It's 2023, which means it's time to decide on our next Task of the Year theme!
Hey everyone! Ringing in the new year, and ringing in a New Official Task of the Year! Normally, only people who have completed December's Task of the Month can vote on the Task of the Year, but it seems like the end of the year has snuck up on us almost without warning, No one has completed any of them, you know? So I'm opening up the voting to everyone so we get a good selection of tasks. Below are the suggestions we've accumulated over the past few years. This is not an exhaustive list if you want to suggest your own tasks, feel free to add them to this post, and I'll add them to the list (suggestions should be one coherent "theme", with 6-7 tasks under that theme. Each task should take a significant amount of dream stability/control to accomplish).
Summary: Instead of the traditional set of pre-prepared tasks this is all about discovery. The tasks are deliberately vague to allow the dreaming mind to fill in the gaps with its own creativity, randomness and wisdom. The idea to create a set of personalised tasks that are unique to each dreamer. This could be anything, a search for a lost artefact or person, confronting a nightmare or shadow figure, going on a journey of self discovery or just having fun and saving the world from an evil villain. The possibilities are endless, the important part is that it has a clear plot/ theme across the tasks and that they’re not decided by the dreamer but by the dream itself.
Task 1:
Summon your dream guide and ask them what your TOTY should be about this year. Find a clear answer and path to follow for the duration of the tasks. Then find out what Task 2 entails.
Tasks 2-6:
Complete the task that you were set in the previous task. This can be achieved by any means but must have a satisfactory conclusion. After, find out what the next task is. To do this you may ask your guide again, the dream, a DC or find some kind of clue. If you fail to do both parts in 1 dream then that’s fine and you don’t have to start all over again but both parts must be done to mark the task as complete.
Task 7:
Complete Task 7 and bring closure to the the set of tasks as a whole in what ever way seems right to you.
Summary: Take a back packing trip in your lucid dreams and enjoy a range of activities. For each task you must first identify what country, city or world you’re in (both real and fictional) and work with it. If you happen to find yourself in your home town or country, you can try teleport to a new location or just pretend you’re somewhere new and hopefully the dream will accommodate. Have fun, explore and see where you end up.
Task 1: Go sight seeing
Look around and explore the location you’re in. View the sights, if you don’t know where they are ask for directions. See if you can locate at least one main attraction. It could be a statue, building or a natural wonder.
Task 2: Try the food
Find a restaurant, cafe, market or eat at someone’s house. Try the local cuisine and sample any food of your choosing. What does it smell, look and taste like?
Task 3: Speak with the locals
Walk around and get to know the locals. Talk to a street entertainer, a native tribe or just a man on his way to work. See if you can figure out their language, ask for a tour and engage in a conversation.
Task 4: Visit a Museum.
Locate and wander around a museum or an art gallery. Look at the paintings, the statues, and the artifacts. What’s there, what’s the history?
Task 5: Take a scenic journey
Board a plane or helicopter, or maybe a speed boat or jet ski. Why not an elephant or a horse? Explore and take in the beauty of the destination.
Task 6: Do an exciting activity
Find an adventure activity to participate in. Are you near the sea? Maybe scuba diving. In a city? Maybe bungee jump from the tallest building. A mountain? Try paragliding!
Task 7: Go to a festival
Last task, time to celebrate. Head to a local festival or party. Maybe it’s a concert, a religious ceremony, a carnival, or a New year celebration. Have fun and go wild!
Spoiler for Welcome to the Lucid Dreaming School of Magic!:
Do you have what it takes to become a master lucid dreaming wizard? Master the six schools of magic, then, in a showcase of supreme power, combine aspects of all to defeat a mighty enemy!
