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    1. Why do my lucids so often come in pairs? Not that I'm complaining....

      by , 11-29-2012 at 05:49 AM
      #1 - Just Trying To Be Spontaneous [DILD]

      I don't actually remember the part of this dream before I got lucid, I just know that as soon as I did I started stabilizing by rubbing my hands together and I didn't stop for basically the entire dream. The first thing I remember is being, I believe, in front of my house with J and N and trying to stop trucks and buses in the road by pointing at them and yelling "Stop!" as I have in a previous lucid, but it wasn't working at first. Once I adjusted my technique a little (hard to describe how exactly) it worked though, and I was satisfied. I can't remember if we did anything more with it, but the next thing I recall is deciding that the three of us should walk into this random nearby house and see what's going on. The house and the people inside seemed totally real and random, I can't recall where my mind might have created that house from. All of the DCs, of which I think there were three, were older Asian people, one man and two women if I'm not mistaken (though the memory is a little bit hazy). I can't remember if there was more in between that and this next part, but I'm pretty sure that when we walked back out of the house the door lead to a totally different environment. We were in some kind of fancy hallway and in part of it there were these two gigantic doors that I was sure would lead to somewhere amazing. I told them to believe that the doors were going to take us somewhere cool, but when I opened them it was just like a tiny empty closet space. ._. We walked in and shut the doors and decided the room was still pointless, so then we headed back out. Suddenly there was a view to the outside and as I stared into the sun I vaguely recall hearing Penny from The Big Bang Theory saying something about having a Jewish boyfriend in the sky, or something confusing like that.... When we turned around we were suddenly on the rooftop parking lot somewhere in the middle of the downtown area and there was someone standing near a black sports car with all of its doors open like they were waiting for people to get in. Around this time N became O and I turned to him and J and said "Come on guys, we're going for a drive." Or something like that lol. We get in with me in the driver's seat and I hit the gas. We end up driving forward over the side of the building and they're both freaking out, but I'm just trying to pull the steering wheel back until finally the car tilts up and I have control of it like a plane. It was a little rough, I had to focus a lot on stabilizing and controlling the car at the same time but I managed to pull it off. The guys were now thrilled but still shocked and I found it quite amusing. At some point I had the feeling that we were being chased by cops or something for presenting a hazard to the city, and somehow they knocked us out of the sky. We were at the edge of the city and facing a long stretch of road, and the car turned sideways and started bouncing off of it repeatedly, twirling for long distances with each time. During one of the bounces I stood up (technically sideways) out of one of the car windows and flipped off the city and whoever was chasing us with a big grin on my face. The last thing I remember about the dream was that O had turned back into N by this point, but then it ended.

      Not bad if I do say so myself.

      #2 - Definitely A New Look For Him.... [MILD]

      I was back at my middle school as my current age and all I wanted was a day off (of what I don't know) and to talk to my... well, to keep it simple, let's just say my theater teacher. I had sneaked back into the school and was off to the side of the stage by the bathrooms while there was a play going on waiting to talk to her, when I was spotted by what I took to be Sylar from Heroes pretending to be reformed as a good guy and wearing a dress, and scaled up to be proportionally taller and bigger than normal. He was looking at me weirdly and I just pointed to my teacher and he told her that I was acting strangely but needed to talk. I said "Yeah, like you're any less suspicious." and glared at him while following her into the music hall, but as I walked past him through the door he gave me a sneaky signal like "see me later" or something. >.> I was becoming lucid and turned around to watch him peer around a corner just to have him turn into some creepy smiling old fat guy. I felt really weirded out and just turned around to talk to see my teacher, but she was gone. I went around the corner looking for her but the music hall had become the main hallway in my house I just saw someone who I forget now in my parents' bedroom. I was feeling freaked out and every direction I looked in felt surreal and distant or dissociated and like there were strange people there. And that's about the last thing that happened before I woke up.
    2. Why Won't They Leave Me Alone!?

      by , 11-29-2012 at 05:05 AM
      This is from November 21st, I just didn't get around to typing it all up before.

      Early in the night I originally fell asleep on the couch in the living room in front of my laptop, then I woke up a couple to a few hours later and shut down everything in the house and moved to bed. So that technically makes these with a WBTB.

      #1 - Creeper Nightmare [Non-Lucid]

      Throughout this dream, for some reason all of the windows in my house had open blinds and were larger than normal, making it very easy to see into the house from the outside at any point. It was really creeping me out because in the house next to mine which was visible through the windows there were these four guys that kept peering around corners or over fences to just stare at me in a really freaky way, and then they would start laughing when I got anxious. Even when I tried to go out front or out back I would see them watching me from somewhere. At one point I was even crawling around on the floor in the house and reaching strategically over and around objects to avoid being seen by them, knowing that they were just out of eyesight staring into the window. Eventually I just got pissed, and I went out front, walked over to their fence, and jumped up on it in one swift movement. This is not uncommon for me; my dream self seems to think that walking on fences is fairly normal, though still something to be considered significant. I ran along the top until the second floor balcony of the next door house (which doesn't actually exist, it's a one-story house) and leapt over to it. I went in through the door and walked up to one of the guys who said "Oh shit!" and looked shocked. I was ready to smack a ho, but then my memory of the dream gets really blurry and I just remember there being something about my old friend T, I saw him for a second... but then, I woke up. Ah, well.

      #2 - Modeling Assignment [Non-Lucid]

      I was at some big school function where they paired us up with different students and had us take tests and do modeling jobs and stuff. There was some girl there that I was just trying to be nice to for some reason, and I remember lending her a pencil, but then she still got totally pissed at me for something. However, AB, this girl I used to know since elementary school but barely ever talked to since then, got up and started defending my honor with some long speech. Oh, also, I think for most of this dream, or at least this part onward, I was JY, this guy I also knew since elementary school. No idea why, I haven't thought about him in ages.... Anyway, like I said, we were paired off and we were supposed to be doing a modeling gig. For ours they were expecting us to submit some comic we'd made, but my partner was the one who had it on him and he didn't show up. I tried doing the gig myself and they told me my image was nice but it needed more, it had to be both of us or neither. I decided to go walking around the mall/school looking for my partner and somehow ended up back at my house. (My real house, not JY's house.) I was in my parents' bedroom and I decided to just jump back on the bed and give the guy a phone call. I told him the situation and he said that he had to ditch to go to a dentist appointment. I just said that that was fine because the school was just pushing us into it anyway so I didn't really care that much.

