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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Insert Title Here

      by , 05-01-2012 at 04:53 PM
      Non-Lucid Part:

      I'm with my siblings and my sister, Hannah, is trying to kill me with that psychotic look on her face just like with my previous lucid--which I did not bother to write down. Only, I'm not lucid.
      I'm freaking out right now and wondering just what I have done to her. I grab a pair of scissors and try to threaten her with them, but she just yanks them out of my hand with monster strength. Soon, we're both wrestling around with several pairs, trying to kill each other. I manage to push her next to the cabinets in the adjoining kitchen, but then...

      Lucid Part:

      "Oh my god! I'm dreaming,"I shout.
      My siblings stiffened in surprise. My other little sister didn't seem to care and my little brother glared at me--but, that isn't anything new. He does that in real life, too.
      I didn't care about my other sister's reaction, though. Now, I just wanted to leave. I hate hanging around my house or town in my lucid dreams. Everyone is so dull and lifeless--or trying to kill me--in that area.
      So, I wasn't about to get stabbed today. I'll leave out this next part for everyone, but it was a complete struggle.
      I won, though.

      So, I stole a glance at my other sister and said,"I am not about to be here if that...thing...is still moving."
      I whipped out the door and flew off--literally. I think I've been flying out of sheer desperation rather than enjoyment.
      Anyways, I said for it to be daytime, but instead my brain just made it rain.
      Hardy har har on you, brain.
      I love rainy weather.

      By now, I had landed in a nice white house. I landed on some pretty blue staircase carpet, but quickly backed away when I saw some couple getting their children ready for school. The moment they walked out of the foyer, I ran outside.
      However, I wasn't afraid or cautious here. I don't know why, but the further I travel away from my house or town in my dreams, the more human everyone is.
      I rang the doorbell, while one of their kids that was already waiting for the bus was outside. I said hi as they looked at me curiously. Suddenly, the wife looked out the window and saw me. Opening the door, she asked what I needed.
      "...I'm...Wow, uh...This is a dr..."
      "Yes, I know what you're saying. No need to get upset that this is the Dreamworld."
      She smiled at me and I finally got a good look at her. She was a slightly overweight woman of average height with dark red hair that reached her shoulders and a face that put her age at about late 30s or early 40s. She had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a purple sweater.

      "Thank god. Wait, I've asked this before, but doesn't it make you kind of annoyed if someone asks or tells you that you're not real?"
      The woman, who I think was probably named Pamela, smiles and says,"Come inside."
      She tells her children to leave for the bus and as we are walking in the house, she talks.
      "You see, in what you call the real world, many of you believe that is the only reality. Well, in what you call the dream world, this is our real world. It is our reality."
      I stare at her, then say,"Yeah, but don't people from real life create you?"
      She smiles and replies,"Yes. But, don't many of you believe that a god created you? What makes that so much different?"
      I look at her in wonder and I can't help but think that I wish this woman was real.

      Pamela leads me into a sort of massage room where a man is standing nearby. He is in his forties and he is bald on top. He looks at me with interest and she says,"She's from the other world."
      "Ah. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm her husband."
      I nod and say,"It's nice to meet you, too, sir."
      We shake hands and I ask what they're doing in here. Apparently, the man has back problems and his wife is going to massage his back in their massage room. I'm talking to them about random things for a long time when I notice a pile of cooked bacon. Pamela explains that her husband is a huge fan of it. I really want a piece because it smells delectable. She actually did say I could have a piece. No, that isn't right.
      She offered to make me breakfast. However, I left before I could take her up on that offer.

      I'm getting ahead of myself, though. I really take a good look at them, fully expecting for their appearances to change, for the scenery to change. But, nothing is different. It is literally like real life, and it is a wonder that I don't relapse back into a state where I think I'm actually awake.
      Noting that there is an enormous mirror, I take a look at my appearance. I look normal, except for the acne covering my forehead.
      Crap! It's high school hell all over again! Hah! And I bet this is before I started drinking tons of water to get rid of this.