Task 1: School of Magic - Illusion
Welcome to Illusion Class! In this class, you will learn how to deceive friend and foe alike with a flick of your wrist! In order to pass this class… you must take this test:
-Cast Disguise to look like someone else, then fool the others around you into believing your new persona. Then, cast Invisibility, allowing yourself to go unseen by others. Cast Mirage to disorient people nearby, so that they see a totally new reality. Then, as you sneak out, cast Silence, completely voiding the world of sound for a period of time.
Task 2: School of Magic - Restoration
Welcome to School of Restoration! Mend the very bones of your brethren and stop the forces of evil with the pure intent of your heart! Only the purest souls need apply. Are you up for the challenge?
-First, you will find an injured person and heal them by Laying on Hands. Then, you will protect the innocent from danger by creating a Forcefield of pure divine energy. Find yourself one who has already fallen, then cast Resurrection to bring them back to life! Finally, make your way into the heart of the danger, and cast Exorcism to rid the enemy of their evil heart!
Task 3: School of Magic – Conjuration
The world is your oyster… or at least it is if you are a conjurer! Welcome to the school of Conjuration. Bring every wish into fulfillment with the snap of your fingers! Overtake your enemies with your necromantic army! Take this test to prove your worth!
-First, you will cast Summon Guide to bring your dream guide along for guidance. Then, bring the dead back to life with a Summon Zombie or Summon Skeleton spell. With your new friends, go and defeat your enemies in battle! Tip the odds in your favor as you Summon an entire Necromantic Army (or at least a group of creatures!). Lastly, celebrate your success with a Summon Feast spell, and drink the blood of your enemies (or just wine)!
Task 4: School of Magic – Alteration
What is form but another illusion? With this knowledge, you can master the arts of the School of Alteration! Travel the world in any way you desire. Become anything and anyone! Change the very fabric of reality with the power of your knowledge!
-Who needs doors? Walk through the walls as you Phase yourself into another location. Shape-Shift yourself into a winged creature, and fly to a source of water nearby. Cast Water Breathing and swim to the bottom to get your treasure – a pearl of wisdom, perhaps? Then, master of hardest of all… Teleport yourself to the top of a nearby mountain! This must be a true teleportation spell – no phasing, flying, or using guides! One point to the next, that's it!
Task 5: School of Magic – Destruction
Welcome to the School of Destruction Magic. Destroy your enemies with the power of pure arcane energy! Channel your rage in the form of the natural elements! Ice, fire, air, and earth at your fingertips! Take the test…
-On the battlefield, sink Ice Spikes into your enemies and show your mastery over the element of Ice. Then, channel Lightning from the skies and burst it through your enemies! Hurl a massive Fireball at a building and watch it burn! Lastly, split the Earth asunder with an Earthquake that rips through your foes!
Task 6: School of Magic – Psionics
Those with true power don’t need to do anything to show it! They use the School of Psionics! Bend the world to your will with your mind! Control the very thoughts of your enemies! Take true control as you possess them! Can you master the art..
-First, you must send objects flying around the room with only your mind, with a Telekinesis spell. Then, converse with your companions using Telepathy, and note their responses. Practice Mind Control on your fellow dreamers, having them do what you want. Lastly, completely Possess another’s body with your mind, and explore the world from their eyes.
Task 7: Full Spectrum Wizard
Congratulations. If you have made it this far, you are truly a master wizard. However… can you pass the final test? Do you have what it takes to be the Sorcerer Supreme?
-To pass the final test, you must use a combination of spells from every school (at least one from each). You will use these spells to fight an ancient enemy, which could be a Balrog, Dragon, Giant, or Leviathan, or similar creature of legend.. Once completed, you will find the reward: a magical tome of knowledge. Find the ultimate treasure, and record it’s sayings! And at long last … you will be… the Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Wizard!!!
Spoiler for Theme: Shamanic Dreamer:
1. Find your Soul Tree
Pick a tree that exists in waking life, one you feel a special connection to. Travel to this tree in the dream world. Make this your Soul Tree. Become one with the tree, feeling its roots in the Earth, and its canopy of leaves in the sky. You will use this tree for dimensional travel later.
