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      I was non-lucid but I mad it to a pub actually, did you go to a pub? Check out my DJ entry for last night to compare.
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    1. Sensei
      Sensei liked post by Raipat On thread : Shared Dream.
      This is amazing! Did you get any qualified replys, yet?
      Liked On: 12-28-2016, 02:44 AM
    2. IAmCoder
      IAmCoder liked post by Raipat On thread : Dream Resources that can be used real life!!
      here seems to be a non-rar non-virus version of the book. Download Robert Balthazaar - Active Dreaming - Documents (http://docslide.us/download/link/robert-balthazaar-active-dreaming) Thanks for...
      Liked On: 12-01-2016, 09:22 AM
    3. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by Raipat On thread : AURORA - Finally arrived!!
      seems that hell really is freezing over and overdue projects are delivering. Yesterday, I received my lucid catcher (luciding) :D My Aurora did not arrive here, yet.
      Liked On: 10-16-2016, 05:21 PM
    4. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by Raipat On thread : Foc.us - Lucid Dream Simulator - EILD
      Actually, yes. The code for the android app on github left me lost, although in their androidapp-master\app\src\main\java\us\foc\transcranial\dcs\bluetooth\ApiService.java file is everything you...
      Liked On: 09-16-2016, 09:52 AM
    5. Highlander
      Highlander liked post by Raipat On thread : Foc.us - Lucid Dream Simulator - EILD
      well, I don't do BS discussion, also there is a forum "rule" here to not discuss moderation decisions, I just want to share knowledge. Take it or leave it. :)
      Liked On: 09-16-2016, 09:33 AM
    6. Highlander
      Highlander liked post by Raipat On thread : Foc.us - Lucid Dream Simulator - EILD
      Yes, you configure "programs" and then start them. I guess 60 seconds (1 minute) is the shortest duration configurable. But you could abort the program after 30 sec with another command. I had to...
      Liked On: 09-16-2016, 09:33 AM
    7. Highlander
      Highlander liked post by Raipat On thread : Foc.us - Lucid Dream Simulator - EILD
      Actually, yes. The code for the android app on github left me lost, although in their androidapp-master\app\src\main\java\us\foc\transcranial\dcs\bluetooth\ApiService.java file is everything you...
      Liked On: 09-16-2016, 09:32 AM
    8. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by Raipat On thread : Long dry spell
      why don't you try a decent WBTB with MILD and if even that does not make you lucid again, pop a nice pill of Galantamine (you lucky Americans can order that over-the-counter, right?) which will...
      Liked On: 09-11-2016, 02:47 PM
    9. Saizaphod
      Saizaphod liked post by Raipat On thread : The Agario Thread
      If you play as "lucid dreaming" I might want to pick the nick "false awakening" and eat your cell :P
      Liked On: 09-09-2016, 09:02 PM
    10. rastro13
      rastro13 liked post by Raipat On thread : i love SSILD n TILD
      be prepared for FA! If you do a RC every time you wake up, you will catch plenty of them and transform them into LDs! Obviously, doing a RC after EVERY waking up event should be a good habit for...
      Liked On: 09-08-2016, 05:11 AM
    11. DreamCafe11
      DreamCafe11 liked post by Raipat On thread : Spellbee2's Summer Lucid Competition 2016
      Thank you all for this lovely event! Congratulations to the winners (we are all winners :D )!
      Liked On: 08-18-2016, 06:17 PM
    12. Saizaphod
      Saizaphod liked post by Raipat On thread : Spellbee2's Summer Lucid Competition 2016
      Thank you all for this lovely event! Congratulations to the winners (we are all winners :D )!
      Liked On: 08-18-2016, 02:41 PM
    13. RelaxAndDream
      RelaxAndDream liked post by Raipat On thread : Spellbee2's Summer Lucid Competition 2016
      6.8. -> 7.8. 2 fragments and a failed WBTB: 3 pts 7.8. -> 8.8. 1 normal dream: 1 pt 8.8. -> 9.8. After some hours asleep I awoke around 5 a.m. Time for WBTB and a 20-minute...
      Liked On: 08-10-2016, 10:46 AM
    14. Saizaphod
      Saizaphod liked post by Raipat On thread : Spellbee2's Summer Lucid Competition 2016
      4.8 -> 5.8 1 NLDs = 1p WBTB (failed) = 2p 5.8. -> 6.8. 2 NLDs = 2p WBTB (failed) = 2p
      Liked On: 08-07-2016, 08:18 AM
    15. DreamQT
      DreamQT liked post by Raipat On thread : Dream Recording and it's Implications for LD
      Current imaging and EEG sensors are far from being able to record dreams like they do in films like Final Fantasy or Total Recall. We are decades, if not centuries away from such technology. There...
      Liked On: 08-06-2016, 08:42 PM
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    View Raipat's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    riding on a hummingbird