      #3 - Nothing Wrong With A Little Bondage [Non-Lucid]

      I was at some kind of station waiting for transportation with my parents, and there were these two random girls standing not far from us. I turned to my parents and asked them if the train that just left was the one that we were supposed to be taking, and the girls startled giggling and said that it was actually a bus. I just responded that we call it a train where I come from. It was clearly based on a train from around here, so I wasn't wrong lol. Eventually a couple more arrive and we got on a different one from them and I get a third-person view (from outside and behind the train, though it may have become a bus considering what we did next) of the train swerving through traffic and over all these crazy highways that bend at impossible angles. It basically looked like a huge video game obstacle course set up all around some big city full of skyscrapers. The dream then transitions to when I'm already off the train and I'm at a mall restaurant of some kind meeting up with M, some random DC, O, ET (heh, not the extra terrestrial), S (5 hits, for self-reference), and maybe C and a few others. We were going to do something though I can't remember exactly what now, and this random guy walked up to me and kissed my hand. I just patted him on the back and said "Sorry, I'm taken." and moved on, and I saw a friend comforting him as he walked away. Then, ET just up and decides to grab me by the arms from behind, pick me up, and hold me locked in some bondage position to parade me around the mall for everyone to see. At this point many of the people in the crowd were suddenly in fetishy outfits, and everyone was just staring at me amused as we went by. And yes, it was awesome. >.> I could hear the whole gang talking about movies or something behind me, but I never got back into the conversation before the dream ended. I had a brief false awakening where I typed up most of the previous dream on my phone, almost letting it fade from memory. Luckily, I still remembered it well upon waking for real.

      #4 - And Now The Creepers Can Fly ;-; [MILD]

      In this dream I felt that I was visiting home for the holidays, though I'm not entirely sure where exactly I would've been visiting from. I was wandering around outside on the side of my house by the next door neighbors' fence and I saw some random girl followed by SC, this girl I knew in middle school, breaking into their yard through the fence. The girl was saying that it's just something she likes to do to mess with people so they have to take the time to clean their yards up. Now this next part I really have no memory of at all, though I really wish I did. Instead, I'll just have to quote it. "Then some old guy comes running by and uses me as an external pacemaker for a second." I go back inside my house through the garage and see the girls sitting out back and think that something must be up because they should still have been in the neighbors' yard. I approach our back door and think to myself "Alright, if I can fly right through it then this is a dream." I leapt off the ground and went right through the door and wall and flew into the sky. I was excited, but immediately after the happiness set in and I turned around slightly and saw some creepy guy flying right behind me. I had an adrenaline rush and the scene transitioned into my bedroom, and I was convinced that I'd ruined my shot. I almost lost this dream to a false awakening as well, but thankfully I woke up shortly afterward.

      Updated 11-29-2012 at 05:07 AM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    3. My Sandbox

      by , 10-05-2012 at 02:34 AM
      Side Notes - This lucid is actually from September 27th, I just never took the time to type it up until now.

      My Sandbox [MILD]

      The main thing I remember about the first part of this dream was that I was at home and we were throwing a party with lots of my family members and old teachers attending. After everyone had pretty much left I was just hanging out in my room and I saw my 11th grade physics teacher coming up to the door through the window so I went to go meet him. I think he also morphed into some random guy at one point.... I went and opened the front door and he wasn't there, and upon seeing that I immediately became lucid. I randomly decided to climb the tree in our front yard, so I sprinted towards it and just ran up it. I'm pretty sure the geometry of this experience was beyond alien, my memory is quite confusing, but eventually I was just standing up on a high point of the tree. I looked up into the sky and saw a car slowly floating through the air way off in the distance and was confused for a second, but I decided I probably shouldn't let myself get distracted with that or the dream will fade. (I've gotten this feeling while staring into the sky while lucid before.) I took one last look at the car and then back down to the ground. Extending out in front of me was a long and incredibly thick tree branch that seemed to be made to resemble the shape of a slide. There was even a little cupped part at the bottom. I slid down and the branch moved to help get me gently on to the ground. I turned around and noticed that the branch was actually in the shape of an arm, and the cupped part was the tree holding its hand like that to assist me. I reached out and shook this massive hand and smiled, the tree seemed nice. I had landed in the road and there was a car coming right for where I was standing, so I crouched down and spread my arms out to try and hold it off. When it collided with me I was pushed back slightly, but mostly I was able to push the force of the impact to the side and the car ended up smashing through the front yard of the house across the street from mine. I turned around and saw their fence running along the side of the street, so I jumped up to it and started running along the top. I was headed toward the nearby alleyway but as I looked at the houses over there my vision started to get really white and blurry and I was afraid that the dream might be ending. I turned around and saw a truck with a pretty empty back turning the corner on to a nearby street (the one that extends directly out from our house, we live at a three-way intersection). I held out my hand and yelled "Stop!" and the driver immediately slammed on the breaks. Then I clenched my fingers almost into a fist as a way of doing a sort of telekinetic or magnetic pull and it totally worked. I was pulled by an invisible force on to the back of the truck and I reached over to pat its side and said "Alright, let's go." We started moving, and I vaguely remember leaning over and starting to say something to the driver and/or passenger, but then I woke up.

      Fun night.
    4. Childhood Memories?, The Perfect Lawn, An Old Goal Completed By Chance

      by , 07-12-2012 at 06:39 PM

      Dream Fragment - This one was technically more than a fragment as it was fully developed, I just don't really remember much about it now, so I can't fill in the details for my notes. "I go to a book/department store-based event, like A-Kon or something, with old [my senior high school] people at it. Walking around, not giving a fuck what people think. Yeah, look at the food."

