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    1. Games, games, and more games. Except for the one.

      by , 03-02-2013 at 07:07 PM

      #1 - He's really a nice guy, just trying to make a living.... [Non-Lucid]

      At first I was at a family party in this dream, and I was playing a Legend of Zelda game with my cousin K. I remember seeing Link wearing some kind of crazy golden armor (maybe based on the one in Twilight Princess? I can't remember what it's called right now...), but then the TV screen started to envelope us and the game plot was actually happening to me instead of me controlling Link. K, the grim reaper, and I were at some kind of odd opening up to an ocean located under a building of some kind, there was no shore or anything like that. I believe there was some kind of ship visible off in the distance, and the grim reaper had given me a fishing pole and was trying to get me to use it to catch a test target he had placed in the water a bit further out from us. I almost got it but not quite, but then I decided to get up and go explore the area behind us instead, and when I didn't find much I logged off and my perspective zoomed back out to being at the party. This next part I have no idea about because I can't remember what it means, this is just what I wrote down in my notes when I woke up:

      "Also, I misinterpreted some weird rules about reality thinking that any wrong move reverted you to a past state, but it turned out I was a little wrong about it and it wasn't quite so bad, but I can't remember exactly how...."

      Your guess is as good as mine, but it sounds intense lol. After that,
      I woke up.

      #2 - What if it is all a game? [Non-Lucid]

      I was again playing as Link, this time specifically from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but the perspective was different than either in the previous dream. It was that effect where the TV screen takes up your entire field of vision... so you're really just moving the character with your mind and perceiving them as yourself, but you still see them from behind in third-person and perceive it like you're using a controller on some level. What's odd about this dream is that I started out in a Super Mario 64-like map, and I was even looking for stars to collect, but at one point I got stuck at the edge of a map and ended up clipping through the ground. And I fell down into a N64-eqsue rendered version of my house and backyard, and specifically into the corner of the swimming pool.

      From this point on I also had a permanent walk-through-walls effect, along with a slightly increased and slightly unrealistic-looking walking speed. I walked around my house a bit and just had fun moving through walls and admiring how surreal this all was (because it was REALLY well done and very video gamey) and I saw a NPC incarnation of a younger version of my friend M walking to the backyard in a one-piece bathing suit. I walked around her for a bit, and then I went back to the pool. I walked into it and it was much deeper than normal, and there was this guy fish thing (don't ask me, it's in the notes lol) and a weird three-pointed Mario star that was made up to sort of resemble a fish, and then somehow this all became an American Dad! episode.

      I believe it showed Avery Bullock, and he had payed for these freaky fish tattoos on his eyes and he was able to do this creepy stare with them and transform into a huge fish himself, the whole thing was very psychedelic. I remember this surprising at least Stan, Francine, and Steve. Then the whole thing just turned into a still third-person view of scrolling through bottom of a wiki page and seeing some Pokémon pictures, with the only one really standing out being some unidentifiable red thing and a Marill.


      #1 - So who the hell was he, anyway? [Non-Lucid]

      I was again at a family party, and I had barricaded myself in my room for some reason, though it wasn't my actual room. I had a ton of stuff shoved against the door to keep it closed, but then (probably based on watching too many comedy shows), my cousin P just opened the door easily, because it opened in the other direction, and pushed it all aside and walked in. Cue a "Well... shit." As P walked in, so did some guy who I'm not sure was a real person, because he's just as a blurry and impossible to remember the look of as any other random non-lucid DC is for me. But at the time, I was convinced that this was someone who I hadn't seen since we were kids, like he and my cousin were childhood friends or something and I just stopped seeing him when they stopped hanging out as much or something like that, and we were both doing the whole "wow, you've really grown up" thing. We seemed pretty friendly with each other, so I guess in the context of the dream we had been close in the past. The three of us just kept hanging out in my room, and at one point P became my friend M when I wasn't paying attention, I think not long after we all looked out the window and saw a lot of snow on the ground and in the streets (and we were in the second floor, which my house doesn't have).