2. Find Spirit Animal
Ask the dream to take you to your spirit animal. Once in a location, you will explore it until you find the creature. Bond with this creature and ask it if it will be your guide. Receive wisdom from the creature in the form of thoughts/words, or by following it.
3. Visit Shaman Elder
Ask the dream to take you to a shaman elder. Ask the elder if they are a shaman, ask if they will train you. Record wisdom or training received from the Elder.
4. Travel to Another Dimension to Find Wisdom
Use your Soul Tree to travel to a higher or lower dimension. Travel through the roots to get to the animal realm, or other lower realms, or travel up the leaves to catapult into a higher realm. Bring back knowledge from your exploration.
5. Enter Another Person’s Dream, Offer Healing
Attempt to enter the dream of another person you know (in waking life or online is fine, get permission first). You may ask the dream to take you to said person or find another way to get to them. Once you are in their dream/area, you will offer some sort of healing (physical or emotional). Upon waking, talk to the other person and report any synchronicities.
6. Dream Re-Entry
Attempt dream re-entry. Create or travel to the location of a previous dream you have experienced. Go back into the dream with the intention of finding some new information from the dream you may have missed the first time around. Report any changes that happen naturally in the new experience. How did they compare?
7. Integrate Shadow Aspect / Soul Recovery
Ask the dream to help you face a shadow aspect / great fear. If you experience a dark area in the dream, go that way. Find the source of fear, and practice acceptance and love toward the source. Then, talk to it. Do they have a message for you? If you succeed, you should experience the shadow aspect merging into your being.
Spoiler for Theme: Space Explorer!:
1. Mercury
Travel to the planet Mercury, and describe your surroundings. What is gravity like? Collect a space rock.
2. Venus
Travel to Venus, and describe your surroundings. What is the atmosphere like? Experience a volcanic eruption.
3. Mars
Travel to Mars, and describe your surroundings. Experience a dust storm. Explore a crater.
4. Jupiter
Travel to Jupiter, and describe your surroundings. Go into the "Eye". What does the atmosphere look like? Visit one of the moons.
5. Saturn
Travel to Saturn, and describe your surroundings. Visit the rings. What do they look like?
6. Uranus
Travel to Uranus and describe your surroundings. What does the atmosphere look like? What is the sideways tilt like?
7. Neptune
Travel to Neptune and describe your surroundings. What does the atmosphere look like? What are the supersonic winds like?
Spoiler for Theme: Roguelike Dungeon:
Never Say Die - You make your first foray into the dungeon! Unfortunately, it goes about as well as can be expected for a beginner (ie disastrously). Die at any floor within the dungeon. Then, respawn in the dungeon's entrance.
Dungeon Cuisine - You never imagined this structure could span out as profoundly as it has. Supplies are running low. You're going to have to get... creative with your rations. Find sustenance wherever you can, be it from strange fungal growths, or even from the corpses of monsters. Notice what happens to you when you eat such bizarre food. Is it poisonous? Does your body mutate? Do you gain powerful traits or abilities?
Loot Self-Appraisal - A good adventurer knows how to make the best of the equipment they find in the dungeons. Of course, they'd first have to figure out what said items are, and what they can do. Find four different unidentified pieces of equipment in the dungeon, anything from weapons, armor, wands, rings, tomes, potions, scrolls, etc. Test the items to see how they function. Are they magical, or mundane? Are they blessed, or even cursed?
Lost Puppy - Just as you're about to make your next delve, a little girl calls out to you. She tells you her puppy ran off into a particularly brutal, monster-infested 'side-branch' of the dungeon, and hasn't returned since. Being the daring dungeoneer that you are, you offer to help. Carve your way through the monsters and retrieve the lost puppy.
