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    1. #1
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      Aug 2011

      deild tips? please help?

      ok so the first time i tried deild it worked, but i have tried it a couple of times since then and i keep opening my eyes when i wake up. so i think if i can not do that it will work for me.

      does anyone have any tips on how to stay still and keep your eyes closed in deild?

      i have been useing auto uggestion abit, when i wake up i will play dead.

      and im going to try use a short alarm and im going to try train myself to play dead when i hear it.

    2. #2
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      Here's what I do that works for me, I spend a few minutes every night looking at the back of my eyelids (when my eyes are close) while auto-suggesting. I got this from a guide, works great!
      Could you please explain how you do deild? I struggle with that.
      Please feel free to check out my DEILD guide: http://bit.ly/2DOqiyT

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2011
      Thanx il try that.

      For Deild all you have to do is lay still and keep your eyes closed when you wake up, so you are half asleep still. And start recalling your dream and imagine yourself back in it. Then you will go back in and you will be lucid because you know your going into a dream. Or you might go into a dream.
      The hardest part is not moving or opening your eyes when you wake up. If you get that then you've pretty much got it.
      And the good thing is it doesn't take long.

      And you have to wake up from a dream. Witch you usually do naturally.

    4. #4
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      The easiest way to progress towards a succesful DEILD is to stop yourself from moving as soon as you can after waking, even if you do end up moving for a few seconds. Just stop when you remember to not move, and affirm to yourself that you're going to DEILD (even if you might not necessarily be able to anymore). Keep doing this every time you wake up, and eventually the time between waking up and not moving should become nonexistent, leaving you motionless as soon as you wake.

      Also, when you tell yourself not to move after waking, don't focus on your physical body at all. You'll probably want to do this, just to make sure you don't move, but this can be counterproductive - regular WILDs can fail if you focus too much on yourself in bed; so can DEILDs, as they're a form of WILD. Focus instead on the dream you just exited from, and imagine the tactile, auditory, and visual sensations as strongly as you can!
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


      SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
      Have questions about lucid dreaming? DM me.

    5. #5
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      Your first suggestion is exactly what I do, I use alarms to trigger my own deild oppurtunity. Although I have trained myself to wake up with closed eyes and laying still through autosuggestion.
      But now I just go to sleep wake up, fall asleep and on some of the alarms I make an attempt and I am allready at the end process of WILD.
      Here is how Visualisation will make you transition if you are in Sleep paralysis.

      At first you are just thinking (visualising)
      After seconds (if you are in sleep paralysis) or minutes (if you are just relaxed) you will feel that your thoughts becomes more vivid, but if you try to concentrate on one of them, it disapears.
      Then you will realise that you are still thinking about the first you thought, even if you stop thinking about it. (you are getting closer to a subconscious focus)
      Then it will increase in vividness again and you will see things that you didn't thought about consciously and you will get surprised. Then you will see more of the visualisation and it will almost feel like you are standing there, and now you can concentrate on the things around you and the dream will become stable.
      Then remember to stabilise.

      And that's how I deild

    6. #6
      Member Csorax's Avatar
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      I have a question too:

      When I wake up from the dream via an alaram, I can manage to stay perfectly still, but I have problems visualizing the dream I just had. I can't decide which special scene I shall visualize again, because I lack short bits of memory between the dream actions.

      Also: I use my alarm on a volume that's just enough to wake me up, but Im still fully awake when it goes off. Is this normal?

    7. #7
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      If you can't remember your previous dream, that doesn't matter because that is just something that I naturally do and that is why I think about it. You can think about what ever you want, because the dream is just a vivid thought, sometimes I just visualise myself getting out of bed, it's the switch of consciousnes that is important to look for.
      Do you mean that you don't fall asleep between the alarms? Anyway I used to do that too, but then I tried out different alarm setups, to find what suited me best.

    8. #8
      Member Csorax's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Choi View Post
      Do you mean that you don't fall asleep between the alarms? Anyway I used to do that too, but then I tried out different alarm setups, to find what suited me best.

      Falling asleep is not the problem, its waking up. As I said, my alarm volume is just enough to wake me up, but Im fully awake at the point it goes off. Wouldn't it be better if I'd still be a bit dizzy from sleep when it goes off?

      Does it make a difference if im half or fully awake at DEILD, as long as I don't move?

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by Csorax View Post
      Falling asleep is not the problem, its waking up. As I said, my alarm volume is just enough to wake me up, but Im fully awake at the point it goes off. Wouldn't it be better if I'd still be a bit dizzy from sleep when it goes off?

      Does it make a difference if im half or fully awake at DEILD, as long as I don't move?
      Aha I understand now You feel too awake? But if you use the 8,4 8 ... timer then you can fall asleep all the time until you get to sleep paralysis automatically. Or atleast fall asleep until you start to get tired on the awakenings.
      But now it doesn't matter as long as you don't move or open your eyes.

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