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    Serenity's Silver Millennium

    Posting my lucids

    1. Darren goal, closer than ever before! (DILD)

      by , 12-21-2010 at 02:53 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      December 18, 2010

      So, this dream is sort of hard to re-tell, because it is soooo long. I fell asleep around 8pm and woke up at 10:22pm, so there's a lot to remember.

      Starts out non-lucid. I'm working part-time at this basement salon with these two girls, around my age. But, as they were dying my hair, it was taking so long, I ended up living there part time, too. *scratches head* That's about that, for now. Possibly something about my bunny in there.

      I remember standing in a parking lot, at night. I was waiting for something. I thought about doing a reality check. I was going to ignore it, but we all know that's a cardinal sin, so when I chose to check, I didn't need to do anything physical. I had no idea why I was here, where I was, etc. I stared at my arms, and my body. This dream was so strong and stable, it totally had me fooled. It was even cold on my skin because my surroundings were snowy. But there was no doubt in my mind. Nothing made logical sense. On to calling Danny. I pictured him, called him, I tried to change the scene around me by pretending that when I turned around, I'd be inside a recording studio. Nothing, nothing, nothing. But I got this twinge of being told not to worry.

      Feeling bummed, I decided to go wandering. At first, I was going to fly up to this mountain. But I felt that after a few seconds, my flight was controlling me, so I decided to walk. I got flumped unceremoniously down on the ground and I started walking towards this cliff. It was light outside now. I started walking up some rocks along the edge of the cliff, towards a tree. The grass was a lush green, the sun shone down with golden rays. Over the cliffs was a mountain valley. Everything was amazing and spectacular. I drank it in, the scenery was too cool.

      I approached the side of a building, so I went in. I found myself in some very busy washrooms. Did some walking through there, and saw the out-in-the-open toilet that are so prevalent in my dreams. I deviously thought that I should use it, and shocking all my DC's, but decided against it. I was trying to find the door out, but these washrooms were a maze. I even pushed on part of a wall that wasn't even a door (it turned into one for me). I found myself inside a shower cubicle-sized room. Ughhh. I pushed on the wall and felt water. It startled me, and I feared what else I might find. I didn't really want this to turn into a nightmare, lucid though it might be. So I left, and ended up finding the door to a hallway easily. Late recall: I can't quite remember at which point this happened... it was before I saw the stall-less toilet, I believe. I remember looking into a mirror (I always see my reflection in my dreams) and asking myself why I was having difficulties with summoning Danny. I asked myself this about 3 times. But I noticed my lips in my reflection weren't quite moving with my voice. Was my dream-self in the reflection going to answer me? I stared. Nothing happened, but I swear, this HAS to be my new goal. Chat with my dream self.

      I was in some kind of school. Danny hated schools, so I really didn't think I'd find him here. So I decided to go back to the cliff. I walked outside, and turned left around the corner of the building. Past the parking lot again, which was now full of cars and people milling. I was impressed with my brain's attention to detail... to make this seem as real life and normal as possible. On the other side of the lot was a graveyard. I decided to explore the graveyard. Maybe if I can't find Danny, I might be able to find Darren.

      So as I approached the graveyard, I saw Darren of various ages. A young Darren with his mother. A teenage Darren alone. An adult Darren, sitting back and watching his different generations, and smiling. "Ah, there's a decent age," I thought. He saw me, and his other generations disappeared. But even as he approached, I unconsciously willed his appearance to be a little more my age. When we met, he was about 24-ish. I was confused though... I spent all dream trying to find Danny and no luck. I decide to find Darren, and bang, he's right there.

      I tried to ask Darren why it was easier for me to find him, but couldn't get the question out right. All I asked was, "What are you doing here?"

      "Nothing really," he shrugged.

      I lost my head a little, and we started kissing. I won't share the rest, because it's private.
      Goal incomplete due to a false awakening. I thought that dream-Darren was influenced by RL-Jack, which was incredibly disappointing.

      Back to sleep, I was back at the hair stylists house. They wondered why I was there, cos they had finished my hair. I said it was just dyed, so maybe I should get it cut then. The other girl checked my hair and noticed that some roots didn't get done anyways, so she took me to a chair and was about to re-do it, when I woke for real.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Darren fragment (DILD)

      by , 12-21-2010 at 02:50 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      December 13, 2010

      I had a baby in my arms... something to do with whatever was happening earlier in the dream. I saw Darren, which made me lucid. We walked up and greeted each other. He wondered why I was carrying a baby. I don't think I really knew why, so I made it vanish. At first, Darren was all smiles and friendly. But as we walked and talked, he kept walking faster, and seemed like he was in a hurry to leave. I had to jog to keep up with him. I remember him getting in a car, and I decided not to go with him, since I was a little put off by how distant and distracted he seemed.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , memorable
    3. I have no morals when it comes to dreams! (DEILD)

      by , 11-30-2010 at 10:06 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      November 18, 2010

      I was in school... but the exact location I was at looked remarkably like the area at work where the main floor electrical room is at. Don't remember why I was there, but this class mate (DC-male) found me, and led me back to class. He put his arm around my waist, which made me think, "Wow, he's friendly... well, alright just go with it..."

