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    1. View Conversation
      Hey! Haven't seen you in a while. Just read another member's description of wbtb and it somehow reminded me of your spontaneous tilds.

      Hope you're well and still having awesome dreams.
    2. View Conversation
      aww shizzzzzzz JUST missed you in chat

      by like nanoseconds
    3. View Conversation
      Hehe, did you RC when you saw it?
      It hasn't always done that, it's a new addition thanks to Timbo59.
    4. View Conversation
      Hi Schmaven!
      Please check Dreamer's "Lucid Dares" thread - I've posted a mission for you there.
      Good luck!
    5. View Conversation
      I love your sig pic & quote!
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    About Schmaven

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    About Schmaven
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    Being the change I want to see in the world is harder than I thought it would be.
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    Green Mountains
    Positive change, Music, Spirituality, Philosophy
    How you found us:
    I did a google search for how to have more lucid dreams


    "Above All, Love"


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    1. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Random image thread
      "8 New Punctuation Marks We Desperately Need" by CollegeHumor http://i.imgur.com/xB9CbwT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uaLSdvM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AHuWc9R.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HBgLFOk.jpg...
      Liked On: 07-07-2014, 05:10 PM
    2. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by StephL On thread : Random image thread
      Ah - flower of life! I have even been painting one on our hallway wall a while back! If you start making these it can get almost addictive! Here is one with lots of interstitial ones: ...
      Liked On: 07-07-2014, 05:07 PM
    3. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by Astaroth On thread : Random image thread
      Liked On: 07-07-2014, 04:48 PM
    4. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by LolaTheLoner On thread : Task of the Month for July 2014
      Well, since my current goal is to go to Hell and find out why the Devil wants my high school ring, looks like I'll be taking the elevator. ;) And maybe I could complete the bonus task too, if any of...
      Liked On: 07-06-2014, 12:43 PM
    5. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by bemistaken On thread : What does your username mean?
      My username 'Bemistaken' comes from an awkward situation I have had in the past with a family member. I was telling them about OBE's, sleep atonia (I use to call this sleep paralysis until I joined...
      Liked On: 07-04-2014, 04:39 PM
    6. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by RedNaxela On thread : What does your username mean?
      My middle name, reversed with a capital N to make it seem like a thing.
      Liked On: 07-04-2014, 04:36 PM
    7. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by mooseantlers On thread : What does your username mean?
      When I was like, 15, I found DV. When I was trying to make a username, I thought to myself, I'll go for something 100% new. So I thought, I'll make it sound Canadian, because I'm a proud Canadian; so...
      Liked On: 07-04-2014, 04:16 PM
    8. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by slayer On thread : What does your username mean?
      I killed a man once.
      Liked On: 07-04-2014, 04:09 PM
    9. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by melanieb On thread : What does your username mean?
      I, from now on, will know you as PeaceChicken.
      Liked On: 07-04-2014, 03:52 PM
    10. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by tropicalbreeze On thread : Random image thread
      http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l551/desertheat7/random/Leap_of_Faithb.jpg (http://s1123.photobucket.com/user/desertheat7/media/random/Leap_of_Faithb.jpg.html)
      Liked On: 07-04-2014, 03:42 PM
    11. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for July 2014
      http://i.imgur.com/g8P0Qb9.png Introduction: This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by the Lucid Task Club and the On-Topic Administrator. Please attempt any or all of these tasks...
      Liked On: 07-02-2014, 10:24 PM
    12. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Random image thread
      http://i.imgur.com/ME6b2jo.png https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5276111616/h18FC0CF1/
      Liked On: 07-02-2014, 10:19 PM
    13. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by Astaroth On thread : Random image thread
      Liked On: 07-02-2014, 10:14 PM
    14. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked blog post by Queen Zukin On : Rough Nap :(
      I went back to bed after an hour or two of being awake cause my training got canceled. 40 minute nap right here from hell: This dream is like...the reason why you do a reality check every time...
      Liked On: 06-24-2014, 04:52 PM
    15. Schmaven
      Schmaven liked post by Astaroth On thread : Random image thread
      STOP IT BITCH. http://i.imgur.com/LDt3koK.gif http://i.imgur.com/0YFvFh8.jpg
      Liked On: 06-21-2014, 06:28 PM
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    View Schmaven's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Killed by my own Mother! And What Happens After Death.

    by Schmaven on 08-29-2015 at 01:14 AM
    Driving down the highway with my mom in the driver's seat, we're talking about things. You know, the usual update stuff that doesn't change much from week to week. My girlfriend comes up in the conversation at some point and my mom get's really jealous. I can tell she's really upset over something. She stops talking and just steps on the gas. Okay, so she's upset, that's fine I think as I watch the scenery whip by faster and faster.

