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    Thread: The Frankfurt School - roots of radical feminism and political correctness and bent on destruction

    1. #26
      D.V. Editor-in-Chief Original Poster's Avatar
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      You're reading far too much into what I'm saying. I'm saying that this secret Marxist movement to radicalize feminism does not exist. I'm saying a certain portion of the population will always take things too far, and that you're spending so much time watching Fox News you're not seeing things how they actually are. These radicalized feminists were not indoctrinated by a Marxist cult, they're just a handful of ignorant people that feel marginalized and don't understand how progress really works. They have always been there on both sides of every issue. Extremists aren't always the product of conspiracy. And these extremists have not created a rift, if anything it's the attention Fox News gives to the extremists rather than to the majority of the feminist movement that creates the perception of a rift.
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    2. #27
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      Not one bit of what I said on this thread came from Fox news. Are you actually denying the existence of radical feminism? The insidious thing is that so many people are just as blind to this as you are - the historical realities have been forgotten, such as the undeniable fact that second wave feminism AKA radical feminism was literally a Marxist movement.

      Wiki article on radical feminism

      If you're actually going to deny the well known and provabe existence of radical feminism then there's no point in talking to you.

      Or how about this:
      Women who have been inside the feminist movement have themselves confirmed the Marxist ties to radical feminism. According to Tammy Bruce:

      In order to attract as wide a base as possible, the sixties Leftists hid their socialist sympathies and, in some cases, actual Communist Party membership. Betty Friedan is a classic case. In the book that launched the modern feminist movement—The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963—she portrayed herself as a politically inactive housewife who simply had had enough of sexism. Forty years later, Friedan told the real story. In Life So Far, published in 2000, she recounts, “I would come into New York on my days off from the hospital [and] would go to Communist Front meetings and rallies … I looked up the address of the Communist Party headquarters in New York and … went into their dark and dingy building on 13th Street and announced I wanted to become a member.” This was in 1942, a quarter-century before she and a few others founded NOW. Friedan’s revelation that, while she may have been a bored and frustrated housewife, she had also been a member of the Communist Party, shed some much needed light on how left-wing politics have been masquerading as authentic feminism.[5]

      Tammy Bruce claims that “Betty Friedan, a former Communist Party member, was only the precursor of the hijacking of feminism to serve other political interests.”[6] She also notes that Gloria Steinem has served “as an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, which boasts of being the largest socialist organization in the United States and is the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”[7] Furthermore, Patricia “Ireland details her support of the Communist Party in her autobiography, What Women Want, she admits her socialist sympathies and participation in pro-Communist rallies in Miami….”[8] Tammy Bruce also emphasizes that “today’s feminist leaders are more concerned with pursuing a socialist agenda than with helping women achieve equality.”[9]

      Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge affirm that today’s radical feminism is:

      Not merely about equal rights for women … Feminism aspires to be much more than this. It bids to be a totalizing scheme resting on a grand theory, one that is as all-inclusive as Marxism, as assured of its ability to unmask hidden meanings as Freudian psychology, and as fervent in its condemnation of apostates as evangelical fundamentalism. Feminist theory provides a doctrine of original sin: The world’s evil’s originate in male supremacy. (Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies, p. 183)

      I feel like I'm having a conversation with a lunatic. Do you really not know this stuff, or are you just denying? People born after the 60's didn't see it happening along with all the other radical protests going on at the time, and it seems like people just stopped talking about it after that. I think liberal media wants to sweep it under the rug and breed generations of people ignorant of historical realities.
      Last edited by Darkmatters; 06-30-2014 at 07:47 PM.

    3. #28
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      The day the greatest threat to American democracy is a handful of antagonistic feminists will be the most positive, optimistic day in the history of the country.

      The problem is you're using anecdotes, you're not using facts, and you're also confusing ideologies. At the start, you said this Frankfurt school was made up of nazis who migrated here after World War 2, but you're saying they're Marxist Nazis. This is what leaves me to believe you get all this information from Fox News and other right-wing propaganda sources, because they like to group together all forms of tyranny as leftist to hide the fact that they're straight fascist.

      Another major problem is that antagonistic feminists have no effect on the movement of feminism itself, all they do is serve as an example for right-wing propaganda machines to create the belief in people like you that there is a rift. Feminism (I consider myself a feminist by the way) is about equality, not subjugation. The current battles we fight as feminists are for equal pay for women and for male culpability for rape. There are plenty of feminists who have double standards, there are people with double standards in every political movement ever.

      All you've managed to source is that one particular feminist is also a socialist. Socialism is a popular political movement, feminism is generally left-wing, so of course there's going to be some overlap. There is no strategy to use feminism as a vehicle to dismantle the country and ripen it for socialism though.

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    4. #29
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      Ok, first, obviously I don't plan to try to convince people who are totally committed in their beliefs already - that would be a fool's errand. The purpose of this thread is to educate those people who aren't total deniers but who aren't aware of the influx of Marxist influence into all the Leftist movements, and the Marxist program to destabilize society through means of these movements.

      And secondly you really need to work on your reading comprehension. Nobody ever said the Frankfurt school were Nazis - the article said they had to flee the Nazis and that's why they came to America. Sheesh!!

      "The day the greatest threat to American democracy is a handful of antagonistic feminists will be the most positive, optimistic day in the history of the country."

      Glad we're in agreement on that one! Like I've been saying - they're not a threat to Democracy, only to society. Lol you MUST be trolling - you can't possibly actually be serious with this ridiculous line of pseudo reasoning??!! All I need to do is sit back and watch your own arguments destroy themselves! And I love the fact that you're actually using the Frankfurt/Alinsky methods - vague generic denials with loads of sarcasm but no actual facts. It's like they wrote the book for Trolling before there was an internet! It's actually YOU who haven't presented any facts - everything I've said has been backed up with citations.

    5. #30
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      I've been hearing right-wing propaganda that the leftists are destroying society my entire life. I haven't seen it. What I've seen leftist movements do so far is increase equality and worker protection and decrease crime and hate.

      What kind of societal dismantling has actually occurred as a result of radical feminism?

      It's kind of upsetting to think that an intelligent guy like you thinks this is an actual problem in the face of a supreme court ruling that corporations have freedom of religion, rolling back decades of work by the ACLU, reigning in factually established fascism. Radical feminists have infected feminism in the way that racists have infected libertarianism, all they do is make the majority look bad, they don't actually affect the movement.

      There's a massive push for fascism in this country, any defense against this fascist push is being labeled socialism. Your priorities are backwards.
      Last edited by Original Poster; 07-01-2014 at 01:02 AM.

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    6. #31
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      Let's not fight Darkmatters, I love you like a brother. You just happen to be wrong about everything in this particular thread.
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    7. #32
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      Lol cool with me brodude!!

      I'm requesting this thread be locked - I really don't want to be defending my views in here forever against all comers. And this seems like that kind of thread.

    8. #33
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      I'll lock it right now for you then. Cheers

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    9. #34
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      Didn't work, but hopefully soon an actual admin will do it! I'm not an activist, I hate arguing politics… what was I thinking when I even started this??!!

    10. #35
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      How dare you! Just because I don't wear that pretentious red font you see me as a simple commoner?! Just cause you said that, this thread's staying open forever! And all replies are going directly to both your inbox and facebook page!

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    11. #36
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      Whoah - you actually have the power to create a Facebook page for me??!!

      .. And I don't consider you a simple anything..

    12. #37
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      Locked per OP's request. Key fell in a crapper. You have issues with this, PM me. But you better not.

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