      Childhood Memories? [DILD]

      I was driving my old jeep and my old friend JRE and I parked it somewhere deep in a forest. After we got out, we walked to where there was some bus stop and got on the bus, which then took us to some downtown area. Though I'm pretty sure I experienced all or most of our downtown adventure, I know there were tons of people that I potentially know. All I really remember of it now was wandering around a parking lot with JRE, and he was getting annoyed at me for acting childish (in a playful way), or something like that. Eventually we end up getting back on the bus, and initially JRE sits far away from me but he eventually moves up to where I am. The bus is traveling through the forest, and somehow it turns into the legs of an AT-ST (the two-legged robot walkers from Star Wars) with a tiny couch seat on top, where JRE and I are sitting. Of course, this all seems perfectly normal at the time. I was just admiring how vivid all of the forest surroundings were, and I had the sudden sense that JRE and I might be having a shared dream. Oh snap, this is a dream! I looked over at JRE and started doubting whether or not this was really shared, and I decided to slap him on the back to see just how stable he was. As I did he exploded into sand, and my hand continued to move straight through where he had been sitting. As the AT-ST legs took me back to where the Jeep was, I had the strangest sense that this dream was connecting me to my childhood memories, though it's hard to explain the sensation now. As I was approaching the Jeep, I looked down and noticed that I was wearing what appeared to be a transparent white one-piece bathing suit. It did make me happy, though. I got in the car and grabbed the wheel, which was now invisible, as the dream was sort of falling apart around me. I either drove or just phased forward through some kind of "wall" which I can't even describe that was in front of me now, and then everything went black, and soon I woke up.


      #1 - The Perfect Lawn [Non-Lucid]

      There was a family party going on at my house and my aunt C and cousin S were there at least (and I think probably my uncle N as well), and all I remember is that I was relaxing in my bedroom and I knew that they were spending a lot of time in my parents' bedroom for some reason, and then they walked out and went into the guest bathroom, where my other aunt D suddenly walked down the hall trying to get to and was mad that it was already occupied. I think my mom was with her, too. Somewhere down the line (I think the dream may have skipped forward a bit), I decided to go swimming out back. I also became Jackie (Mila Kunis) from That '70s Show. Donna (Laura Prepon) was also there and I was trying to get her to swim with me, but she didn't want to get in the pool. :T I believe it skipped forward again and we were walking down the street that extends directly outward from my house (we're centered at a three-way intersection), and I was looking around for lawns that had sprinklers covering them with water (sometimes even sprinklers shooting water on to them from the middle of the street ). My aim was to find a yard that was so wet... that the grass and dirt had entered a complete liquidy consistency, so I'd be able to swim in it. ._. I even found one that I thought might be good, and I dipped my toes in it and saw it ripple. I turned around and said something to Donna I believe, but then I woke up.

      Dream Fragment - I was hanging out with N and I think R on my back porch, and suddenly we were in the pool and N was talking about how he found some amazing ecstasy tabs recently, claiming he'd taken only a third of one and ended up rolling really hard. I ended these notes with "Me disappoint." Not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean here. >_>

      Dream Fragment - I was with NS, this guy I knew through my entire public schooling career but then never saw again after we graduated, and we were walking around at some kind of Star Wars convention... or something....

      #2 - An Old Goal Completed By Chance [MILD]

      I was lying on my bed with my old friend D, and for some reason we were lying extremely close to each other, with our faces almost touching (but it wasn't supposed to mean anything, it was just taken as totally normal at the time ). Though I'm not sure if there even was much dream content before this, I had an underlying knowledge that we were in a Heroes-like world. Derek had the power of cryokinesis (ice generation/freezing) and I had the totally broken ability of absorbing the powers of anyone around me. Since we just happened to be right there next to each other, I grabbed his cryokinesis for myself. I suddenly had the knowledge of how to use it and everything. The dream skipped forward to he and I standing at an intersection, like actually in the lanes where the cars would be, waiting for the lights to turn so we could keep walking. I was in the left-hand turning lane, and D was arguing with me about something, though I can't remember what it was now. I was getting fed up with him, and when the light turned I flew off into the air and turned left down the road. Realizing that I was flying was enough to make me become lucid, and I knew immediately what I had to do. I thrust my arm out at a nearby plant while flying by and made the same kind of psychic-power-hand-gesture pose I make while using telekinesis, and the plant instantly froze over. It works!!!! Now I'll know how to do this from now on! I decided to freeze a car too, and it worked, but then it almost immediately just turned into a different white car and kept trying to drive slowly. Clearly the skill needs some work, but it's good to know that I can at least use it now. I wanted to try to freeze a human, so I looked for a DC and noticed a girl walking on the sidewalk not too far ahead of me. I pounced on her, expecting it to be playful... but apparently I put a bit more force into it than I meant to, because it killed her. O_O I was disappointed for a second, but then thought I'd give something else a try... and with one more psychic hand gesture, she came back to life! That's two new abilities! I ended up rolling around on the ground with her trying to get her into focus because my vision was fading away and I was having a tough time saving it, and finally I was able to freeze her, but I only heard it because my vision had already faded to black. Oh well, there's always next time! Shortly afterward, I woke up.

      Dream Fragment - I was with D again and we had ordered pizza at his house (which wasn't really his house), but we were having them deliver it to my house so that we could drive over there to get it. We got here and ended up working on some homework on my dad's computer for some reason, but the pizza never arrived. I kept staring out the window for it, but only some girls I vaguely knew in middle and high school drove up but never got out of their car. I wanted that pizza. :C

      Dream Fragment - My mom was asking me if the ball at the end of my poi was actually just a gigantic Skittle.
    5. Day 3: Just A DC

      by , 06-11-2012 at 11:11 AM
      Dream Fragment - "Clavines (?), a warm drink made from strawberries. (I sure wouldn't drink that! ) Posting on DV, littlezoe."

      Just A DC [MILD]

      I was at my old middle school, but I perceived it as my community college, and I was walking around in the hallways after a class with O. I saw this girl I used to know named AB, and then I became lucid when we were walking out of the front doors and I was asking O what he wanted to do. He said he would need to go home and take a shower before anything, and I realized that I actually still had a class to go to anyway. I turned around and waited outside the door with J, who was apparently in this class too. I lost lucidity around this time, and I don't remember much about the class except that I think it might have been an English class and it was over extremely fast. When the teacher let us go, it came back. I was walking out of the same front doors with J this time and laughed as I noted O coming back in. Still sort of in a transitional mindset, I turned to J and asked him "Is this our dream?"
      "No." Well that was blunt. He started talking about something else, but I already knew I was lucid at this point and I know that J is one of my friends with the capacity for real conversation, so I wasn't putting up with this.
      "Wait, why not?"
      "Because it's your dream."
      "Oh, so it's not a shared dream?"
      "Nope, I'm just a... uh, D...C?" He looks at me inquisitively. I love that the fact that he doesn't know dream-related terms carried over into his personality, despite how aware he was.
      "Yeah, 'DC'." I pause and look around. This whole time we'd been walking away from the school, first through the parking lot and now over a nearby field. I turned to him again. "Well then what do you want to do?"
      He starts off a sentence with "Well, normally I...", but then the dream starts fading away. I heard more of what he said at the time and I'm pretty sure I even comprehended it (I think it was something to do with running?), but I can't remember it now. Everything faded to white, and
      I woke up.

