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    Thread: Looking for a newbie to adopt

    1. #126
      this user is awesome i_speel_good's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      I seem to have been dumped by my previous adopted child. New adoptee wanted:

      Info updated:

      Name: Teo
      Abilities(what you can do, how often lucid) : I can do many stuff in lucid's, and I lucid about 2-3 times a month.
      Interests: Music, games, awesomeness.
      Goals: Help someone get easier lucids.
      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: 9 months.
      When you are usually available to answer questions: Almost always, through MSN and Steam Friends.
      Lucid Dream Count: 29 (Latest: 09/02/08)
      Lucid Tasks completed: 10

      Adopted: blue water
      Dream journal

    2. #127
      Nothing is true Altair's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Resting In my bed I slumber, rapped in the loving embrace of sleep.....
      I am looking to be adopted, I am extremely enthusiastic about Lucid Dreaming!

      Name: Ben

      Abilities: Have had a semi-lucid dream where I remember thinking 'This is it! I'm dreaming' and I remember falling 20 storeys, flying and shooting fire out of my hands but I wasn't in complete control. When in reality I can easily tell the difference from it and my dreams but apparently not in my dreams. I find WILD hard and so far my best efforts are MILD/DILD.

      Interests: LDing of coarse. Going into town with my friends, making videos with my friend, going on youtube, and I also like computers and my seXbox 360

      Goal: To have my first Lucid Dream and then to find a regular method for attaining lucidity.

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: Been trying for about a month or two.

      When you are usually available to answer questions: Practicaly all the time on MSN, youtube, or DV! But I prefer contact through hotmail, MSN or youtube because I get informed I have a message.

      I am looking for someone who has had good experience in Lucid Dreaming and preferably is quite well informed on DILDs as that induction technique appeals to me most.
      Work Hard, Play Hard, Dream Hard, Lucid Dream Well

      Dream Goals: Increase Lucidity!! Become aware of my senses, use the elements; fire, water, air, earth, fly some more, talk to DCs, find out DCs names, take dream drugs :p, ask a DC when I will die, get into a Matrix fight with hundreds of enemies like in Reloaded, get a Dream GirlFriend and have Dream Sex!

      Dream Goals Achieved: 2: Have a Lucid Dream and Fly in it!

    3. #128
      The Avatar camera_man1231's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Tempe, AZ
      My name is Ari Roberto Vissicaro
      My abilities at the moment are very limited. I can get lucid but only just. And when lucid i find i can create anything at will.
      My interests in lucid dreaming is pretty much everything. The idea that when your not awake, you have the chance to pretty much do anything that you can think of is the most awesome thing ever!
      My goals are to eventually master the art of lucid dreaming. The first thing i wish to accomplish would be to just get lucid often, then i could go on to dream control.

      I've been lucid 10 times and i've been trying to do it since August so it's pretty obvious i need a lot of help lol.

      I would be availabel to answer around 7-8 pm mountain time, but if i have kung fu or something, i will inform you ahead of time.
      Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?
      - Morpheus
      Goals:Be in an anime, be in a huge battle, play out a normal super hero day, be god of a religion, use jutsus, find dream guide, what is the meaning of life, all tasks of the months, find a DV member.

    4. #129
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Name: Viperfox

      Abilities: Great at going WILD and staying in control. I probably have the worst imagination while lucid. I am working on that.

      Interests: LDing, and making movies.

      Goals: Broaden my imagination when I LD. I can't ever think of anything to do while lucid.

      Amount of time I have been lucid dreaming: On and off- Since late 1990s
      Consistently- Since June 2007

      When I'm usually available: I am homeschooled, so all day pretty much. I go to bed at 10 p.m., and I am usually awake by 9 a.m.

      Comment: If you need tips on getting lucid and staying lucid, I'm your reptile-mammal hybrid.


    5. #130
      on-and-off LD hobbyist innerspacecadet's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      USA (yep, another damn yankee)
      Mostly copied from my old thread...