      Back in class, it seems they were setting up to watch a film on the projector screen. I was going to go back to my seat, but the guy (we'll call him Charlie, for kicks) suggested I could take one of those empty chairs in the corner and sit next to him.

      Well... alright. I did so, and he leaned against me for cuddles. "Oh dear. This is definitely going a bit too far. I should tell him I'm with Jack, but I don't want to hurt his feelings..."

      The dream dissolved and as I was lying in bed, thinking over the dream, I thought, "Oh, just a dream... I should've just gone for it and gotten lucky then!" "But I don't want some random stranger DC... I want Darren."

      And so, I had an image of Darren come before me... we talked... hinted towards DTD. He was totally game. Not to go into too much detail, for the sake of your stomaches, but we didn't get very far when I heard a tiny little voice call out, "Daaaaaad?"

      "It's so hard to get any privacy when you have kids!" Darren said.

      "Haha, yeah... It's probably nothing, just ignore it," I said. Try to will the voice away...

      But the kid was persistent for Darren's attention. I sighed in defeat. "Alright, lets go check on him," I said.

      There was an adorable little blonde haired boy laying in bed. He complained he felt sick. I felt his forehead, and it didn't feel alarmingly hot to me. Darren did the same. He discussed taking him to the hospital anyways, but Darren said it should be okay, but we'll keep an eye on him.
      Dream dissolved.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , memorable
    4. Catching up with lucids

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:18 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      November 4, 2010

      Sister troubles (MILD)
      There was a lot more to the dream that I can't remember. I remember that instead of three older brothers, I had a sister instead. My parents were involved in the dream at some point too. But the point of recall actually started me at this rally. I was in a dark stadium with a class of people. They all started sitting down, and I stood off to the side, waiting for my sister.

      A former classmate says to me, "You can't sit with us, there's no room." I suppose she meant to hurt my feelings or something.

      "Whatever, I'm just waiting for my sister anyways, and we'll sit somewhere else," I shrugged.

      "Ix lakoo dir bikmat," she responds.

      "Wait... what?!" I have no idea what she just said.

      "Sidhdp ndkksoa djoksfds," she says again.

      "I can't understand you," I said.

      "Ugh, you're so deaf," she walks away.

      "Stupid dream characters," I mumble.

      November 8, 2010

      Some kind of school part 2 (DEILD)
      Back at this weird school. My new boyfriend is gone. Everybody has been having strange things happen to them, almost like they get possessed by something, and as a group we try to help them. We were all standing in a field and about 25 feet away, drops a column of light out of the sky, and a set of stones. My friend (a DC) knows they are for her, and doesn't want to go near them. It kind of feels like she has to, though. We all do, if we're going to get rid of this thing. I tell her not to be frightened.

      I approached the rocks and started naming some off, trying to entice her towards them, by getting her to correct me. I was intentionally mis-naming them. "Oh look, it's some onyx" I would say, pointing to this black thing. She came closer and said, "No, that's obsidian."

      She was standing right beside me, and I put my arm around her. "It'll be okay," I said. "We'll get you through this really fast!"

      In a band (LD)
      I'm in a band... I don't remember much about my band mates, but they disappeared pretty early on, in the dream.

      I was backstage at a concert, waiting to perform. I saw Darren there. I kept looking at him, smiling. It's like I knew something was about to happen, or be revealed. We meet up, and I say something; I can't recall what, but he responds to it.

      Then, I asked him, "Why are you old right now?"

      He's not sure what to make of that question, so he responds, "Because that's the way I am." He asks me what I keep looking at him and smiling for. I just grinned and said it would be revealed soon. But I woke up

      November 10, 2010

      Another lake (DILD)
      I dream chained the lake thingy. I was at another lake, swimming with Lily (friend, just had a baby. Still pregnant in the dream). The water was murky and kind of gross. We got out and went to a more shallow part of the lake. Lily pointed out that the water was crystal clear. I commented that I thought the other water would poison her kid.