Shoplifting Bonanza - Several floors deeper in the dungeon, you stumble upon a curious shop offering a fine selection of goods. Unfortunately, all the merchandise is being sold at a ludicrous mark-up. You figure a five-finger discount is in order! Take everything you think you can carry, and get out. But beware! The shopkeeper is much more dangerous than they seem! What's more, an endless horde of guards will be sent to stop you. Escape ASAP!
Altar of the Gods - Scattered throughout the dungeon are altars dedicated to mysterious and ancient entities. Rumor has it these beings will grant supernatural aid in exchange for service. Make an offering on one such altar, and receive the blessings of a god. Alternatively, desecrate the altar to receive their wrath!
The Wizard of O'Rieno - Finally, after a long journey, you arrive at the final floor of the dungeon. Somewhere within, you know you'll find the legendary Jewel of O'Rieno. So too will you find the dreaded Sorcerer of O'Rieno. It's time to prove yourself. Defeat the Sorcerer, take the Jewel, and leave. But watch out! The Sorcerer of O'Rieno is practically immortal; so long as the Jewel remains in the dungeon, the Sorcerer can return from death at will! A daring escape is your only hope!
Spoiler for Theme: Dwarf Fortress:
Strike The Earth! - You join seven dwarves as they begin building a fledging fortress in a mountain wilderness. Help them carve tunnels and rooms within the hill that will serve as the entrance to their new home. Then, assist them in planting their first crops of Plump Helmets, an edible purple mushroom grown underground.
Vampire Infiltrator - A dwarf has been found dead in their own lodging, drained of all blood! This tragedy struck just a week after the latest migrants and visitors arrived. Investigate this murder. Interview each migrant/visitor until you figure out who dun nit. Be thorough! For each individual, look for suspicious origins, conflicting accounts, pale skin, any detail. Once you're sure you've found the vampire, dole out Dwarves Justice!
Disposable Noble - A noble dwarf has been making impossible mandates lately, forcing harsh, unjust punishment among the citizenry when such 'needs' weren't met. You've been given permission to arrange an 'unfortunate accident' for this troublesome aristocrat. Indirectly be the cause of their own demise via a lever-activated trap or similar gizmo. Make sure the noble triggers the trap themselves, lest you or someone else be implicated for murder!
Beast Trapping - The miners have dug into the Caverns, an endless underground wilderness! Dangerous creatures lurk within these depths. But with danger, comes possibilities! Help the dwarves capture an underground beast. Build clever traps and lures to snare your quarry alive. After securing it, assist in taming the monster to have it serve the fortress's needs.
Artifact - One of the dwarves has been afflicted by a 'strange mood'; the commencement of their crafting a legendary artifact! At every moment, they will demand random material from you. Collect the materials (five or more in total), then watch to see what wonders the dwarf creates!
Siege! - The season has come for war! Organize a raid against one of the following targets: a Goblin Dark Fortress, an Elf Forest Retreat, or a Necromancer's Tower. Bring at least 10 dwarves with you in this attack. Either conquer the site, or pillage as much loot and livestock as you can. Alternatively, defend your own fortress against either one of the above forces!
Dug Too Deep! - The miners have struck adamantine! Unfortunately, in their excitement of digging out this most precious mineral, they've unwittingly bore an opening into Hell itself! Hordes of demons are pouring out with no end in sight. Act quickly! Use the fortress's magma-powered contraptions to help seal the demons once again!
Spoiler for Trip to Japan::
Task 1: Explore rock gardens in Japan and describe the experience. Find a piece of wisdom, whether carved into a stone or through some other method.
Task 2: Explore a temple in Japan. Talk to a monk and come back from the experience with new knowledge.
Task 3: Explore downtown Tokyo. Go into shops. Ask a shopkeeper for the perfect souvenir for you.
Task 4: Eat at a fine sushi restaurant. Drink hot green tea, sake, or plum wine. When you're done, ask the chef to give you a tour of the kitchen.
