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    1. BubbZero
      BubbZero liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 02-24-2017, 09:04 AM
    2. AboveAffection
      AboveAffection liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 04-04-2014, 05:00 PM
    3. PercyLucid
      PercyLucid liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 01-11-2013, 01:32 PM
    4. kurlie
      kurlie liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 10-09-2012, 10:22 AM
    5. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Your World of Text
      That room is full of spam. This one is nice and clean. ;-)
      Liked On: 07-27-2012, 08:03 PM
    6. benzilla04
      benzilla04 liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 07-18-2012, 12:51 AM
    7. akotten
      akotten liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 06-07-2012, 09:31 PM
    8. MightyDuck
      MightyDuck liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Congratulations fOrceez!
      http://gifsoup.com/view1/3752952/aflac-duck-dancing-o.gif :breakitdown:
      Liked On: 05-27-2012, 09:58 PM
    9. FelicityPotter
      FelicityPotter liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Activating the left brain hemisphere to attain lucidity
      THANK YOU!!! I tried this last night, and I had my first lucid dream! :D
      Liked On: 05-26-2012, 09:09 PM
    10. littlezoe
      littlezoe liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Congratulations fOrceez!
      http://gifsoup.com/view1/3752952/aflac-duck-dancing-o.gif :breakitdown:
      Liked On: 05-25-2012, 06:40 PM
    11. Cookieh
      Cookieh liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Congratulations fOrceez!
      http://gifsoup.com/view1/3752952/aflac-duck-dancing-o.gif :breakitdown:
      Liked On: 05-25-2012, 03:52 PM
    12. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Congratulations fOrceez!
      http://gifsoup.com/view1/3752952/aflac-duck-dancing-o.gif :breakitdown:
      Liked On: 05-25-2012, 06:48 AM
    13. Sivason
      Sivason liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : Congratulations fOrceez!
      http://gifsoup.com/view1/3752952/aflac-duck-dancing-o.gif :breakitdown:
      Liked On: 05-25-2012, 06:05 AM
    14. ErikaEH
      ErikaEH liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : The Next Level of Dream Recall; Less nightmares, more lucids!
      The very first night I tried the dream recall method, I was afraid it would not only help with remembering dreams but help with remembering nightmares as well. I didn't want that, as I've already had...
      Liked On: 05-15-2012, 07:09 PM
    15. ErikaEH
      ErikaEH liked post by XxLHYxX On thread : The Next Level of Dream Recall; Less nightmares, more lucids!
      :| Here are some examples: ...and it's not just limiting our dream recall. For example:
      Liked On: 05-14-2012, 04:57 PM
    Page 1 of 2 1 2 LastLast
    View XxLHYxX's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Strange Dream

    by XxLHYxX on 07-02-2013 at 04:46 PM
    Last night, I had a dream that didn't really make sense:

    Apparently, in the dream, a fan that is painted the color red can cause someone to pass out or something.
    So then this "war" started between me (with some friends of mine) and some other team or something. I don't really know.

    Anyway, a "war" took place. They attempted to raid us a few times, and we attempted to raid them a few times. I don't remember how exactly the raids worked, but I'm pretty sure that they involved the red fans. After a few raids, things turn a bit different.

    The dream suddenly turns into some weird form of the Civ Stage in Spore. Their "base" is a bit more detailed in this part. It looks like a small restaurant that sells burgers. Anyway, my friend launches an ICBM that destroys their restaurant thing and then the war is over.

    Then I woke up.

    False Awakening Chain

    by XxLHYxX on 08-31-2012 at 02:05 PM
    I had a false awakening chain last night. It lasted for an hour; it was horrible!!!
    Funny thing is that I was lucid throughout the whole thing, but I had absolutely no control. I tried to control the dream at a few points, but it didn't work.

    Each false awakening was almost exactly the same. Eventually, I was able to realize how to tell if it was another false awakening. My dreams always seem to be really choppy, as if they have low FPS. However -- after about 7 false awakenings -- this stopped. Then I started trying to check by the blurriness of my surroundings. This got fixed 7 FAs later as well. Then it just keeps going and going. I don't even know how many FAs I had in that one dream. I do know this; it lasted for exactly one hour.