      Updated 06-11-2012 at 11:16 AM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. In Another Life, Demon Games, Seek The Treasure, How Did We Get Here?, Really? >w<

      by , 05-19-2012 at 04:04 PM
      May 17

      #1 - In Another Life [Non-Lucid]

      Sort of a quirky little dream here. I was hanging out with a bunch of people I've known mostly since elementary school and haven't seen since high school who I've never hung out with before. Before the last times I really saw them they were in social groups that I just wasn't in, so it's not like we even really saw each other much except in the hallways or in classes (which I hadn't had with them since I first knew them), but at the end of senior year when I started getting into the drug scene I started hanging out with the same groups of people they did, but I still never really saw them because everyone was kind of going their separate ways at that point. In the dream we were now back at our high school ages and I was hanging out with them because it was like I had gone back in time and now had a lot in common with them, or something like that. Two of the guys I happened to know pretty well from a young age and one welcomed me right into the group while the other was hesitant, but in the end didn't mind. We spent basically the whole thing listening to club music that I don't recognize as being real but was really neat, and I noticed that I was wearing pink velour pants which I've been thinking about getting.

      #2 - Demon Games [Non-Lucid]

      All I remember about the beginning of this dream was that I was playing some video game, which was a sequel in its series, where you had to jump from one rooftop to the next in a sort of a suburban city, and as you do it it turns you into a demon. Afterwards someone told me I should play the original, so I did, but they didn't tell me that it has a horrible side effect! After you play the game, it makes both your top and bottom row of teeth pop out, still perfectly connected like dentures, and be replaced with new ones that had sort of a plastic-like texture. This caused me much distress when it first happened and I wasn't expecting it, and I was at my old friend S's house freaking out until his nonexistent little brother (who just looked like a smaller version of him ) walked into the room and explained what was going on. I ran into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and saw my old teeth and pulled them out of my mouth. My new ones were heavily fanged and demonic, and a couple on the bottom row that looked particularly menacing and were opposite each other suddenly fell out. There was blood pooling in the spots they'd been in, so I put them back in hoping that the blood would mold them there, and it did. After that I got my weird dream sign of my mouth being full of stuff, this time it felt like hairs and sawdust, and unfortunately I didn't notice it. It bugged me until I woke up.

      May 18

      Dream Fragment - "R, O, new types of music."

      Seek The Treasure [Non-Lucid]

      O and I are in some enormous house with a group of people, but I can't remember that part of the dream very well. I vaguely recall something about us hugging each other in a big circle and having a bunch of cats that we were going to try to find homes for, and then the dream changed to where the house we were in because some gigantic pool area with multiple pools and hot tubs with covers over them, and it was warm outside but also sort of dark and rainy. I was also now with my cousin P instead of O. Eventually we meet up with his brother and sister, G and K, and their mom (also my cousin), A. She drives us back to their place, but on the way she turns into GA, her brother. When we get there GA, G, and K get out of the car, and GA hands me the keys so I can drive P and I back. So what was even the point of this...? He gives me a tiny gold slate with instructions engraved on it of how to get back to the place we were at before, and it includes cryptic messages about some treasure. We eventually go seeking for this "true treasure", but the dream gets blurry around that point, and then I woke up.

      May 19

      #1 - How Did We Get Here? [DILD]

      My memory really starts with me just hanging around with a bunch of people outside in a neighborhood at night. This group included at least O, RE, GL, PZ, JRE, and KF, but there were lots of other people too. I think there was also something briefly about drinking and taking some pills with JRE and maybe KF, but it's hard to recall now. Anyway, we were just standing around in a circle reminiscing about high school and how we used to just chill with groups of people like that with no plan, when no one had any responsibilities or anything, and we'd just go find stuff to do. We started walking down the street and up to some houses, where we all just started chilling in the front lawns. I looked over at KF and saw him suddenly pull out a gun and shoot someone in the stomach. Everyone is disoriented from the sound but I think I'm the only one who saw it, and then other people start pulling out guns as well. The crowd breaks up as everyone starts running around, and I take off down the street hearing gunfire. There's even Star Wars-like pew-pew sounds going off, and I see some red lasers fly in front of me. I immediately became lucid when I saw that. The environment was now intense as hell! There were ships flying around, lots of war sounds like explosions and rapid fire gunshots and laser pew-pews, stuff was crumbling and bursting into flames, and there was suddenly a huge sweeping laser turret coming up behind me. I should've just let it hit me and saw what happened. >w< But instead I hoofed it until I got behind one of the neighborhood houses. I looked up into the sky and an amazing fireworks display started going on amidst all the chaos. I see another one launched into the sky after all the others finally stop, and I can tell it's going to be big, but rather than exploding it causes my dream to sort of implode, and I wake up.

      After that I reminded myself that I was supposed to be doing my mantras again, so I gave that a shot before going to sleep again.

      #2 - Really? >w< [MILD]

      O, D, C, and I meet up with some random dude and go get lunch somewhere/go to take an exam somewhere, or something like that. After we finish I stayed behind for a long time for some reason, but I can't remember what that reason was now, while the rest of them went out to my car to wait for me. When I finally got out there, O told me that they'd rummaged through my stuff while I was gone, and then he said... well, something very personal. o.o I'm super embarrassed and just try to change the subject and drive off, while O's just laughing at me. >w<;; We're driving down some dark foresty road and the random guy asks us if we'd like to go visit his church and then walk through some random deserted town at night with him, but as we were discussing it the scene shifted to me being alone in an apartment with some strange wooden structure in it. I need to use the bathroom so I go looking for it, and find it with some words scrawled on the floor in front of it. I pay no attention to them and go in. When I get in there I start wondering how in the heck O found out... that personal thing about me just by looking through the stuff in my car, and then it suddenly occurred to me that I was dreaming. I lift up my hands to feel the wall and stabilize a bit, and they're so small! Like baby hands or something. I stabilized a bit but it still wasn't a very strong lucidity, I could tell the dream was fighting to survive. I walked out of the bathroom and called for O, then walked around the corner and saw him there where a huge coat with a furry lining on the inside, something I've definitely never seen him wear before. I'm happy to see him and he walks up to me and we hug, and then we went and sat down on the strange wooden structure. I was just trying to think of something to keep the dream going, so I decided to ask him how he figured out that thing about me, but then I woke up.
    7. Bizarre Family Party, FLCL Throwback?

      by , 03-30-2012 at 06:28 PM
      I had several more dreams than these but I couldn't log them down because my phone was acting weird. :T Oh well. At least I got the lucid one down.

