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    1. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by FryingMan On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      This is actually a timely thread because I was already starting to look into finding a "little vibrating device on a timer" since I got excited by the Oneirics kickstarter project, and would like to...
      Liked On: 10-10-2014, 07:09 PM
    2. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by DoubleHelix On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Hi, Tlaloc: I'm hoping that Oneierics device will fund on Kickstarter, but in the event that it doesn't, your technique and utilization of a silent, vibrating alarm is inexpensive, clever, and...
      Liked On: 10-10-2014, 07:09 PM
    3. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by starletdreamer On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Thanks for sharing. Will try this simple non-expensive method. I'm having trouble staying awake during WBTB or even starting them. I'm too tired after work and my sleep is so important these days.
      Liked On: 10-10-2014, 07:09 PM
    4. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by DoubleHelix On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      So glad I stumbled on this thread. I think this technique is definitely worth a try, so I just purchased an Invisible Clock II...which seems to have all the bells and whistles I need to experiment...
      Liked On: 10-08-2014, 08:35 PM
    5. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by FryingMan On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Thanks TiaLoc for this thread -- I'm very keen to try vibration notifications. The device I currently have is "remee", not "rem dreamer" which is a REM-detecting (eye movement tracking) sleep mask...
      Liked On: 10-08-2014, 08:35 PM
    6. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by Verre On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Another good result from the vibrating alarm, despite a minimal WBTB. This was a very unusual experience in that this time the alarm actually seems to have worked through anticipation alone, because...
      Liked On: 10-08-2014, 08:35 PM
    7. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked blog post by Verre On : Indecisive Witch, Invisible Song (EILD-FFA-WILD)
      Ritual: Second try with the vibrating timer, successful but strange experience. This time it seemed to work not so much from going off (in fact I doubt it ever did), but because my anticipation of...
      Liked On: 10-07-2014, 09:50 PM
    8. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked blog post by Verre On : "If there's water near the house, it's a dream" (EILD-FA-DILD)
      After reading about Tlaloc's homebrew EILD technique...
      Liked On: 10-06-2014, 09:53 PM
    9. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by Verre On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Hey Tlaloc! I was inspired by your method to buy a programmable vibrating timer for myself, and I used it last night with excellent results! Here's the part of the dream relevant to the device:...
      Liked On: 10-06-2014, 08:49 PM
    10. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by NyxCC On thread : Tlalocs Workbook
      It's really cool that you have been experiencing more of these wildlets, T! :) I think your frequent lds plus the tech keep you at a more alert state and you are able to catch more of these subtle...
      Liked On: 10-06-2014, 08:48 PM
    11. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by Nfri On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      This gave me good idea for people who don't have this timer of yours. I will try this EILD by putting my phone into long socks and set it up to vibe alarm. I already downloaded app for it. :) And...
      Liked On: 10-01-2014, 08:27 PM
    12. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by NyxCC On thread : Tlalocs Workbook
      T! Hope the cold goes away quickly for both you and your girl. I checked out your thread, it's very well written, love the structure, explanations, everything. Great thing you took the time to...
      Liked On: 09-30-2014, 08:07 PM
    13. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by Verre On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Thanks for the detailed explanation! I definitely need to find a method with more reliability. My LDs do tend to be quite long and elaborate once I do get lucid, but getting there is the hitch......
      Liked On: 09-30-2014, 07:21 PM
    14. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by Verre On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      Congratulations on inventing your own EILD! Your success rate so far is amazing. :goodjob2: I like the idea of using vibrations as a trigger. What device are you using for the vibrating alarm?
      Liked On: 09-29-2014, 08:21 PM
    15. Tlaloc
      Tlaloc liked post by Dahaka On thread : A method (Interrupted Sleep Audio Method) for lucidity for those who can't get up to WBTB or newbies
      This looks quite promising. How long is your audio recording?
      Liked On: 09-29-2014, 08:21 PM
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    View Tlaloc's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    #61 - 'Oh NO! - Whats that in the bed.....??'

    by Tlaloc on 10-10-2014 at 08:10 PM
    Method: Bed c10.50pm, WT 4.40am (6hrs) IC 24mins 5 secs. ISAM, this lucid around 5.30ish
    comments: the cheap ear buds weren't working - so I just though through the script in my head, focusing on the phrase 'keep looking for the vibe' - pleased the DILD happened without the audio

