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    1. Finaly an enjoyable long and stable lucid dream with teleportation

      by , 10-28-2015 at 05:59 PM
      Bedtime: 11 pm, did meditation before bed, eat early so not that full stomach, daytime awareness decent. did some visualization of my previous lucid dreams
      had problems falling asleep (needed like 1-1.5h till fall asleep) unusual but maybe fullmoon maybe because i did an hour nap at afternoon.

      -"Nightmare" or better say unpleasant dream:
      in a room. some bananas on the table/ground. a big black-yellow spider comes from them and runs and jumps around. switches the room. i lock the first so it cant go back. i run after it and in the next room. a hell lot of plants (bananaplants?) i dont find the spider. think about putting something yellow on the ground so the spider comes and wants to hide there? a couch with some friends sitting. i talk to them and see 2 or 3 spiders right behind a friend. tell her not to move and want to approach her. suddenly i feel a spider on my left foot. i scream and wake up.

      --> not super nightmarish like awake with high heartbeat and all sweaty but i normally dont have this kind of dreams.

      -FA: i look at the clock and see its 6am (need to get up at 7am) so i decide no try to get lucid because i want to sleep. wake up afterwards and see its 4:40... damn

      -FA: i stand up and look at my hand. it is a little blurry but i think its because my eyes are tired. i look closer and count fingers. there are five. so i am "awake" NLD

      i am at a small store. i go some stairs down and see some muffins. i wonder if xy has baked them. i look at my hands but they look pretty normal. i do a noseplug but very little air comes thru. this time i not led up and think about how i could prove now if i am dreaming or not. i look outside at a stores sign. i look three times and everytime a completely different word is standing there. i smile and feel happy and tell J "wow i am still dreaming" and start flying slowly away. i levitate/fly thru the street and meet another friend. i fly on my back and ask her how she is. i keep flying some feet stop and remember i want to summon my roommate. i try the hand behind back technique but it seems that i have the wrong mindset i am not impatient and only feel my hand entangle in my jacket. i think shortly and decide that i sure will find him in the store i left because there where other friends of mine to. i go there and he is not there i call his name and in this moment he runs down some stairs and jumps on the street saing "Tadaaaa" everyone is happy to see him and wants something of him. i go to him and make him clear that i want to talk to him alone. he jumps on my back and i want to start flying (obviously i dont belief he can fly on his own ) i start and he falls down. i help him up and tell him to hold tighter. we try again and slowly i rise. i tell myself that its not more difficult to fly than alone but still we are pretty slowly but steady. i fly on a roof where we stop and sit down.i rub my hands. i ask him if he wants some candy and have a big smile on my face because i want to do the summon out of the pocket move. i put both hands in my pockets and get out some candy plus a used tissue and a tissuepack. i put them away again and we continue talking. i notice that somehow i have some sweets in my mouth too but i dont mind because tasting will ground and stabilize the dream. i tell him how much i like him and tell him that he appear in atleast one dream every night. i ask him if he might help me get lucid next time when he appears in my dreams and i am not lucid. he dont get it and tells me we can rent a cottage and spend some time together there. i say ya cool but i dont mean that. i explain again. he nods careful and i dont think he really get it. atleast its not the reaction i wanted to hear. a guy is coming a rooftop next to us and rant something. L is asking if it is okay if we are on this rooftop and i tell him who cares this is my dream and if someone has a problem with it will see what he get right? i ask loud and the guy says something like hell yea! while we talking i look onto the horizon and see an explosion or something but without sound and a shock wave expanding and coming to us. i dont want the conversation to be interrupted and so i stretch my arm in the direction and put some will into so the wave stops right infront of the riverside. my roommate didnt notice anything because it happened behind his back. he climbs of the roof and wants back to the other guys. i think about run after him but then i decide that i want to try out t he blink eye teleportation (i incubated this scenario or this goal before sleep) i want to teleport to my room because i know it pretty good and can visualize it easily so this is a good start i think. i close my eyes and imagine my room with the bed on the left side, my table, my cupboard... i feel a slight falling backwards, open my eyes and i am lying in my bad with a pillow on my head (Daytimeresidue: i woke up before because my other roommate´s alarm was ringing for his work so i put a pillow on my head and fall asleep again). Its not the feeling of a FA. i know that i teleported. i do a short noseplug and i can breath completely free. i stand up, notice that i have my sleeping cloth on but i dont care, its a dream . i dont know what to do because i didnt incubate anything after the teleportation (kind of didnt tought it would work that easy) i think about jump out of my window for some action but i decide to explore the apartment. i go into the kitchen and notice that it looks different than usual. its dark so i want to turn on the light but it dont works. i dont care and go into my roommates room. he is doing some random movements with his hand like ti shi. i accidentally suprise or scare him and he rants shortly. i ask him if he cant remember that we where together some minutes ago. my alarm starts ringing and i try to build it into the dream and say to him hey your alarm is ringing but wake up some seconds after.