      #1 - Bizarre Family Party [Non-Lucid]

      This one I just remember a few bits and pieces of. I was at a family party, there was some "moon scare" going on referencing some sort of apocalypse, it was my cousin K's birthday, my cousin G was suddenly legally allowed to drink alcohol despite being 17 years old, I talked about how I was hanging out with M and a couple other people before the party, out in front of the house a runaway bicycle came out of nowhere and rammed into some random guy's nuts, causing one of them to burst with blood flying everywhere , and finally a third-person view of some strange Futurama episode where Bender and Hermes got fused together.

      Dream Fragment - I accidentally stumbled upon some YouTube video about "secular graduation" (something related to school), and all I remember about it is that there were lots of theater kids from my high school starring in it which surprised me, and there were these two Asian kids at the end. One of them was a bit chubby and had short, straight, silvery white hair, and the other was very thin with a blonde beard but a black goatee.

      #2 - FLCL Throwback? [MILD]

      I was back at my middle school in a regular classroom but it was in the music hall. I was playing a Pokémon game with a bunch of random people and then C, an old friend and amazing weed dealer, comes in and joins us. Eventually he's heading out again and I decide to go with him, but when we get out into the hallway I realize it's a totally different person. I follow him out to the cafeteria anyway, only all of the tables are gone, and he's talking about OpheliaBlue, someone else I can't remember, and cheese. Slowly I start to think that something's not right, and then I realize that I'm dreaming. There are a ton of DCs walking around, and I tried to do something that failed but I can't remember what it was now. I saw some oddly placed lockers and decided to fly over to them, and as I did a couple of them magically opened, and there was just one big locker space behind them. There was a sheet of music in them, so I picked it up and then went over to a DC and yelled at them "Make music come off this page!" However, I was flailing the paper around in my hand as I was saying this and I guess that caused it to lose shape, I saw it morphing so I stopped shaking it and it took solid shape as a red electric guitar. o.o I shrugged and whacked the DC on the head with it, and he fell over and I flew off. I turned around to look at him a second later but all the DCs in the area had already changed drastically, and he was gone. I was just hovering above the crowd and decided to whack someone else too, so I did and as he fell over slowly his head popped off. I flew off but the dream started fading, I had lost my sense of sight and I could tell it was about to end.

      False Awakening - This was fairly interesting.... I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. I guess that might've been connected to the lack of visual input at the end of the lucid, but I just perceived it as keeping my eyes closed. I felt my surroundings and could tell that it wasn't right. Upon a little inspection I realized I was lying down in a bathtub with just a little bit of water in it, I could feel the porcelain edges and everything. I considered the idea that this was some sort of strange tactile hallucination based on my bed that was just continuing because my dreaming mind hadn't totally shut down yet and I hadn't opened my eyes yet to break the illusion. However, when I actually did open my eyes I was lying in my bed in a totally different position, so it was definitely a false awakening.
    8. Interrupted, Shown The Power Of RCs, Odd Discovery, The Last School Of Magic, Caught In The Wind

      by , 03-18-2012 at 10:32 PM
      #1 - Interrupted [Non-Lucid]

      This girl A (who I haven't seen since first semester of college) is over at my house during a family party and we're in my room messing around in the dark. And by messing around I mean just playing, but in an overly affectionate way.... I could sense feelings for her and I'm pretty sure she had some for me, too. After a while it was starting to look like it might become a little more than playing, so I got up to lock the door to make sure we had privacy, but then tons of people, including this guy J I used to hang out with, just started waltzing on in and making themselves at home and playing some video game on my TV. >.< We tried to make the most out of it still () but it didn't work out, and A very randomly told me that my room looks like a spaceship. I got up to go into the bathroom to "do my medicine" but when I got in there I was distracted because I was wearing some really bizarre white top and a black jean skirt, and it was definitely something I've never seen before, I'm not even sure it followed the laws of physics.... After that I went to pee, and after I started I woke up.

      #2 - Shown The Power Of RCs [DILD]

      I was in a high school class with this girl S with whom I've had an extremely embarrassing moment, which I will not go into, and in the waking world I apologized over and over again, and in this dream I felt like it was finally totally in the past. (Even though in the waking world I barely saw her before and will probably never see her again, so it's really not that big of an issue anyway.) We're waiting for class to end, as it's apparently the last class of the school year. There's a video constantly malfunctioning on the projector and we're all just getting fed up with it, and I think to myself that class ends at 8pm (what a shitty high school!) and that it should already be around 7:40, but I check my phone and it says 7:10. I checked again shortly afterward and it said 4:00. Instant lucid. Holy crap, reality checks work! I got up and told everyone "It's already 11:00, school's over, let's go." (11:00? I still don't trust my lucid mind, it comes up with too many non-lucid things still. Like this....) There were objections but I just repeated "Nope, nope, let's go." and walked out the door. Some random DC girl was walking with me in the hallway and said something to me about how "It sucks for people who had plans.", or something like that, and my response was "Yeah, especially the ones of us who are melting!" Immediately afterward I proceeded to rapidly melt, which I felt completely realistically, all the way down into a puddle, and then the dream ended. Damn you dreaming mind!

      Side Notes - I had been forgetting to do my mantras lately, and I wondered if that's why my lucids haven't been happening as frequently. After this dream I started doing them again every time I woke up for the rest of the night.

