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    The book of mars


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    1. bumper car party

      by , 08-11-2011 at 11:38 PM (The book of mars)
      my house is connected to a shed (in real life, too).
      i walk thru the door to the shed and instead of a shed, there is a giant roller rink - esque room.
      a few people including my friend lotie who i know online are using the space for some kind of party.
      everyone's bodies are bumper cars but this is normal for this kind of get together.
      to be here, you must have hot coco in your hand. i walk around for awhile with mine and never sip it so it gets weird looking and the whipped cream erodes into a rock mess on top of it.

      i don't like it here so i go into my sun room and watch the people who are hanging out in my driveway, taking a smoke break from the party.
      they all look at me weird because i own the house. whatever.
      i go into the party room again later and there are a lot less people. i hang around a bit, it's not that bad.
    2. college visit

      by , 07-26-2011 at 02:25 AM (The book of mars)
      i am in a square room (normal). my whole class is lined up back-to the wall on all four sides.

      we are taking turns reading our final projects out loud. we had to write/publish a poem that was as long as a book and printed in the same fashion.

      i listen to a guy read his out loud. its plot follows a woman and her son.

      my friend chellsye is next to me. i whisper for her to text heather because my phone died. they are good friends in my dream and she was already texting her.

      outside of the room i am on a college campus. its a big field with little wood houses speckled around the area. there are tennis courts in the center.

      i go to one house. these are like greek houses. i know a lot of bitches from my real high school are living here, but i am still curious as to what it looks like inside (i'm not sure if i want to go to this college or not)

      there is a sign inside that says "9:00 pm sleep time/cannabis/meditation".
    3. The Doorway

      by , 04-27-2011 at 02:24 PM (The book of mars)
      (Straight from the dream journal)

      A house on a lake- the doorway is so small I must crawl and contort to enter. Jamie (who is sometimes Cole) own it with Tyler (dating Jamie, in real life and in my dream). Heather (who is sometimes Dylan) are moving in. Skeptical because I am insecure if they want us. Two bathrooms but space is limited.

      There was a lot more to the dream, but it trailed off into a strange "field trip" and I didn't write it down. However, later in the dream, I did come back to the house. Semi-lucid, I was tired of the small doorway, and tried to "will" it bigger. Still semi-lucid, I noticed that the reason the door was so small was because of the unfinished brick entryway. Never will I be able to explain how the entrance was set up, but it was kind of half buried yet fully accessible. Eh.

      I rarely do researched dream interpretation beyond what I think my dreams mean, but I did look into this one. My dictionary really helped me understand what this possibly (to me, what this DEFINITELY) means. Tons of gratitude to You, subconscious self.