      Username: Inner Space Cadet

      Age: 27

      Maturity: probably about average for my age, though sometimes I feel like I'm an angsty teenager on the inside.

      Abilities: Depends on the vividness and clarity of the dream, but in my strongest LDs I fly and walk through walls pretty regularly, and can pursue DCs for sexual encounters if I'm so inclined (but they don't tend to work well). My most vivid LDs are usually WILDs but I can only have those when I'm really tired. I tend to have a fair amount of DILDs, but those tend to not be as lucid. LD frequency, I'd say, is roughly once a week when I'm trying really hard and keeping dream journals and once every one to three months when I'm not. (I'm not a natural by any means, but my ability to LD has never vanished completely between periods of interest since I developed it.)

      Interests: Science, psychology, and...anything else tends to be on and off.

      Experience: On and off interest in and pursuit of lucid dreaming since age 18 or so. I was nominally interested in the subject at 17, but I don't think I kept dream journals yet, and I hadn't read any books or websites on the subject. LD abilities probably peaked when I was reading LaBerge's book sometime in my mid-college years. I mostly DILD, with WILDs on VERY rare occasion.

      Goals as an adopter: share hints and encouragement with very inexperienced dreamers, especially those seeking DILDs; keep myself motivated
      -LD Count since rejoining in Dec. 2009: 21

      No dream goals at the moment...just flying and letting stuff happen is kinda fun, and it's hard to motivate myself to try LDing lately.

    6. #131
      !DIREKTOR! Adam's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      Aquanina's closet


      Name: Adam

      Abilities: Well I am a natural lucid dreamer and have been lucid dreaming for over 15 years now (I don't know the exact time, but thinking it is actually closer to 15 years than 10). A lot of my lucid dreams are DILDs. I am experienced in DILD/WILD techniques along with sleep techniques, dream improvement, increasing clarity and vividness and the longevity of lucid dreams. Still I like to say I am a natural Lucid dreamer, experienced, and a nice guy to chat with.

      Interests: Music, sports, Snow Boarding, Travelling and I guess I have to say Dreaming.

      Personal Goals: To achieve my level of lucid abilities I had before I joined this site. I used to frequently LD and had great control and clarity. After becoming aware what lucid dreaming was and finding this forum they had not been as good. Although recently they have been getting back to the level they were and now working on the frequency.

      I am now comfortable enough to say I can lucid dream at will. I have created a technique which has worked for me in producing lucid dreams. Not only does it help with lucid dreams, but has helped others with dream recall and clarity of dreams.

      Adoptee Goals: I want to take someone who has not had any lucid dreams, or very minimal amounts and hopefully develop them to having many clear and memorable lucid dreams. And improve the overall quality of normal dreams. Happy to help complete beginners or those looking for further guidance.

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: Over 15 years.

      When you are usually available to answer questions: Being from the UK and having internet access at work from 9am GMT/BST up to late, maybe 12/1am GMT/BST. Available via email, Private Message or MSN.

      Adoptee Prerequisites: I hope to adopt someone who is dedicated to lucid dreaming, and has been trying for a while. I ask that they be a regular member to the forum and have been around for a couple of months. Reason I ask this is I have dedicated a number of hours to writing my own guide to Lucid dreaming and wish to share this with a someone relatively new to to it all and develop it with their help to produce a useful guide. Thus I require someone who will listen, be dedicated, converse with me and not just try for a couple of weeks then disappear. Not really to fussed about age, but someone in late teens early twenties would be good (I am 25). Male or female would do. Preferably from the UK so we can be from the same time zone, but just has happy taking on someone further afield.

      I hope to find someone easy to talk to, has no trouble articulating their thoughts, easy to get a long with and possible friendship. German speaking would be a benefit too (since I am learning German).

