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      Hey, I figuired I'd just pop over and say thanks, as you're the one who, in the summer of 2011, introduced me to MLP when I stumbled onto your thread.
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      Happy birthday
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      Happy Birthday Marvo!
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      im your god
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      bitchin' background
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      Whenever I look at your background, I think my IQ goes up over 9000.
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      Happeh birthday, Marvo!
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      Happy birthday penisvagina
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      Some days, I think I love you.

      That happens most days.
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    1. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Xei On thread : Split from "Proud to be an American... wait, that's not a country.... ?"
      Is it even worth responding to this inanity? What do you even mean, 'the age old agreement'? What agreement? America is supposed to be secular ffs. Many Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Spartiate On thread : Utah inmate to be killed by firing squad
      Interestingly enough, not every victim's family seeks equal retribution by having the murderer killed. From the article in the OP: I'm not a fan of the death penalty, or the penal system as...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Xaqaria On thread : What is a Lucid Dream?
      If you would stop approaching the gap as if it is a step down, and instead just a lateral gap, perhaps others would be much more inclined to meet you half way. As it is, you seem to be shouting...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by ♥Mark On thread : What is a Lucid Dream?
      affected* No amount of bombast will disguise this post as being anything other than insults. If there's one thing that proves your arrogance, it's that you speak to us as though we won't...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by tkdyo On thread : Homosexuality, how can it not be considered an abnormality?
      indeed it has been said, if you cannot explain something simply, you do not understand it well enough :D
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Maria92 On thread : Homosexuality, how can it not be considered an abnormality?
      Pardon yet another off-topic post, but I'm calling troll. Insulting the moderators. The people with near total control over what you do here. Nice. Real smart. You're free to comment here,...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by no-Name On thread : Homosexuality, how can it not be considered an abnormality?
      stay on-topic homosexuality is as abnormal and as detrimental as being born left handed. this is amazing and true.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Banhurt On thread : DreamJournal 2.6 - free program for recording dreams
      Please check the new thread for the latest news about DreamJournal (http://www.dreamviews.com/f15/dreamjournal-free-app-recording-dreams-gone-open-source-134487/)
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Xaqaria On thread : Homosexuality, how can it not be considered an abnormality?
      Thank you for this excellent example of your absolutist mentality. If you ask me what 5+3 is, perhaps I will be cheeky and answer 11, because that is the answer in a base 7 number system. My answer...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by MementoMori On thread : Homosexuality, how can it not be considered an abnormality?
      remember this: ?? You're coming real close to having this thread locked. What i'm getting from you in this thread is that you believe homosexuality is a negative, unideal sexuality that you...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Dannon Oneironaut On thread : Gay Marriage - why not?
      Well, let's hear what he has to say before we label him as a bigot and close our minds. We don't have to agree with him, but we can benefit by trying to understand how he thinks and how others...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by ♥Mark On thread : Gay Marriage - why not?
      I suppose what you were suggesting is that a child will tend to have problems when raised in the absence of a mother or father. Firstly, can you support that claim? Secondly, I would suggest that a...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Taosaur On thread : Gay Marriage - why not?
      To quote a certain big-head boy, "There are so many things wrong with what you just said." If someone from Spain marries someone from Morocco, have they mixed races? What if a Siberian Russian...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Xei On thread : Why do europeans/North americans have such disregard for their own culture compared to others.
      Muslim populations tend to be far more concentrated in urban areas. I don't reside in Cambridge permanently, I just study here. In my year of around 150 (bearing in mind this draws from everybody...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. Marvo
      Marvo liked post by Xei On thread : Why do europeans/North americans have such disregard for their own culture compared to others.
      The video is basically nonsense, as anybody who lived in Europe could tell you. The facts are either totally wrong or huge distortions. I found a good page about it here: ...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View Marvo's Dream Journal

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    City lucid

    by Marvo on 11-27-2011 at 03:35 AM
    This morning I had a lucid, after doing an attempt at FILD, which failed horribly.. It's been ages since I've really had one (or tried), so it was pleasant to finally have one, even if nothing too wild happened in it.

    I'll start off with saying that I set 3 alarms, of which I only remember 1, for waking me up so I could do FILD. I believe FILD is a very good technique, however it takes a bit of practice. It's extremely similar to DEILD, and is basically just a slightly different version of it.

    The dream started in my room, from what I remember. I was sitting at my computer and speaking to my brother behind me. He told me to look out the window, and as I turned to look, I realised that it seemed like we were moving through a city, like my room was really a car or a plane. I was (surprisingly) immediately skeptical and had a closer look and crawled out the window. My brother told me to stop, and I did a very quick nose pinch reality check, telling me I was in a dream. I jumped down on the ground, which severely changed the environment. My room and brother seemingly immediately disappeared. I was standing in the middle of the road in a large city, it was dark, but with lots of lights. I walked to the pavement. I remember reflecting on the concept that dreams usually hang on in our memory differently from how awake experiences do. I made a note to myself to try to be as aware as possible. I went on and walked into a couple, one of them was naked. Knowing it was a dream, I reached for her breasts, but she very quickly walked away. I made it into some kind of shop eventually, where a lot of naked people were around. They had facepaint, and yellow hair, as if trying to look like tigers. I thought this was silly and walked away. Eventually I got to a bridge of sorts, which I tried to traverse in a car. At this point, my lucidity was nearly gone. I still had the clarity of mind to know that I could stop any car and steal it (GTA style), and I did get on a car. I probably drove a hundred meters in it, got out. I think the bridge was blocked. Some guy I don't know had a boat which he invited me into, to go across the water to other side of the city. I got on and we sailed across. It was like a little river we were in, extremely narrow, and the boat was really just a large rubber tire. I questioned at the time why I didn't just get up and walked on the ground. Once we reached the other side, I looked to my left. My lucidity came back, and angry at the fact that I've wasted so much time doing nothing, I figured I'd teleport somewhere by closing my eyes. When I opened them again, I was in my bed. I did not do a reality check, and eventually fell asleep again. I don't think it was an FA.
    In the dream, I saw a very large building across the bridge. This building has also been in another dream of mine, which although non-lucid, I was also very lucid in. I never did write it down, but it invovled crawling around in tiny spaces under the city. Hard to describe.

    I dreamed more, but most of are fragments by now. The majority of them all revolve around some kind of large mall. A friend of mine and I found the workers entrance, where personel actually slept. Some guy came up an assumed we were new, so he wanted to hook us up with some work. My friend told me to give a good impression, by talking in a clear and deep voice. This seemed silly, but I did it anyway, and it seemed to work. I don't really remember anything else, apart from the mall seeming extradimensional. On top of being non-euclidean (like most dreams), it also made visually no sense.