      I started moving towards the centre of the lake. I passed through people who were rough-housing and playing around... I was blocking myself with my arms, as people weren't paying much attention to the space around them. I found my way to this rope that cross-sectioned at the centre of the lake. People were clinging to it for floating, so I did the same.

      Then, someone got the great idea to start bouncing the rope, which caused everyone to bob with it. Soon, it was like a teeter-totter... I went about 10ft high in the air, and I knew I was going to be plunged down really deep, so at the peak of my trip, I took a huge breath and immediately was plunged under water. I breathed in again (under water) and was lucid.

      I didn't want to be around these people, and instantly, I was on a transit bus. I thought about Darren and wanted him there with me. He suddenly appeared, and we started dancing together, on this bus hrm I decided we were heading to a restaurant, and I wondered what I should order that wouldn't gross him out (since he's a vegetarian, and I'm not). I decided I would just have some kind of salad, and I woke up.

      November 11, 2010 – G/C night

      What kind of science is this? (DEILD)
      I was helping this group do some kind of science experiment that involved me being spun around in very fast circles in this chair, with a group of 3 DC’s watching me. I don’t know what this was supposed to accomplish, but I do recall worrying about whether I was going to yarf or not.

      When I stopped spinning, to my surprise, I wasn’t dizzy at all! But the three DC’s were They now had to go out and find “the room with the light on.”

      I wasn’t a part of this half of the experiment, but I decided to follow this one girl around. We went inside this Victorian styled home (which are always haunted in my dreams, and this one was no exception). I was in the sitting room with her, and asked her if she wanted my help. She didn’t and left me in the room. I could feel the energy in the house, and spun around in the room, feeling really happy. I felt the carpet beneath my feet, and marveled at how awesome it was.

      I left to explore the house and I found her in a room… the room had a TV in it, that was on. The only room with a light in it. “I think you found it,” I told her.

      “Yep, pretty sure this is it,” she said, proudly.

      We were soon joined by another DC. The three of us waited for the last two show up.

      I woke up very briefly in here, but managed to chain back in, lucid. It was really unstable. The two girls were still in the room with me. I remembered to ask them if they’ve seen my brother.

      “I saw him, I’ll take you to him!” one of them said. They both got their coats on, and I followed them downstairs. I was having visual problems, though, and made the cardinal sin of noting that I must’ve been dreaming for a really long time before the chain, because I was having issues keeping it together. I was soon staring at the back of my eyelids.

      Grocery store (DILD)
      I was at a grocery store with Jack’s “parents” (played by DC’s). His fake-Dad was being extremely rude to me as we went around the store and constantly mocking me.

      Eventually, I got fed up, and also went lucid from this (albeit, low level). I replayed the scene over; only this time, I was beating him to the punches and proving him wrong. He was eating his words by the end of the scene, but he still didn’t like me.

      November 14, 2010

      Teeny Meeses (Mice, that is) (DILD)
      I don't remember what I was doing before, but I happened to look at the ground, and I noticed these teeny little baby mice on the floor. "Didn't I have a dream a few days ago with little baby mice?" I wondered to myself. "Hmm, looks like I'm dreaming about them again." I got worried though that if I moved my foot, or continued trying to walk, I would step on one, which I really didn't want to do.

      So, I crouched down, and started scooping by the baby mice in my hands, to put them into the cage next to me. Sometimes, one of them would try to get away and run up my arm, but they never got away.

      The mice were mostly a brown deer-mouse colour variety. But, there was this one baby mouse that was white and black, like a dalmation. He was no bigger than my thumbnail. I put him in the cage. This little shih-tzu puppy of the same colouring randomly appears, and pokes his nose into the cage. "Aww, did I take your little buddy away?" I asked it.

      It jumped into the cage, which then worried me. I thought it would start eating the other baby mice (and generally, my dreams like to "satisfy" me when I start thinking about these worries). I grabbed the dog and pulled him out. Woke up to Jack trying to use a cake mixer.

      By the way, I think the dream I was remembering was one I had about pet rats, 4 days ago.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , memorable
    5. Rawr

      by , 09-29-2010 at 12:36 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 28, 2010

      Asleep by 1:30am

      My notes are confusing me... Anyways...

      New apartment
      Jack and I were moving into a new place (this has been coming up a lot lately. I think I must really desire living on my own, or our own; as opposed to my current location, which is my parent's basement suite). It seems like we're moving into the university residence apartments. I remember us moving boxes. That's about it.

