Quote Originally Posted by knight31 View Post
Where in the bible does it says that there is a sea in outer space? And that dome rain falls from windows that space angels open? I've never herd that before, ever.
See even you think space water is crazy but it is in genesis.

6: And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7: And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8: And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

The firmament is the large dome that separates the earth from space. They call it a firmament because they believed that the sky was an actual physical and solid object. It says it divided the waters from the waters, referring to the water under the firmament(the seas, lakes and rivers) and the firmament above the sky. Well they believed heaven was literally in the sky above us but we know that heaven isn't there. Which means that the water would be in space.

They actually thought we were floating in a sea of water and a glass dome like structure protected us from the outside sea. An idea which is just totally wrong, we know it is wrong, but that is what the bible claims.

yeah but wait a minute, how do you know each person's history going right back to adam and eve? You can't trace the history of the human race back to the exact date of adam and eve, and you say my beliefs are ridiculous? 7000 years would just be a wild guess. If human bones was found that resembled our race was back further than 7000 years then obviously you made a wrong estimate. But also humans may not have being on earth the exact time earth was created anyway. So your case is about as far from watertight as you can get there. Does the bible say how long ago it was? how do you think you can calculate it.
It would be pretty hard to trace an individual family all the way back to the creation of humans, especially since evolution shows us that humans didn't just appear but evolved. However the bible does attempt to trace families back all the way to Adam and Eve. There are early hominid fossils dating back millions of years ago, which makes the bible's account impossible.

Biblical scholars have all gone through the records in the bible which tried to give a historical account of everything and if you go through the bible you will find that Adam and Eve was supposed to have been created 2000 years prior to Abraham which we have the fist records of when someone in the bible might have actually existed. Abraham is supposed to have lived around 4000 years ago, so the earth was created 6000 years ago. There was only a couple of days between the earth being created and Adam being created so they were basically made at about the same time.

Of course 6000 years ago we have a ton of evidence of people living in early human settlements at that time and we know full well people were alive before god even supposedly created the earth. So the bible's timeline isn't even remotely accurate. It says the earth was created when clearly people lived before then. Also the earth was created billions of years before humans, not 5 days.

Well there is fossils of ocean shells in places where it's meant to be a continent. So how you explain that?
Biblical-Type Floods Are Real, and They're Absolutely Enormous | DiscoverMagazine.com
and how do you explain that artical which states that it is possible afterall?
1. The earth surface moves through plate tectonics and so areas that used to be on the sea floor can be pushed onto land through the movement of the earth. This is normal and well understood but there is no evidence of a flooding happening every where.

2. Huge floods can happen but you can't flood the entire earth. The bible clearly says it isn't a big flood but a flood that was so huge it covered everything, something which is physically impossible as there isn't any where near enough water on earth for such a thing. The amount of water on earth is always constant, so there is no way you can have the sea raise to cover everything, where is the water coming from? The answer is no, where, because it can't happen.

Are you looking for their footprints in the sand or something? Come on be realistic.
Moses lead hundreds of thousand of people out of Egypt and they wandered the desert for 40 years, and there isn't so much as a pot left behind? Come on now, really? You need to be realistic. That many people wandering an area for so long would have leaved some sort of archaeological evidence behind. That is the same as a large city, and there is no evidence at all? Didn't they eat, or sleep, or have shelter, or do anything?

Such as what? You do realize that things change in 2000 years, for example people die. So it may not be that they were made up. Perhaps they simply died and are no longer around, clearly.
We have thinks like written historical records and archaeological evidence to show where towns exist and didn't exist. It is clear from those other records several places never existed at all. Even towns that are destroyed have often be found or have records talking about them, these people and places were just made up though.

Okay when Jesus was born, and grew up and started teaching, he could has been a wuss, and said ok roman's I'm wrong, and they wouldn't have hung him on the cross and he would have lived like a normal person.

He didn't have to get tortured. It certainly wasn't going to be improving his quality of life to be hanging bloodied on the cross was it? What would you suggest he have done? Agree with everyone, and build some money up for himself, and then just let the human race fend for itself outside of heaven?

He already had access to heaven. So he wasn't saving himself. Clearly he sacrificed his life. That's the whole point. If ending up on the cross the way Jesus did was always normal for all of us. Maybe you might have more of a point. But lets see how you go getting thrown in jail and tortured and then tell me it wasn't a sacrifice.
He didn't sacrifice his life. He came back to life and so he didn't lose his life. If he never lost his life then he didn't sacrifice his life, and best he temporarily misplaced it.

The very definition of sacrificing something, is to gain something through it. If there was nothing gained from the sacrifice then it would be entirely foolish to even consider doing it.
No it isn't. If you gain stuff from it isn't a sacrifice, and if you give up something that has no value to you it also isn't a sacrifice. Jesus gave up something that had no value to him and he got it back in order to gain fame and eternal life and the worship of millions. The purpose of a sacrifice is to give up something important to you, to appease a god. The act of giving up something valuable and getting nothing in return shows your loyalty and respect to the god. Gaining stuff from it counteracts the entire purpose of making a sacrifice.

Also if hell is just a place without god, and I am without god right now, then hell isn't any worse than earth is it? In which case I think it would be pretty nice there. Earth isn't to bad.

As for not taking the bible literally, I absolutely agree. However, if the bible isn't literal then there is no reason to worship it as the direct word of god, because it isn't. It is just a collection of allegorical stories meant to teach people to try and live better lives. As such I have no reason to worship it.