      I try to get rid of it, but I can't for some reason.
      Giving up, I realize I've been wanting to find my dream guide. I explain this to Pamela and her husband.
      "You're welcome to shout for it as much as you'd like,"she says.
      For some reason, I can't make the words out correctly and I end up sputtering out,"Subconscious, I want to see my subconscious!"
      Then...Uh, things got slightly weird. This small figure wearing a grey hoody comes up to me. It is on a scooter skateboard thing and I take a good look at the...thing's face. There's nothing there. Just a black pool of nothingness. I knock it down, and some of the pool comes out.
      "F*** off. Get out of here."
      I push the thing away, visibly disturbed. Nearby, that couple just can't help but laugh about this. Not my foul mouth, but what came in.
      I try to say it again and I finally manage something. Now, I wait for my dream guide. That person never come, though.
      I look at Pamela and her husband and say that I need to leave. They nod and tell me goodbye.
      "Damn. I might not get that breakfast after all,"I grumble as I run out.
      I ran and ran until I made it to an airport terminal. I look at all the people when my eyes lead me straight to one particular woman. She is an overweight black woman with honey colored hair and an extremely intelligent and knowing look on her face. She was looking straight at me with a smirk now. Somehow, I felt drawn to this woman. She hands me some sweet and I eat some. It actually tasted like food. I don't finish it, though.
      Then, she proceeds to tell me that my dream guide left me a note explaining that she was sick and tired of everything. I quite listening after this. Because, I have a sinking suspicion that she is actually my dream guide--but, she is screwing around with me.
      I had a good reason to think this, by the way. I cannot accurately describe this, but when I saw this woman, I felt...connected and drawn to her. She felt entirely different from anyone else.
      The rest of the dream just involved me trying to get back to Pamela's house for breakfast. Too bad I woke up.
    2. The White Mansion

      by , 04-24-2012 at 06:53 PM
      I think this is one of those dreams where you've had so many dreams in a row that once you fall asleep you easily recognize you're asleep and dreaming.
      Now with pictures!

      Non-Lucid Part:
      I was with this slightly older, heavy-set guy. In the dream, we weren't together so much that he was like an older brother to me. He told me to come to the backyard with him because he had to show me something.
      "It's in the woods, but you always played back there, Ash. So, it will be fine."
      I gave him a suspicious look.
      "Hey! What? Don't worry."
      I followed him into the sparsely crowded woods behind my father's workshop until I started to lag behind him.
      "Hurry up, Ashley!"
      "Yeah, yeah..."
      All of a sudden, he vanished. Far too quick for someone who was just a little farther ahead.
      Then, the realization hits me.

      Lucid Part:

      It is about time I had one of these. Although, I don't think this is what I had in mind...
      Pleased, I gaze up at the woods and all the light brown leaves covering the ground. I have no interest in following this guy. He probably doesn't exist anymore to begin with. I turn around, eager to get away from the entire area.
      No. The entire dreamscape itself.
      I run toward this hill area near my father's building and jump, flying in the air. Funny, how this thing called flight comes so easily to me, yet I only use it for "emergencies" in dreams. I fly forward, past the ugly blue house I call home and decide to dream spin to another dimension. Realizing the consquences if I do not think of a place to be in, I vaguely think of a moor. I don't know why. I think I was thinking about my ancestors, but I don't even know if Scotland and Ireland have moors. Or whatever they are called these days. I read too much old literature to know or care.
      Amyways, I spun. If you can call it that. It was more of a graceful, kind of floaty spin. Almost like a pirouette.

      I found myself in a...white mansion by the rocky, green tipped edges of a pale grey sea.

      I know it was white, because it felt like it was a white. I walked past several windows covered with beautiful white curtains floating in the breeze.