      If anyone is interested, please PM me. Let me know a few details about you and stuff. I will be very selective about who I choose as hope to get the right person I think I can develop, not only this guide but possible friendship too


    7. #132
      The Immortal nayrki's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      LD Count
      In your nightmares
      Name: Ryan

      Abilities: I'm basically a natural LD'er.. I have lucid dreams any time i sleep more than two hours basically. While normally I just wait for a DILD (which usually comes) I also use WILD to get to sleep anytime I'm not actually tired..
      I also practice having EXTREMLY vivid lucid and non-lucid dreams, as naturally my dreams are not very vivid.
      I reccommend the WBTB method with WILD for beginners

      Interests: Writing. Computers. Working out. Dreaming. Guitar. Music. Life. Everything.

      Goals: to have more conscious thought process during lucid dreams, like to think inside of a dream without interrupting it.

      Amount of time I've been LDing: Since i got curious what was in the girls bathroom that guys werent allowed to see. So i'll say around 12 years.

      Availibility: Anytime. I typically get up around 10:30ish PST and go to bed around 1-3ish PST. Best way to contact me is on MSN/AIM, or by visiting the DV chat if i'm on.

    8. #133
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2005
      Name: Vex

      ecent dream recall
      A few lucid dreams a month by DILD or WILD methods
      Have accomplished several lucid tasks

      Dreaming, graphic design, writing, astronomy, photography, most things of a geekish nature.

      My current goal is to be able to WILD at will.
      And, to start experimenting with Lucid Dreams as a means to alter or improve my interanal workings.
      I'd also like to delve into Dream Shamanry

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams:
      Have had spontaneous lucid dreams since about 5 years old.
      Have been intentionally lucid dreaming for over three years.

      When I am usually available to answer questions:
      I try to update my DV dream journal between 8 - 9am EST.
      Usually online questions in the afternoon between 3pm & 5pm EST.
      I also try to be online again between 12:30am - 2:30am EST nightly
      IM info will be provided upon request.

      An on site dream journal will be expected of you just because I like to peep into the minds of others.

      Current Adoptee/s:

      Previous Adoptee/s:

    9. #134
      with the power of 28!! seeker28's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Idaho, USA; the back end of nowhere.

      Natural LDer seeking serious newb

      My name is Meghan, or seeker28 here on DV. This will be the first time I try adopting.

      have LDs an average of 6 out of 7 nights a week
      average just over 3 LDs a night (average includes nights I'm not lucid)
      DILD, WILD, WBTB, and DEILD are my methods
      Fly, manifest objects, and other dream tricks

      LDing, fiction writing, drawing, pets, medical service dogs, religion, philosophy, higher math, cult classic movies, and a ton more. I am not into sports.

      increase my own control during LDs
      increase my dream recall
      help somebody become better and more confidant with LDing

      When available for help
      I am on DV about 5 times a week. I would prefer to be contacted exclusivly through this website.

      I am a natural LDer. I've been having LDs since early childhood. I'm not sure when I had my first. Up until about nine months ago I thought everyone knew when they were dreaming. Then I saw a program about lucidity on TV and was surprised that it was something special. So I decided to learn to be as good at it as possible and to get the most out of my sleep, because, after all, we do spend about one third of our lives asleep! Since finding this site and learning how to induce LDs, I have been having them much more often, have increased my control during LDs, and I have gotten much better at remembering my dreams.

      What I demand from my newb
      1. A serious commitment to LDing. I don't want you getting discouraged and giving up.
      2. Contact at least once a week.
      3. Must keep a dream journal.
      4. Ability to communicate in logical, complete sentences.
      5. Be a decent human. I don't want to hear racist, sexist, or otherwise ignorant crap.

      I have a "radical acceptance" approach to LDing. I am not going to be prescribing sleep schedules or routines of techniques. I will be asking my newb to do a lot of mind opening activities and mind prepairing activities.

