out clearly. She agreed to let me in. I sat down at the table. She had a man living with her. She was maybe in her late 20s and he looked early 40s. He was very nice. They seemed like friends. I told them both about everything going on.

    Moments later we were joined by who was supposed to be the man who looked like Bill Cosby's wife. I was terrified when she entered the door. She was white, had hair a few inches above her shoulders. She was glowing and good looking for someone who was supposed to be in their 60s. We had dinner together and everything seemed fine. At the end of dinner Bill Cosby's wife said "You have it all wrong". My husband isn't the man who killed you and this is all your imagination. I panicked. Suddenly her glowing face turned back to normal which was the average face of someone her age and the woman in her 20s disappeared. She led me outside and showed me that I was laying on the ground and the man who killed me was the man I had just met in the house I ran to! How bizarre.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Heroin, Escaping, 'The Walking Dead'

    by Lunessa on 11-30-2012 at 04:27 PM
    I was hanging around with a few people I knew from school way back in the day. One them was Orlando and the other was Chris Shachook, although in my dream his name was Chris Rice (someone I work with). I remember driving around in a car with them and possibly some others for a few.

    For some reason in the midst of us hanging out I wanted to go home. Orlando wasn't allowing that to happen. It was also snowing out at this point...He was doing heroin and came at me with a needle. I remember trying to ward him off by lying to him and saying that I had HIV. In response to this he became violent, grabbed my arm and stuck the needle into it (not even into the vein, but into the muscle) I instantly became high and felt a head rush. I tried to run away, but I was moving in slow motion because of the drug. Finally it began to ware off and I was able to run from them. I ran down Boston street (a street near where I live) and was paranoid that they'd catch up to me.

    I considered knocking on a stranger's door and begging them to let me in and call the police, but I then thought that would be strange. Eventually I got to a grocery store owned by an african-american family. They were just about to close so they were annoyed that I came into the store. There were two women there that I explained my situation to. The last thing I remember was getting into their car and feeling better.


    I had another dream that I was in the show 'The Walking Dead'. I was traveling with a huge pack of people with horses and flags. We were making our way to France because there was some sort of sanctuary there. We finally made it and the city looked just like Boston. There were no running cars so everybody was walking along the streets. I remember being with 'Rick' (a character from the show) I was concerned because there were still zombies walking amongst peope in the city. He said you just have to watch out for them. I saw one chase someone off a ramp. There were also people drinking wine outside...

    Cats/Work Event/Pickled Eggs

    by Lunessa on 10-13-2012 at 01:50 PM
    Last night I had a dream I was filling out a questionaire about my cats. I was writing about their ages and such. I also had a dream I was at a work event and I had a nose piercing. Without the piercing in the hole was huge! There were also carnival rides at this event and I didn't want to go on anything that was too high up.

    In another part of my dream I remember helping my grandmother who's in a wheelchair into her shower. She had a white futuristic wheelchair in this dream. I also remember seeing a secret door in her house that led to know where it just hid a bunch of jars that she had. She said she was pickling eggs and stuff over the winter.

    Broke Back Mountain/Cat/Prepping at Stop & Shop/Kate Middleton

    by Lunessa on 10-11-2012 at 01:05 PM
    Last night I had a really odd dream that I was in the movie 'Broke Back Mountain'. I was one of the characters which is odd because I'm a female...

    In another part of the dream one of my cats was biting my hand it wouldn't let go. She left a cut mark where she had bitten, it was like she was angry at me.

    In the last part of my dream I was in Stop & Shop, but it was set up like a restuarant. I was doing prep work and trying to make a salad look nice. There were tons of things I needed, but no one was around to help. I remember getting very frustrated about this. I kept trying to make all of the salads look the same but it was impossible. I also over heard Kate Middleton and someone I used to work with gossiping. I yelled at Kate Middleton for being there and said I didn't care about her life. I went back to the salad station and kept attempting to make the salads look nice, but I realized I was taking way too much time and gave up.