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    Memorable Dreams

    1. 25-05-25 Telling Classroom of DCs they're DCs

      by , 05-26-2024 at 09:17 PM
      I'm in a narrow street of a major city. There are small restaurants everywhere. Sushi, pizza, street food generally. I think I already had a degree of lucidity because I remember seeing the foods advertised, thinking "that's a lot of calories", and also thinking I could eat it without consequence because this was a dream anyway. At one point I approached a place that sold candy. I decided to use mind control to force the DC shop owner to hand me a particular piece of candy from the counter. At first, he refused my command, incredulous that I would even make such a demand for free candy. I repeated the command, louder this time. I repeated it again and again like a mantra, until my voice became booming and deafening, and the DC was forced into obeying.

      In the next scene I found myself in what I think was a classroom. The scene had shifted without my input so clearly my lucidity and control weren't 100% and I was still mostly along for the ride. I think I was the teacher. The students, all sat in their seats facing me, were in their late teens. I started telling them that this was a dream. I went into detail. This was my dream, they were my DCs, figments/aspects of my subconscious, and if I were to wake up they would cease to exist. I told them that they were created in my image, just the way I was created in God's. Some demanded evidence. I demonstrated my powers by sticking my arm into a wall. Then, walking into a classroom wall (phasing), moving behind some of them, sticking my arm out of the wall, and tapping them on the shoulder. That surprised them! Their reactions to my "lesson" were interesting. Some went into denial. Some became visibly depressed, as they seemed to accept something they'd always known but chose to repress. Tragically, their fears of nonexistence came true as I eventually woke up, and their very existence became nothing more than a vague memory to me.
    2. 24-05-19 Escape, Flying Away w. Soundtrack

      by , 05-19-2024 at 10:03 PM
      I was in a bizarre place. A series of rooms, hallways and stairways, but with an open ceiling so you could see the sky. I was with multiple other people, all trying to escape. I think we had to pass the same area multiple times, but in a different "cycle" so it would look slightly different every time, with traps in different places, obstacles moved slightly, etc. In the final cycle, entire parts of the floor turned to lava. I think one of the guys I was with was Ed Harris? We went up a stone spiral staircase, and reached the exit. By this point, I had gained a subconscious awareness that this was a dream, and that the plot had come to an end. But not full lucidity. I started flying, going straight up and looking down. From a respectable altitude, I could see all the landmarks we'd previously visited during our escape. There were strange, orb-shaped luminescent structures. I think it was a bit misty, too. There was a rousing, inspiring soundtrack playing as I ascended. I felt on a subconscious level that I was the one "generating" the music - again some degree of lucidity. I even caught myself marveling at the fact that this musical composition did not exist, and I completely made it up in real-time. I decided to go higher, into space, so I stretched out my arms to reach for the heavens, and with one extra burst of acceleration flew upwards until the sky got black and starry. While I did this, the soundtrack hammed it up even more, and got even more epic.
    3. 24-03-10 Talking to Mom in Waking Dream

      by , 03-13-2024 at 03:28 PM
      I had a kind of vision upon waking, like I was waking up but still floating somewhere between states of consciousness. I was having a full conversation with a person. I'm pretty sure it was my (deceased) mother. Slowly, I started being able to see the real world of my bedroom through my open eyes. I couldn't see my mom anymore, but I was still continuing the conversation alone in my bed. Somehow this felt normal. As my critical mind woke up mid-conversation, I became disappointed that I could no longer believe in the fiction of the dream anymore. That I wasn't really talking to my mom.

      Updated 03-13-2024 at 03:34 PM by 17412

      Tags: mom
      memorable , dream fragment
    4. 22-08-15 Cool Fantasy World In Post-Apocalypse