      Please PM me if interested.
      Last edited by seeker28; 12-04-2007 at 05:43 AM.
      LD tasks of the month completed: 16
      Read some of my writing:

      Visit my deviantart gallery:

    10. #135
      Drivel's Advocate Xaqaria's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2007
      LD Count
      Denver, CO Catchphrase: BullCockie!
      DJ Entries

      Abilities :
      Well, I feel as though I have reached almost full control over my lucid dreams. Basically the only thing that limits my abilities is being unable to visualize or otherwise imagine what I am trying to do, since I've attempted to do some pretty unusual things while LD. A list of examples of things I have done;
      fly in almost every LD
      Caused the sun to rise
      materialized objects without looking away or 'finding' them
      spoken with DC's that represented my subconscious (one of which claimed to be god, which was unexpected)
      caused a DC to age almost to the point of death
      Altered DC's appearance by force of will
      gone through mirrors, windows, doors and solid walls/ceilings

      I have many goals but some examples are;

      I've had some trouble leaving the planet, a lot of which have been time issues (I woke up before I left the atmosphere) I hope to get in to space soon and explore some astronomical bodies.

      I've experimented a lot with talking to my subconscious but I've only had a few successful encounters, one of which was very surprising and made me forget what I had intended to do. I hope to get some more concrete, verifiable information.

      I'd like to experiment with time dialation and examine the supposed possibility of extended LD time (dreams in which you fully experience days/weeks/etc in real time)

      Although I currently don't believe in them, I'd like to experiment with Shared dreams, OoBE's, and precognitive/clarevoyant dreams.

      Interests :
      Science(mostly theoretical physics), philosophy, art, religion, skiing

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams:
      Well I started LDing as a child to avoid nightmares, although I would usually only wake myself up as soon as I realized I was dreaming to avoid frightening situations.

      I have been having regular lucid dreams for about 7 years and have been actively working to have them for about 2. I have had a weird sleep schedule due to my two jobs (one of which is a grave yard shift) and so I haven't been able to focus on LDing but at my peak focus towards LD's, I averaged about 6 a week. Without working at it now, I have about 1 every week.

      When I am available for help :
      I visit DV for at least five minutes and usually off and on for an hour or more almost daily. I work 11pm to 7am saturday and sunday night, spending most of that time on the computer (mostly DV).

      I would prefer an adoptee who is interested in experimenting and not just looking to improve their dream sex life and flying abilities. A good imagination is a must.
      Last edited by Xaqaria; 12-24-2007 at 07:56 AM.

      The ability to happily respond to any adversity is the divine.
      Dream Journal Shaman Apprentice Chronicles

    11. #136
      never better Achievements:
      1 year registered Veteran First Class 10000 Hall Points
      Bearsy's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      BuffaLOVE, New York

      Looking to be Adopted

      Name: Darien(real), Couch(nickname), Elis D.(handle).
      Abilities(what you can do, how often lucid: - I can't do anything but regular dreams, I've nae be lucid ever.
      Interests: Science, Philosophy, Music, Film, Video Games, Psychology, Debating Religion + Politics, Recreational/Spiritual Drug Use
      Goals: I would like to finally become lucid, and once lucid my main goals are: To Fly, Shape-shift, Teleportation, Control my environment, Have sex(of course), Walk through walls... etc.
      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: Never
      When you are usually available to answer questions: I come on DV for about an hour a day, also I randomly check it every few hours throughout the day.
      Other Info: I have real crappy sleep habits, which probably explains why I can't go lucid. I'm willing to fix this though if someone is willing to adopt.

    12. #137
      Member Achievements:
      1 year registered Referrer Bronze Veteran First Class 5000 Hall Points Created Dream Journal
      DrTechnical's Avatar
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      Feb 2007
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      Name: DrTechnical

      Abilities: Ever expanding as my confidence improves, but main interests are flying, creating and walking through space/time portals, and of course Lucid sex (it's not even the physical aspect that I'm so intrigued by, but rather the lack of social rules or consequence!).

      Interests: Dreams of course. Music, guitar, bodybuilding and technology.