Task 5: Walk through the blooming cherry blossom trees in the spring. Hold up one of the flowers and look at it closely. Describe the experience. Then, head into a tea shop, and watch a tea ceremony. Participate if you like! Taste the tea.
Task 6: Climb Mt. Fuji. What is at the top of the mountain?
Task 7: Experience of the Lantern Festival. Release one yourself. What happens?
Spoiler for Survive the Natural Disasters…:
Task 1. Experience and survive a hurricane. Describe the eye. How do you manage to withstand the winds? Goal: While in the hurricane, save a person who needs your help!
Task 2: Experience and survive a tsunami. Explore the seashore as the water recedes. Feel the wave. Goal: Collect a beautiful seashell before you get washed away! Find high ground if possible.
Task 3: Survive an avalanche. Can you outrun it? If not, dig yourself out of the snow. Goal: Dig another person out of the snow as well, and save their life!
Task 4: Earthquake! Experience and survive. What do you do when your building collapses? Goal: After surviving the quake, go find a new fault/crack in the ground.
Task 5: Tornado! Listen to the siren go off, and go straight into the tornado. Fly around without getting harmed. Goal: Get everyone nearby into a tornado shelter before it hits!
Task 6: Volcano eruption! Describe the eruption. Survive the pyroclastic cloud. What is it like? Can you outrun it? Watch out for the lava! Goal: save an animal you come across as you escape!
Task 7: Survive a meteorite collision! Describe how it looks in the sky. Find shelter or outrun it! Goal: Just don’t die!!
Spoiler for Dreamviews: School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity:
Rules that apply to each task: - Be there: all tasks must be performed at the Dreamviews: School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity location (it doesn't matter what it looks like once you're there, but you should attempt to go there. I imagine a Hogwarts in the clouds at dusk, lots of crepuscular whites and blues). - Be accompanied: all tasks should be performed with a Dreamviews partner (Could be a different Dreamviews member each time). - This series of tasks is continuous: instructions received from DCs in previous tasks outside those assigned here must be carried out in the following task to complete the next task, like surprise homework.
Task 1. Initiation
It's the first day of school. You need to get to Dreamviews, School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity in time for the Initiation. There will be other Dreamviews members and the goal of the event is to mingle and get to know one another. For this purpose, there will be a grand party in the school's greatest hall and it's main court. There will be an all-you-can-eat buffet in the hall and ice breaker activities in the court. Although alcohol and drugs are tolerated, lucidity must be priority! The ice breaker activity are messy in nature. They involve 1. Putting on silly costumes (or shapeshifting into them), 2. Covering others and yourself with outrageous substances such as condiments and glitter, and 3. Completing an obstacle course in your messy disguise. The purpose is to honor the energy of beginnings by being disinhibited, creative and silly. To close the event, listen to the Principal's announcement as it will be important.
To pass task 1:
- Get there
- Meet one Dreamviews Member (real or not)
- Consume something from the feast
- Play one ice breaker activity (1 + 2 + 3)
- Hear the principal's announcement
If the task is incomplete, you do not lose your progress. You must simply go back, but you must fulfill the rules that apply to all task (be there, be accompanied). For example, maybe you did an icebreaker but did not hear the principal's announcement or you didn't eat something. You must simply go back to the initiation in a future dream and do that.
Task 2. First class: Dream Stability
- Attend a class with a Dreamviews member. The professor will teach you about dream stability.
- You must record one teaching learned from the class professor.
- You must perform one exercise taught by the professor.
- During this dream, you must remember the principal's announcement from task 1. If it was an order, you must perform it now. If it was just a statement, take a moment to acknowledge it now with your Dreamviews partner/the professor/the class.
- Receive an assignment from the professor (any dream-related exercise, can be for waking life or dream life).
Task 3. Class retreat: Meditation
- This task, exceptionally, can be done outside Dreamviews, School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity, but it must be done with the Dreamviews group.