      I had a sudden urge to go through a wall at this point. I had heard someone mention in the DV forum how you shouldn't think about the wall itself, but rather the destination. I thought of the word moor again, but I knew I wouldn't get this. How can I see what I have never seen?
      Alas, I could not pass the wall. However, the window seemed rather welcoming.
      I gently touched the glass pane with my right hand, never using force. I felt the glass turn to a goo, then it gradually succumbed entirely. I gazed out and looked upon a helicopter, a ship, and several cargo trucks by a seemingly endless sea. Some of the men had guns, but I don't think they noticed me. I wonder if they were guards for the mansion's owner.
      I looked around, but everything was blurry, to my immense dismay. However...
      Oh, yeah. That clarity thing...
      "Clarity now!"
      I suddenly remembered to look at my hands. They and the scenery got clearer.
      "Clarity now!"
      I did this several times until the quality of my dream was so detailed and I could the lines in my hands so well, it felt uncomfortable.
      "Aw, what the heck. HD-Vision now!"
      Okay. Clearest dream ever. Probably even clearer than real life. However, the guards noticed me and started to shoot. I ran away from the window and walked down the hall.
      "Bastards. You're lucky I don't use you for my diamond castle."
      I notice a door slightly ajar. Peering through, I see a woman with greying hair tied in a long ponytail.
      "This is a story about the young master. About a time long gone. About a doll that became his dearest companion."
      I looked to the left and saw another room, but one filled with forgotten memories. Yet, also with a sort of unforgotten sadness. There wasn't any death or evil here, but there was a feeling of what might have been. Suddenly, I felt my vision go out--I came as close as you can to fainting in a dream.
      I heard voices, traveling further and further back.
      Where am I going? Am I traveling in time or is this just me going to a different dreamscape?
      These thoughts raced through my head as the grey-haired spoke to another person--I can't recall who.
      "I'm sending her back in time. Maybe she will be able to talk to and warn the young master."
      "But, her body is right there."
      The woman smirked.
      "In body, yes. In spirit, however, she is crossing time itself."
      I heard nothing else.

      I arose from the floor, slightly dazed, and not noticing the boy in a white seat faced away from me. I walked, or rather stumbled, into the other room. I looked around and didn't feel sadness, but a potential for it. I gazed over and saw a hideous doll with orange hair-no, it wasn't Chucky. I was a bit frightened, but gulped down my fear and walked over to the doll. Gently picking him up, I realized that the doll was alive. He looked at me and then looked around. I smiled at him and, as gently as I could, said,"Sweetie, I'm looking for your owner..."
      I was startled to see that he had changed from a hideous doll to a cute one. I am guessing that no one except his owner treated him with kindness because of all this.
      "I...I've traveled from very far away, yet not so far."
      He looked interested and I gazed past the canopy bed behind us. Past all of the things that crowded the room. Past everything and anything.
      "From a dream long gone. Or perhaps from a dream just beginning. Who knows what real life truly is."
      I look back at him, and I see that he is intrigued.
      "I'm not from this world. But, I assure you, I will help your friend. Regardless of what happened and how little I know."
      He looked towards the other room and his gaze stayed there.
      "He's over there?"
      The doll nodded and I gently put him back in his little white rocking chair. I thank him and walk out.
      I walk towards the round, white table and take a seat. Finally, I notice the orange-haired boy. The grey-haired woman is there as well, except her hair is a mousy brown.
      "What are you doing here,"the boy asked. He is well aware I am not from the area or even that time.
      "I'm from...Well, that isn't important. I think that woman wanted me to save you."
      I pointed to the woman who now sat across from me at that white table and she nods.
      "Yes, master. Something happens to you, and I sent this young woman to help save you."
      Would you like to know why he needed saving?
      Me, too.
      Because, unfortunately, I was woken up!
    3. A Magical Sewer Adventure

