Originally Posted by WildWolf1
Okay so first I want to thank y'all for your continued support. Now I'm tuning into this thread again to look for some additional tips on effectively examining my state, since I thought I had everything in place, but now that I've tried the method y'all told me about new questions have arised.
I wanna ask: What does it mean to reflect on my current situation? Is asking critical questions a way to reflect? What other ways are there?
When I RC in waking life, I always stop and look around (do a full 360), trying to find things that are out of place, odd, etc. I ask myself "Does anything here look like a dream?" and also "What was I doing a few minutes ago?"
So then last night when I was dreaming, I noticed things were out of place and I remembered that what I was doing a few minutes ago was falling asleep. That lead to 2 lucid dreams. Important to mention WBTB was used, which is a huge huge huge help.
Any questions along those lines, combined with using your senses, is pretty much what is meant by reflecting on your current situation. "How did I get here??" is another good one.
Originally Posted by DarkestDarkness
My RC'ing was interrupted by another dream character, because even in waking life I have the "weakness" of being very self-conscious about reality checking in front of/around others,
I used to be like that, but not anymore. I am still discreet at work (I pretend I'm looking at my nails, when I'm really counting my fingers), but not around anyone else. Honestly, I would be proud if someone realized and knew what I was doing.