      Goals: Better my ability to WILD naturally (wo/ galantamine). Improve my ability to conjure arbitrary people. Improve LD duration.

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: I've been spending a fair amount of time and effort since the spring of '06.

      When I am usually available to answer questions: PM is probably best.

      Other relevant facts: I have a pretty broad understandiing of LDing from both an eastern and western perspective and have combined this knowledge appropriately. I strongly belileve that meditation is crucial in order to master LDing and dream control. I also am not shy about leveraging drugs (e.g. - galantamine, calea, african dream root, salvia ...). Please take a peek at some of my posts to get a sense of my ideas and "style". If you're interested in having me as a mentor, please PM and tell me a little about yourself.
      Last edited by DrTechnical; 01-31-2008 at 12:05 AM.
      Adopted Namwan, 2/6/08 Chris31, 3/14/08

    13. #138
      Speedcubing Madman Vegan's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      Name Ben, Vegan, whatever you really feel comfortable calling me.
      Abilities: I'm very skilled with telekinesis and ghost powers (hovering vs. walking, walking through walls. etc...), I fly very well along with summoning
      Interests: Rubik's cubes, music, film, and living an oppression free lifestyle.
      Goals: I want to enter into film school after high school, or attend a university that has a good arts program so I can study film production, and possibly music theory.
      I've been frequently LDing for about 7 months, I started working with my dreams about 8 months ago.
      I'm generally available from anywhere from 4 p.m. to about 9 p.m. EST,

      I realize that I am somewhat new to the DV forums, but I am not new to Lucid Dreaming,

      I really love helping people, and I hope that maybe I can help someone become a better Lucid Dreamer.

      EDIT: Adopted Shan-chan
      Last edited by Vegan; 02-03-2008 at 11:42 PM. Reason: Adopted Shan-chan
      WILDs - 38
      MILD/DILDs - 44
      VILDs - 8
      TILDs - 1 (Thirst Induced Lucid Dream, never going through that experience again...)
      Total: 98 - So close to the big 100

    14. #139
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Ok, I'm going to adopt again, I feel another 2 people will be ok, first come first serve as well.

      Name: NeAvO

      Abilities: Meh, the usual, flying, superspeed strength. Changing appearance, I controlled fire which was pretty cool. I have decent recall depending on how stressed I am or how much sleep I get. Usually have lucids naturally, going through a dry spellish at the moment though.

      Interests: Going out with friends, having fun. I like going to the cinema, I'm on the internet quite a bit. Up for a laugh.

      Goals: Well I'd like to help some one get lucid, also I'd like to improve my own lucids while doing so. Also maybe make good friends with the adoptee, if I can improve the person's recall just a little then I'd be happy .

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: I used to have loads when I was younger, however that stopped. For the last few years I have been getting spontanious lucids usually once every 2 weeks or so.

      When you are usually available to answer questions: I'm in England and will be available usually mid afternoon to evening. Sometimes early morning depending on work.

      How to contact me: I'll be on here, or MSN.

      PM if interested!
      Last edited by NeAvO; 02-08-2008 at 02:06 AM.
      NeAvO's Nightly Journeys
      Adopted: Hazel AngelGirl Shadowsand
      <img src=http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t58/NeAvO_2007/neavowx4.png border=0 alt= />
      Courtesy of Goldney
      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    15. #140
      ;) Axel's Avatar
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      Jan 2008
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      Name: Robert Bens (real-life) Axel (forum name) Bobby (nick name)
      Abilities: Well the only thing that I pretty much did is fly. I've had 4 lucids but those were all DILDs so they were pretty much random LDs
      Interests: Math, Computers, MMORPG's, LUCID DREAMING \o/
      Goals: I would mostly like to fly at a faster speed, walk through walls, Do at least ONE LD task of the month, change my shape and remember to do more stuff while i'm in a lucid dream lol.
      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: Idk I have my first one about 1 year ago.
      When you are usually available to answer questions: I am almost ALWAYs on DV. The only time i'm not is when i'm at school and baseball conditioning.
      Other Info: I have a pretty constant sleep schedule. I fall asleep around 8:00 and wake up at around 5:40 to get ready for school.