      Overpass of doom
      There is a pedestrian overpass. It's a bi-level, metal and not very.... safe. It doesn't have much in the way of guard rails, and it tends to sway. And for some reason, Tim was out in the middle of this overpass (lower level), over traffic, and not moving.

      I went out onto the upper level to help him out. I was crawling along it, cos the thing was very scary, and I had more stability this way. I reached Tim (who I couldn't see, since he was on the lower level). We both sat there for a bit, taking it easy so we wouldn't fall. I looked below and saw the cars passing underneath. I started to sing, to calm my nerves, and felt the overpass shake, because Tim started drumming to it I shouted at him to stop drumming, he's going to shake us off of here!

      We both started inching along, and made it off the overpass, safely. As I descended from the steps, I caught sight of Darren, who had been watching us, tensely. His face lit up when he saw that we were okay, and we ran towards each other. I jumped at him and he swung me around, and he held me tight and told me how worried he was while I was up there. Dream ended

      Awake at 4:30-ish, natural. I reviewed my goal for the night (instead of using the front door idea, I wonder if I will have any luck in finding my brother if I ask a DC to point me in his direction? Anyways, it would also kill off the advanced task, cos if they say they haven't seen him, I was going to plant the idea that they would offer their help. DC's are always around in my dreams, so... it's worth a shot). All in all, it was a good WBTB and actually a good MILD mantra while falling back to sleep, but in the end, it wasn't successful.

      Breakfast fragment
      I was cooking sausage in a frying pan, but not at the stove Rather, I was somehow cooking it while sitting on a couch. I got up when it was done, and Jack got upset that it was the only thing I was eating. He made me cook off some tater hashbrowns.

      Theatre fragment
      I recall being in a line up with the crew of a play I was working on. Unfortunately, I can't remember much else about this dream, other than this... being with the crew. The theatre walls had dark drapes hanging from them.
      Tags: darren
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    6. New Stores/Finally, a Darren Dream

      by , 09-11-2010 at 10:58 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 10, 2010

      New stores
      Spent most of the dream hanging out with Julia. There was a new small strip mall down the hill from my house. It was still mostly being constructed, but there were a couple of shops open early. I ask Julia if she wants to go into the British clothing shop (I guess like an H&M, but not with that name Tongue), and she's keen, even though I bet the clothes will only be Canada's interpretation of British style...

      We go inside and we pass by an arcade, first. We both think it's cool and say we'll come back to it. Then, we pass by a restaurant that specializes in hot dogs. Julia now wants a cheese dog.

      I'm now at work - old job at 7-11. Some cleaners come in to work on the store. A guy and a girl. I don't pay much attention to them. Then some more cleaners (from my current job) come in. I tell Stuart that there were two before him. He asks me to describe the girl and her face, in my memory, is smudged and blurred. I consider the possibility of it being a dream, but it doesn't carry over. Stuart and I talk about halloween, and how I won't allow people to wear masks inside the store. He thinks I'm being silly.

      Missed dream signs
      - Hanging out with Julia (she lives in the UK)
      - New strip mall being built near me when there isn't
      - Working at an old job
      - Problems with remembering facial details

      Plan of action
      - Tested some RC's (tongue tickle, bite tongue and nose pinch). See if any work for me.
      - Ask Danny for his help in conjuring my brother.

      Finally, a Darren dream
      I'm standing with some people on some steps outside a building. I look towards the doors, and I see Darren come out. I'm staring at him and he's looking right at me as he comes over. We smile at each other.

      "Hey you!" I say.

      "Hey!" he says.

      We talk privately for a second. I can't recall exactly what, but I recall asking him how he knows how to find me. He says he just knows. I recall hearing some rumour that he's going to marry this chick he's been seeing in waking life. He shrugs it off and says he hadn't planned to, that he's done the married thing, but he says he could change his mind. He asks me about Jack and I tell him things are well.

      Scene change and I'm with Jack and his parents. His mum is playing with her phone, trying to change the ring tone. She changes it to a jazz song and I daydream about my dance class (we had to dance to that same song). I tell Jack I wished he was in dance with me, cos it would've been really fun to do a jazz dance to that song. He isn't really fussed about it.

      I don't know the song name I can't find it. But it's definitely a Charleston-flavoured jazz piece.

      Missed dream signs
      - Darren

      Plan of action
      - Talk to him more, see if I can learn something unique about dreaming, finding people in dreams.
      Tags: darren
    7. Hostager turned Hostagee

      by , 09-01-2010 at 01:16 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 30, 2010 - Lucid - 3/5

      I actually don't remember too much about this part.... other than I was in a group with 5 other people. This one bleach blond dude was threatening to kill us. But someone suggests, "Why don't we just kill you, by crushing you?"