      by , 08-15-2022 at 12:03 PM
      I'm in a medieval fantasy world much reminiscent of Oblivion or Skyrim. I see one guy, wearing oddly modern clothes, mindlessly shuffling around. He looks and acts like a zombie, but no one cares. He's being used for manual labor, or something. A bit later, I've climbed a steep rock wall and I'm hanging off the side (Assassin's Creed style), looking out over what I know to be the edge of the map. I wonder what's beyond it. I reach a kind of mineshaft, or cave. My dad is suddenly with me. We're assaulted by giant spiders the size of a large dog. We make a run for it through the tunnel, and emerge on the other side. We exit into a grassy clearing, with a large, imposing forest right in front of us. The forest is full, and I mean FULL of giant spiderwebs. And of course spiders. I'm like "no way", but my dad is like "we can do it, let's go" so I have no choice but to follow him in. Somehow, we get through, because in the next scene I recall, we've reached the world beyond the mountains and the spider forest. No one was ever supposed to get this far. To our surprise and horror, it's the modern world. We're in a modern city, clearly abandoned a century or more ago. The sky is overcast and depressing. Everything is covered in rust and dust, and in a state of falling apart. I recognize one of the ruined cars as a Renault 5. Then, we find someone. A worker wearing a fluorescent jacket. He just mindlessly shuffles back and forth, seemingly aware of us, or anything else. We continue exploring, until my dad starts acting strange. He asks things like "how did we get here", and other things he should really know. Like he's having memory loss. Suddenly, I realize the truth of this place. A hundred+ years ago, something happened, some substance was released into the atmosphere (or some kind of radiation) that gradually sapped people of their intelligence - inducing amnesia, dementia and finally a vegetative zombie-like state (though they aren't cannibals). Society fell apart without the people there to maintain it. Somehow, "Skyrim valley" (the fantasy world we'd traveled from) was a special place shielded from this effect. The guy wearing modern clothes I saw in the fantasy world was probably a guy from here, who somehow crossed over like we did. I desperately try to explain this to my dad, who is getting increasingly confused as time goes by.
    5. 22-08-10 Shooting my Dad

      by , 08-10-2022 at 11:22 AM
      Really harrowing dream. My dad was doing something, maybe something violent, and he was a threat to my other (forgotten and likely fictional) loved ones in the room/house. I pointed my Glock at him, hoping he'd stop. He didn't. He came straight at me. I pulled the trigger, and as usual that was almost impossible to do. It did go off, sort of, hitting him. It didn't seem to do much. I ran away and grabbed my shotgun from the locker. The fight continued, and I think I got a couple of good hits in. The whole thing was adrenalin-fueled survival, I didn't really *want* to do any of this. Dad ran outside. I ran after him. It was night, dark and rainy. I lost track of dad. Finally, I calmed down and emotion overwhelmed me. I was crushed by regret. I'd shot my own father. I literally broke down into tears, crying "papa, papa". Then I woke up. What a great night that was.
    6. 21-XX-XX Alone in the Future

      by , 04-20-2022 at 10:29 PM
      It was about 200 years in the future. We had made it. We'd survived every obstacle in our way. We'd survived the wars, the societal collapse and everything else. The world was a sunny and beautiful place. Cities were full of greenery and people were happy. But I wasn't. Sitting on a grassy hill overlooking a shining utopian city, I felt a mix of hope for our future, and utter misery. Everyone I'd ever known was dead, and I was completely, totally alone.
    7. 22-04-16 Vampire Girl at Burger King

      by , 04-16-2022 at 11:42 PM
      I remember walking a wide, open street on a dark and rainy night, having just collected my takeout. There were a fair few people around. I considered getting on the bus to do some other chore I had to do, but changed my mind when I realized my food would get cold. I felt a tinge of despair as I'm always postponing things.

      In the next scene, I'm walking through a suspiciously clean and dry-looking back alley behind a local Burger King. I enter the place, only to find it's an absolute maze of weird-looking, narrow corridors. I somehow know there are multiple women in here, all of them vampires. Suddenly, I'm confronted by one of them. A nice-looking brunette, about my height. I had a false memory of having met her before, a week or so prior. We talked as if we were already acquainted. The conversation went well. She told me she'd always been in love with me, which surprised me. I was feeling a noticeably low amount of social anxiety. Anyway... before you know it, we were kissing. She told me she worked two jobs and this was her day/night off. Then we had sex, which was nice (despite my inexperience). I was having conflicting thoughts. She was nice and reasonably attractive, but I wasn't fully "feeling it" yet.