      I'd really like to be adopted by NeAvO

      14 LD's - 12 DILDs, 1 FILD, 1 MILD

    16. #141
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      Mar 2007
      Doncha Know, Murka
      DJ Entries
      Name: Abra the Awesome (Not really. Just Abra. Or Ab. Or Bra. I don't care.)

      Abilities: I've got unusually detailed dream recall in all areas, the senses, thought processes within the dream, and dream conversations. I'm a good summoner, a natural flier, and an improving teleporter. I may lucid dream consecutively for a few days, or not at all. It depends on what's going on in real life. Also, my lucid dreams tend to have a sequence: where one leaves off, the next continues.

      Interests: I've got a penchant for videogaming. I adore Super Smash Bros., DDR, and many first person shooters. I can beat a handful of Zelda games blindfolded. Really! I also breed and raise a few species of tropical fish (swordtails!), and am learning how to program in Java.

      Goals: Not only to get them their first lucid, but to leave them with a solid foundation for lucid dreaming in the future. I hope to become more motivated in my own lucid dreaming endeavors in the process.

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: One year, approximately today.

      When you are usually available to answer questions: 7-11PM EST is your best bet on weekdays to receive an answer from me. EDIT: Also, I'm not a big fan of instant messengers.

      Other: I want an adoptee that is uninterested in learning how to Astrally Project, Anally Project, or OBE. That middle term is there as a joke. The adoptee can be of any age or gender, and must send me two dollars via PayPal for every question they ask. That was a joke as well. Obviously, the adoptee must have a reasonable sense of humor.
      Last edited by Abra; 02-15-2008 at 03:57 AM.

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    17. #142
      Callapygian Superstar Goldney's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      Name: Goldney, obviously. Don't misspell it goldney, or glodney or any other variation please.

      Interests: Various musicians. I'm actually quite into films, oh and some tv programs. I like Prison Break even if the script is a bit formulaic. Family Guy is funny when people are constantly quoting it. I'm a reader also; I almost always have a book on the go. For example, I'm currently reading Russel Brand's autobiography "My Booky Wook" and before that it was Chuck Palahniuk's "Lullaby".

      Goals: Personal motivation really. Hopefully some fresh blood will awaken my interest in lucid dreaming. Of course, I would hope to get my adoptee lucid, otherwise I'd be a failed mentor.

      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: A few weeks after I started coming here. So about a year

      When you are usually available to answer questions: Just PM me any time. I'll reply within a day most likely.

      Other: I don't want an adoptee that's going to ask me about the "spiritual" side of lucid dreaming, because I personally believe that lucid dreams aren't "spiritual". Also, I would prefer to have an adoptee who has been here at least a month and has around 200+ posts.

      I'm going to be honest now, I don't post in the lucid dreaming sections a lot and I've never been completely successful in have lucid dreams at will, however, I like to think I know a lot about various techniques and the methods behind lucid dreaming, as well as techniques of control inside lucid dreams. Oh and I've Wilded before.

    18. #143
      Living Dead Girl DeadDollKitty's Avatar
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      Apr 2005
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      DDK is adopting


      Would like to help teach a new person about LDing. Someone just starting out who'd like to know the in's and out's of dreaming. I can help with other things too if need be. More difficult things, like WILD in depth or whatever else your heart desires.

      Feel free to PM me, and seeing as I'm on practically every day, youll get a response soon.
      Adopted: Ska

    19. #144
      Member Achievements:
      1 year registered Veteran First Class 5000 Hall Points
      Pastro's Avatar
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      Mar 2006
      Just as I was tempted to get back into the grove of things and get some assistance you go and shut me down with your noobs only criteria, I haven't done anything in ages, I'm kind of like a noob . Granted now that I think of it I'm not entirely sure what I want to attempt this time [WILD,MILD ect..].

