God and DNA
DNA consists out of the molecules T G C A, which in turn consist out of H N C O. Water, Fire, Earth, Air. The 4 elements.

DNA is written as a language, with sentences, words, paragraphs, punctuation, and it is fractally encoded, very much like a "zip-file" on a computer. If DNA is written, who is the writer?

So science discovers, that each cell contains an entire book, full of information about creation written in an unknown language, but it's a language nonetheless, yet they never stood still and thought that maybe someone might have written the language? So what is wrong with scientists, are they all extremely stupid or what? I mean, seriously. The very definition of a language is to communicate, the very definition of communication is interaction between intelligence. How can scientists not see the intelligence behind DNA?

Science claims DNA is randomly generated. But can you randomly generate a work of William Shakespeare? Humans are tiny bit more complex than a book tho. Imagine finding a book on the moon. And then science would claim, the book was randomly generated, and it was not written by an intelligence. This is exactly what science is claiming about DNA. We discover DNA as a coherent, foreign language, put together in words, sentences, paragraphes, chapters and then in books, and the nwe go claim this was all random generation? Random mutation???

So what the hell is wrong with scientists? How can they, out of all people, be so extremely blind? If you have a book, there is obviously an author, as simply as that. Or did the book write itself? How would that work? But even if the book would write itself, the book would still be written.. you see, there is no escape from the fact that there is an intelligence behind the writing no matter how you put it.