Quote Originally Posted by Sageous
Here is what'll hopefully be a slightly different direction for our debate:

My main problem with shared-dreaming, I think, is the question of how physically it might work ... how are we transmitting our presence from dreamer to dreamer?
This has been my big question as well. Thank you Sageous, for tempering my outburst.
Quantum physics is the closest thing I can think of that would reasonably provide at least a foundation for the kind of communication we are talking about. At the sub atomic level, which i think dreams exist, particles can disappear and reappear somewhere very far away seemingly without regard to time or space. Yet, all things we know of in science operates upon this structure of electricity and magnetism. This is why I wondered about the magnetic structure of the earth. I am sure it is involved in our brains operations regardless but consciously navigating that energy seems far-fetched.
Perhaps when we discover more about dark matter and dark energy, we can begin to look at things on a smaller level. Originally it was thought these forces could not have any effect on matter; however, now they are saying it does have an effect, but they are not sure how much.

Quote Originally Posted by Gills
What is the truth then?

Or are you simply being incoherent?
That reminds me of Pilate asking Jesus the same question. What is truth? I am certainly not advocating that we assume shared dreaming is real because someone says as much. What I like to avoid is automatically dismissing those same people because their experiences seem ridiculous. Many times, the experience of a person is valid while their interpretation of the experience is in question.
What I see you doing Gills, is intentionally seeking out shared dreaming discussions throughout this forum and attempting to throw it off track or dissolve it completely into tirades about how we can know what we know.
Perhaps you are just confused and you are angry that everyone is not as confused as you. I say this because I know the feeling. Are people really missing something when they believe something that is not scientifically verifiable? Why shouldn't they be allowed to enjoy their experience and explore its individual veracity? All I see you doing is immediately dismissing someone because their experience fits into the "unprovable" category.
Of course, I have already said this in other ways before, I just feel the need to defend this thread again because of your determined blind faith in proof.
If we never imagine what is possible, we will never discover the impossible. And as soon as you place burden of proof on the imagination, you have lost your humanity.

Quote Originally Posted by shadowofwind
The earth's magnetic field can move charged particles like electrons, but the field itself won't transfer information between people. It would be like using the sound of the wind in trees to communicate. You can make sound, such as with your voice, but the background noise doesn't help, it's just something extra to be separated from the noise you want to hear. Using electromagnetics to communicate amounts to sending light or radio waves from your brain.
Ok, cool. So, what if our brains use something else that reacts with charged particles but uses something different? I am thinking about dark matter/energy. To continue with your metaphor, maybe a dream is like a bubble of dark matter/energy which could sail along the magnetic wind metaphorically speaking. The magnetic fields would act like jet streams or wormholes for these ultra-sensitive particles?
This is completely theoretical but it sounds interesting...