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    The Erratic dreams of StaySharp

    Fight for your ceiling treasure

    by , 03-07-2012 at 08:05 PM (454 Views)
    I was experiencing someone 1st person, he was in his room and there was something super valuable taped to his ceiling, something like a personal treasure. A lot of people tried getting it and he fought with everything he had to keep them away (so far heavily injuring some [especially a long knife deep into the bum cheek of one dude with a really fat ass who was using a ladder], but not killing anyone) and after some time he managed to get them all going away (one way or another).
    Just 2 normal looking dudes stayed there whining about how he could be so cruel and bringing some illogical arguments as well as saying that one dude nearly died (which they saw through an shortly appearing symbol) and after some time he couldn't take it anymore so he grabbed a wrench (a big red one) and beat them up, and each lethal strike went through them instead of hitting and they vanished in a fume of sparks which formed a doublecross.
    Then (now as spectator) I would see some red female ghost holding the 2 corrupted souls in her hand (on her fingertips, they looked a little like plant seeds, just kinda rotten), with obvious grief on her face, but suddenly they turned clean and natural again and she looked surprised and happy and then there was some special musicbox music in the background, which seemed emotional enough to me in the dream to make me cry a little.
    And then after the dream ended I got see closing credits which lasted as hypnopompia even for a second after I was awake again and could feel my body.

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