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    Thread: Voting Booth For Task Of The Year 2023

    1. #1
      _______________________ Achievements:
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      Voting Booth For Task Of The Year 2023

      It's 2023, which means it's time to decide on our next Task of the Year theme!

      Hey everyone! Ringing in the new year, and ringing in a New Official Task of the Year! Normally, only people who have completed December's Task of the Month can vote on the Task of the Year, but it seems like the end of the year has snuck up on us almost without warning, No one has completed any of them, you know?
      So I'm opening up the voting to everyone so we get a good selection of tasks.
      Below are the suggestions we've accumulated over the past few years. This is not an exhaustive list if you want to suggest your own tasks, feel free to add them to this post, and I'll add them to the list (suggestions should be one coherent "theme", with 6-7 tasks under that theme. Each task should take a significant amount of dream stability/control to accomplish).
      Spoiler for CREATE YOUR OWN TOTY::

      Spoiler for LUCID TRAVELLING:

      Spoiler for Welcome to the Lucid Dreaming School of Magic!:

      Spoiler for Theme: Shamanic Dreamer:

      Spoiler for Theme: Space Explorer!:

      Spoiler for Theme: Roguelike Dungeon:

      Spoiler for Theme: Dwarf Fortress:

      Spoiler for Trip to Japan::

      Spoiler for Survive the Natural Disasters…:

      Spoiler for Dreamviews: School of Dreamcraft and Lucidity:

      Spoiler for Mystery at the Mansion:

      Spoiler for The Hook Theme: (the event that makes your story exciting) 9sk:

      Spoiler for American Cities - The Sheep Counter::

      Spoiler for Tech Breakthroughs of the 21st Century - Aristaeus::

      Spoiler for Seven Trump Card:

      Spoiler for It’s the western time! 9sk/collaboration with Lang?:

      After reading all the different themes, post below and vote on your top 3, in the order you want them to appear. Each position will score the following amount of points:

      1st - 3 points
      2nd - 2 points
      3rd - 1 point

      All votes are due by Jan 24, 2023, 11:59 AM Eastern, which gives us enough time to have the new tasks up by the start of the new year.

      Again, if you have any potential edits to the themes, as well as any last-minute theme/task suggestions, feel free to put them here, and I'll add them to the vote list ASAP. Good luck, and happy voting!
      Sorry it took so long.... I've been super busy and sick!!
      Happy Voting,

      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
      I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!

      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

    2. #2
      Member Achievements:
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      Plenty. Maybe?
      Never done anything like this. No experience whatsoever. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. All-in for:

      1. Roguelike Dungeon
      2. Shamanic Dreamer
      3. Seven Trump Card

      This feels like a DnD game run. Never played that one either.
      Is the goal to choose a theme and then individually, we each try to do all tasks within a year? Are tasks supposed to be done in any number of nights, one after another, or all in one night? Some of those look fun enough to just try regardless of being picked. Is the goal basically to successfully lucid dream each task and then post about it somewhere in the forum?
      Last edited by DesmondSpring; 01-13-2023 at 06:18 PM. Reason: Additional questions

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by DesmondSpring View Post
      Is the goal to choose a theme and then individually, we each try to do all tasks within a year?
      Yes, with in the year would be ideal. It's not easy though.

      Quote Originally Posted by DesmondSpring View Post
      TAre tasks supposed to be done in any number of nights, one after another, or all in one night? Some of those look fun enough to just try regardless of being picked. Is the goal basically to successfully lucid dream each task and then post about it somewhere in the forum?
      The Rules:
      - You must complete each task in a separate lucid dream; you can't do more than one in the same dream.
      - DEILD and L-DEILD are only permitted for a single ToTY (meaning, only one ToTY per chain of dreams.) You must record your dream in your preferred dream journal (you do not need to come here) before you can work on another ToTY. You can post them here: https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/
      - You may do more than one Task per night, as long as the previous dream task is already recorded.


      I voteed:

      1. Space Explorer!
      2. Mystery at the Mansion
      3. Welcome to the Lucid Dreaming School of Magic!

      Last edited by Lang; 01-17-2023 at 11:28 PM.
      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
      I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!

      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

    4. #4
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      My vote:

      1. Dwarf Fortress
      2. Mystery at the Mansion (or wherever - I also liked Tiktaalik's suggestion about having it take place anywhere in the dreamworld)
      3. Rougelike Dungeon
      Lang likes this.

      The horde isn't bad, we're just misunderstood!

    5. #5
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      1. Create your own TOTY
      2. The Hook theme
      3. Lucid Travelling

    6. #6
      [LIKES_FIGHTING] Achievements:
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      1 - Dwarf Fortress

      2 - Roguelike Dungeon

      3 - Mystery at the Mansion

      Earn your wings! Try out Dream Views' Tasks of the Month and Tasks of the Year today! Click here for more details!

    7. #7
      Tri is offline
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      I like the selection! I'm trying to up my LD practice this year so I think I'm going to give it a shot.

      My vote:
      1. Roguelike Dungeon
      2. Shamanic Dreamer
      3. Trip to Japan

    8. #8
      _______________________ Achievements:
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      All votes are due by Jan 28, 2023, 11:59 AM Eastern, which gives us enough time to have the new tasks up by the start of the new year.
      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
      I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!

      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

    9. #9
      _______________________ Achievements:
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      After a long delay, the Task Of The Year 2023 is here! : https://www.dreamviews.com/tasks-mon...e-dungeon.html

      This topic is now closed.


      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
      I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!

      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

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