      The whole time the guy and I were getting pretty involved in our conversation and starting to get pretty touchy-feely. He was talking about how he'd gotten out of a relationship recently, and he was noticeably very horny. He kept getting really close and personal with me, hugging me from behind, leaning up against me, and etc. I was getting pretty worked up myself, and the tension was getting really thick. We weren't saying anything but it was really obvious, and I remember M seeming kind of annoyed about it and thinking that there was a reason, but I can't remember what it was now. After a while the party was starting to wind down and everyone was leaving and M pulled me aside to ask me not to do anything, but the guy overheard her and suddenly pulled out this video recording of him telling some kind of sob story. I think the video was saying something about how he used to be married, or at least something similar to that... and I remember it including the line "I wasn't always in high school.", but that's about it. M felt bad after that, and she was getting ready to leave. I was thinking that I had to go stay at my aunt's house overnight for some reason so I was going to say something, but then I just randomly realized that I actually wouldn't have to, so I forgot about it. When M left, everyone but the guy was gone, so we locked ourselves in my room and I could feel the tension increasing to a breaking point... and then
      I woke up.

      God damn it.

      #2 - If only real matches were as intense as this! [Non-Lucid]

      I was playing some kind of Super Smash Bros. kind of game with M and her boyfriend D. We played some normal rounds first, and then somehow I managed to pick Axel from Disgaea 2 as my character. I also managed to get us to play on some intense demon altar stage. I don't remember exactly who they were playing as (I want to say that M was playing as maybe Princess Zelda or Peach, and that maybe D was playing as a character on a horse?), but I think it might have changed over time, too. The sucky part about this dream is that it was actually really vivid and intense, but the action was so crazy and fast that I still barely remember any of it. I remember I was riding a horse at one point as well, and we had the capability to use some incredibly cheap tricks like hypnosis to win the battle. It was crazy! As the dream started falling apart, the scene became a third-person view of a cartoon show and Axel had become Popeye. He was saying something weird or trippy, but I can't remember what it was now, and then I woke up.
    2. Seven old dreams.

      by , 12-05-2011 at 06:20 PM
      Alright, here are some dreams I've been too lazy to record that I've had since my last major entry, I'm finally getting them out of the way so I can post some actually interesting stuff that I'm dreaming about now. I don't remember exactly what days they happened anymore so I'm just going to number them.


      I was walking around college (although it looked like a fusion of my junior and senior high schools) with O but got separated from him, so I was searching around a hallway for him when Neil Patrick Harris ran up to me! I see that he's wearing a lab coat and instantly think "Oh, he must be part of the alien studies project." He grabs my wrist and starts pulling me while running so I have to run to keep up with him, and he starts talking about how they're starting some alien autopsy study where they're doing the testing on human volunteers first... for some reason. He looks back at me and says "Thanks for doing this." to which I respond "I never agreed to do anything." He ignores me and starts talking about how all of the other human volunteers they've had so far have ended up having some horrible aftereffects that I don't really remember much of, but they generally sounded terrible. He stops running so I do too, and he looks back at me and squints and just stares for a second, then says "...You'll probably be fine." We start running again as I say "Probably??" He starts explaining the mechanics of what they're doing, which I also don't remember well, but I remember him saying "I don't think this causes too much blood." (Causes too much blood? ) Then he goes on to describe how the machine they use was having some really bad malfunction in all of their previous tests as well, and there were even more terrifying things happening to the volunteers as a result of it, but after he stops talking he stops running again and stares off into the distance and says "I think they fixed that." As he was explaining that last part we had entered a science class room, and then he took me through a door in the back into a small office-like room where there was a woman in a lab coat sitting at a desk. Then he turns to me and goes "But first, I'm gonna do a magic trick! " He makes himself turn invisible, and then reaches over (but of course I don't see it) to a bowl on the desk that's filled with cherries and grapes, still on branches. He picks them up and starts tying the branches together and the woman (his assistant) says "It looks like Arby's food!" and I laugh and say "It's just cherries and grapes!" and she SLAMS her hand down on the desk, points to me with a pissed-off look on her face and yells "You have been warned!!" (I have?? ) He finishes tying branches together and I realize that he's made a dragon sculpture out of them, and he even opens the mouth and starts making screeching sounds (and of course it looks like it's doing it on its own because he's invisible). I'm laughing hysterically at this point and dropping a large number of couch pillows which suddenly appeared in my hands. He makes himself visible again and hands me a piece of paper that tells me not to be so worried about my future, and just take life as it comes.