      This was a very nice and aware lucid without worrys of waking up or instability. i needed this because the last 2 or 3 dreams i started to get a problem with thinking oh might this dream gets unstable or may i fall into the void and it always happens then... this time i was likE "this dream will last forever"
      and teleportation is sooooo coool ! and the close eyes be somewhere else is very easy and fast way. its nice to see i dont have problems with closing my eyes in dream
    2. Nice, long and vivid semilucid with alot of dreamcontrol

      by , 10-28-2015 at 05:23 PM
      Did three sessions of half an hour meditation and one shorter right before bed, had decent awareness thru out the day, got to bed with pretty full stomach. had not that good mood.
      Bedtime: 22:20

      Awake with this very long vivid semi-to lucid dream: 1:40
      (shortened a little because way to detailed in my Paper DJ)
      Standing on a Street with V. its dark package of someting falls down and starts jumping and spinning around like there is some pressure on it. we get a little wet from it on. i taste it and say to him: do you have this sometimes too that something dont tastes like expected or not at all? we hide behind a wall so someone doesnt see us? i push it with TK down the road into the water. one can still hear the sounds it makes. on the right side is an apartment. a woman wants to exit but before she reaches the door i do a handmove and lock the door so she cant open it. she uses her key and gets outside. some more people are coming. i push a kid via TK so he falls down. (no harm done just a little push ) i push also a girl on a bike but help her up with TK again... two other women are coming that dont seem to notice me. Via mindcontrol i force them to look one after another up to me so i can examine them in detail. i talk to V how funny it is do to this stuff. we go some feet away. there is a crowed and i let about 6 people levitate with TK. its a little bit difficult and 3 in the middle are sinking but after all all are in the air. V stands about 150 feet away. i aim for him and try a kamehameha (dragonball Z) and it works like a charm. i dont see the energy in my hand but when i push a bright energybeam goes of in his direction. first try i miss because its to high. he shots back and i jump to the side. i think i throw some firebeam aswell?. i throw another energybeam and this time i hit the ground right in front of him and a pretty big explosion happen. he gets thrown away and i think he´s dead... that was not my intention... i run to him and its a little bit like in a game where you can collect his Crystal/soul whatever and i run with it back to a point where i can revive him. time is running up in the upper side "of the screen". i revive him and tell him i am sorry and tell him i just wanted to try the kamehameha. he says no problem no harm done
      Change of location
      we are at a parking lot for trucks. there is a fence around. even if i dont see clearly water i kind of know that there is water. i hijack a speedboat (like in GTA, same feeling here) and V enters from the the jetty. we drive a bit (3rd person view of the boat) and i get into some metal mill (defecator?) and the boat explodes and we get dropped out. there is no water again and its a parking lot. i enter a trailer and pick up "accidentally" a baseball that get add into my "inventory" i wash my hands? i go out and search for a car or something and pick up a basketball same thing. i go to the end of the parking lot where some friends are standing. my awareness rises again and it dont feels like a game anymore. i ask them if they know where V is because he helps me to be grounded and stable in the dream. i dont find him so i spontaneously think about Sensei´s Blink eye teleportation and want to try it. i fix a location not far away in sight distance. i close my eyes, expect to be there feel a little bit like falling backwards open my eyes and am there. i do it again and teleport back to my friends. i try a more distant location. a petrolstation far away. i do it again but do it to fast and have not the feeling of falling back. i repeat with more calm and i feel like beeing there but my sight stays at my friends. i go back and they are cheer and i am super happy it works so easy. i see some friends coming and teleport right infront of them. i ask them if x and y are mad at me for leaving without saying something (previous dream) my awareness is dropping again and after some time i wake up

      --> this was an awesome dream. made a lot of fun and was more aware for a earlnight lucid then the ones i had before. i am really happy about the blink eye teleportation because it felt so nice and smooth and without problems (i once did portals that was way more difficult). i think it is even very good that it was a little semilucid so i didnt overthink the whole thing like oh new tech. for sure it will be difficult hopfully i dont wake up when i close my eyes... i just did it and now that i did it it will be way easier in future because i know i did it once and it works!

      at 2:50 finished writing the dream down... was way to awake afterwards... had problems falling asleep...

      -another NLD: talk with my brother about his future. while talking transition from a room into a bus. i smell fire. run around the bus to see if there is danger. but no someone smokes...

      -low level semilucid dream:
      i am in a room with high dark stones in different heights. a guy is doing this:

      (Daytime residue: watched a youtube video someone was doing this on a mountain)
      i´m like wow i want to try this to. i do and i have a enlightenment that if i stretch one arm i feel more stable in the position. i climb up fast the highest of the stone pillars. (like at least 150feet) high and do it up there. i feel my stomach a little bit fussy because its damn high and on the bottom i see that the people are discussing something. i slip down the pillar like it was a pole and tell the guy what i did. i want to do it again and jump up from the bottom right to the top and do it again and have again this uncomfortable feeling. i jump from pillar to pillar all the way down. it feels great. the whole time i kind of know i am dreaming and i can do whatever i want. i reach the bottom and a woman is locked in a room. she tells me she is locked because she pulled out a knife (that was the discussion about before). she tells me i should be locked up to because she know what i do (referring that i am a lucid dreamer and jump that high) she starts screaming and yelling and people are coming. i try to silently move away because i dont want any attention

      -another NLD: guy is stealing some money and tobacco from my backpack. i catch him. we keep going. i want to roll a joint... someone wants that i show him how. i see that the guy is again at my backpack taking my tobacco. i ask him if it is his and he twitches with his shoulders and says kind of yes. i say to him he can keep it.

      -again nearly lucid dream:
      i go by a street i know. i look at my watch 3 times. the watch is analog and shows tree slightly different times all around 6 am. i smile knowing i am dreaming but dont stop but move on. some NLD is following. again a woman whispers to a guy she wants to look after me because i am kind of special (again because i am a lucid dreamer)