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    Timothy Paradox

    16-10-03 Growing Plants on Mars, Demonic Presence

    by , 10-04-2016 at 01:16 AM (344 Views)
    The first part of the dream took place in a very barren environment, kind of resembling Mars. I was there with a few others (not in space suits). They were planting seeds to grow vegetables, perhaps in an effort to terraform the place? I asked what one guy was planting, and got excited to start doing it myself. I think we were near the mouth of a cave? We were 'colonizing' this little valley, and even though it was dry, barren and rocky, it felt like our new home.

    Then we found what I think was a gravestone inside this shallow cave. I knelt down next to it with another person. I put my hand on the stone, to telepathically learn more about it. I waited a while for "the visions" to start. The information appeared in front of me as text on a HUD (heads up display). The first tidbits of info looked normal, she was a woman, middle-aged. But then, the "screen" showed that she was demonically possessed. "Associated with Lucifer: 100%" or something of that nature. I instantly knew we were in trouble, as we had woken something up.

    Next scene I'm in a very dark basement area. The narrow halls were dug out of the rock. It was very hard to see. The demons were already manifesting, and I knew we had to get out of this confined space, before they found us. We were going in circles, so I pulled up a digital map (like in a video game) and navigated to the exit this way. I think I guided two more people (kids? women?) and urged them to flee with me. On the upper floors, the building looked more... building like (no carved out of rock), but it still looked under construction. Large demons (10 feet tall, easily) pop up out of nowhere, slightly reminiscent of Hell-Knights from Doom 3 and 4. They charged at me, and all I could do was flee, and 'kite' their attacks. At some point I got tired of running, and tried fighting back. There were these large 'orbs' floating around. They looked like giant soap bubbles. I jumped to grab one, and tossed it at the giant demon. It hit, and to my surprise, the demon died! I possibly proceeded to whack a few more of 'em this way. That is, until I got to their "boss". He was a large, shapeless "blob" of skin and gore, with a human face sticking out of it. It's hard to describe, but it was really gross. I tried reasoning with it, but it didn't work so well. While trying to talk to it, I touched it... but this made its face morph into a horrible abomination, which was a sign I was making it angry. So yeah, we ended up fighting. It shot those "bubbles" at me, which I intercepted mid-air and threw back. Sadly, the bubbles did not damage it. They just bounced off. I think gravity was a little weird (lighter than normal) because of the aerial acrobatics I had to pull off to catch those bubbles, and throw 'em back before hitting the ground again.

    The outcome of the fight was undecided.
    Elaineylane likes this.

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    Tags: demons, mars