      #3 - Odd Discovery [Non-Lucid]

      I got drunk with my old friend D (who doesn't drink) and spent the night at his house, though it was actually some fancy Asian-style house and not even remotely similar to his real one. His mom then woke us up in the middle of the night to smoke weed with her. (D doesn't smoke weed either, nor do I imagine does his mom. ) We smoke a lot of corn (medium quality weed) and chat for a bit and I'm just in awe at this discovery that they smoke weed, and the main effect I'm getting is EXTREME cottonmouth. I take a drink of water, then go back to fiddling around with this lighter that never works, and this two-carb pipe (I can't remember if it actually had two chambers, but it was a really cool swirly, spiked design with a mix of yellow and blue) that kept randomly getting replaced with a tiny plastic bowl. We hear a noise and it turns out to be D's dad, and his mom gets scared so I look at the weed and say "Should we hide it!?" and she tells me to do it, so I grab it and shove it in my jean pockets and get up and follow D out of the room. We hear them getting into a HUGE fight and their voices start fading into the distance as we get further away. D stops in this dark room full of random people and I'm freaked out, and he looks almost catatonically depressed and I really want to help him but I also want to get the hell out of there, and I ask him if it's okay for me to leave because I'm scared (his dad is a pretty big guy). He doesn't respond at first, but then shakes his head yes. I give him a sad look of thanks and then run out the front door and hear his dad say "Oh, you better hurry!" I'm frightened and jump into my car and try to start it but I'm shaking and messing up. But I woke up while I was trying to work it.

      Dream Fragment - I see my dead grandpa (but he's still alive in the dream), lots of other family members, my dad's close friend J, and a couple random DC kids who are both named Alex. I perceive that I'm in Las Vegas, though this is all actually taking place at my house. All I really remember other than that was J asking me if I'd found him any MDA, to which I responded no because it's hard to come across.

      False Awakening - I wake up and text O about how sake is even better in Las Vegas.

      #4 - The Last School Of Magic [Non-Lucid]

      A lot of this dream is hazy and hard to remember, but I do recall that I was trapped in some place called "The Last School of Magic", or something like that. It's basically this big evil school in the sky that my friends and I can all see from this big open field that seems to have a castle waaaaay off in the distance at the end of a long path, and I end up going through some weird third-person control bouncing shapes and people and traveling through gravity-defying obstacle courses.... It was really bizarre. I just know that is was VERY intense, and at the end I kicked the ass of the evil teacher who had originally invited me to to the school, using some magic I learned along the way. We were outside on the path again by the big field and looked over at the dark stormy clouds in the sky and saw the house where the school was glowing red and vaporizing, and we laughed at it. Despite the fact that I don't remember very much of it, this dream was pretty realistic and vivid. But it probably doesn't help with my memory that I had a....

      False Awakening - I got up out of bed thinking to myself what a crazy dream that was, and I found this little book of ancient mysteries or something like that sitting on my desk. I apparently had had it before but never really read it, so I started flipping through it, until I found a story called "The Last School of the Occult". I started looking at it and some of it looked familiar to the areas I had gone through, and I was totally blown away. I started thinking something insane was going on, but then I had another....

      False Awakening - I tried writing down everything that had happened and got most of it out. Only to wake up and realize I would have to type it all over again, which is why I forgot so much of it. :T

      #5 - Caught In The Wind [MILD]

      I was on vacation with O and we got a bong and some weed and took it to a corn field to play where on the way we became Peanuts characters, I was Lucy and he was Charlie Brown. Some girls starting making fun of me saying "You like corn! You like corn!" and I felt it had a strange connection to Francine from American Dad! for some reason. Wind started blowing me back and up through the air continuously at least 20 feet and it made me realize that I was dreaming, but I wasn't really able to hold on to it. I just kept getting pushed back until I had a....

      False Awakening - I wrote most of the dream down (there was more to the beginning that I forgot because of this), but then my dad walked in and asked me if I had used mom's wind, and the second I saw him I thought "Damn it!!" and woke up for real.
    9. Playing With The Weather, Outmatched, Walking On Water, Sleepwalking Scare, Chao Raising

      by , 03-07-2012 at 11:00 PM
      I was a busy girl this night! Four MILDs, one almost V-WILD, and one non-lucid, not to mention some shadow creatures at the beginning of the night. Intense!

      Side Notes - So, as I was falling asleep there was suddenly some very vivid and weird blobby structure textured like blue jeans behind my eyelids, it twitched and morphed very quickly. This was not hypnagogic imagery (at least, not fully), it was a remnant of when I used to meditate while abusing anticholinergic deliriants, it moved in the exact same way. I open my eyes and say "Great, so I'm hallucinating now." There were dark clouds moving across my room and coming up to my face, I could feel an animal presence in each one, but I didn't allow them to form into anything. Across my ceiling moved a cloud that I always recognize as one of my delirium signs. Had I let it grow, it would've turned into a big white alien crab thing. I decided to just close my eyes and try to fall asleep quickly anyway while repeating my lucidity mantra.

      #1 - Playing With The Weather [MILD]

      The first few parts of this dream I only remember in flashes. I remember wishing some city was closer to us for some reason, I think I perceived it as some cool party area, then blur... then there's some spaceship ride at a theater or old house or something where we weren't supposed to be, but I got on the ride with a couple other people and it sent me into third-person mode in outer space, controlling some ship (a star destroyer from Star Wars, maybe?) as some commercial about it plays in the background (just the audio) and the ship gets continuously divided into smaller copies of itself by other ships around it. I think this phase is what caused me to become lucid... suddenly I was back in first-person and standing in front of my house. A big red bus was driving down the street and I tried to pull it toward me with telekinesis but it didn't work, probably too big of a task for a beginner. (I don't think I've used telekinesis since my second lucid ever.) So instead I lept up and blasted off into the sky at supersonic speeds, the wind felt so amazing rushing past my face. I even got to feel myself pass through clouds, which was awesome! I watched the ground streak by until I stopped over some really big field in a country area with one or two small farms. I was really high up, above the clouds, and I saw a tornado tearing through the countryside. (Though, aside from a couple storm clouds, it was bright and sunny outside. ) I gave my telekinesis another shot and managed to change its path by holding my hand out and pushing it in a different direction. Next I turned my attention to a storm cloud next to me and tried to make lightning strike the ground from it, but it wasn't really working too well, it was more like a mild flash that was just a glitch in my perception. I guess that one might take some waking life visualization first to do well. After that I transitioned into third-person again and lost lucidity, there was some kid breaking into a bank and some nasty old man with a shotgun (I think...) and his dog comes in and threatens him to leave and return what he stole or he's going to call this other old man and make him his pet. I woke up after that. There was a lot of dream leading up to the blurry part too, I remember experiencing it, just not what it was.... Though I do remember it involved Erii.