      by , 04-07-2012 at 02:27 AM
      I strode through the vast, aged parking lot with purpose. I had something important to do, and not a lot of time to do it. As I looked at one of the ugly trucks parked in a space about one hundred feet away, I realized none of it was real.
      "Okay. If...No. Since, I AM dreaming, that means I don't have to do whatever it was. Which, I really don't know what it was anyway,"I said aloud, taking in the bleak, almost grey surroundings. As close to being annoyed as I can in a dream, I muttered that it was pathetic that I would actually design such a boring place.
      "There is absolutely nothing here that would interest me in--
      There, standing next to a manhole, was Aquaman. Except his hair was this murky brown.
      "I must have been on the internet too long...I don't even like this guy,"I muttered.
      Because I am...uh...not as nice in my dreams, I decided to accompany him to amuse myself.
      "Should he do something foolish or idiotic, it will be fun to watch,"was my reasoning.
      I lazily strolled over to him and exclaimed,"I'm coming with you."
      Aquaman opened his mouth to speak and I continued,"You can say 'No', but that would not be wise. Considering how utterly worthless you are, it would be in your best interests if I...accompany you."
      Seriously! Why is that I clearly remember those cruel things I said?! I swear, people. I'm not actually calculating or evil in real life. But, I really don't like Aquaman. Sorry, fans.
      He nodded and we jumped down the manhole.
      ...Yeah, so anyways, we landed in a vast sewer. Maybe it's just me, but aren't those things supposed to be really small? Because I could swim in this thing for some reason. Luckily, we weren't swimming in fecal matter--I would never do something like that to me. As we went under and I thanked my lucky stars that I didn't have to worry about drowning--since, you know, it wasn't real--I noticed that Aquaman's hair had turned his normal blond.
      Or yellow.
      We swam in silence as I wondered why he needed to go into the sewers. I tried making small talk, but I guess DCs in my imagination aren't much for conversation either. Either that or he thought I was a b*tch.
      Actually, it was probably option two.
      Anyways, I managed to get him to tell me he was searching for a golden haired woman with porcelain white skin. Supposedly some sort of reincarnated sea goddess...
      My hopes of a long and possibly interesting conversation dashed entirely, I continued to swim with him deeper and deeper in the water.
      Absurdly spacious sewer indeed!
      All of a sudden, I saw the most beautiful woman swim towards us. Was she the golden haired goddess that my new found lackey friend had long searched for?
      Judging by the relief on Aquaman's face, she was. What a beautiful woman, though.
      When I get the chance, I'll draw a picture of what she looked like.
      In any case, my adventure was over. Now next time, I'd like a dream where I teach a kitten how to talk--and this time it had better be a lucid!

      Uh, the end. Because I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    4. It Never Works For Me!

      by , 03-20-2012 at 12:06 AM
      Oh, wow... I really wish I remembered all the details of the non-lucid part of this dream. I can only remember the part when I was with this boy and his grandfather in Egypt, and we kind of broke into one of the tombs. I can't remember anything else. T_T

      Then, I "woke" up on my uncle's couch and glanced at the television.
      "Hey, wait...I never fall asleep at my uncle's!"
      After deciding to do an RC for once, I walked up to the television and tried putting my hand through it, then my fingers through my hand. Didn't work.
      "See? This is why I almost never reality check."
      I refused to believe I was awake.
      Sadly, I woke up for real after that.
    5. The Scruffy Man and The Pretty Field

      by , 01-13-2012 at 05:18 AM
      It's blurry, but I eventually remember seeing a scruffy looking man near an old, red truck. I walk up to him and ask him a question. I can't remember what I asked him, but I did realize I was dreaming as I started to talk to him. Like many of the DCs in my dream, I knew he was either going to be cryptic and a pain, or an absolute moron.
      This guy was the latter.
      After getting a broken response for whatever I had asked, I left.
      *blurry part, can't remember*
      I had reached a back porch and I felt nervous. I jumped--no, floated down to the field below and willed it to be daytime. That field was absolutely lovely. Though, it wasn't as beautiful as the field from the first dream I ever remember having. I'd rather create breathtaking works of art in my dreams than talk to any DCs. So, it was nice to see that pretty field with the sunlight making it all a very brilliant green. Too bad I woke up, or else I would have made it even more beautiful.
    6. Off With Their Pineapples Under The Sea!

      by , 12-17-2011 at 05:45 AM
      Non-Lucid Part

      It's a little blurry, but I remember stealing something from a slightly cluttered store. All of a sudden, a bunch of police officers were trying to beat me with sticks, so I stole a machete and started cutting them up.
      Ah, I don't have anything against police officers in real life, but I am much less...reserved...in my dreams.
      They were starting to alarm me in the same way I get alarmed when I'm playing a racing video game and the other racer is about a second behind me and the finish line is approximately thirty feet away. As I pushed over a rack of clothes on some other cops, I suddenly became lucid.