    by Raipat on 04-16-2017 at 11:52 AM
    After some hours of sleep I awake for the second time. Birds are singing, there is heavy rain on the roof. Optimal for an SSILD session, I think. But during the first vision cycle images start to appear, so I switch to WILD and follow the imagery that densifies before my inner eye: an old room equipped with some furniture and a CRT TV. It only shows white noise first, then even on the TV images appear. I zoom in, trying to get myself sucked completely into the scene. My vision now shows a closeup of the TV and its programme. I can "switch channels" by turning pages like in a newspaper. A warehouse store catches my attention, it's a shopping location like Metro. I chose that to stay and finally manage to get into the dream with a full dream body which allows me to walk around. While I wander through rows of shelves with food and non-food products, I ponder what to do. Waking life mind is still strong, so I need to use that quickly. It's quite dark, so I will more light. It works! With more light, there seem to be also more DCs doing their business. I walk to to more quiet row and start my three step. I look at my empty left hand (which is properly sized, has only 5 fingers, even the lines are there and fingerprints), reach out with it and will an egg into existence. It appears, and it is sooooo small. Wtf will hatch from that egg, it's only the size of my little finger's pad?! I concentrate on that egg and in my mind I say "na dann schlüpf mal, kleines Ei!" (hatch!). It complies, with a funny sweet cracking sound a hummingbird makes its way out of the egg. Wings inflated, the creature is half the size of my palm and starts to hover in front of me soon after it got out of the shell of the egg. I laugh: How am I supposed to ride on that?! I manage after trying hard for some time to somehow resize it up to the size of a calf, it now reaches up to my hips. But getting onto that swirrling birdy proved to be difficult. Even more difficult is to control the animal sitting on it. It feels strange, I feel no connection. When riding a horse, I can feel it, communicate with weight, balance and intent - sitting on this bird is like it's not there, like sitting on densified, touchable air. The only impression I get is it being uncomfortable. With its size? Pondering how to proceed I lose the dream and awake.

    Updated 04-16-2017 at 11:57 AM by Raipat


    night 24.1. -> 25.1.

    by Raipat on 01-29-2017 at 12:26 AM
    I leave the house, it is night. Without any reason I look at my hands, they look very funny. Is this a dream? Yes! I quickly walk through the urban nightscape and repeat my hand RCs. They are very funny, every time there is something different (bigger, more fingers, less fingers, colors). I wonder why. I can "make" my hands look pretty normal, though if I want to. After having that explored enough, I decide to finish some goals. I want to meet somebody, so I walk toward the neighborhood where that person lives. Then midway I change my mind and want to go for the dinner. In front of me there is a block of houses. I run towards it with the intention to pass through it, expecting a shopping mall with a nice sushi restaurant in it. It works! The feeling running through that walls is strange, like running into a hedgerow: it scratches and tickles (in fact, in Germany there is stupid fun sport called "Hecking" where people do right that!). In the mall I quickly find my sushi place. Seems the dream pulled details from three different WL sushi places I go to regularly and blended them together into something new. There are some people around. While I take a seat, F. immediately involves me into a philophical discussion about online marketing in a post-truth media world. I have trouble following his weird ideas. Well, but the salmon nigiris are awesome. Like in waking life, fatty, tasty, just as they have to be. While eating a lot of sashimi, I lose lucidity and continue to engage in chatter about whatever with my dreamed colleagues.

    night 19.1.->20.1.2017

    by Raipat on 01-20-2017 at 10:51 PM
    I awaken myself after some hours of sleep at 5:30 a.m. Eager to break my dry spell of the last days I take a low dose of a nice AchE and go back to bed. A quick WILD attempt brings me into a huge building that looks a much like the famous opera house Colon in Buenos Aires. I walk through the aisle and look for a quiet side room to have the dinner I planned for. Quickly I lose lucidity and the dream, followed by a time of blackness and deep sleep. The AchE did not yet kick in, yet.

    Then in a new dream that suddenly started I meet Mona, a girl I was pen pal with in younger years. I recognize her immeditately despite we never met in waking life. She changed her last name to the German word for "leaseholder", probably because she got married. I notice that strange bit and do a reality check (floating), it works and I lift up a little over the floor. Yes! I am Dreaming! We continued to chat and I asked myself if I should awake myself and record the dream, google that strange name. I use a mnemonic trick to remember and continue the dream, losing lucidity later on.
    Just to find myself (FA) at my parents place earlier in time. I'm in the kitchen and notice that this must be a very important moment in their timeline. Several reality tests fail, telling me this is real life. But I'm quite sure to be (still) dreaming, and finally the good old push-my-hand-through-solid-stuff works. Now that I'm confirmed fully lucid, I dissolve my dream body, I am no longer phyically there, just an observer. On the table there lies a newspaper, the Süddeutsche Zeitung from August of the year 1985. I listen to my parents talking to each other in another room. When they enter the kitchen, I awaken.