    20. #145
      Living Dead Girl DeadDollKitty's Avatar
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      Apr 2005
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      Annnnnd I'm closed. Can not adopt anyone at this time. Thank you
      Adopted: Ska

    21. #146
      The Observer Achievements:
      1 year registered Referrer Bronze Veteran First Class 5000 Hall Points
      Sanquis's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2007
      The week I was away too... damn.

    22. #147
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      LD Count
      Bay Area, California
      DJ Entries
      Intro: I have been involved in lucid dreamin for 10 or more years. I have taught people in the waking world, but never in the digitalinternetcyberworld. I took a break from dreaming for a while, but I feel I have been back in the habit again for long enough to take someone new on. Lets give it a try!

      Abilities: I have fairly decent DILDs, around 2-3 times a week without trying much. My WILDs are successful about 50&#37; of the time. In addition to this, I meditate at least 1-2 times a day. I like incubating dreams almost as much as I like inducing lucids. I frequently incubate complicated design problems or possibilities for new artwork.

      Personal: I am 27 years old, and I live in California. I am an Architect and Artist. I'm into low-brow art, and unpretentious design with a sense of humor. I believe the secret to a great life is a good sense of humor, an uninhibited lifestyle, and a childlike desire to have F.U.N.

      Availability: I'm on Dreamviews way more than I should be. I try to always keep a window open while in the studio. I'm always insanely busy, but its never with anything that can't wait.

      PM me!

    23. #148
      The Narcissist RockNRoller123's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      Houses of the Holy
      Name: Jay
      Abilities(what you can do, how often lucid) : I can break some laws of physics (Jump Higher) And I've been trying since January and have only had 3 Lucid Dreams.
      Interests: Music, Guitar (Main Interset), video games, LDing, Harmonica.
      Goals: Get more frequent LDs
      Amount of time you've been having lucid dreams: 2 months.
      When you are usually available to answer questions: Through AIM any day after 6 pm Mountain time. 9pm for east coast I think.

      GOOD WILD's: 4 (Got it down Bitches!)
      GOOD DILD's: 3
      Short LD's: At Least 40



    24. #149
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      Name: DRBJDreamer
      Abilities:decent dream recall, Projectiles (fireworks), Dream stabilizers(ex: saying "increase Lucidity"), Summoned an Object,ok relaxation/concentration.
      Goals: To Fly, have a LD almost every night, improve inner peace/concentration.
      Amount of time LDing: since late 2007
      Availability: usually at night

    25. #150
      Join Date
      Feb 2008
      DJ Entries
      Name: Naiya
      Abilities: I have lucid dreams every night. I'm adept at helping people understand and interpret their dreams. I have frequent OBEs, and I can leave my body at will.
      Interests: Dreams, astral travel, divination, sci-fi, song writing, religion, the paranormal.
      Goals: I would like to successfully document some mutual dreams. Right now I do not have a mutual dreaming partner who is a lucid dreamer so it has been very difficult--I'd like to have an LDer, but I really need to practice with someone I have met in real life before.
      Amount of time I've been having lucid dreams: I started trying to have lucid dreams around 12 years old. I began to have them several times a week at about 15.
      When I'm usually available to answer questions: I'm usually online on nights and evenings and I can jump in the DV chat, but I check my mailbox every day so I can always PM back and forth.

      I know a lot of about the "Beyond Lucidity" type of stuff: astral travel, meditation, chi or energy, and visualization. So if you are looking to segue into astral travel, I can help.

      I am very strict. So don't ask me to adopt you unless you are really going to put some effort into it. I can give advice until I'm blue in the face but at the end of the day, you decide if you're going to be consistent with trying to get lucid.

      I don't want to hear any whining about how it's too much work, or it's too hard or you don't have time. If any of that is true, then by all means just give up. You don't have to lucid dream. It doesn't matter how much you want to if you don't even try very hard. If you don't try, obviously you don't want it that much.

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