- Remember the assignment from the previous dream: if it was for dream life, complete the task. If it was for waking life, remember if you have done it. If so, discuss it with the class.
- Spend the rest of the retreat meditating. You should accumulate at least 15 minutes of meditation (can combined from multiple dreams).
Task 4. Class: Memory
- Get to class accompanied.
- Receive the professor’s lesson on memory within dreams.
- Spend the whole class remembering things about yourself and your life. Share with your partner and class. You must remember at least: 1. Your name. 2. Where you are now. 3. Someone important to you. 4. What is a goal you have for the future in waking life.
- Recollect at least one event from a previous dream at Dreamviews School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity. Sharing with the class is encouraged.
Task 5. Second Class: Dream Orientation
- Get to class accompanied. Hear the teacher’s lesson on dream orientation. Incorporate the lesson to the assignment somehow:
- You must travel to 5 separate locations accompanied by your Dreamviews partner. At each location, before moving to the next location, you must interact with one aspect of the location and check in with your partner. If you lost them, you need to find them before moving on to the next location. You can map out the 5 locations beforehand to be better prepared or go unprepared.
Task 6. The Secret of Dreamviews
- Get to class accompanied.
- Declare you and your Dreamviews partner will not be attending class because you must find the secret of Dreamviews, School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity. (The intention here is for you to deal with the possible dream guilt you may feel for “skipping”: what is your relationship with the perceived dream authority?)
- Explore the school with your partner to find a secret chamber and within it, a sacred relic or beast or message.
- With your partner, bring it back to the principal.
- If at any moment during all of the attempts at performing these tasks (1-6), some authoritative DCs have hindered you, have a meeting with the Principle and the antagonists present. Find common ground.
Task 7. Graduation
It’s the end of the school year. You have mastered dream stability, memory, and orientation. You have come again and again to a dream location that is now part of your dream cannon. You might have dreamshared with other Dreamviews member or met your own manifestations of the Dreamviews community. You have come to term with hindring forces. This is your last chance to walk in this now familiar place with familiar faces. Tonight, there is again a grand party, but more sophisticated than the first. Nothing messy. Foods and drinks and music.
- Complete any remaining in structions you might have accumulated from a previous task and not quite completed.
- Consume one thing from the buffet
- Ask a Dreamviews member, "what's next?"
- Say bye to 2 Dreamviews members
- Make sure there is music and sing a song with your peers.
Spoiler for Mystery at the Mansion:
Theme: Mystery at the Mansion
The idea is that we have another shared setting like the Dream Base thing. This time, it's a classic mystery of the Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie type - set in a big old mansion in the English countryside or some other classic setting. There can be several mysteries going on at once, and as detectives it's our job to investigate. So the tasks would be something like this:
(1) Find the Mansion.
(2) Meet or summon the owner of the mansion, and/or the head staff (butler or housekeeper).
(3) Meet other suspects, who have reasonable-sounding excuses for being other words, you can't just have your old boss or high school teacher pop up out of character for the theme. They should be a guest or staff or something (or at least claim that they are).
(4) Find out what the mystery is. Like I said, it could be different for each person, or you could work on trying to solve a mystery that someone else uncovered.
(5) Interview the suspects (DC's) and/or search the house for clues.
(6) Discover and explore the secret passages
(7) Solve the mystery (with some definite solution such as someone confessing, discovering the answer to the big secret, finding the lost family treasure, etc.)
Spoiler for The Hook Theme: (the event that makes your story exciting) 9sk:
En media res: start your dream off by saying, “how did it come to be this way” or even “I bet you’re wondering how I ended up in this situation”, then explain how it occurred!
Action movie: start off your dream by throwing a Grenade behind you and walking forward while putting on sunglasses. You decide what happens next.
Murder mystery: see someone killed in cold blood and fail to catch the killer... initially. Will the clues be enough to deduce who it is?