    spellbee2s summer lucid competition 2016 night 3

    by Raipat on 08-01-2016 at 09:46 PM
    Lucid journey
    WILD after WBTB
    The dream starts in a room that is my room but it is not like mine at all, I'm certain that I'm in the dream state now. I leave the room and enter a hallway with windows to a kind of patio, I am at a quite high floor, the 5th or 6th story of the building. As vision gets blurry, I'm still fully lucid and decide to go/jump though a closed window to stabilize the dream. I works, after morphing through the glass (a funny feeling, like wandering though pudding), I hover down to a rooftop, and my vision is great again. In the corner of my vision I realize a mexican woman in traditional clothing on the rooftop, she notices me. I feel like being caught in the act of being somewhere I should not be. Instead of making contact I teleport away.
    With no special target in mind, I land at a highway at night. There is a huge traffic jam, where I encounter a random family of people I don't know (mum, dad, two teenage sisters who wear ways to short skirts, a boy). I ask them where they wanted to go before they were stucked in the traffic jam. The adult man says "Manchester". I nod, then I wave my hand like "Q" in StarTrek and will them and their car to their destination. It works, they disappear. I'm proud that this dream control task worked, but I'm also disappointed by the story (or the lack of) of the dream, so I teleport myself to a crowded city center.
    I materialize at a pedestrian precinct, it is early evening, short before sundown. Remembering one of my goals to do some dancing, I will a suitable nice girl to be around the corner. And there she is: a tall blonde long-haired girl about my age, clear blue eyes walks out of a shop towards me in very gracil movements. We greet, shake hands, like remembering each other (I never saw her, neither in waking life nor in dreams). Then I do something I stopped doing years ago: I talk to her about the dream state. "Hey! Do you know and acknowledge that we are dreaming right now and you a dream figure in my dream?" She looks closely at me, she understands the statement but is unsure. We continue to discuss the nature of the reality, and my dream fades away during that, I awake. I reality test, yes this was a real waking after a real LD!

    eating at a Bavarian restaurant
    My GF, a befriended couple and myself are eating lunch at a typical Bavarian restaurant. The huge place is crowded, but we have a reservation. Food is good and it is totally normal to drink big glasses of beer for lunch. I want to pay as we are finished. Our waitress asks für 1400€! Srsly? 4 persons for lunch costs 1400€? I test reality and here we go: this is a dream and the waitress really has the nerves to continue to insist that I owe them 1400 bucks for a f*** lunch. I laugh out loud and we spend a moment that feels like eternity to figure out why the hell the POS system thinks we have a 1400€-bill. We find out that a noshow-reservation of a big company was booked at my table. They correct the mistake, I "pay" my now reasonable bill and we're ready to leave. The only reason I spent so much dream time with such a stupid situation was that I wanted to peek into their booking and POS system and experience how that technical devices work in my dream. It was quite expected that they were consistent and plausible like in real life, as long as I just watched the dream story happening without interfering much. We leave the restaurant and the dream continues as my GF and me walk to a cottage at a mountain pasture. I really want to seduce her there but at first she resists because a maid who lives and works there might walk into us at any time. In the end I succeed and lose lucidity over it

    crashing through wallss

    by Raipat on 01-23-2016 at 10:30 PM
    I'm visiting a trade fair and join a small group of female shamans for a workshop. They talk about archaic practices to highten awarenes, especially an exercise where one has to sleep on the top of the roof, which automatically keeps awareness high enough to sleep but not fall over. As we talk about that, I'm warped onto a roof and have to do the exercise. Outside, at night, I nearly lose grip when falling asleep and that makes me lucid. "This already IS a dream! Thank you guys" I think and start to levitate above the house. Then I fly, higher, faster, like a drone above the city. Steering is easy and as I have great control, I like to try to deliberately fly into houses. I expect to softly morph through the ceiling, but I crash though the wall hard. It does not hurt, but the wall bursts and after me going through there is plenty debris. I repeat that for fun a few times, deliberately crashing into walls from fast flight. Then I focus on a big building and after crashing into it, I stay there and look around. I now have to pack stuff and organize clearing the building and move out, as a group of DCs which are some sort of a team I manage, tell me. I start doing that, losing a little of my lucidity in the action, as I stumble over a plastic bag full of rotting trash effusing a horible smell. I quickly leave the room into the hall where a twenty-something old guy aproaches me with a tulip. He mumbles something about an earlier meeting and a promise I would have made. I don't remember anything about that and feel very uncomfortably, besieged as his intentions are clear and I'm not gay. I decide to leave the scene, saying that I have to leave. I then awaken.

    That dream happened around 6 am after WBTB and "failed" SSILD.