      I woke up with a new understanding of how new relationships work for "normal people". Love often doesn't just appear fully-formed, you have to give things a chance and hope it grows from there.
    8. 22-02-19 Hospital, Nazi Future

      by , 02-20-2022 at 06:58 AM
      I'm in a hospital. My brother and his girlfriend are there too. The place is very crowded. Hayden is my girlfriend somehow, and she's on a hospital stretcher, presumably being treated for something. She notices me and we kind of cuddle (me standing over her), as she's clearly recovering well. In another scene I enter a different room (kind of a very crowded break room at the hospital). I notice one of the people sitting alone at a table is Sylar. His presence startles me, but I realize he doesn't recognize me because this is the past and we haven't met yet. Then I realize he's likely there to kill Hayden. I rush to where I left her, and notice she's gone. I feverishly start looking around and asking staff where she is, hoping to find her before Sylar does. I liked this dream when I woke up, as I felt a genuine sense of caring about a romantic partner, something I've never had and never will. I would have done anything for her.

      In the next dream, I am Jack Quaid (actor) playing a character. I'm hanging on the side of a helicopter or VTOL, flying along the coast of a subtropical city, likely Miami. I look up and see Nazi fighter jets flying in formation above us, then suddenly vanishing. I realize the Nazis, who won the war, have grown so advanced that by this alternate 2022 they've developed fighter jets that can literally turn invisible. I have visions of the world map. The Nazis have taken over the whole world, united under a new kind of cult called "The Black Hand" (their symbol a black handprint). Only one continent is free from their influence. The world's last hope. Our VTOL circles a skyscraper, and I fall out of the VTOL, attached only by the belt through a rope. As the VTOL starts losing control in a spiraling motion, I am crashed through the skyscraper (!!!). Finally I am detached and I fall down. As I smack into the ground (well, a lower part of the building), it is revealed that the character (seeing in third person now) is just an actor surrounded by a full camera crew. The Nazi universe is a new TV show being filmed. I'm on the set myself now. Jack walks off the set, and I congratulate him on his performance. He laughs, saying it was an insane scene.
    9. 21-03-20 Seeing Mom

      by , 03-20-2021 at 05:35 PM
      I had the most intense dream last night. I was watching a video of the day of my birth on a TV screen. My mom (died December 2019) was in the hospital bed, cradling "baby me". I started getting emotional. Next thing I know, I am IN the scene, physically standing next to the bed. Mom and the baby are gone. Suddenly, mom is standing next to me. I basically launch myself into her arms, holding her tightly. All I can utter between sobs is "mama, mama". I had a very strong feeling that this was really her somehow, not just a dream character. But knowing the dream was multi-leveled, I know that can't be true.
      Tags: birth, mother
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. 20-11-08 Cyberpunk Skyscraper, Giant Tsunami

      by , 11-08-2020 at 10:40 PM
      In one dream, I was inside a giant skyscraper in a city much like the one from Cyberpunk 2077. I think it was a corporate HQ. The building was an arcology, meaning it had restaurants, parks, supermarkets and living space - and you never really had to leave it for any reason. It was so tall, that if you looked out of the window near the top floors, you couldn't even see the rest of the city down below - just hills and mountains outside of the city limits. I remember being really afraid of heights at some point, and being too afraid to move in the irrational fear that I would "tip over the building".

      The next dream was horrifying. It started out nicely enough. I was driving around with two guys and a girl in a bikini who I really liked. They carried around a trailer, which was bright red and made by Ferrari. One of the guys said he regretted buying it, as (as I expected) maintenance was super expensive with even small components costing an obscene amount to replace. I remember standing outside the vehicle, leaning on something as I watched a beautiful sunset over the sea. I noticed the horizon was oddly high in the sky, but I didn't think too much of it. Then, I did notice it - the horizon was actually an absolutely titanic tsunami (easily 3,000 ft tall) coming straight towards us. I immediately went into flight mode, and ran away from it like a madman. We were in Antwerp harbor area, and the main port authority building was a couple hundred feet away. A modern, concrete building, perhaps strong enough to withstand the impact. As I bolted towards the building, a loud siren (like an air raid siren) went off and a voice declared a state of emergency as the wave approached the mainland. Very apocalyptic. I reached the big glass double doors of the building. The wave was now very close, towering over everything and blotting out the sun. It moved very fast. My nephew was also there, all of a sudden. I tried the doors, but they were locked. "They're leaving us here to die!" my nephew shouted in a panic. I grabbed my badge and scanned it, and the doorlocks clicked open. The dream ended there. The day before this dream, I watched a very old VHS-tape. It had a short trailer for an "how will the world end" documentary which featured, among others, footage of a tsunami.