      I'm teaching a class and I'm doing my best to make sure that all of the kids behave, but they're all pissed off at me for some reason and they start stealing my keys and things just to torment me for hours until they finally hand in their homework to force me to do it for them and I realize that my dad's been making extremely hard extra homework for them to make them angry so I grab my keys from them and fly out of the room so fast that I leave a trail of demonic fire in my wake. (Flying has always been my strongest dream power for as long as I can remember, in non-lucids I generally travel at a normal speed but I can go pretty frickin' fast, the first time I tired it in a lucid it was accompanied by a sonic boom and the speed was so intense that it woke me up in about a second and a half. ) I make it home and start to cuss out my dad for being so irresponsible because's he's a teacher in real life! Then I walk out to the kitchen and see my mom there and say "Oh, mom's home." Somewhat anticlimactic of an ending lol.


      I'm in a plane crash with a group of people that I went to public school with, although most of whom I didn't normally associate with. I remember that part of the dream because it was intense, but after that there's a lot of blurriness until the point when we're finally getting back on a new plane to go to... well, wherever it was we were headed in the first place. But still, we're understandably a little freaked out at the thought of being on a plane again. J checks his bags ahead of me and then walks off to the seats (which are conveniently located about ten feet away from where you check your luggage ), and I check mine and plan to go sit next to him but I'm told that I have to go take the seat up in the cockpit behind the pilot because I'm "being a troublemaker." I say "Damnit, does this mean I have to talk to A the whole time?" (Referring to myself in third person, literally thinking it's someone else, who I guess I'm annoyed at the thought of having to talk to. ) The guy responds "Are you serious?" and points to the cockpit. I go sit down and I'm watching out the front window. The plane is already in the air and is doing some serious loops through the sky, but it seems like a normal way to fly at the time. I watch as our view goes back and forth between the sky and the ground (we're flying REALLY low!) and at one point I look at a billboard and see the face of Charlie from Lost, although his face wasn't actually on the board... it just invoked the image so intensely in my mind that I saw it as clear as day, but it didn't actually enter the dream scenery, it was just kind of on top of it, like my mind's eye vision was exactly as clear as my normal vision... kind of hard to explain. Anyway, I'm starting to feel a little anxious and sick, so I go to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror and see if I look like I'm sick or if I'm losing color or anything like that. When I get there, I see my face literally rotting, melting off, and turning to stone (especially my neck), and the grim reaper(!) is standing behind me. And I mean really detailed, with a fiery flowing black robe and blue and black swirls of smoke and a gigantic evil-looking scythe and this aura of pure darkness. I inspect myself a little closer and say "Nah, it's probably nothing, I'm just letting myself get psyched out." I walk into the cabin instead of going back to the cockpit and everyone screams and someone points at me and yells "Fridge neck!" I start freaking out again and go "Oh no, does it look bad??" and start scratching at my neck, while everyone starts making these D: faces that start expanding to be bigger and bigger until they cover their whole faces and then their jaws starts enlarging so that the face can keep expanding (which looks really, really cartoony), and then I wake up from an adrenaline rush.