      We all gather round him and back him into a corner. The idea was to use body weight, but he kept getting smaller. And we were having troubles getting us all in there. Eventually, people backed off. I said something like, "Guys, you don't exactly crush kidnappers to death by giving them room..."

      There's a guy in the corner that looks like Darren, but I don't "see" him as Darren in the dream, he points out, "Look at how small your kidnapper is now?"

      I look down. He's about 2 feet tall and still going. I'm not worried about him anymore. I look back over at "not-Darren" And said something about, "Well, at least this has nothing to do with lucidity... or wait.... it does..." Darren smiles and everyone vanishes. "Darren?!" I turned around. No one. "Darren, can I see you?" Nothing. Ughhh. There was a door in the corner of the room. Lets go see what's inside it. Maybe it'll take me to Darren.

      I opened the door and it was a closet... with shelves full of grungy urinals and assorted white small appliances. "Ugh!" I exclaimed. I shut the door again, and opened it. Now it was just white appliances with this interesting looking one in the middle... what is tha - Door shut again. I opened it again with an, "Oh," as the appliances had all changed again.

      "Okay enough with this, it's wasting the dream," I thought. "What was my goal?" Problems with memory. I racked my mind. "I need to get Danny's help in meeting my brother. Well, we already know I'm having troubles summoning people... maybe I'll have better luck on the moon." Why the moon?! I dunno. I thought about the prayer room at the Silver Millennium castle. That room holds a lot of power, perhaps it will grant me what I need. I noticed a small version of the pillar of the prayer room, now in this room. "Please grant me the power to make it to the moon," I asked it. It vanished.

      I looked over at this window. It wasn't large and a bit high up the wall. I pulled myself to thought, "This will be easy," and pushed my head through the glass. The rest of me followed suit very quickly, and I pushed off the side of the building to fly! I angled myself a bit, trying to find the right positioning to make this a fast flight.

      I was entering the clouds when I hear a, "Hey!!" call from behind me. I look around and I see this black tiled roof. "Why is there a row of townhouses in the middle of the ocean?" I thought. No matter. I pulled myself onto the ledge and turned around. The distraction caught up to me and it was Julia! (Julia is my best friend who also wants to dream share with me. She lives 7 hours ahead of me in time zones, so I'm really looking forward to if this will work... it may well prove that dream plane time and physical time slept need not apply... as she and I will rarely be asleep at the same time)

      "Julia! It's a good thing you caught up to me here! Once we were past this cloud covering (I played with the clouds that we were standing in, on this rooftop) we'd be in space!" I told her.

      "Or would we?" She asked.

      "What do you mean?" I asked her.

      "Well, you can tell how far up you are by a simple test," she says. She took off her backpack and tossed it in the air. It floated back down to her. She then hovered off the roof and threw her backpack into the ocean, below. It took a moment but the water came funneling back up and splashed her.

      "I hope you didn't need anything in there," I said, laughing at her.

      "Meh," she shrugged.

      "Let's move on," I said. But as soon as I jumped back into the air, the dream faded away. I laid perfectly still on my bed, trying to daydream and reenter the scene, but it was gone
      Tags: darren
    8. The Mirror

      by , 08-13-2010 at 06:09 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 13, 2010

      No recall from before the WILD attempt.

      WILD attempt unsuccessful... got a little too relaxed Fell asleep listening to ninja's subliminal mp3

      Back to bed by 6am, and mantra'd to myself: How does my body feel? <- Noting this because it seemed to have worked That or the mp3... not sure.

      The mirror - Lucid - 4/5
      It's night time. I find myself walking up to a line up of cars in a drive thru. I randomly get inside a car at the pick up window. In the driver seat, there is a chick highly reminiscent of Mimi from Drew Carey, except she was as large as Peter Griffin from family guy (and also lacked a neck).

      The other girl in the passenger seat was fairly nondescript. So anyways, the order is somehow wrong, and we go inside the restaurant. The restaurant is a bit shaky, and it starts melding into a school. And now, we were in the girls' classroom. My friends started talking absolute nonsense. It sounded like their tongues got all swollen. During this bit, I gradually started getting lucid, and by the time they started talking in tongues ( ) I was fully lucid.