      Updated 11-08-2020 at 10:43 PM by 17412

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 19-07-10 Reversing Time

      by , 07-10-2019 at 05:06 PM
      I was at the first floor of a house. I looked through the window and saw my cat (Lotje) being chased by a large feline, like a mountain lion. It clawed at her, and caused heavy bleeding. I think she died not much later. I rushed downstairs and outside, brandishing a sword. I attacked the beast, but it was too late. Then I reversed time. It was really cool, and the first time I ever did that in a dream. It wasn't like time travel, but rather like reversing a video tape. While time was reversing (roughly at twice the speed), my own past movements were reversed as well. But my mind stayed normal, just not in control of my body. I was holding my breath while doing it, as it took immense concentration. I had to stop because I was out of breath. I was back in the house. Rather than rush downstairs, I grabbed my carbine, opened the window and shot the lion before it could hurt my cat.
    12. 19-04-07 Nuked Future, Villains Control Government, Beginning of Time

      by , 04-07-2019 at 04:13 PM
      Awesome semi-lucid dream. I was in a meeting room (at the white house or similar-looking government building), seated at the table with a bunch of government officials. Opposite of me was the president, a white man but not Trump. To my right was a petite blonde girl (mid-'20s), my love interest and some kind of aide of the president. She reminds me of Harleen Quinzel before she turned into Harley. Other, unnamed people filled the other chairs. I was nervous. I felt like I didn't really belong there, and I couldn't really look the president in the eye. There was some talk, I guess, until I noticed the Joker appear out of the shadows. Suddenly I saw the table was longer than I thought towards the president's right (my left), and it was full of supervillains. The president and the other officials looked entirely comfortable with their presence. I think I realized I was in the DC-universe, but the girl told me to shush. I realized telling fictional characters they are fictional can have cataclysmic results. The joked them revealed several bare-chested men strung up on the wall, their faces painted like clowns. He gutted them like fish with a knife. I guess they were traitors. After the meeting, I was disgusted - the idea that the government was run by literal villains, and everyone was okay with this. My 'girlfriend' tried to play it down, responding to my outrage with stuff like 'don't you love me anymore'. She was clearly 100% on board with this. She touched me and playfully kissed my cheek, but I could tell she was trying to seduce me. Wind me around her little finger to make me agree with anything her masters wanted to do. I told her I was onto her. I told her I knew what game she was playing, and she was trying to manipulate me. Her demeanor changed instantly from faux-sweetness to silent anger. I felt a little bad for some reason, so I said being manipulative could be an asset in government. But it wouldn't work on me. Without saying a word, she walked away (she wore heels). I left the meeting. The building was pretty crowded with people on the inside. I took an escalator to the lower floors, where I encountered the Joker again but did not interact with him.

      Outside the building, I somehow learned to fly. I don't recall how this happened. The world was rainy and dark. It was night. The atmosphere was very Blade Runner. I flew around, and noticed the city looked like it had been nuked in recent history. The impact crater was massive, easily 4 miles in diameter and 100 feet deep. In the epicenter, only the skeletal remains of a few skyscrapers still stuck out of the dust. I flew a bit further west, where the destruction of the nuke gave way to still inhabited parts of the city. There were colored neon signs everywhere, the text all in Japanese. I landed on top of a tall building overlooking the city. Imitating Hiro Nakamura from Heroes, I spread my arms and yelled 'Hello, Neo-Tokyo!'. The city had this synthwavey-cyberpunk vibe, hence Neo-Tokyo. I flew back over the crater, thinking about how the government was corrupt, and how these powers gave me a shot at doing something about it. I flew back to the 'white house' (which was about a mile outside of the crater to the northeast) and landed just outside.

      While flying, my view sometimes got blurry, but I managed to make it clear up by focusing. During these moments, I had a vague awareness I was dreaming. Enough to apply LD-techniques. I also noticed losing altitude or making turns was easier if I slowed down first, which I did by sort of 'swinging my legs forward' as if to land. Braking in mid-air.