    I look over at her and she's practically in tears now as we pass 100 mph. I start to feel uncomfortable as she drives faster and faster. She and I are pretty well connected, and without saying a word, I just know that she's thinking, "If I can't have him, no one will" and that she's going to crash the car and kill us both. At this point we're going over 120 mph and I don't know what to do about this situation. I consider taking the wheel and spinning the car out of control to a stop, but since we're going so fast, that could be just as deadly as whatever she has planned. That's actually the only thing I think to do other than ride it out.

    Maybe if I just sit here peacefully she'll have a change of heart before it's too late... I quietly hope as the situation gets super tense for me. I see a turn in the road with no guard rail, and a huge cliff over the edge. This must be where she's headed. That's okay though, we still have a few seconds for her to change her mind. No sooner do I think that than the car careens off the road and over the cliff. My stomach sinks, my hair stands on end, and I look out the window. Several hundred feet below I can hardly see the ground it's so far away. This is it, this is how my end finally comes I think as it dawns on me that there's no way out of this one.

    Despite the distance, in a matter of seconds the car smashes into rocks below. The dash smashes my head and everything goes black after a brief white flash.

    Gradually, some color starts to fade into my awareness and I find myself standing amidst massive crystals of every color, all arranged immaculately and beautifully. The most amazing sight I've ever seen! It all feels so peaceful as well.

    I walk through the crystals as I sense some purpose for me. I don't know precisely what I am supposed to do, but I do know that I can't just stay put and kick off my shoes just yet. So I walk through a breathtaking crystal maze with glowing lights coming from just about every crystal. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'm looking for something.

    I reach a huge palace and dozens of really nice people greet me. They're all strangely familiar, yet I can't quite place how I know them. Also, they all seem so peaceful and happy, like everything is perfect, and they have no worries. They call out to me and we exchange small talk for a bit. It comes up that I can really do anything I want now. I think about this for a second and decide that the best thing I can do is show the example of someone attaining enlightenment, and refocus my mind on the spiritual path.

    Everything starts to blur for a bit, and I reappear clearly firing a rocket at someone who is trying to steal a huge diamond from a bank. As I fire the rocket, I realize it's my mom! Somehow I manage to stop it from killing her and run over. She looks at me hesitantly, as I do the same to her. I don't know if I can let my guard down around her anymore after she just killed me. She apologizes for killing me and we talk about what happened after I died. She tells me that she survived the crash, but I didn't. It was deemed an accident, but she was really distraught over it for a long time. I tell her that it's okay, I forgive her. But it still might take me some time before I get in the car with her again.

    She's okay with that.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Satan vs the Pew Pew Laser-Cat

    by Schmaven on 05-28-2015 at 06:21 AM
    In a crowded section of New York City, flames erupt from the sewers as Satan himself rises from hell and bursts through the pavement of the road ahead of me, sending cars flying through the air and people running and screaming in all directions. He has a gang of demons around him, all made of flames, forming a painful looking perimeter of death and destruction around the Devil.

    I am holding a dark gray cat, almost black, with white on its face and some of its paws I don't remember picking it up, but it seems to like being held. I cradle it on its back like a baby in my left arm, against my side, and hold its tail out in front of me like a cannon. I aim it at the Devil and make my best "Pew Pew!" noises. Almost like a "pshhyeeeoo!!!" As I make my very best laser noises, bright blue laser beams shoot out of the cats tail. They move through the air at about the speed of a jogger, so Satan easily dodges them.

    I run toward Satan, aiming the cat's tail a few paces ahead of him and with "Pew Pew Pew Pew!" shoot four slow moving lasers out of the cat's tail into Satan's path. I almost got him this time! With great enthusiasm I go wild with my best "Pew Pew!" noises, filling the streets and alleys with blue lasers. 'If I shoot lasers everywhere, I can't miss.' I tell myself.

    Satan dives behind a sky scraper and out of sight. I pre-fire a few laser blasts from the cat's tail down the next street in case he tries to run for it, and then run down the alley to cut him off before he can get away. He gave me the slip somehow, and I haven't got a clue where to find him now. I find myself at a busy intersection, looking every which way as traffic flows through. Next to me is a fire fighter and a cop. They look at me, then at the cat I'm cradling in my arm, and then at how I'm holding the cat's tail out in front of me with my other hand, and then look back to me.
    "Check this out" I tell them as I aim the cat's tail in a harmless direction and say "Pew Pew Pew!" sending three bright blue laser beams slowly through the air.
    "That's pretty cool" they tell me.
    "I know, right?!"
    "Aren't you going to film it or take a picture or something?" The firefighter asks me.
    "No, I don't think anyone really needs to know about this. Plus I've gotta get Satan"
    They both give me an understanding nod, and I start walking away as I think about where to look.

    Updated 05-28-2015 at 06:23 AM by Schmaven

    non-lucid , memorable

    Lucid Dreams

    by Schmaven on 05-28-2015 at 06:01 AM
    I got home early, before everyone else got up, and rather than go up to my room, I decide to nap downstairs on the couch. The stairs are loud, and I don't want to wake the dog and have the dog wake everyone. It's just an hour and a half before everyone normally gets up, so I'll just nap on the couch until I hear someone, then I'll go to my room and go back to bed. That's my plan.