      Lucid Part

      Suddenly feeling stupid, I looked around and saw that various customers were laughing or smirking at me. So, I cut off their heads in a vengeance. Once again, I assure you that I would not behave so heinously in real life.
      I walked up to a pretty cashier, who was also grinning at me. This also pissed me off, and I slit her throat and cut off her right hand.
      Right, so anyways...She continues to smirk and now I'm interested. I will never forget this woman. She had pale blue eyes and fair white skin with a pink tinge to it. Prettiest of all was the creamy blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Seeing me eye her hair, the cashier put on a brown cap.
      "Why did you...Arrgh...Well, it will displease you when I tell you you're not real and this is a dream!"
      She smirked and I noticed that her hand was back in place and the neck wound was beginning to heal.
      "Are we? Are we really in a dream,"she said with that same annoying smirk and heavy sarcasm in her voice.
      I gazed long and hard at her and replied in a flat tone,"Yeah, we are."
      She didn't respond to that and she didn't need to. I knew that she knew it was all a dream and that she was only making fun of me. I didn't bother to do any reality checks--not that I ever have to, given my personality--and decided to talk to this rather interesting DC.
      "Um, sorry about that..."
      She looked at me with false innocence.
      "The cuts, moron."
      "The cuts are healed, as you can see."
      She held up her hand and pointed to her neck. I briefly thought it was good, because it meant the others had healed as well. My thoughts were interrupted as the woman exclaimed,"It wouldn't matter anyways, since you were the one who wanted the wounds on all of us healed. Ah, you and your odd way of looking at things."
      She looked at me with a fierce intensity.
      "You know what we are."
      I returned her fierce gaze, and was about to respond, but she cut me off with a wave of her fully healed hand. The sarcastic smirk back on her face, she asked if there was anything I needed.
      "Uh, yes. Take off that ugly hat. Your hair is too pretty to be kept up in that."
      "Not after the commotion you caused."

      The next thing I know, I'm with two of my three younger siblings and I'm cussing like a sailor.
      It all involves the cashier, but I get over it really quickly. I glance at the television with delight.
      "Yes! Yes! Yes! I can complete my most important dream goal!"
      I turn to my brother and sister and exclaim," We're gonna see if Spongebob is on, kids!"
      I turn on the set and faintly realize that I have cable in my dreams. I flip through the channels and I am more and more irritated.
      Would you like to know what on?
      Nothing but American football games and jewelry infomercials. Though, I must admit that I was pleased that my favorite team was winning on one of the channels.
      Finally, I get to a channel that is talking about a new episode of Spongebob involving Mr. Krabs. I clench my fist in triumph and turn around to give Katie and Ross the good news.
      "We're watching Spongebob and I don't care that I'm too old for it!"
      I turned around and...
      ...I woke up.
      Oh, believe me. I was not happy.
    7. Castle In The Sand

      by , 12-13-2011 at 10:21 PM
      I think this may have been my first WILD.

      I panicked.
      Having entered the dream world, I did something incredibly rude in the first few "seconds" I was there. I had accidentally cut off some guard's head.
      I didn't mean to do it.
      I just wanted to talk to them about something and when they opened the heavy door, I automatically slammed it on the guy's neck. Apparently, he could also change into a black cat.
      Of course, that was also headless.
      I thought about walking in there and explaining that I didn't mean to do any of that, but I could feel the animosity and knew I had to get out there. So, I jumped up and flew. For some reason, something was keeping me down. I thought it was the area with all its animosity, but it was probably my own inexperience with flying. When I'm mad, I tend to gain a lot of determination and motivation (and I'm not a very motivated person), so after that the flying was quite simple.
      I just knew I had to get out there.
      I flew up and up until I saw the building.
      It was a castle, probably made out of limestone, and shaped like an octagon.
      A dangerous castle resting upon golden sands that seemingly stretched for miles.
      Still upset, I lifted my hands and flicked my wrists. With each flick, I set fire to the building. Finally, I gathered up enough power and...
      The castle started to crumble as easily as the sand beneath it.
      I felt a sense of power, but not from flying. It was from destroying that castle. Honestly, aside from the breathtaking views, flying was not as grand as I thought it would be.

      Then, I woke up. I suppose I could consider something like that a nightmare, but I only consider it one if I can't control the outcome of the bad dream. So, it wasn't a nightmare.
      lucid , memorable
    8. The Adventures of The Pig Hunting Jewel Thief

      by , 10-23-2011 at 03:10 AM
      I don't remember all the specific details of this lucid dream, only that while I was in this junkyard area near a chain link fence and a railroad, I realized I was dreaming.
      It didn't take me that long...

