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    1. View Conversation
      Hey! Great to see you!
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      Happy Birthday! Wish you lots of lds!
    3. View Conversation
      Hey bro! I have start a shared dreaming club if you are interested!
    4. View Conversation
      That's awesome that you ended up loving it! Good luck with your future studies!
    5. View Conversation
      Hey, yeah! I studied film production and have done some freelance work in the past, mostly production and editing. My personal interests are mainly in stop-motion animation and documentary filmmaking.
      I see you're the creative type too; when did you get into graphic design and drawing?
    6. Notice: Will be away for a week, do not fear for my life (Actually I really doubt anyone is going to read this anyway..)
    7. View Conversation
      Still here!

      (The planet, not the dog) Yeah, I said Planet!
    8. View Conversation
      Sweet 16, congrats! Good luck with your licence.
    9. View Conversation
      I was born in Perth, but I now live in Adelaide. I've actually just returned from a year-long road trip around Australia, so I spent a bit of time in Victoria recently.
      Have you ventured outside Vic much?
      Hope your birthday has been awesome! How old are you?
    10. View Conversation
      Happy birthday, Phased!
      I just saw that you're from Australia too, so I'm not a day early like I usually am on DV!
      Have a wonderful day! Hope to see you around.
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    About Phased

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    June 9
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    1. Phased
      Phased liked post by DreamyBear On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      Liked On: 12-27-2014, 11:57 PM
    2. Phased
      Phased liked post by Astaroth On thread : Random image thread
      My reaction when surrounded by bacon. https://31.media.tumblr.com/6089a82afaaa17adb9d1d5e3574651b5/tumblr_ngfu811idl1qh66wqo4_1280.jpg
      Liked On: 12-24-2014, 01:56 AM
    3. Phased
      Phased liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Hi guys :)
      Welcome to DVs! I had a super intense SP experience just last night lol :)
      Liked On: 09-20-2014, 01:22 AM
    4. Phased
      Phased liked post by StephL On thread : Random image thread
      Liked On: 09-19-2014, 12:25 PM
    5. Phased
      Phased liked post by Haroldus On thread : Hi guys :)
      Thanks again man! ;)
      Liked On: 09-19-2014, 11:33 AM
    6. Phased
      Phased liked post by Daedra On thread : Hey! Newbie here! :3
      Thanks Mismagius :) I will work on engaging my senses more. Your name is pretty awesome too :D see you later.
      Liked On: 05-07-2014, 07:26 AM
    7. Phased
      Phased liked post by jshumck On thread : The Ganzfeld Effect: My Experience
      Well white noise is basically an algorithmic or random generation of all sound frequencies that the human ear can hear. So 20Hz to about 20kHz. White noise can be a bit harsh to listen to though,...
      Liked On: 05-05-2014, 12:11 PM
    8. Phased
      Phased liked post by Alaska On thread : Hello everyone!
      Thank you both!
      Liked On: 05-04-2014, 11:29 PM
    9. Phased
      Phased liked post by AstralMango On thread : I'm a newbie
      Welcome to Dream Views! Welcome (http://www.dreamviews.com/welcome/) Phased pretty much covered everything. Check out those links he's posted; they're really helpful. :mrgreen: Hope to see you...
      Liked On: 05-04-2014, 12:01 AM
    10. Phased
      Phased liked post by ToxicBear On thread : Greetings, everyone!
      I am new also, so I am not exactly sure where to post, but I post into my workbook in the intro class thread which seems appropriate, I would recommend starting there! It also covers all of the...
      Liked On: 05-03-2014, 02:54 PM
    11. Phased
      Phased liked post by Sensei On thread : Our New Dream Guide
      Welcome to crazy town. :) http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4fvn2NPpC1qig8d9o1_500.png
      Liked On: 05-02-2014, 07:22 AM
    12. Phased
      Phased liked post by AstralMango On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Harry Potter and Ron Weasley leave Hogwarts and go to a space program.
      Liked On: 04-28-2014, 08:03 AM
    13. Phased
      Phased liked post by xXironshadowXx On thread : xXironshadowXx's Workbook
      Umm.. my mantra was "When I wake I will remember my dream and write it down." Oh and about my dream recall Ive been trying to recall my dreams for 3 days and Have two dreams and one false awakening...
      Liked On: 04-27-2014, 12:48 PM
    14. Phased
      Phased liked post by xXironshadowXx On thread : xXironshadowXx's Workbook
      Anyone got any suggestions for dream recall I remember my dreams let it set in then I forget them or fall back asleep.......
      Liked On: 04-27-2014, 12:48 PM
    15. Phased
      Phased liked post by BobRoss On thread : The Ganzfeld Effect: My Experience
      I tried doing this today and the effects were very mild. It was as if I were experiencing Hypnogogic Hallucitations that were very abstract and ended up fading away into a dark redish color. Thats...
      Liked On: 04-27-2014, 01:29 AM
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    View Phased's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Strange Encounter with a friends Parents (Non-Lucid)

    by Phased on 01-22-2015 at 05:47 AM
    Note for the reader: I am not by nature a very aggressive person, I have been in few fights over my limited lifetime and usually avoid conflict if I can.

