Today ive read that the ability of lucid dreaming decrease from the age of 50 years because the sleep quality and the rem-sleep length is decreasing (because of the changing metabolism and the calcification of the pineal gland) . Since Lucid Dreaming is my life and i cant imagine to loose this ability in the future im searching for a way to maintain lucid dreaming to old age. Currently i´m 22 years old but it makes me sad that i could loose the ability of lucid dreaming when i´m old (ive saw a chart which showed that in the age of 25 the rem phase decrease, so i feel old already ). Before i knew that ive never had any fear of aging but now the thought of it makes me crazy. Is there any medication to maintain lucid dreaming and a youthful sleep and dreams so i can even dream lucid in the age of 70 or 80?

PS: Sorry for my bad english.