      "There is no way I'm going to spend my dream in a place I could just as easily drive to in real life,"I muttered.
      I decided to use the "fall back" method of going into a different dreamscape, and briefly wondered what would happen if I found myself in bed.
      "I hope I don't idiotically think I'm up."
      Thankfully, or perhaps not, I found myself near a hotel and/or tavern of sorts at night. I had the sinking suspicion I had to find a jewel of some sort. I had nothing better to do--actually, there was a lot of things I could have done, one of which would have won me a lifetime trip to the penitentiary--so I went to look for it. Luckily, the lights from the hotel kept coming on because the residents kept hearing me rustling around the hideous bushes surrounding another building. I fell back again and found myself on a farm.
      ...Where I knew I had to find a pig.
      "A pig? A pig?! Unless that pig is codeword for breakfast sausage, I am not interested!"
      I left that farm in a hurry.
      I went to a bunch of other places using the fall back method, until I came across a pain in the butt family who knew everything about me and the real world.
      "You should totally live with us,"said one member.
      "Uh, no."
      "Come on, come on!"
      I tried doing the fall back method again, but I was so irritated (that family, while very friendly, was just too friendly) that I couldn't do it. When I finally managed to calm down, the morons pulled me so I couldn't fall back.
      "We don't want you to go! You're a fun person,"a girl said.
      A fun person?
      If I had a dollar for every time someone said that, I would be a very poor person.
      Anyway, I shook her off and...then I woke up.
    9. Of Course She Would Be The One

      by , 10-17-2011 at 08:38 PM
      Well, this was an interesting dream.
      I was complaining to this woman and her son about how "it" wasn't much of a challenge.
      "What's not much a challenge,"the woman inquired.
      "This! All this! This...dream...All these dreams are so dull and boring! The last time I told anyone in the Dream World it was a dream, they laughed and made it seem like I was the idiot for not knowing from the very start!"
      We heard a gasp and her son looked worried.
      "I...I'm not real,"he asked, tears coming to eyes.
      "Ah, jeez...,"I muttered guiltily.
      His mother glared at me and said,"Thanks. Thanks for shattering the kid's hopes and dreams."
      I explained things over to him and he seemed to start thinking that it was a good idea. After all, as long I'm not shot or something, the kid's hopes and dreams are intact.
      "But, you know,"I said afterward,"there has to be one person that it would actually infuriate if they found out I was dreaming."
      The woman pointed towards me and said,"Uh, like that?"
      All of a sudden, I felt someone attack me from behind and bite my arm--hard.
      "What the ----?!"
      Surprised, I turned and saw my mother, an angry look in her eyes. I wanted to laugh.
      "This is what I'm talking about! Even in my dreams, you're a pain to deal with!"
      More snarling.
      "Haha! Please. If you think attacking me means I'm going to consider this dream a nightmare, you have another thing coming."
      More biting.
      "Okay, now you're pissing me off."
      I picked her up and body slammed her down onto the ground. I bent down low and murmured," You ain't got nothing on the real thing."
      Then, I "woke up".
      I looked around and sighed in relief. It was just a stupid dream. I glanced at my arm and saw a huge bite mark. Infuriated, I stormed out my room to complaint about it. Then, I woke up for real.
    10. This Will Be Quick

      by , 10-08-2011 at 05:14 AM
      This will be quick.

      I was walking around and I instantly knew I was dreaming.
      "Man, this isn't as fun now,"I complained. I was so busy complaining that it wasn't taking any effort at all to lucid dream now, that I completely forgot that I could do whatever I wanted. No, I didn't forget I was dreaming.
      "Whatever. I'll just type the dream on DreamViews,"I muttered.
      Though, before I woke up, I realized that only complaining and doing absolutely nothing would result in a boring entry.
    11. Is It Rain, Or...