      I leave the room and I pass by the guys' classroom. I see Darren in there, but I'm not quite ready to do anything about that yet. I have two goals to complete first. A mirror and a unicorn. I walk to the end of the hall, where I tell myself there will be a washroom. "When I open the door, there will be a person-sized mirror for me to step through in there," I tell myself. Believing it, I opened the door. The bathroom was deplorable (as they often are in my dreams), lacked toilets... and mirrors. Ugh... Alright... let's just snap my fingers and summon one. I tried snapping my fingers, but for some reason, it wouldn't work. My fingers felt all swollen and floppy, and they just wouldn't snap. I looked at my hands in frustration and found my middle fingers looked like carrots (skin coloured carrots, mind). "You're fucking joking!" I said, out loud.

      The forcing of control caused the dream to deteriorate. I remembered Mosh telling me about using senses and I remembered my own experience about interacting with the dream environment, so I immediately touched the door to the washroom and started rubbing it. It brought the dream back. I continued to do that until it felt solid again.

      I turned around, and there was a small mirror on the wall, now. It'll have to do. I took it off the wall and flopped it on my head. It didn't quite thunk, it had some give. "Perfect!" I thought. I closed my eyes and started bringing the mirror down over me. Past my head, my shoulders. Around my waist, I told myself when this is done, I'll be in an enchanted forest, for the unicorn. I brought the mirror down through my feet, and stepped out of the back side. Still in the washroom. I sighed. This dream is being ridiculous. I also had to rub the walls again, because it was being shaky again. I remembered Mosh saying something about using all his senses. I smelled the washroom. It smelled like cleaner. I licked the door ( :sick: ). It tasted like nothing, but had the same texture as it did for my hands.

      I need to find some other way to reach the unicorn, but I got slightly distracted. I realized I was wearing my nightgown (same as WL), but my flannel pants and undies were missing. I thought, "Oh fantastic, let's summon Darren now, then!" I stared at a wall. "Darren? Can I see you?" I asked, using the same trick I used to summon Danny, my DG. I turned around. He's not there. This is some of the worst control I've had in a really long time...

      Alright, well, I remember seeing him earlier... I left the washroom and poked my head into the guys' classroom. A bunch of faces stared at me. No Darren, though.

      I went out to the common area... scan, scan... no Darren. I began to think any of one of these guys will do... But no! I firmed my resolve. It's Darren or nothing! I realized he wasn't going to be in this dream, so, lets go find the unicorn.

      I left the building, and found it's still nighttime (hooray for dream continuity! Sort of). I started jogging and remembered, "Well, I'm dreaming... let's just fly." At my side, was my purse, from WL. Good, cos I was using it for stabilization. Oh right, at some point here, I was playing around with throwing an object in the air, cos it kept coming down slowly (which amused me, apparently ). Also, I remember seeing the supervisor vehicle from work, and a bunch of guys were piling into it like a clown car... Let's just ignore that. Anyways, I kicked off the ground, flew a bit and sank. I kinda figured this would happen, though, cos I'd been having control problems all dream. I rubbed my purse and remembered to set a point on the horizon to focus on while I fly. I kicked off again, and fixed my "point" on the stars. I felt it connect with my third eye, and flying was now no longer an issue. I shouted into the night, "I summon a unicorn!" My voice sounded like laryngitis. The dream also started destabilizing again, too. I do remember seeing a unicorn come at me, but it kept fading I rubbed my purse again. Nothing. I rubbed my hands. Nothing.

      When I woke up and looked at my clock, I realized I probably wouldn't have been able to save it anyways... I'd been asleep about 90 minutes, so the REM period was probably up.

      I tried my mantra again, but I seemed to lack focus this go-around...

      Hugh Laurie
      A dream hanging out with Hugh Laurie. Not much else going on here.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , dream fragment
    9. Beatles in prison!/Dream WILD

      by , 08-11-2010 at 06:04 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 11, 2010

      Beatles in prison!
      I was a security guard for my current building, but the building itself held a much different purpose. In the basement, we were holding the Hamburg-age Beatles prisoner. Not entirely sure why... I concocted a plan to get them out so they wouldn't miss their gigs.

      By the time I started the dream, I had already done my part to get them out. Nobody had noticed they were even gone. I was patrolling the basement and came to the north stairwell, where I encountered their instruments. Ohhh shit! Susanna (RL friend of mine) fell through!! Getting the instruments to them was her responsibility!

      I started trying to make phone calls, contacting people who could help me get them their instruments, but no luck. I tried to phone Paul, to let him know what happened, and the owner of the building answered. My employer. I sincerely hope he doesn't have me on call ID.

      "I'm sorry, who's this?" I say, trying to disguise my voice.

      "Marissa Hampton," the voice says, impatiently. She either doesn't know, or she isn't letting it on...

      "I'm trying to reach Paul, I thought this was his phone number!" I continued.

