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    Timothy Paradox

    18-09-19 Ask for Sex, Xenoes

    by , 09-24-2018 at 06:45 PM (548 Views)
    Some stuff happened which I can't remember. After these events, a girl walks away from me. We'd experienced stuff together. Realizing it was my last chance, I ran after her and kinda casually asked if she wanted to have sex. Not exactly my usual MO in real life... Anyway, she said she'd told me before she wanted to do that. I didn't recall. Anyway, I wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked off. I warned her I was a bit self-conscious about my body as I'd recently put on a few pounds and am not exactly a tanned beach god.

    Then we got ambushed by these SWAT-team guys. I was forced to the ground, and forcibly hogtied. Turns out the cops were hunting for so-called 'Xenoes' (plural of Xeno), a collection of mutants and mechanically augmented people. Basically everyone who wasn't a 'normal' human, was automatically a Xeno. Xenoes were being 'made' by biotech companies around the globe (Isolay was mentioned, a company from the Deus Ex games). They said human augmentation was 'breaking the fabric of society'. Normally, I would debate them fiercely on this as I'm a transhumanist. But in this case, I just wanted sex. They released me as soon as they confirmed I wasn't a Xeno and I went on my way, with my girl of course.

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