Well if you take the first approach, you lie completely still while trying to become really calm, after a while you will start ot notice the effects of the body falling alseep, like the feeling of numbeness or movement and hearing and seeing seamingly random or patterned imagery. It's fairly straight forward and shares little resemblance to trying to daydream, as daydream is about loosing consciousness, I.E not witnessing the effects of falling asleep.
If you take the second approach then daydreaming is exactly what you want to do. If you daydream while falling asleep and wake up right before your mind falls into a dream you can succesfully enter the dream consciously.
SInce daydreaming isn't really the focus of WILD it will have little effect on your attempts. The steps for WILD can sometimes be compared to daydreaming but in general the part where you enter the dream is very unique and cannot be described.
Try it tonight just to see how it feels for your body to fall asleep. Stay completely still and try to breathe slowly, let any thoughts just pass through your mind and you should eventually start feeling your body falling asleep. Look up, mzzck's tutorial or sagoeus tutorial on WILD, for some good guides.