Today I'm very happy because I have succeded i my first pure WILD! I have WILDed before but it was either accidentally, or partially. Except from my joy, I have been a little mindf**ked because it was totally unorthodox and a bunch of questions are in my head right now. I seek help from the more/most experienced

I've been trying for at least a month to have a WILD, I usually had DILDs and DEILDs but I decided I'll make it. I did many things wrong, trying at night, or at WBTBs I stayed up for too little but today, I did it and I don't know why it worked! I slept at 23:30, set an alarm for 4 am, but I woke up naturally at 3:26. I disabled the alarm and switched on the computer.

I spent almost exactly an hour reading other ppls DJs and then I layed in bed at about 4:30, on my side. Laying on my side is not my regular position, I just heard it helps, and I also can't stand laying on the back. after 7-10 minutes of laying completely still, I switched positions, because I also read it helps. I stood again on my side but from the... ...other side YEEEAH.

Anyway, I layed there totally still watching hypnagogics and breathing, started with a issue but overcame it soon (3-4 min). The problem is, I stayed there till I got bored, following every piece of advice I ever had. And surprise, I did NOT make it.

-Yes, exactly.

I said f**k it, it ain't gonna work, I did this many times and leads to the same result, nothing. But still, it was 5:30 and I needed sleep, I couldn't get up, had no reason to, so I switched to my favourite position (on stomach) and said, I'll fall asleep, no efforts anything. 10-15 mins pass and I haven't fallen asleep and suddenly,

BAM! Sleep paralysis baby! The room turned red, I was totally paralyzed and there were some serious vibes into my head. Took a while to stabilize but finally did! And we come to the first paradox,

I am not surprised that I entered SP while trying to fall asleep, that's the purpose of WILD, to consciously fall asleep, but I literaly gave up, moved normally after 1 hour of conscious efforts to stay still, looked at the time and switch positions. This is some serious movement, right? So when I layed, SP came in 10 minutes!! How is that even possible? What's wrong with my brain?

It's no use explaining how the dream was, it's already in my DJ, the thing is it was too short! Lasted about a total of 4 minutes, mostly spent on stabilizing and DEILDs. Isn't WILD supposed to be longer, and on final REM stages even longer? I am sure it wasn't enthusiasm that woke me up, I was totally calm and prepared, check my DJ if you want to see what happened, But why was it that short? Is it gonna be like that next time?

I am happy but confused. I made it and didn't make it the same time, I need your advice people!