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    Paperwork at the Convention and a Movie

    by , 08-29-2012 at 04:07 PM (550 Views)
    08-22-2012 -- At school? Convention? Work? I'm just not sure. It's kind of a muddle. I stop by the office to check on something, and they're giving me paperwork for all the students who are somehow different in some way that is related to me. Have no idea how, that part doesn't stick.

    Anyway, Tammy from Courier Express is working in the office, and she is the one who has been setting this stuff aside for me, but somebody new has just taken over, and I fear they may object. They don't seem to, though. Meanwhile, more records are being printed out for me, but they are out of paper, and I am trying to find some more to keep things going smoothly. Isn't working very well.

    I am heading into a hall where we are going to watch some sort of movie, and as I am entering, I run into Carolyn wearing Petey's costume, but not the make-up. I'm hoping I haven't offended her by coming to this movie without here. There are a bunch of other clowns here, too (also in costume, but not make-up) which is why I wonder if it is a convention. The movie turns into some sort of show, and for just a minute or two it turns very political. I think Rush Limbaugh is there, and perhaps Mitt Romney. But the politics vanish very quickly, thankfully.

    Soon I exit that building, and soon find myself entering a stadium-like seating area that I've visited in a bunch of dreams. There are people trying to get us seated and organized before whatever we are here for is ready to begin. One of these is an attractive brunette who I am thinking of getting together with, but Steve Koffroth gets there first. Darn!

    [Overall, this was a huge, involved dream, but I just couldn't manage to remember much in the way of details, so it makes a pretty small dream post.]

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