    I am dreaming I am in bed with wife - effectively a FA as the room is the same but maybe 1 hr later when the sun is just up. We start to get a little frisky, touching and rolling under sheets, when my hand brushes up against something. I look down and see what looks a brown poo! All amorous thoughts come to a screeching halt!!!! I can't believe it - can it be wifes? ERGH - awful thought, I still can't believe and start to suspect strongly I am dreaming. I am certain enough I pick it up (wow!) its soft but not overly sticky - more like brown playdoo and I break it and smell it and it doesn't really have any smell. I am sure I am dreaming now but as wife is still in the bed (but no longer moving) I decide I need to be 110% sure. I do a series of watch RC's and time changes, but subtley, the hour stays the same but the minutes change by 10's, first going back, then forward - 10.50, 10.40, 11.00. At this point some irrationally I suddenly think ' I've got to stabilise NOW!' a bit stupid as the dream up to this point even with me being lucid already was pretty calm, I climb onto the bed slowly as I still feel alittle nervy about wife and clumsly start to spin slowly. At this point with a roaring in my ear, the dream collapses into the void! DOOHHH!

    thoughts: I wasn't panicked to be in the dream, I just seemed to get flustered thinking if I didn't do a crazy spin to stabilize I'd lose the dream. And of course in the process of the panic of losing it - I lost it! CRAP! Will try and remain more calm and hand rub next time I think.

    #60 - WILD - Jack Bauer

    by Tlaloc on 10-05-2014 at 07:49 PM
    Method: I AM, WT c.530am (7 hrs), lucid around 7.00? Sun morn lie in
    Comments: Short - of interest just because of the main character - been watching 24 series back to back with my wife....now taking a toll on my dreaming life too!

    The vibe has gone off, I've listened to the audio and am dozing, already having had a 'proto-lucid' fail (interrupted HH). But then as I am dozing a vivid dream scene forms around me, I'm in a whitish office/apartment and Jack Bauer from 24 is there - he starts talking to me - all earnst - about what needs to be done to save the president - I am somewhat amazed that the dream has solidified so much that I can see and hear him as if he were real and in front of me, I panic slightly, but fight it off, then rub a chair in front of me, but then I start thinking about that I don't know how to anchor the WILD - confusing myself that this is a different process from normal stabilization of a DILD - and - I loss it in the introspection, back to the void, try spinning but too late....

    thoughts - given the number of recent proto-WILD fails - this was pleasing, and fun to interact (briefly) with a DC like jack bauer - but too brief (again)

    Lucid 55 - Plane Crash!

    by Tlaloc on 09-23-2014 at 08:12 PM
    Method - interuppted sleep (travel lodge). BT - 12.00ish - LD around 5.00
    Comments - I think there must have been some noise from outside my room (perhaps another guest leaving and closing their door in the corridor) that got incorporated into the dream as the falling debris - certainly this seemed to totally change the direction of the dream.

    Longish NLD I am rushing around trying to find some stolen cutlery, I pop out onto Gamul terrace in Chester and am about to search somewhere else when I hear this whizzing crashing noise, I look around immediately. I am looking down hill across the medieval walls and over the river dee to an open field and see a piece of wreakage scream down from the sky and smack into the earth around 50m away with a sort of BOOOM. I kinda of gasp and my brain rejigs and I look up and there is this massive 747 jet liner with smoke pouring from its partially missing wing roaring downward toward the earth. It is so close, so breathtakingly real I think WOW - holy crap I am about to see a plane crash from 50m away - and then I think 'its a dream - and its that simple I'm lucid. I start spinning around. I been thinking about trying this as opposed to rubbing my hands and in fact I do both. I can feel my eyes flick back in forth in my head (I speculated about this and it certainly feels very real). I start to panic abit about being alone in the big lucid world but keep going, controlled spin and rub. The visuals have stabilised somewhat and I slap the terrace stone work. (The plane is now nowhere to be seen). But I appear to be completely deaf. I decide to go flying before I lose the dream and jump and drift up, I seem to have little motion, and I think about NyxCC's and my conversation about the lack of tactile sensation with flying. But rather than lose the dream all this introspection (+ a bit of a hangover!) lead me to stay in the dream but lose lucidity. The NLD continues for a few minutes before I wake up.