      So, back at the government building. I got inside somehow. When there was a wall in my way, I used a brief burst of speed to crash right through it (like flight but at ground level). I was pissed. I felt angry at myself for being so spineless before, and not standing up to the bad guys before I got these powers. I was going to kill all the villains. I climbed the escalators. I saw a young woman, crying and being chased by an older woman who clearly wanted to hurt her. This is where it gets violent and a little gross. I grabbed the pursuing woman, and proceeded to rip her head off. It didn't really come all the way off, but her neck did tear. A man looked at me, wide-eyed. He said that these were androids, and they were supposed to be indestructible. At that point, my victim was really small (like a couple inches), like a doll made out of plastic, and I was ripping the head off with my teeth. It tasted like plastic, too... Anyhoo... I proceeded to make my way through the building with the intent to massacre the bad guys and assassinate the president.


      I woke up, but fell asleep again after 15 minutes. I was inside a video game world. I was supposed to jump down into a massive hole. The center was the 'Door of Komalie', a gateway to Hell. However, I missed the center, and fell into the fiery void around it. I found myself in a really beautiful place. It was a void, like deep space, but it was filled completely with a bright orange and yellow nebula. I realized this was the universe nanoseconds after it had been born (or right after its death, time being cyclical). I just hovered in the middle, loving the view. After a while, I wanted to get back. I flew upwards, until I could see the world above me. Distances were so vast, I wasn't sure I could go fast enough to get there in reasonable time. But I managed to speed up exponentially, eventually bursting through the ocean floor and finally the water surface into the sky. It was still a rainy night, and I recognized the city on the horizon as NYC.
      lucid , memorable
    13. 18-09-27 Real Body & Dream Body in Synch

      by , 09-29-2018 at 12:56 AM
      I was at work, taking a nap during my break. I consciously started hallucinating (sitting in a chair). I saw my arm and hands and moved them around. It was my dream body, but I think it looked 'glowy' and ghostly. Then I think I somehow managed to move my real body (no sleep paralysis) and my dream body at the same time, and step 'into my real body' (real hard to explain). It's like in the dream I was a ghost and I 'synched' my ghost form with my body. When this 'merge' happened, I felt a surge of power go through me. Like I was a god or something. Bizarre.
    14. 18-06-30 Time

      by , 06-30-2018 at 03:48 PM
      As I came close to waking up, I saw a vision of a watch. I tried to see what time it was, but it was turned on its side. I mentally turned it the right way up, and read the time. It was 09.40 AM. When I opened my eyes and looked at my laptop's digital clock, it really was 09.40 AM. Spooky.
    15. 18-05-20 Lucid, Dad & Debby in Scotland

      by , 05-20-2018 at 12:34 PM
      Had an actual lucid dream. Not one of those fake ones in which I only think I'm lucid dreaming.

      I found myself in a mountainous landscape, on a road winding around the mountains. My dad and his wife were with me. I jokingly said this didn't look like Belgium (my country), more like Scotland. I was already lucid at this point. Can't really identify when I attained lucidity. We were jogging, off the road and onto a dirt trail in the woods. I flew a little bit, but my dad told me it was better to stay on the ground and run, because that was I could sustain my lucidity easier. I figured he was right (more sensory input means better stability), and continued running with him. Back on the winding asphalt road, my dad started speeding up and I couldn't keep up. On the stone barriers on the side of the road (a steep drop right behind it) there was a drinking bottle. There was a name on it, 'Chronos'. I think there was another runner on the road, possibly going in the opposite direction. Anyway, I considered flying because I could not keep up with my dad on foot. Eventually, we reached the end of the road, close to the summit of the mountain. There was an old structure, like a medieval castle or something, but the entrance required us to climb a short but ridiculously steep stairway. Very short but high steps. I told Debby (dad's wife) I would use my ability of flight to reduce gravity by 50% to make the climb easier. But then, I noticed my vision was gone. I felt I was basically awake. Realizing I'd faded out too far and too quickly, I accepted I wasn't getting back and opened my eyes.
      lucid , memorable
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