      by , 10-06-2011 at 04:36 PM
      I knew right off the bat that I was dreaming. Remember the doctor? She was in this dream and I got a closer look at her. Turns out, it was actually my grandmother. Both sets of my grandparents were there, and my old friend, Rikki.
      "So, is this...,"I trail off, and I look around at them.
      The doctor--Mamaw isn't as...unique...as this woman--gives me a look and says,"We all know its a dream. Why would it bother us?"
      I give her a look and think,"Ah...Well, considering how indecisive the characters in my previous lucid dream were..."
      Papaw--maternal grandfather--and the doctor start discussing stuff that I don't care about. Rikki smiles and says that she is really happy to talk to me again.
      "Do you still draw all the time,"she asks.
      "Yeah. All the time...It's wonderful being able to create characters and such,"I exclaim.
      Everyone is listening now.
      "Draw something for me, then?"
      I pause for a moment, then ask,"Um...What?"
      "A skeleton. Halloween is coming up and I want to scare my neighbors."
      A skeleton wasn't exactly scary, but whatever.
      We talk about how we've been and then I walk into my paternal grandparent's living room. Grandma isn't talking about growing up in Germany for the millionth time, so even if I hadn't known I was dreaming, I would now. She offers me some chocolate chip cookies.
      "Nah. I've tried that dream food before and I am not impressed."
      They all laugh and the doctor exclaims,"That's because you don't put any effort into the food."
      I glare at her and say,"Well, my grandmother was the one who made the cookies."
      "It's your dream."
      "...I can't argue with that, I suppose. At least my visual sense is good,"I reply, looking around at the detail.
      "You're artistic, so all this is a given,"Grandpa says, taking a sip of his Miller...fruit juice. A football--American Football--game is on and he's watching it now. Football of both varieties does not interest me, so I turn my attention to Papaw. He walks outside and I follow him. All of a sudden, it starts to rain.
      I really felt sopping wet and as I turned and walked towards the house, I wanted to ask him,"Is this rain, or something else?"
      But, I woke up.
    12. No, Yes, and Maybe

      by , 10-04-2011 at 01:30 PM
      I was sitting with three DCs, when all of a sudden I thought of the doctor, who had talked to me about how the DCs in my dreams didn't get upset that they weren't real. My skepticism was apparent as I asked all three of the DCs,"Am I dreaming?"
      "Of course not,"said the one to the right.
      "You might be,"said the one in the middle.
      "Of course you are,"said the one to the left.
      My indecisiveness was also apparent as I ended up losing lucidity and almost bought some stupid $494 autograph.
      None of them seemed upset that I had asked this question, yet all had a different response. Somehow, I think this might symbolize something.
    13. Non-Lucid, Then a Lucid, Then Another Lucid!

      by , 09-26-2011 at 03:01 PM
      This was a very interesting dream!

      Non-Lucid Part

      I'm playing some version of a Kingdom Hearts game and I'm in Destiny Islands. All of a sudden, I see this portal. Not being one to back down from a portal, all three characters--Sora, Donald, and Goofy--go through the portal. As per my controling them, of course.
      The next thing I know, I'm playing as Riku and every single Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy character is trying to kill me!
      I'm thinking,"Oh, crap, Oh, crap..." as I try to turn every which way. There are portals, but no! They're on the other side of those as well. Finally, I see this ocean like portal. Think of Moses opening up the ocean and it's starting to part. Only this time the bad guys get through! Thankfully, that headache of a dream ends and the next thing I know, I'm running away from some threat with my younger brother. We see this small, yellow house and hide behind it. We're talking about what we're going to do about this threat--must not have been much of one because I don't even remember what it was. I see a gigantic tub of red Play-Doh near us and I valiantly offer to carry it up this nearby hill and place it next to a tree where it will protect us.
      Uh, right.
      As I set it down, I realize I'm dreaming.