    Thougths - the plane crash - the sound of the first bit of wreakage slamming home, then seeing the jet following it at a breakneck speed was so realistic, so awe inspiring it remains an incredibly vivid image - as real as any 'real' memory. It really gives me a buzz as to how 'real' dreams can be.
    Also the OKN eye movement during the spinning was really interesting - will try again soon.

    Updated 09-23-2014 at 08:54 PM by Tlaloc


    Lucids 53+54

    by Tlaloc on 09-13-2014 at 09:22 PM
    Method: I-AM, WT 5.00am from REM, LD around 6.05am
    comments: getting the WILD was a shock!

    I awake at 5.00 and set things up and return to sleep, but can't quite get off, either through the audio or my wife starting to stir. I know I've got to get up for work at around 6.30am so try to relax and drift off. I am imagine the RILD tech of jumping up and down on my bed and amazingly - suddenly I am! I am bouncing lucidly up and down on the bed, up...down....up....down - it hyperrealistic, there seems to be a lightsource from behind me and as I bounce up and down theres a dark shadow being cast on the wall of me doing the exact same thing - its cool fun but I am so stunned this finally worked - I wake up! Dooh! Let me back in!
    I immediately try to relax and drift back off and around 6.00ish I succeed (I've switched off the timer a few mins before). I am dreaming I'm at work at a practice I haven't been to before, its unfamiliar and this kind of bothers me but not enough to get lucid. I bunch of patients file in and my heart sinks when I can hear them in the waiting room discussing their reasons for visiting. A lady is describing a new black floater in her vision and a man flashing lights. I do a big 'sigh' and escape to the toilet! (coward! ). I look into the mirror in the toilet and become lucid - as my reflection hardly resembles me. I'm stil Caucasian with sandy hair otherwise totally different, almost like an aged luke skywalker! I immediately concentrate on my stabilization tech. I look at my hands closely and rub and slap-punch them together. As I do this I yell out 'Increase lucidity, increase focus' but despite believing this my fingers look blurred and foggy however the tactile sensation - esp the slap punch is very realistic. I keep doing this for 20 secs then I try and look around and lose my vision other than a triangle of light. I keep rubbing and slapping but without my sight I've become paranoid I'm doing this now in reallife in bed and am going to wake wifey so I stop and wake up (with my hands in a normal sleep position of course!). The triangle of light turns out to have been me having had my eye v slightly open and seeing light coming through a crack where our curtains meet - interesting it got incorportated into the dream whilst I was still in REM sleep (guess that's how the Novadreamer worked). I head back to sleep but my 4 yr daughter charges in 10mins later and its up for the day.

    thoughts: another 2 LD's morning after the last one - can't complain too much but I would really like to beat this stabilization issue. I am going to try spinning next, and I have to remember not to rush and remain focused not frenzied.

    Lucid #52 - TOTM attempt

    by Tlaloc on 09-11-2014 at 08:26 PM
    method: I-AM, WT: 4.50 from REM sleep, 22 repeat, around 3 repeats and then DILD at 6.00
    comments: pretty happy as method worked well again, with the tight window before our alarm goes off at 6.20am

    Dream: I am in our bathroom with my wife and washing dishes in our out of place large metal freestanding tub. I am telling wifey that I have missed out on my chance to LD, she suggests changing the time to do a wake up and I suddenly think 'this is it - I'm dreaming'. I remember the TOTM challenge and rub my hands together as I charge down our hall towards my daughters open door yelling out (to no one in particular) 'I need some shoes!' (cheesey eh!). I get to her doorway and I can see out her window and wonderfully even the hall and her room are as exactly in real life the view is completely different. Rather than the neighbours roof and trees there is an open view of rolling green hills spreading to the horizon and a pinkish glow to the air - unfortunately this is just a glimpse as as soon as I reach her room the dream fades.
    I am in the void
    and try imagine rubbing my hands on the carpet, but this doesn't work, so I imagine rowing - this works better I can almost feel myself on a skiff but it never quites happens. After awakening I still lie soon and slowly get some increasing visuals of walking up into a CTU type office, but by then my wife is up and I have to get up.

    thoughts: next LD going to concentrate on stabilization before running off, I really need to connect with the environment, I had enough time to do this but focused on the task too quickly.
    Also the rowing could be a good DIELD trick for me, the motion seems easy and natural.

    Updated 09-11-2014 at 08:40 PM by Tlaloc