      "Well, he's indisposed of at the moment," she said and hung up on me. I think I'm in the clear!

      There's this odd little bit where I hear someone coming into the basement. I hear a woman's voice, so I hide under the sinks in the men's washroom. She comes into the men's room though, to use the toilet She sees me when she's done, and I made some stupid comment about fancying hiding underneath washroom sinks. She says she won't tell anyone.

      Paul and the lads finally returned, and I greeted them remorsefully about their instruments. Paul assured me it was okay, they actually didn't need them today.

      Woke up here to WILD, but it failed because I'm a wuss. No, seriously, I kept breaking SP because it was making me all achy and itchy. I need to man up for my next attempt

      The Dream WILD - Lucid - 3/5
      I'm in a dorm with a bunch of people. Nola, from my radio job is acting VERY kooky. Slightly insane. Can't recall what she was saying, but she was keeping everyone awake. I remember guiding her back to her bed and saying, "It's time to sleep now, Nola!"

      "Okay, Serenity!"

      I crawled back into my bed. I was silent for a few seconds, then asked, "Everyone has their dream partners for tonight?"

      "Yesssss," a grumbling mumble answers me.

      "Good," I say.

      I close my eyes and I picture the hallway of a house. Almost immediately, the image surrounds me in 3D. "Holy crap!" I thought. "That surprised me! Wow, it's all 3D and pretty solid already. I know I'm dreaming. I don't remember a gap in consciousness. I think I finally WILD'ed!" I was overjoyed, but I kept my cool. I started carefully exploring the house, by walking down the stairs. I saw Darren approach me and I thought, "I should stabilize before anything starts to happen." I rubbed my hands together, and the dream dissolved.

      When I woke up, I realized I just had a WILD within a ND. That was a very cool experience! I wonder... is that what a visual transition should look like, when I get there? You think of something, and it kind of just whooshes around you into 3D? Anyways, I tried to fall back to sleep and chained back into the house from my dream WILD.

      It wasn't as solid this time. I was standing in the living room, that overlooked another level to the house. It was like this second-level living room was my and Darren's personal space of the house. However, the room next to me was an open-plan kitchen (no separating walls to distinguish the rooms) and my parents were making breakfast. Dream dissolved.
      Tags: darren
      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    10. Darren's car/Danny Fragments

      by , 08-08-2010 at 03:56 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 8, 2010

      Darren's car
      My dad and I were in a shop. I could see through a glass wall into the next door shop. I saw Darren there, sitting at a table. I recall my dad was sitting across from me (against the glass), and he was saying something to me, but I kept getting distracted, looking over at Darren, and just saying things like, "Oh yeah?" really distractedly to him

      We all left at the same time (including Darren). My dad and I were coming down the right of way lane, and he mashed the breaks because Darren nearly cut us off. My dad comments, "Just cos he's rich, doesn't mean he owns the road!" And my dad keeps inching along, trying to force Darren's car back... but Darren isn't giving up either!

      Me, I'm just worried about the paint job on both cars. Our two cars were an inch away from scraping each other. I stuck my hand out in between the cars so they wouldn't scrape. I gave Darren a reproachful look, and he smiled at me

      Later on, I found his fan page on facebook. I dashed off a quick message saying, something like, "Hey, I'm the girl from the car, earlier."

      Darren contacted me. "Thanks for worrying about the paint job, but you really shouldn't have used your hand... you could have crushed it, and then I'd have been really upset!"

      Danny Fragment, 1
      Danny (my DG) and I were sitting on the porch of his house in my inner world. It was sunset and we had our guitars out with us. "I wish you would practice the guitar more, in waking life," Danny said.

      Danny Fragment, 2
      Danny, Darren and I were in this volcano-like cave. There were explosions and lava happening around us, and we were trying to get out. Darren was the one holding my hand.
    11. July 9, 2010

      by , 07-09-2010 at 05:01 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      July 9, 2010
      Slept between 12:00a-9:00a

      Really light sleep. Don’t recall any dreams. Entirely possible there was a false awakening or two that I didn’t catch. I decided that since I was having troubles with sleep, I would do the typical WBTB but not any subsequent alarms.

      WBTB. Listened to a subliminal mp3 ninja made.

      The long and winding dream
      The first little bits of this are vague, but I remember visiting someone’s apartment and I was somehow able to let myself in. This is important only in that I tried to come back here, later, and couldn’t find it.

      There’s also this little bit where I was feeling stressed and bought a pack of smokes (I’ve never been a smoker!).

      Darren is playing a concert for a small group of us in a room.

