According to many Atheists,atheism doesn't lead to immoral behavior.In fact one can be an atheist and still be morally responsible.However whether atheism encourages or discourages ethical or moral behavior can be seen.The Bible teaches values like honesty, love, forgiveness, sexual fidelity, patience, generosity and much more.It discourage negative behaviors such as fornication, profanity, gambling, gossiping, retaliation, drunkenness, and lying.

A a random sample of 1003 adults were surveyed in May, 2008 by The Barna Group for their participation in a number of negative behaviors within the previous week. The results showed that there were vast differences in the behaviors of evangelicals compared to agnostics/atheists.

Moral Behaviors of Evangelicals vs. Atheists

Sin Evangelicals Atheists
Viewing pornography 12% 50%
Profanity in public 16% 60%
Gambling 2% 7%
Gossiping 4% 34%
Sex with non-spouse 3% 7%
Retaliation 7% 11%
Drunkenness 0.5% 33%
Lying 1% 7%
Average 6% 29%

These results show that atheists/agnostics participate in morally questionable behaviors to a much greater degree than evangelical Christians

If human behavior were merely a combination of genes and biochemistry, then beliefs would have no effect on moral choices.However, recent studies demonstrate exactly how differently these groups interpret what is moral/immoral

Although, in theory, atheists can lead moral lives, the absence of an absolute moral foundation probably leads to moral drifting over time. This phenomenon also occurs in Christians who abandon church and Christian fellowship.It seems unlikely that there are genetic or other demographic factors that account for the differences in behavior.

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