      #2 - Outmatched [MILD]

      I was back in middle school but in a class with a guy I didn't meet until high school, and the environment was somewhat fused with my community college. I have two electric guitars made of rubber, and they really work but they also aren't stable and bend and flop around a lot. Apparently one of them is broken and the other is a replica of the broken one, and my teacher gets mad at me for having them so I ask if I can take them to a different classroom. She says sure, so I get up and start walking through the halls and swing them like crazy on my way, they bend so much that they made that *wop-wop-wop* spinning blade sound but with a cool little electric guitar noise. While walking through the hall I become lucid, and somehow I went from the second floor to the first floor. I look up a massive staircase and see someone who I don't remember, but I flew up to him and asked him where Mason was. (This guy I had a class with in high school, I don't know why I thought of him but I was basically just trying to keep a dream plot going.) He didn't know so I flew off to the cafeteria (first floor) and there were several rows of tables with computers set up there for some reason. I just had fun walking through the rows and seeing tons of old people I went to middle school with, including D and C, working on some projects. I walked to one of the stairwells and sat down next to it and pulled out my phone to start texting (I think I almost lost lucidity here), and O walked by me and said that I'd better be careful because he had just gotten in trouble for doing that, and I was like oh snap, I'm supposed to be in class! I walk up the stairs next to these two random DC girls and tell them about the guitars and they laugh, and I'm like "I know, fuckin' dreams." Upstairs we walk to a section where there's a large gap in between two sections of the floor that you can see the first floor through, with a bridge off to the right of where I am. Directly across from me is a room with a bunch of people standing out front, so I jump across the gap myself and walk into the room. It's small and nearly empty, with another even smaller room (like closet-sized) connected to the side of it. There's a random girl standing next to the window looking out of it, and she looks over at me. Suddenly she runs over to me at LIGHTNING speed, like leaving a blurry trail behind her and everything, and stands right in front of me with this serious face. I freak out and try to kick her away, but with her super speed she just jumps to right behind my foot. She just stares at me and then reaches out to grab my leg. O_O And I'm basically terrified at this point, but then I wake up.

      I need to master that level of super speed as a power!!

      #3 - Walking On Water [MILD]

      O and I are leaving our middle school to go to In-N-Out for lunch but we accidentally use an exit door that has an alarm on it. I figured this out after we used it but O didn't, so I just wanted to get out of there so I don't get in trouble. We almost left, but O started seeing everyones' reactions to the alarm going off and starts having a panic attack, so I put aside my worries to keep him calm. It jumps forward to me right up next to some window blinds, like literally they're all I see, with individual ones having information printed on them about how I have to sit in this timeout class all day for being in trouble, and it specifically stated that one of the school admins was ninja9578. Eventually I back away from the blinds and see that this class is in a tiny building in front of the school, in the parking lot. This one guy in somewhat fancy black clothes is there and asks me what I'm there for after talking to the teacher about something, but I became lucid around this point. I just tell him I'm getting out of there, and I fly up and phase through the wall and into the sky. I look back and see him smiling and looking encouragingly at me, and he says "This is a dream!" or something like that, and I just smile at him and fly off. I start off down the road toward my house, but then I decided to ground myself and hoof it this time to make sure I didn't get too much of an adrenaline rush. I run down the path, and normally there's a bridge and on the left side of it you see my old elementary school, but instead this time right at the edge of the bridge was a beach with a long stretch of water going out from it. :O I decided that walking on water would be a cool thing to do, so I just ran out on to it. There are waves forming and breaking beneath me and it feels so cool, I try to jump over the waves as they come just for the fun of it. That went on for a short amount of time, then the dream ended.

      False Awakening - I had a false awakening here where I intended to start writing that dream down, but it wasn't really significant. Luckily it didn't mess with my memory of it, but it did make me think I had woken up between the alarm part and the getting in trouble briefly when I actually hadn't.

      #4 - Sleepwalking Scare [MILD]

      I was briefly lucid, I can't remember much other than that the plot of the dream seemed really unstable and ill-formed, like the DCs were actually invisible. They were definitely there in a third eye kind of way, but they vanished easily, and I was afraid that I was actually lucid sleepwalking or something because I was standing naked in my bathroom, and if I closed my eyes and walked around I felt myself moving and all, but when I would open them I'd still be in the same spot. However, when I actually woke up I was still in bed.

      Side Notes - After this I wasn't really intending to fall back asleep, but I didn't feel like getting up either. I stayed in bed and started thinking about giving myself a breast massage, but I was so lazy that I didn't even actually feel like lifting my arms to do it, so I started visualizing it instead. To my surprise, the visualization was incredibly strong, and I felt like it was actually happening. A scene started forming around me too, I was walking Target and looking at DVDs while doing this. It definitely felt like it was about to completely take over and suck me into a V-WILD several times, but it was never able to fully do it. Maybe if I'd done this method before I would've known how to push it all the way, but as it is I just don't think I was tired enough to fall into it. After I gave up with that it took me another fifteen or twenty minutes to fall asleep again.

      #5 - Chao Raising [Non-Lucid]

      I was raising chao (from Sonic Adventure) with K, and then my memory gets blurry.... I wrote down "find a way back to the beginning of an obstacle course which takes me back to the beginning of it all and causes me to hatch from one of his eggs?" I remember before this he was at my house writing a trip report for some cannabinoid smoking blend we had both tried, and then he was leaving but I said I wanted to go with him and he said I needed to hurry, so I went to change clothes and somehow it launched into that. Afterwards he asked me what I was going to do with the new chao and I told him I might go for one beauty-based (?) because until then I'd been looking at Erii as the figure of beauty. (??) Then I woke up lol.
    10. Fight To Survive, False False Awakening?

      by , 03-05-2012 at 05:56 PM
      My recall's starting to get pretty poor, I think I need to start reading up on some ways to increase it, and also some lucid stabilization guides. I had two lucids, but it seems like every time I have one that lasts more than a few seconds it's spent fighting the dream to keep it alive, and often failing, and I don't get to focus on anything like finding Linkzelda41 or exploring powers. :T Hmm.... (Though, I guess I did get to briefly attempt one thing that would be useful for that this time, but it didn't really work.)

      Fragment - "K, tripping, freak out fan on/off, zombies, his phone too warm."

      Fragment - "Giant valley filled with water, pink Star Fox fighter battle, on DS. Water level dropped at end."