      He’s now sitting next to me and I say something retarded like, “I like watching you play, like chording. I’m kind of musical but not really musical.”

      “How can you be kind of musical, but not really musical?” he asks. “You’re either one or the other!”

      “I play the guitar and piano, self-taught, by ear, but not with any great skill,” I clarify.

      “Very nice!” Darren says.

      He has to leave for a bit, and asks for my help in signing some autographs while he’s away.

      I tell him, “I don’t know how to forge your signature.”

      “Oh, well just put stickers on all the ones I need to sign, then, and I’ll do it when I get back.”

      I somehow manage to get stickers stuck to all of my fingers and have generally made a mess of things (I’m really clumsy in my dreams!).

      Darren comes back and we leave together. We find ourselves in another building and at another party. We dance together, but in the course of this party, we learn that all of these people are criminals! Someone even tried to pickpocket my purse, but they weren’t very good. We got out of there as soon as we could.

      We find what I thought were the apartments from earlier in the dream, but when we get upstairs, suddenly Darren is sat a table and all the other seats are full with other girls who are giggling over him. Darren just shrugs and gives me this look that says, “Can’t help it! Be patient!”

      I overhear people chatting and they mention lucid dreaming. I’m pretty sure someone says, “Well, this IS a lucid dream.” I think to myself, “I know that this is a dream, but I don’t want to control this one, I just want to be with Darren,” and I woke up anyways.
      Tags: darren
      lucid , memorable
    12. July 6, 2010

      by , 07-06-2010 at 06:03 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Slept between 1:00a-10:00a

      Cave in

      I was inside a cave with a bunch of people, including Darren. We needed to evacuate, because the cave was starting to crumble down upon us. A little fuzzy on how this bit went, but Darren flung me out of the "room" we were in, and I was being carried off by something. I could see him getting smaller, and I had my hand stretched out towards him.

      In the next room, all the "flooring" of the cave started crumbling and breaking apart. I got sent into some water, but I came up onto another piece of rock which carried me outside, out of the mouth of the cave. The whole scene was being narrated by someone who sounded like Gandalf/Lord of the Rings I remember him saying something like, "It was only by a lucky bit of fate that Serenity managed to get hurled into the water, only to come up on the piece of rock that would carry her outside of the cave, just before it collapsed completely." Right...

      The survivors helped me up and I looked around. I couldn't see Darren. "Is this... it?" I asked.

      "This is all who made it out," one guy answered me, sadly.

      "No, Darren!" I buried my head in my hands.

      Off in the distance, I heard Excel's voice (from Excel Saga, and yes, she was animated, where everything else was RL). She was with our group when Darren threw me out! I looked over and saw Excel first, then, standing next to her was Darren, smiling at me. I ran towards him as the dream faded.
      Tags: darren
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. June 23, 2010

      by , 06-23-2010 at 08:13 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Still playing catch-up...
      Dead sleep between 12:30a-7:30a
      Alarm attempt for a 8:30 alarm to DEILD. Too sleepy, turned it off and passed out.
      Wake-up alarm at 10:45. Too sleepy, passed out (lol )
      Woke up on my own at 11:40a.

      As such, not too many memories recalled from my dreams, other than listening to an answering machine and expecting to hear one from Darren. I can't remember why I expected there to be one, but hey there was, and he was thanking me for the birthday message I gave him.

      I also remember lots of hanging out with people. It's all so vague!

      Updated 06-24-2010 at 07:53 PM by 28724

      Tags: darren
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. June 6, 2010

      by , 06-21-2010 at 04:08 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Darren's Message
      I was in a park, with Darren. He was conducting a small orchestra. He tells me when I hear [something], it’s a message from him. I can’t remember WTF that something was, but it had to do with the song he was playing.

      Updated 06-24-2010 at 07:46 PM by 28724

      Tags: darren
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. May 12, 2010

      by , 06-21-2010 at 04:05 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Craft time with Darren
      I was chatting with Darren while we were doing some kind of crafts project. Notably, when he's come in dreams in the past, he's usually just imparting some kind of fatherly advice to me, but this time was the first time we chatted freely about things. I remember saying something about how he gets to see how much I suck at crafts. He mentioned something about being Canadian (in hindsight, I should have smacked him for that!). Instead, I told him that going way back through my heritage, I'm also Scottish, just like he would be. Overall, we were having a good laugh and I felt really relaxed and happy. The ribbon I was working with fell apart into about 50 different ribbons. Darren had to help me tie it all back together.

      Updated 06-24-2010 at 07:47 PM by 28724

      Tags: darren
      non-lucid , memorable
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