    I find myself walking down a hallway, and come to an opening where I stand with a big group of people around a fountain or some other centerpiece. It occurs to me that I was just asleep on my couch, so I am definitely dreaming right now. Everyone looks at me. I look at everyone. The DCs look oddly familiar, but all just wait for me to do something. Rather than do anything, I just generate a loving feeling toward all of them. Then I make it stronger. I look at each DC again and feel a blissful tingling all through my body. It's like the more I love them, the stronger it gets. I enjoy this feeling for a while, then wake up.

    Well that was nice, but I'm still tired, and it's still early, I think I'll close my eyes and rest until I hear someone again.

    Now I'm standing up in my living room, and my sister (who is out of state) comes in, but 10 years younger than she is now. She's really upset at me for some reason. I'm not sure why. But I am sure that I was just laying down, and that she's older now, so I am definitely dreaming. I let her yell at me as I enjoy the relaxing peace of being in a dream where there is no reason to be offended, upset, or defensive about anything. I generate some love in my mind for my sister, and make it stronger and stronger until everything feels just amazing. She calms down, stops yelling, and I wake up again.

    I hear someone in waking life this time, and get up to move to my hammock in my room. I wonder if my plan to get up and move when I heard someone was the main reason I had these lucid dreams, or if it was just due to the easy circumstances within the dreams themselves such as remembering I was just laying on the couch and now I'm not, or that my sister is in fact older than a toddler now. Maybe the plan to wake up at the first sign of noise put me in a lighter state of sleep that is more conducive for lucid dreams. I don't know.
    lucid , memorable

    Supernatural Djinn Attack

    by Schmaven on 05-28-2015 at 05:43 AM
    I'm scaling a steep cliff on the side of a mountain fortress with a large group of medieval soldiers seeking to take over the castle up ahead. It is a difficult climb, and all progress is halted as the defenders unleash a massive deluge of boiling hot oil that spashes down the cliff. Fortunately, it's steep enough that we just press ourselves flat into the rock, and the oil flows just over us all, missing us by just a few feet. Then some sort of god flies out of the castle and levitates above the stone walls as he laughs at us. He thinks it is barely worth his concern, but nevertheless throws a few fire balls at us. Several people are killed instantly.

    He looks over at me, and now seems threatened somewhat. With a spin, he disappears from sight, and I am immediately teleported to a small town inside the castle walls. Somehow we breached the castle and there is utter chaos as people are running everywhere. It turns out everyone is running because there is an army of Djinns (the kind from the show 'Supernatural') - a kind of genie that puts people to sleep, fulfilling all their wishes in their dreams while draining their blood and killing them in the process. Just one is scary, but there are over a hundred here.

    I am immediately surrounded by about a dozen of them. I'm not quite sure what to do about this. Before I come up with a plan, one of the female Djinns (and quite an attractive one I may add) tells the others to step aside and watch. She holds out her hand and uses telekinesis to spin my body around. I want to fight it, but just go limp as all my muscles relax. She softly lays my body on the packed dirt ground and closes my eyes all with telekinesis. This is the part where the nice dream is supposed to start. I'm given a moment to choose, but can't decide what to dream about.

    The moment is gone, and there will be no pleasant dreams for me apparently. Since the Djinns are psychic, they know that I'm awake in my body, even though my eyes are closed and I cannot move it. I can still feel everything. They take delight in knowing that I'll be able to feel all the pain of being slowly drained of blood until I die, with nothing I can do about it. I feel a sharp stabbing pain as a large gauge needle is roughly stabbed into my arm.

    Rather than languish in pain as I am slowly killed, I imagine that I'm someone else. Someone very alive, and experiencing blissfully pleasant feelings. I know it's not real, but I decide to believe it anyway because the more I do, the more real it becomes, and the more this excruciating painful death seems like a distant memory than a current reality.

    Right before I fully switch to being someone else, I wake up.
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable


    by Schmaven on 03-16-2015 at 07:46 PM
    A girl and I are in a large tower with a spiral staircase winding up untold heights through the stone walls. It becomes apparent that there is an evil spirit chasing us. We run up the stairs for a while, then duck into a room. I run back out to distract from the girl and run up the stairs some more. But the girl doesn't hide like I thought she would. Instead, she decides to sit on a table and just face the door, waiting for the spirit to get her, as if by seeing it, things will be okay. I get a feeling of doom as I see the creepy spirit woman rush through the door and tackle the girl. My heart sinks in my chest. But there are more harmful things nearby, and nothing else I can do for her, so I try to stay hidden to fight another day.

    (This was a lot cooler when I first woke up, but I went back to bed for 3 hours, then went to work, so some of the details have eluded me at the moment.)
    non-lucid , nightmare