      O and I and some other students from our college are eating in the cafeteria of some school other than our own, and one of the guys who goes to that school starts getting really pissed off saying that we're not allowed to eat any food except from one small area, but everyone does anyway. I like messing with the guy because he's being a prick, and eventually he's so angry that he starts going on this loud, ridiculous speech, that ends up having some religious undertones, about how it's THEIR school and THEIR food and THEIR right to eat and yadda yadda yadda.... O comes over to my table and laughs at him with me while we eat our food and I browse the internet on my laptop.


      This one is a little fragmenty. My log starts with this first part I don't really remember much about that reads "Save the world, emotional texting with M mad at dad to not be sad for him (crying)". After that my memory starts to pick up. I was playing a game, but I had to put it on hold to drive a friend of mine (M, but a different M from the first part) back to their car in [a nearby city] so that I could get back in time for the DMT revolution. I go to the back fridge we have to get something to drink, and when I get back there there are bottles of shampoo and large, empty glass mugs on top of the fridge for some reason. I just end up staring at them confused until I wake up.


      Somewhere before this dream I had a dream that happened in anime format, I wish I could remember it.

      I'm having a sleepover with O, M, and S. Originally it was at my grandparents' house and we were listening to dubstep and it was making me sleepy so I eventually passed out. I had a dream-in-a-dream about doing some intense dance moves with an old friend, C, in some big fancy kitchen. But it didn't last long, and soon I woke up at the slumber party again when everyone else had already fallen asleep, although the scene had changed to my house. Everyone else starts waking up and we talk about music that we heard in our dreams (mine was "Here We Go" by Bassnectar) and it starts transitioning from night to day. We hear a noise outside by the window, so I slowly creep over to the door to look but I don't see anything, but not long after that the curtains magically open by themselves and we see a creepy man peering in. o_o We all start freaking out and the man comes to the door so I open it and ask him what he wants and he says that he needs to speak to my dad and that "it's a matter of presidential importance!" O says he'll go back to tell him, and I turn back to tell the guy to hold on and close the door. I turn around again and see that O is now in the back room getting something to drink (lazy ) so I go tell my dad instead. I go to their bedroom and walk in and see that my parents are both awake, so I tell my dad he's needed and run back out to the door. When I open it I see the guy with a bomb strapped to his knee!! I run back yelling "He's a bomber, he's a bomber!" and everyone scatters and jumps down into the furthest-away-from-him corners of the house while he detonates the bomb, and I close my eyes and the sound of the explosion wakes me up.

      Another fragment that I remember from right after this dream, I was sitting at my computer watching a fractal generator in action, VERY cool. I wish I remembered more!


      Homer Simpson takes large amounts acid, shrooms, and morning glories and possibly other things at a nighttime hippie festival by [my middle school] and I see it as I'm walking by through the park, but somewhere down the line it changes to my cat, T, doing those things at a shamanic ritual in the same place. The next day O and I are at my house, and we're talking about how T must have tripped balls, and for some reason we have a white dachshund who's a little bigger than they would normally be, but I think she was actually representing an old cat we had, because we were aware that she was female and that T didn't like her, just like that cat. But now, T went over to her and started scratching her on her stomach (standing up with his paw outstretched, like a human ) until she gets up and happily runs away, and O and I talk about how T must have been humbled by his heavy experience. I feel inspired to take some mushrooms myself, which of course appear directly under me when I reach down to grab some. The dog comes over to me all happy and starts licking my nose while I'm laying on the ground waiting for them to kick in, and I wonder if she got a contact high from T. When I stand up everything is surrounded by rainbow auras and I'm starting to get heavy tracers, after I moved my arm there were three or four copies of it in different colors and levels of transparency. I follow O, T, and the dog into the laundry room and everything is starting to feel very dreamy (heh), then when I'm starting to feel some come-up energy building I turn around and walk away, and then I got woken up by the feeling.


      And there's that! Now I can get caught up to date with my next entry.