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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    10/07/2011 - Fragment

    by , 10-10-2011 at 06:05 AM (552 Views)
    Dream Fragment
    The only thing I remember is a very brief moment of lucidity. I was just offshore, in what looked like the familiar Harbor-Town, which had begun showing up in my dreams, after I began searching for the Dream Academy. The water was about waist deep, and I was looking to get out of it. Instead of flying, I wanted to try something different, so I held out my hand, and visualized a grappling hook and line firing out of the top of my wrist, like Batman from Batman Beyond. It flew up to the rooftop of a nearby building, and pulled myself up and out of the lake. I felt more like I was floating than was swinging from the line, but I eventually kind of 'wafted' my way up to the rooftop.

    That's the last thing I remember.

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