    Eventually, I realized I could probably control the dream. After all, I had quite a lot of lucidity. I tried to take control; absolutely nothing happened. I also kept doing reality checks. At one point, I thought I was once again awake, but then while talking to a DC I said "wait a minute" and did a RC. Sure enough, still dreaming.

    I tried multiple methods to wake up; none worked. So, I just decided to sit and wait out the FA. I closed my eyes, and I instantly woke up! Is that not frustrating?!

    Nope! I was still dreaming. Unfortunately, I never found out about this. The dream soon faded out.

    I really underestimated these FA chains. I'm quite spooked now.

    The Hurricane

    by XxLHYxX on 07-21-2012 at 02:11 AM
    This is a nightmare fragment I had a long time ago. It's extremely blurry and watered down after all these years. I've done my best to fill in the holes and restore it.

    The dream starts out in a modified version of my neighborhood. I'm in the driveway next door. It's completely overcast, very windy, and raining very hard. I look up to the sky. The clouds are dark, and moving across the sky at an incredible speed. Worried, I talk to someone nearby. They tell me I'm safe as long as I remain in the driveway. I walk away and continue to watch the raging hurricane, unconvinced.

    Meeting Eric Hartman

    by XxLHYxX on 07-03-2012 at 08:39 PM
    I've been playing a bit too much Blockland recently, and now it's starting to affect my dreams (just like when I was addicted to Minecraft). I've had Blockland since 2009, and I've been quite addicted to it recently. Anyway, last night I had a dream where I met "Badspot", the creator of Blockland.

    There was some type of convention going on for Blockland; there wern't too many people there, but there was a fairly decent amount. It was outside, and the crowd was just having a good time. At one point I spoke to him briefly. The DC that I saw in the dream doesn't look anything like Badspot in RL, because I've seen pictures of him before. Not much happened in the dream, and my recall of it is kind of fragmented, so I'm going to set it as a "dream fragment."

    As a side note, I've also had dreams where I've met or seen the developers of Minecraft while I was addicted to it. I'll get around to writing those in some time.

    Updated 07-02-2013 at 04:25 PM by XxLHYxX

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Dream Guide... ?!?!

    by XxLHYxX on 07-03-2012 at 08:21 PM
    Sorry for the lack of entries lately. However, I have something to make it up; my most WILD experience ever (It's funny because this actually involves WILDs ).

    I would like to start off by saying this was a non-lucid dream. The main issue here is that all of the dream's details are scrambled pretty badly. Each detail is split into two, and both halves are basically the opposite. I can't tell if the advice was written or being spoken aloud. If it was spoken aloud, then it was one of the following: a powerful, god-like voice that seemed to echo in all directions; and a weak, nerd-like voice. In the spoken aloud case, one detail is clear: my dream guide is male. I was actually expecting it to be female, because it's very common for people to have dream guides of the opposite gender.

    I don't know what to make of this, but I know what he told me. I remember exactly what he said, but not in words, not in sounds, and not in pictures. I remember it in code; and I'm not talking about something like binary, numbers, letters, symbols or anything else. I can only remember and describe it in pure thought and nothing else.

    I am unable to translate my DG's advice into words; all I can tell you is this: Recently I've been struggling greatly with WILD. My DG has giving me some advice with it. He insists that it is almost guaranteed to help me and that I should expect to finally do a WILD successfully tonight as long as I put forth enough effort. Unfortunately, I cannot share his advice because it involves personal information. Plus, both me and my dream guide agree that this method would be ineffective to the vast majority of lucid dreamers out there.

    I understand that this is all very difficult to understand and believe, but it is true and I promise no lies were spoken in this entry; if I have deceived, mislead or confused you in any possible way, please know that I did not have any intent of doing so. I assure you that I'm quite confused myself. I've heard of shared dreaming and all, but I've never heard of anything like this.

    If you have anything to say on the matter, PLEASE let me know!
    non-lucid , memorable