      #1 - Fight To Survive [MILD]

      I'm in high school with O and D, a history class I think, and our teacher is giving us a lesson along with some humongous white snake with no eyes that still somehow stares into your soul. Some guy in class was browsing the internet (on his laptop I guess, kind of hard to remember) instead of paying attention, so the snake caused him to become a cartoon and switch bodies with a female anthropomorphic bunny. o_o After class we're getting ready to leave as if class was totally normal, and I became lucid after talking to them about the snake. O walks through a door with some girl on the way out (like literally, they phased right through it) and I follow him (phasing through the door as well, the first lucid power I actually had to work to get good at, and can now do flawlessly ) to try to get him to come back but he still walks off. I decide to open the door to change where it leads to, and it kind of works but not really, it just leads me to a different school hallway. The dream starts to fade so I start rubbing my hands together and feeling the walls and looking all over the place for new input but it's not really working, so I jump forward and start licking the wall as well, three senses stimulated! It doesn't taste as bad as I would have imagined, just sort of neutral. I start walking down the wall (never removing my hands or tongue from it) trying to find something to do, and the dream clearly doesn't want to last. My limbs are slowly failing as if I'd been fatally poisoned or something. Finally I see one of those little bins they had at stores with different ice cream cones and bars in them, and I run over there and just grab a regular vanilla ice cream cone. I started eating it and it actually tasted pretty good, but then I woke up. I guess it wasn't a total waste.

      #2 - False False Awakening? [MILD]

      I was talking to K about some politics related to lucid dreaming (mostly gibberish I think, but something about how some politician was claiming that lucid dreaming was equivalent to passing through the gates of hell ), and then I get a... well, it's odd because I can't remember far enough back in the dream to know if this was actually true or not, and I want to say it's not, but suddenly I had a feeling of clarity and said "Oh, this is a false awakening." and that made me lucid. I just looked at K and said "You're not even going to remember this conversation." And he smiled at me, then I woke up. On to the couch in my den, which seemed perfectly normal. I thought the conversation we were having was funny so I wrote it down to tell K about it later, but once I finished I actually woke up in bed, and I don't really remember much about the conversation now.
    11. Experimental Drugs, Lucid Nature Walk, The Monkey Loop

      by , 03-02-2012 at 06:45 PM
      Two more lucids! The first one was fun, the second one was really interesting but short. Since I've started telling myself to look for Linkzelda41 when going to bed I've also been adding in things like "I will remember my dreams." and "I will become lucid.", so I guess that means I'm not allowed to list them as DILDs anymore. Time to start working up my MILD counter.

      #1 - Experimental Drugs [Non-Lucid]

      This one was short, but interesting. My parents were going out to a party so I'd have the house to myself for the night, and my dad decided to synthesize some brand new psychedelics for me to try while they were gone. :O He managed to sneak me three different drugs, which were named "Kaomea", "Kaomea's lucid", and "carousel". My mom almost caught him doing it though and seemed suspicious for the rest of the dream, during which I was pretty much just waiting for them to leave. I remember that at least one of the drugs looked like a big rock covered in gemstones.... How am I supposed to take that?

      #2 - Lucid Nature Walk [MILD]

      I was at a store looking at Yu-Gi-Oh! cards with D and we meet up with some kid, and I don't remember why but they end up going outside to do a duel to the death (with guns, not a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel lol). The store is also a restaurant run by my old European history AP teacher, so I go over and pay her for the food (which I don't think we had any of...) and also a card I wanted to buy because it had a 5 at the end of one of its stats. :3 (I can't remember if it was ATK or DEF, but no monsters have stats like that.) I went out into the parking lot to watch their duel, and as they were talking I became lucid and the kid became this guy J who I haven't seen since around middle school. I take the card out of my pocket knowing it'll have changed to see what it is now, and it has a 2 at the end of its ATK stat and a 3 at the end of its DEF stat, and it's now an orange. The image on the card is literally just the inside of an orange, and the border of the card looked like the outside of an orange. I laugh and throw it down, and then tell D and J that I wish there were more DCs to talk to. There's a small forest on the edge of the parking lot, so I tell them we're going to go walk through a trail I see. I start yelling commands to become more lucid and have the dream be more vivid, but they kept coming out wrong and confusing me, like one I yelled was "I'm aware that I'm dreaming, but I do not have control." Though, after I said that one it kind of felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I sat down on the dirt and squeezed it to feel it run through my fingers, it felt awesome. And then I had a great idea! I stripped naked and laid down in the dirt. I knew it was going to be terrible to do this, but I closed my eyes too. It was fun and felt so comfortable. When I opened my eyes I was in a false awakening (and still didn't do a RC! ) where I was still naked and walked into a room where N was sleeping and K was inviting him to go get frozen yogurt with him and S. I told them I'd be coming too as soon as I got dressed, and N started telling me about a dream he was having, then I woke up.

      #3 - The Monkey Loop [MILD]

      After school, D and I are in a cul-de-sac when my car breaks down and we don't have a spare tire. There are some kids goofing around there that don't like us at first but we bond in a weird way (though I don't remember exactly how) and we find a spare tire by the road, but it turns out to be a bike tire. I try calling my dad to come pick us up but my phone never works correctly or he doesn't answer his, and we eventually decide to call the cops as backup to get us home. In the meantime, we see a big house and D accidentally breaks through the front door somehow. That part is hazy. We go inside and I say oh snap, this is S's house! (Even if it was, which it wasn't, the following reaction doesn't make much sense.) We all ran out of the house trying to get away before the cops we called show up, and at some point a gigantic monkey had arrived for one of us to ride, and now a lion was arriving for the other. I grabbed the monkey's reins and jumped on his back and D jumped on the lion, and we said goodbye to the kids and rode off. Suddenly I was riding the monkey through my parents' bedroom, and I became lucid. We went straight from one end of the room to the other and walked through the mirror behind my parents' bed. As soon as we did it looped back to the other end of the room and we got stuck in this infinitely looping cycle. It was really intense at the time, and I started noticing that depending on how I focused my eyes, despite the fact that the mirror was not really in my line of sight, things would repeat infinitely. First I had my eyes focused near me and the monkey's skin and fur was growing closer and closer to me and I was afraid that the dream was going to end, so I focused my eyes away and saw my reflection below, I watched my face multiplying and getting further and further away. That caused the dream to end into a false awakening where D and I realized we had fallen asleep in study hall and school wasn't even over yet. That was quite a ride!

      Updated 03-02-2012 at 06:48 PM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening