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    Solarflare and the N Word

    by , 08-02-2012 at 04:50 PM (672 Views)
    Solarflare (Non-lucid)


    I go on facebook, and I'm on a random link that shows a Youtube video of two people on the webcam. They both reveal their Dream Views name, and the second person to come next to the webcam declared that he was Solarflare.

    He had a gray shirt on, dark blue jeans, looks pretty fit as well. He had slightly spiky hair coming off the end of his front hair, and I think he had a mustache. The other person wore sunglasses, and I didn't pay attention to him because the username didn't trigger any kind of recall for me.

    Then they looked REALLY familiar, and I can't put my finger on it! Both of them look like Hispanics, at least Solarflare did. They both have rough visages, and if I could only remember the star that they were the variant of, but oh well...


    The N Word (Non-lucid)


    All I remember is that someone on the DV forums said the N word, and then I said the N word before that, which made him say it too as a joke.

    Then it somehow transcends back being in real life for some reason.

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