Comedy: have your classic dream where you show up to school naked and embarrassed... but then have a laugh track playing! Try to have fun with breaking the fourth wall, purposefully creating embarrassing and silly situations to overcome your fears
Horror movie: a monster is creeping up behind you. But surprise, you’re the real monster! How will this turn of events result?
Romance Drama: have a couple break up. Try to piece together the problem and fix it with a romantic ending.
Science fiction: begin with a classic narration, “in a world ruled by (dictatorship/robot/aliens...) someone will stop them.” Then you try to defeat that someone or something ruling the world
Spoiler for American Cities - The Sheep Counter::
New York - One of your stops is the Big Apple, where you have been chosen as the lead in a new Broadway musical! Put on a great performance.
Seattle - In Seattle, Washington, there is a very tall tower called the Space Needle. Jump off this tower by any means necessary (parachute, bungee cord, or just leap off).
St. Louis - St. Louis, home of the Gateway Arch. Grow into a giant and bend the arch into a straight line, a loop de loop, or whatever you please!
Chicago - You're in the Windy City now, so try not to get blown away. Eat a deep-dish pizza and describe the taste.
Atlanta - You've been entered in a drinking contest at the World of Coca Cola. Emerge the victor.
Los Angeles - Sunny LA! Mingle with your favorite movie star(s).
Houston - Enter the Rodeo at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Stay on your bull for as long as possible!
Spoiler for Tech Breakthroughs of the 21st Century - Aristaeus::
The Solar Plane - As you might have guessed, this is an electric aircraft that runs on solar power. Take off with your own solar plane, fly to whatever place you want, then land the plane. Describe the experience.
The Electric Car - Automobiles that run on energy instead of petrol. Find an electric car, get inside, then drive wherever you want. Describe the experience.
3D Printing - A 3D Printer is like a normal printer, only it prints 3D objects. Said objects can be made of plastic, metal, and various other solid material. Find a 3D Printer and make it print whatever you want. Describe the object(s).
Oculus Rift - A popular virtual reality device that is worn over the eyes. Put on this device and describe what you see.
The Smart Phone - These handheld devices are everywhere. Bluntly put, it is a telephone with a touchscreen, camera, an internet browser, and heck knows what else. Using your own Smart Phone, send someone a text message prompting them to call you. It can be anybody; your best friend, your significant other, or that bedmate whose name you'll probably forget tomorrow. Once they call you, answer the phone. Report what they say, and describe the phone's ringtone.
The SmartWatch - Like a watch, only with more features; one of which reports your heart rate. Wear one of these devices, run a long distance, then check your heart rate on the watch. What does it say?
Drones - Also called "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", Drones are advanced machines operated via remote control. Like your childhood toy airplane--only better. Drones are often used for surveillance, but their uses are steadily becoming more diverse. Drones usually come in the form of a jet or a quadcopter. Fly your own drone over a distant area, make it do whatever you want.
Spoiler for Seven Trump Card:
The Seven Trump Cards (inspired by my powerful abilities)
1. Training Montage: One of my most powerful abilities is to efficiently do anything within a training montage. Can you manage it? How does it fare against other fighters? What soundtrack do you use? Try to experiment around with different songs; I only have one soundtrack for the most part.
2. Table turn: Perhaps my most handy ability to beat, when the odds are against me I can always "turn the tables" by saying those three words. Will you succeed? What happens if you are just cheating in a gambit type of game? Who knows...
3. Intuition: The most powerful of all my abilities, yet it's merely just following my gut feelings. Merely three coins are able to defeat an army of wolves. How does it compare to your dream talents? How does it get you out of difficult situations? This is worth pursuing into.
4. False Reality: You know the meme "these are not the droids you're looking for"? Well, replicate that, except make the false perception into reality. I've managed to trick someone into thinking I was them and they were me. I managed to completely shift a scene. Can you make it so that this is not the dream the DC's thought it was?
