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    The Dream Magic Experiment

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    1. Back At Home

      by , 01-21-2016 at 04:53 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)

      I was in a Warframe game. There is a massive Grineer offensive.



      I was looking at a computer. I was chatting with someone. Mom? Mom was asking me to go home and help. I told her I am. The screen theme is black with some scattered windows.

      I woke up in the living room. I heard someone. I went out the yard and saw mom in the backyard getting a pipe off a dog house. I went to her. I told her I didn't hear her come in or that she's coming. She said dad told her I'm her (or that dad opened the gate). I told her "But dad is dead." Then I realized it's all a dream, and I immediately became lucid, the dream improved in quality but I felt I was also quickly losing the dream. I hugged mom and music was playing in the background (lyrics, something like "Sana naman"). It sounded happy but for some reason, I felt very sad.

      A photo popped out or slipped off from somewhere and it covered my entire view. The background is inside a church and the focus is on a woman sitting on the pews, facing towards the right where the altar would have been but it's not the picture. She was reading something, and a white book is covering her face so it's unclear. I felt it was supposed to be mom but she looks more like our aunt (who we call "mommy").



      - I've been thinking of going home for a while now.
      - Dad died a little over a year ago.
      - Our 10-year-old dog died this month.
    2. Gym at Home

      by , 04-15-2015 at 03:09 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in our living room in our hometown.

      I was on the second floor of a mall. On the ground floor, there's a gym. On the second (or first?), there's a grocery store.

      I was looking for the comfort room. I was told by someone there (a friend?) that they might not have one in the grocery store. It might be outside.
    3. Living Spaces

      by , 02-13-2015 at 12:06 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in my hometown, lying face down on the sofa in the living room of the house. The same place where I had an OBE of sorts before. It's cold and it's raining outside. Grey clouds. I was nude.

      Outside the gate, I saw someone sitting with her back to the gate. There are some baskets with her. Fruits? Clothing? I called out, wondering if it's Sunshine or Blossom. She faced the gate and I saw it's Sunshine. I gave her instructions to go "up." I hurried to look for clothes and went out the door.

      When I went out, I was in the hallway of a building. A hotel? Condo unit? I went to the elevators but worried I might miss her on her way up. I passed by some people who seem to be heading or waiting for a meeting. I saw Rex and said hi.
    4. Cow Bull and the Visit to India

      by , 03-03-2014 at 02:37 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I never had a dream where I laughed when I woke up. It was hard for me to see what came before what in the dream (as is usual).

      I was back in my hometown. I was stayed there for a few days. I was at home in the living room. Mom was telling me about clothes or something. I checked the clothes and decided I should bring a few more. I saw two yellow clothes and thought that I don't have yellow clothes in the city yet. Then there are also the blue jeans. It was night, I believe, or at least dark. Maybe I was going to take my plane that day.

      I was talking to a woman. She was heading a cause or organization. She was supposed to have a talk, and/or she just came from one. Not sure how I met her. She's tall, wears glasses, and had her hair in a bun. Not sure what we were talking about, but she invited me to her talk. It was going to be in October 26. Then I realize that my flight out of the place is on the 25th. We both thought it was a shame. I think she was talking with Sarah as well. Sarah went out to meet old and new friends.

      I was in a restaurant with my other org-mates. Not sure what organization. It was dark, but not so dark that I can't see. It's more like the place when it's still closed, but there's already a bit of daylight. The restaurant was inside a mall. The lights were still off. There were different organizations in the place. We were able to get our place in the restaurant; it was first-come-first-served, but I think the org that was there first didn't leave a person behind to man it, so we thought it was free. All this came to mind while I stayed behind to guard the place. There were some sleeping. Some were out and about.

      Lico was outside. We were in India. He was eating some sampling of local food and enjoying it. I think there was an eat-all-you-can for the food he was eating. The Indian guy who was serving the food offered him more. We talked and he/they said that the seafood came from a place nearby that's teeming with sea creatures, so the food is fresh and cheap. I thought I remember reading about the place. It's near or on an island that disappears when the tide is high. They verified it. I took a sampling of food myself. It was good.

      I was in a city an hour away from my hometown. I was passing by an area that I haven't visited for years. I thought this place surely has changed. The jeep routes are different. I asked the guy I was with (not sure if he was a driver or a passenger), and he doesn't know. The thought came to me that he looks cute, but also that also scoffed that he doesn't know the place when he travels here. I went down after the river and walked around. The place is different. There were a lot of trees and small houses all over the place. There was a jeep station but no passenger. Or very few passengers. They hailed to see if I was going to ride, but I said no. I walked away and about. I ended up in a highway. It was familiar, but couldn't quite place it. I've been there before, but not on foot. I was riding a car/jeep. (I think it was in another dream where I was in a van with other co-workers going on a trip/a ride with my dad in one of my recent dreams, where we went near the sea). I thought it was a shortcut to somewhere. There was almost no people. It's a "sine-wave" road/highway. To my right, I saw the spires of the city. To my left, I assumed, but did not see, that it's headed for the province. I thought of turning on the GPS to see where exactly I was so I can go back. I saw a cow looking at me. It was tied to a gate of a home. I was like, cool, a cow. With huge-ass horns. It shook its head, like it didn't like something. Huh. I passed by a pillar/stair, blocking our view. When I passed it completely, the cow was gone, and it was turning around the pillar/stair. I checked my shirt. It's red. I ran into a... tunnel? Not exactly a tunnel. But it's like a narrow, semi-underground passage from one area to another. It has a gate. There were two people already walking ahead of me. I closed the gate behind me. I looked back. Surely the cow/bull doesn't know how to open it? I saw it hoof at the gate and it swung open. I ran fast, heartbeat racing, but more due to excitement than fear. I told the couple to get out of the way. The left and right side were not exactly walls, but more like ruins of an old building. There were stairs, pillars and all. I went around, left, right, just to lose the cow/bull, but I still heard it. The couple ran after me to make sure I was alright. The cow/bull caught up. They tried to distract it but it was focused on me. I finally took off my red shirt and threw it at the cow/bull. It seems displeased. Maybe it has something against the person who used to wear it?

      Back in India. I was talking about the island. I then realized, hey, I know people here in India. Why on earth didn't I contact them? I messaged them on my phone. One of them said that he saw me, but I didn't recognize him. I was like, yeah, but he could have said hi.

      The Cow/Bull

    5. Teeth Fell Off

      by , 11-02-2011 at 10:08 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in school, or at work. I was chatting with a high school classmate, Giesel. He put another high school classmate, Nathan, on a special training at work, because he's failing. I heard that they're mostly on training most of the time instead of taking calls. I initially thought that's actually a good deal, but then I realized that eventually, they'll have to take calls full-time.

      I was at home. Was talking with someone. Then I felt something in my mouth, and went to the kitchen sink. I spit out five or six teeth. Huge teeth. I collected them with my right hand. I threw them, either into the sink or the trash. Was about to go back when I felt a teeth on my upper right. It wasn't off yet, just loose. I couldn't close my mouth properly because it was protruding. I tried pushing it into position, but it fell off. It's another huge tooth. I threw it as well.

      I went back to the living room, and talked to sis. I asked if I can court a classmate of hers. She said no, because "I" have responsibilities, and she particularly mentioned "sa likod...," roughly translated on my back or shoulder, "... pa sang bata" or including the baby. The translation doesn't make sense, but it's like she's saying I'm the one who should take care of her child.

      Mom passed by and asked what we're talking about. I was already lying on the side on the sofa, hugging my knees, depressed. Sis told her it's about my "exploration."