      Lucid Part

      "Oh my, I'm dreaming,"I murmur. I glance over at my brother and don't want to leave him, but I can't see any more threats. I walk over and explain that I'm leaving. He just nods and tells me to be careful.
      The next thing I do is get on a motorcycle. I suddenly remember that I should probably stabilize my dream.
      "Stabilize! Clarity now!"
      I'm looking around at all the tall, silver skyscrapers and the people driving their cars. Riding this motorcycle isn't as exciting as running really fast--which I love to do in dreams.
      "Wait a minute,"I think," shouldn't I be more excited that I'm riding a motorcycle and lucid dreaming?"
      I never have to worry about waking up from excitement because I'm really, really calm in my dreams.
      I don't press on this any furthur and just continue to ride my motorcycle. Why should I worry about something that needs no worrying?
      Finally, I stop at this hospital in the city. As I walk in, some of the people glance over. A few of them even smile. Being the courteous person that I am, I return the smile. I want to talk to one of them, but I'm not sure which one to talk to. Finally, I see this older woman doctor with big glasses and dyed reddish brown hair. I ask to speak to her privately and we walk into her slightly cluttered office. She has a bunch of doctor certificates and diplomas on her wall. As soon as she shuts the door, though, I get severely tongue-tied.
      "I..I...I d-don't k-know...how...how to say this, b-but--"
      "--But this is all a dream,"she brightly exclaims.
      I'm flabbergasted. She continues to smile and waits for me to say something.
      "H-How,"I finally blurt out.
      "Well, of course all of us would know."
      I faintly think of all the stories about DCs crying when someone tells them it's all a dream. The stories of them denying it, or even worse, beating the dreamer up.
      "Shouldn't all of you be upset or deny it...Or beat me up?"
      She looks at me for a moment and says," Of course not. Why should we beat you up or deny what we already know is the truth?"
      "But, still...You...aren't real."
      "So? Like you've said yourself before, we may not be real, but we still exist. You don't have to be real to exist."
      I am pondering that comment and I realize that I have said that.
      "Besides, you're always very nice to us and considerate to how we might feel when you change things around. It would be rude to beat you up or call you a liar."
      I know she's right, but it still feels weird.
      "Never mind all that though. Would you like to come overfor some supper?"
      I nod and go eat at her house. I can't remember the rest, but I know that I was lucid throughout the entire thing.

      After I woke up and wrote the dream down, I fell back asleep and had another lucid dream. Sadly, I only remember a little and for a very good reason.

      The Second Lucid Part
      "Heck, yes! Another lucid dream," I exclaim.
      My sister glances at me and asks,"Are you going to write this one down as well?"
      I smirk and exclaim,"No need. The last one was so awesome that there is definitely no reason to write this one down."
      Then, I remember that Scarlett Johansson was there but nothing else.
      I have never had two lucid dreams in the same night before.
    14. Driving In The Moonlight

      by , 09-15-2011 at 06:10 PM
      I was with this unimportant person at this nice looking old house. It was surrounded by a bunch of dark green trees and an aging path led from the house to the road. It was night and normally I am pretty nervous to be outside during this time. However, there was a sort of comfort about the cool night air and the darkness seemed welcoming, rather than encompassing and frightening.
      The unimportant person, I suppose we'll call her Wendy, needed to go somewhere. I had nothing better to do, so I followed her. I honestly don't think the girl noticed I was there. She and I walked over to her really old car and she got in. It was one of those snug black cars from the fifties. I thought about getting in, but I decided to just hitch a ride on the car's roof.
      My reasoning?
      "She won't be going fast down this road."
      As I'm looking at the moon and all the pretty trees, I smile and think,"This is wonderful. It's like a dream..."
      Then, I realize that it is a dream. I'm quite pleased and don't let myself get excited, for fear that I'll wake up. I remember reading dream stabilization tips on this website and others, and try to use them. However...
      "Clarity now!"
      Same blurriness.
      I pause for a moment, then say it again. Same thing happens.
      "I said CLARITY NOW."
      My sharp and commanding voice did little if nothing to help.
      "...HD Vision now!"
      Poof! Everything was nice and clear. I suppose I could have gotten off the car, but I was enjoying myself. So, I issued a few commands.
      "I'd like her to turn down this road, left, up a ways."
      The car went the way I wanted.
      "This scenery is really nice, but I want it to be dusk instead."
      Then, it was dusk. I stopped after that because I didn't care.
      The End
    15. My Lucid Dream Where I Did Nothing

      by , 08-06-2011 at 08:46 PM
      I had a lucid dream last night. I was talking to my family and everything was so clear and I was even less interested in their conversation than usual. I thought,"Wow, everything isn't blurry. I must be dreaming." I pondered whether I should do something or not, but I was too lazy to try anything. So, I just continued to listen to my family. Then, I thought,"I wonder how they would feel if I told them this was a dream." I decided against it and just looked around the room. I briefly considered that perhaps I really was awake and had just suffered a moment of temporary insanity. But, I decided against that when I realized I had been in the living room with absolutely no recollection of what I had done before.
      I'm a pretty lethargic person in real life, so it's no wonder whenever I do have a lucid dream, I more or less don't do much of anything. I prefer observing the characters and the scenery.
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