5. The Matrix: You know how you can interact with VR games with simply touching "empty air"? Yeah. Try to find the buttons and gimmicks that allow you to bypass shortcuts and defeat major enemies. I've experienced a lot of cool stuff by interacting with the dream like a VR.
6. Worldbuilder: One of my stranger trump cards, I merely say "history comes from X" and the entire world changes to have its expectations and standards based on one single idea. Go crazy! Name insane ideas and try to see just how the world changes.
7. The Trump: Try to invent your own powerful utility ability that's versatile and can be used in a lot of situations. How does it stack up against my trump cards? How is it triggered?
Spoiler for It’s the western time! 9sk/collaboration with Lang?:
Quick Draw: Challenge someone, who is the worse of the worse, to a QuickDraw, High Noon. If you feel lucky.
Shootout: Engage in a shootout. You and your men are prepared to battle against some lawman of the land. Become an outlaw. Rob a bank and engage in a shootout.
Roundup: The sport of rodeo has seven unique and complex events, see if you can make it through all the complex events. top Cowboys and Cowgirls in the sport of professional rodeo to compete for all 7 major events of rodeo. (Bareback Riding, Steer Wrestling, Tie-Down Roping, Saddle Bronc Riding, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding) Go to Alamosa in your dream and Round-UP is proud to be a part of The All Dream Series, of The Professional Rodeo Cowboys.
Become the sheriff of the town and Capture an outlaw. The signs are all out all over town for this outlaw, make sure you stop at nothing to capture this outlaw who has been alluding the authorities for months. Make sure you don't get killed in the process.
Tumbleweed: Become a tumbleweed. What is it like to be a tumbleweed and roll-on bye?
Order milk in a bar: Swagger in the saloon, like John Wayne and order a pint of milk if you dare. Don't get thrown out in the processes.
Steampunk: Show the people the newest steampunk invention and try to sell it to them.
After reading all the different themes, post below and vote on your top 3, in the order you want them to appear. Each position will score the following amount of points:
1st - 3 points 2nd - 2 points 3rd - 1 point
All votes are due by Jan 24, 2023, 11:59 AM Eastern, which gives us enough time to have the new tasks up by the start of the new year.
Again, if you have any potential edits to the themes, as well as any last-minute theme/task suggestions, feel free to put them here, and I'll add them to the vote list ASAP. Good luck, and happy voting!
Sorry it took so long.... I've been super busy and sick!!
Happy Voting,
This feels like a DnD game run. Never played that one either.
Is the goal to choose a theme and then individually, we each try to do all tasks within a year? Are tasks supposed to be done in any number of nights, one after another, or all in one night? Some of those look fun enough to just try regardless of being picked. Is the goal basically to successfully lucid dream each task and then post about it somewhere in the forum?
Last edited by DesmondSpring; 01-13-2023 at 06:18 PM.
Reason: Additional questions
Is the goal to choose a theme and then individually, we each try to do all tasks within a year?
Yes, with in the year would be ideal. It's not easy though.
Originally Posted by DesmondSpring
TAre tasks supposed to be done in any number of nights, one after another, or all in one night? Some of those look fun enough to just try regardless of being picked. Is the goal basically to successfully lucid dream each task and then post about it somewhere in the forum?
The Rules:
- You must complete each task in a separate lucid dream; you can't do more than one in the same dream.
- DEILD and L-DEILD are only permitted for a single ToTY (meaning, only one ToTY per chain of dreams.) You must record your dream in your preferred dream journal (you do not need to come here) before you can work on another ToTY. You can post them here:
- You may do more than one Task per night, as long as the previous dream task is already recorded.
I voteed:
1. Space Explorer!
2. Mystery at the Mansion
3. Welcome to the Lucid Dreaming School of Magic!
1. Dwarf Fortress
2. Mystery at the Mansion (or wherever - I also liked Tiktaalik's suggestion about having it take place anywhere in the dreamworld)
3. Rougelike Dungeon