    I found myself at a family gathering of sorts in an unfamiliar house, with me were a few families that I know, although they aren't known to socialise together often. Me and a friend were sitting in what seemed to be the front room of the home for a while discussing the television when another family arrived through the door, two parents and two children, this was the family of a somewhat distant friend of mine, he was not present. The father of the family quickly approached me and my friend and seemed aggressive, he was hinting towards a party we had had at his home without his knowledge, me and my friend were both confused and before long the father was enraged and yelling at me about how we forced his son into taking illicit drugs.

    The next part is where it gets weird. The father was getting in my face and yelling his head off and I immediatly hit him square in the face and he swung back, initiating a fight between us. I seemed to be in control most of the fight, taking hits here and there but I ultimately won, knocking him over. I yelled at him and told him to check his facts before spitting on him and walking out of the building.

    Friend Hurt, Hillbilly Country.

    by Phased on 05-01-2013 at 07:39 AM

    Ok so this was one of my most vivid dreams yet, and I think it was at the end of my longest REM Period of the night as I naturally woke, at about 5.30 AM.

    I was skate boarding down a large hill along side a wire fence, with a few friends I know, when one of us slipped off the board, hurting themselves a lot, with half there face cut up badly, and cuts on their arms and legs, it was not the prettiest sight, and it scared the hell out of me. I began to apply first aid (which is not unusual as I have a tier II First aid certificate.) and the others called for an ambulance, there was two different operators on the phone, one was really nice and helpful whilst the other was mean. We were speaking to the nicer one first, who transferred us to the other, we had some sort of argument and then asked to be put back on the line with the other lady. (we said her name, although I forgot this detail.) Once the call was over we waited for the ambulance. Next to the road where the incident happened was a wire linked fence, beyond it was a small hill, a tree and a cricket ground, but I do not remember the cricket ground to well. We began to watch through the fence when a man, presumably from the nearby town approached us, he asked what had happend and asked if it was one of the people who played AFL (Australian Football League, one of the biggest sports here.) we said no, and he let out a sigh of relief and praised the lord. We thought it was kind of rude, but did not do anything of it. Moments after this, the person who had slipped off the board started laughing, we all turned and he stood up, and said "Got you's!" we all got angry, swore at him and I then said "Your paying for all the fee's of the ambulance, and the fine for a prank call, fucker." I was pissed.

    The dream then faded, and I awoke, naturally, which was nice.

    Apartment Hunt - Fragments

    by Phased on 03-07-2013 at 08:27 PM
    Friday, 8th of March

    Really proud of myself, I have recalled two dreams in two days!


    Ok, this was like a half awake half asleep dream that took place just before I woke up, so, it was pretty vivid although I moved around a lot when I woke, slowly killing most memory of it.

    Dream Fragment 1:

    Ok, so I was in some sort of apartment complex or building more like, with my two friends P and C, and we were looking for places to stay, looking around at rooms that were available and having a look inside, all the normal things, the dream then skipped.

    Dream Fragment 2:

    The dream skipped from us looking to me having an apartment but the others not, they both needed somewhere to stay and I remember telling them that one of them can stay with me, we had some sort of competition to decided who that person would be and the other bad to get their own.


    Was feeling pretty happy this morning, good sleep, it's the end of the week, nice weather and a recalled dream to top it all off!

    Computer Games and video Chat - First recalled dream!

    by Phased on 03-06-2013 at 07:42 PM
    Thursday, 7th of March

    First signs of recall! Thanks to all that have helped me out!


    I remembered two fragments of the same dream I think, they seemed to be fairly similar the first fragment was fairly vivid although the second not so much, overall though I am really happy that I remembered a dream!

    Dream Fragment 1:

    I remember being Ina computer of some sort and I was playing a game or watching a movie and I got out of it and there was a notification on the screen to join a google talk chat or something so I clicked on join and I went into a conversation with two people on video chat, I only remember one of the faces though, it was a man of white descent with black rimmed glasses and black hair and a stubble, he seemed to be at a video game convention or something similar. Any way we were talking not sure what about I remember my dream character was typing not video chatting. The dream sort of fades there.

    Dream Fragment 2:

    I remember being at the door of my bedroom and walking through I also remember having the man or maybe both of them from the video chat earlier being in the room with me - not sure if they were actually there or still on a laptop I was carrying or something. I also remember laying on my bed and playing around on a laptop I think. The dream then fades.

    Awoken by a Truck

    by Phased on 03-05-2013 at 08:15 PM
    Wednesday, 6th of March.

    So, I planned on having no alarms on during the night and to give my usually scheduled WILD A brake and work on my recall a bit more avidly. Sadly about 10-15 minutes before my natural waking time a rubbish truck came and woke me up, ruining any chances of recall! Ah well, at least I know this one was not my fault