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    Wait, I WASN'T dreaming?!?

    by , 02-08-2012 at 12:58 AM (1001 Views)
    Okay, so I had been helping tear down a Superchic[k] concert in a church in a nearby town that I've never been to before. (Because I had helped set up.)
    As the last things were being loaded into their trailed, I walked back into the the backstage area, which was designed to also function as a small gymnasium.
    I paused and thought for a moment...
    I am in a what?
    Big, empty room. [dreamsign]
    With what?
    A small number of people in the far corner. [dreamsign]
    And there is what outside?
    A trailer full of stuff.
    Which is?
    A sort of collection of things. [DREAMSIGN]
    And what just got over?
    A concert by a band that is probably a step up in popularity than this venue would be hosting.
    And you're helping them pack away their gear?
    Yes. (Hmm... that's weird)

    ...hey, what's that fifteen feet up the wall?
    It's a door- wait, A DOOR?!?!?
    Yes, it's a door.
    What the heck is a DOOR doing a foot from the ceiling? Wait-

    I promptly spent [roughly] the next 200 seconds performing up to two DOZEN reality checks, many of them multiple times.
    No dice.

    Whaaaaat??? All the criteria in the book have been fulfilled, I have GOT to be dreaming... right?

    Well. I guess not.

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    1. Aeolar's Avatar
      If you knew you were dreaming, why didn't you try something ludicrous like flying or telekinesis? lol.
    2. Signet's Avatar
      That's the whole point. I knew that I WASN'T dreaming! >:O
      It's just ludicrous because nearly every single criterion I can think of that I can attribute to my dream-locations was true in this instance, and I STILL wasn't dreaming.
      Actually, I did check gravity. And I tried to move a chair, so I guess I did try 'flying' and telekinesis.